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Neuroblastoma cytoplasm was fractionated on sucrose gradients into polysomes (>90 S) and non-polysomal particles (<90 S). Purified RNA from these fractions was translated using a wheat germ lysate and translation products were compared by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Non-polysomal messenger RNA directed the synthesis of a specific subset of polysomal mRNA translation products. Careful comparison of individual translation products demonstrated that specific mRNAs were not randomly distributed between polysomes and the non-polysomal fraction.Fractionation of both RNA populations into polyadenylated (poly(A)+) and non-adenylated (poly(A)?) species indicated that specific, abundant non-polysomal mRNAs were not less adenylated than their polysomal counterparts. Furthermore, comparison of translation products from assays of subsaturating and supersaturating RNA concentrations demonstrated that no simple correlation could be made between the relative initiation efficiency of a specific mRNA and its distribution between polysomes and non-polysomal particles.  相似文献   
The results of a national clinical trial to compare combination and sequential chemotherapy for stage III or IV ovarian cancer are reported. Of the 253 patients from 16 centres across Canada who were admitted to the trial 13 were excluded from the analysis. All the patients were observed for 2 to 5 years from entry into the trial. There were no differences in response to therapy or in survival between the patients treated with melphalan followed by 5-fluorouracil and then by methotrexate in high dosage and the patients treated with the same agents in combination. Patients with minimal residual disease after resection of stage III ovarian cancer had a good prognosis. Other favourable prognostic factors were age (less than 55 years), performance status (90% or 100% on the Karnofsky scale) and histologic grade of the tumour.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton preferences for light intensity and colour weredetermined in field experiments using coloured plexiglass cubessuspended at different depths in Heney Lake, Québec.Diatoms and green algae favoured intensities greater than 1%Io (surface irradiance) contrary to dinoflagellates and otherflagellates that preferred lower intensity. Red radiation usuallyincreased the relative proportion of blue-greens, diatoms andgreen algae, whereas it reduced that of dinoflageilates. Wepropose that differential utilization of the light gradientallows certain phytoplankton taxa to partition the water column,thereby reducing potential competition. This is supported bythe general agreement between our findings and the known depthdistribution of algae in lakes.  相似文献   
Summary The treatment ofXenopus early embryos with lithium chloride produces exogastruale — embryos which fail to gastrulate normally and in which the rates of cell division are reduced. In the present study estimations of incorporations of (5-3H) uridine and the specific activities of the 5-ribonucleotide precursor pools showed that exogastrulae have higher rates of RNA synthesis per cell than control neurulae. Sub-cellular fractionations showed that a greater proportion of labelled RNA was retained in the nuclei of exogastrulae than of neurulae, while neurulae showed a greater incorporation into polysomes.  相似文献   
A stereotyped pattern of spontaneous, rhythmic bursting in motoneurons of three prinicipal uropod muscles in the sand crab Emerita analoga has been recorded from a deafferented chain of the foru most-posterior abdominal ganglia. This endogenous motor program resembles the electromyogram pattern recorded from return-stroke and power-stroke muscles in swimming crabs in that (1) latencies of power-stroke bursts and burst periods are positively correlated with each other and (2) durations of power-stroke bursts are brief and mearly invarient. The endogenous program differs from the electromyogram pattern in having longer periods and return-stroke bursts which are brief and sporadic. The neural oscillator underlying the endogenous motor program, therefore, appears to drive the power stroke. Circumstantial evidence suggests that it may also inhibit return-stroke motoneurons concurrently with excitation of the power-stroke excitor.  相似文献   
Electron microscopic evidence suggests that sperm can be spontaneously incorporated by cultured cells but cytogenetic and biochemical evidence indicate that sperm do not introduce new genes into such cells with detectable frequency. Sperm suspensions from mouse or Chinese hamster epididymis or human semen were added to cultures of RAG, a mouse cell line which dies in HAT medium because of HPRT deficiency. In EMs, sperm appeared to be readily phagocytized and degraded by the cells. When sperm-treated cultures were transferred to HAT medium resistant clones arose at a frequency of about 10−6, or at least 25× the reversion rate of RAG. Most HAT-resistant clones had HPRT activity which migrated electrophoretically like HPRT of the sperm donor species, though one was apparently a spontaneous RAG revertant. Most HAT-resistant clones had some chromosomes of the sperm donor species. In human sperm× RAG clones, the array of human chromosomes suggested that the human parent had been diploid rather than haploid; some cells contained both homologues of a polymorphic pair and some contained both X and Y. Furthermore, some sperm suspensions plated alone into flasks generated colonies, thus revealing the presence of low numbers of viable somatic cells. Presence of contaminating somatic cells in a sperm suspension was correlated with ability to induce HAT-resistant colonies when the suspension was added to RAG cells. Taken together, the data suggest that correction of the HPRT deficiency of RAG by sperm suspensions occurs at very low frequency and is probably due to efficient spontaneous fusion of low numbers of contaminating somatic cells with RAG cells.  相似文献   
Liquid hybridization of progressively smaller fragments (35S, 27S, 15.5S, 12.5S, and 8S) of poly(A)-selected avian myeloblastosis virus RNA with excess DNA from leukemic chicken myeloblasts revealed that all sizes of RNA contained sequences complementary to both slowly and rapidly hybridizing cellular DNA sequences. Apparently, the RNA sequences which hybridize rapidly with excesses of cellular DNA are not restricted to any one region of the avian myeloblastosis virus 35S RNA. Instead, they appear to be randomly distributed over the entire 35S avian myeloblastosis virus RNA molecule with some positioned within 200 nucleotides of the poly(A) tract at the 3' end of the RNA.  相似文献   
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