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The 18S and 5.8S rDNA genes and the internal transcribed spacers ITS-1 and ITS-2 of ciliates living in the hindgut of frogs, millipedes, and cockroaches were analyzed in order to study the evolution of intestinal protists. All ciliates studied here belong to the genus Nycrotherus. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these ciliates from a monophyletic group that includes the distantly related anaerobic free-living heterotrichous ciliates Metopus palaeformis and Metopus contortus. The intestinal ciliates from the different vertebrate and invertebrate hosts are clearly divergent at the level of their rDNA repeats. This argues for the antiquity of the associations and a predominantly vertical transmission. This mode of transmission seems to be controlled primarily by the behavior of the host. The different degrees of divergence between ciliates living in different strains of one and the same cockroach species most likely reflect the different geographical origins of the hosts. In addition, host switches must have occurred during the evolution of cockroaches, since identical ciliates were found only in distantly related hosts. These phenomena prevent the reconstruction of potential cospeciation events.   相似文献   


Identifying structurally similar proteins with different chain topologies can aid studies in homology modeling, protein folding, protein design, and protein evolution. These include circular permuted protein structures, and the more general cases of non-cyclic permutations between similar structures, which are related by non-topological rearrangement beyond circular permutation. We present a method based on an approximation algorithm that finds sequence-order independent structural alignments that are close to optimal. We formulate the structural alignment problem as a special case of the maximum-weight independent set problem, and solve this computationally intensive problem approximately by iteratively solving relaxations of a corresponding integer programming problem. The resulting structural alignment is sequence order independent. Our method is also insensitive to insertions, deletions, and gaps.  相似文献   
白踝按蚊种团是由很多形态近似的蚊种组成,其中巴拉巴按蚊和白踝按蚊均为东南亚一带的重要传疟媒介。我国过去资料均记载为白踝按蚊,但未从形态上详细鉴定。为了确定该种的分类地位,1963年作者等在海南岛万宁县兴隆附近山林区采集“白踝按蚊”全套标本10批共150多套,1971年后从云南省采集少数标本进行形态鉴定,发现其与Colless(1956,1957)所描述的白踝按蚊Anopheles leucosphyrus leucosphyrus Donitz(1901)有很明显的差别,而与巴拉巴按蚊A.balabacensis balabacensis Balsas(1936)除某些特征略有差异外,余均完全一致。按Colless的分类法,过去我国记载的“白踝按蚊”,应鉴定为巴拉巴按蚊A.balabacensis balabacensis Baisas。  相似文献   
为了探讨Ghrelin是否在昆明系小白鼠(Mus musculus)体内早期胚胎发育中发挥作用。运用激素超排卵技术及动物解剖学方法获取小鼠体内不同发育阶段的早期胚胎,应用实时定量PCR技术检测了Ghrelin mRNA的相对表达量。结果表明,Ghrelin mRNA在小鼠各期胚胎中均有表达;同时,GhrelinmRNA的表达量呈现一定规律性变化,2-细胞期表达量最低,8-细胞期表达量达到最高值,总体趋势是先降低后升高之后又降低。研究结果揭示,Ghrelin可能在小鼠早期胚胎发育中发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   


Gene expression microarray technology permits the analysis of global gene expression profiles. The amount of sample needed limits the use of small excision biopsies and/or needle biopsies from human or animal tissues. Linear amplification techniques have been developed to increase the amount of sample derived cDNA. These amplified samples can be hybridised on microarrays. However, little information is available whether microarrays based on amplified and unamplified material yield comparable results.  相似文献   
分析不同放牧强度下植物群落中物种的空间分布特征, 有助于阐明群落在放牧胁迫下的演替规律。该研究基于幂函数法则, 探讨了不同放牧强度下短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草原群落植物的频率和空间异质性。结果表明: 不同放牧强度下物种空间分布与幂函数法则能很好地吻合; 不同物种空间异质性具有特异性, 随着放牧强度的增加, 提高群落空间异质性的物种分别由无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、短花针茅、银灰旋花(Convolvulus ammannii)等多个物种逐渐转变为以无芒隐子草、短花针茅为主的少数物种, 同时, 物种空间异质性大于群落空间异质性的物种数逐渐减少。  相似文献   
菱属(Trapa L.)的系统分类一直存在较大分歧,至今还没有一个比较公认的分类系统。黑龙江和图们江流域是菱属物种多样性的重要分布区之一,为了揭示该流域菱属植物的地理分布格局和形态多样性,我们进行了大量实地调查和研究。结果显示,从该地区28个湖中共采集到菱属11个种及8个种内变异类型,表明它们具有丰富的形态多样性;结合查阅菱属354份标本资料,共获得92个分布地点数据;采集到的11个物种的地理分布格局呈不均衡性,其中细果野菱(Trapa maximowiczii Korsch.)分布最广,野菱(Trapa incisa Siebold et Zucc.)、兴凯菱(Trapa khankensis Pshennikova)和科热夫尼科夫菱(Trapa kozhevnikovirum Pshennikova)为狭域分布种;东部乌苏里江和图们江流域是菱属物种多样性的分布中心,可能是第四纪冰期避难所;菱属植物多数种间形态特性相对稳定,东北菱(Trapa manshurica Fler.)、耳菱(Trapa potaninii V.Vassil)、丘角菱(Trapa japonica Fler.)、西伯利亚菱(Trapa sibirica Fler.)和细果野菱共有8个种内形态变异类型;种群内多数分类性状稳定,种群间形态变异较明显;菱属植物分布格局不均衡和种内形态变异的形成可能与基因流的扩散限制有关。本研究结果为进一步澄清菱属分类混乱问题奠定了基础,进一步结合分子标记技术研究系统演化关系将对揭示菱属的进化历史具有重要意义。  相似文献   
近年来胃癌的发病率有所下降,相比之下胃食管结合部腺癌的发病率却快速增长。手术治疗仍然是早期食管胃结合部腺癌的标准治疗方法,同时手术联合化疗、放化疗治疗食管胃结合部腺癌也逐渐得到国际认可。尽管在手术治疗、放疗和化疗治疗技术得到完善和改进,但食管癌和食管胃结合部腺癌的预后仍然较差。目前有数个大型临床随机对照试验数据支持对食管下端和食管胃交界部腺癌使用术前联合化疗,但辅助治疗的贡献仍不能确定。最近有meta分析表明手术联合化疗、放化疗可以提高胃食管结合部腺癌患者术后存活率,但也有一些临床随机试验的数据表明手术联合化疗、放化疗并无明显好处。本文通过总结最新的临床试验及meta分析结果,阐述不同的可切除的胃食管结合部腺癌的联合治疗方法。  相似文献   
Nitrogen fixation (NF) by alfalfa and nitrogen transfer (NT) from alfalfa to associated timothy was studied under different environmental conditions in controlled growth chambers, using the15N dilution technique. Evidence was obtained of NT from alfalfa to the associated timothy. Conditions that favored NF by alfalfa resulted in an increase in its NT. Of 3 different temperature regimes (25/20, 16/14, and 12/9°C day/night), 16–25/14–20°C was the best range for NF by alfalfa and resulted in the greatest NT. High light intensity (550 uE.m−2.sec−1) and long days (16–20 h) also caused increased NF by alfalfa and benefitting timothy more than in a regime of low light intensity (by shading 50% or 75%) or short days (12/12 or 16/8 h day/night). When the inoculated (Rhizobium meliloti) root systems of plants were kept free from other microorganisms (axenic condition) to minimize possible decomposition of dead tissues, lower NT from alfalfa was observed, especially at later cuts, compared to non-axenic plants. This suggests that both direct excretion and decomposition of dead alfalfa tissues are sources of N benefit from alfalfa to associated timothy. Contribution no 1065 of the Plant Research Centre.  相似文献   
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