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【目的】利用表达纯化的猪丹毒杆菌表面保护性蛋白SpaA,建立检测猪丹毒杆菌抗体的间接ELISA方法。【方法】克隆扩增猪丹毒杆菌SpaA基因,并将SpaA基因与原核表达载体p GEX-6P-1连接,通过PCR、双酶切及测序鉴定后,将阳性重组质粒转化入受体菌E.coli Rosetta(DE3),并利用IPTG进行诱导表达,SDS-PAGE和Western blot鉴定表达产物。将SpaA重组蛋白按不同浓度包被酶标板,通过方阵滴定法确定最佳抗原包被浓度及血清稀释度,并对其他条件进行优化,最终建立检测猪丹毒杆菌抗体的间接ELISA方法。【结果】利用克隆表达的猪丹毒杆菌SpaA蛋白作抗原,通过方阵滴定法确定蛋白最佳包被浓度为1.0 mg/L,血清的最佳稀释度为1:100,建立了检测猪丹毒杆菌抗体的间接ELISA方法,批内及批间变异系数均小于10%,具有较好的重复性及特异性。用建立的间接ELISA方法检测猪丹毒疫苗免疫后的健康猪血清样品,检测结果与美国TSZ公司猪丹毒杆菌抗体检测试剂盒和Western blot鉴定结果进行对比,两者总符合率分别为92.20%、92.59%。【结论】试验利用原核表达的SpaA重组蛋白作抗原建立的检测猪丹毒杆菌抗体的间接ELISA方法,特异性强、重复性好、敏感性高,可用于猪丹毒杆菌的抗体检测及流行病学调查。  相似文献   
溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)是一种能够对人类以及鱼、虾、贝类等水产品致病的弧菌,给人类健康带来威胁,也给水产养殖业造成巨大的经济损失.目前该物种基于全基因组的遗传多样性和重要遗传元件研究报道较少.本研究对采集自全国4个省份的68株溶藻弧菌进行高通量测序,获得全基因组序列,并结合113株公开发表的...  相似文献   
Testing, contact tracing, and isolation (TTI) is an epidemic management and control approach that is difficult to implement at scale because it relies on manual tracing of contacts. Exposure notification apps have been developed to digitally scale up TTI by harnessing contact data obtained from mobile devices; however, exposure notification apps provide users only with limited binary information when they have been directly exposed to a known infection source. Here we demonstrate a scalable improvement to TTI and exposure notification apps that uses data assimilation (DA) on a contact network. Network DA exploits diverse sources of health data together with the proximity data from mobile devices that exposure notification apps rely upon. It provides users with continuously assessed individual risks of exposure and infection, which can form the basis for targeting individual contact interventions. Simulations of the early COVID-19 epidemic in New York City are used to establish proof-of-concept. In the simulations, network DA identifies up to a factor 2 more infections than contact tracing when both harness the same contact data and diagnostic test data. This remains true even when only a relatively small fraction of the population uses network DA. When a sufficiently large fraction of the population (≳ 75%) uses network DA and complies with individual contact interventions, targeting contact interventions with network DA reduces deaths by up to a factor 4 relative to TTI. Network DA can be implemented by expanding the computational backend of existing exposure notification apps, thus greatly enhancing their capabilities. Implemented at scale, it has the potential to precisely and effectively control future epidemics while minimizing economic disruption.  相似文献   
肠道菌群失调对小鼠造血因子水平的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察肠道菌群失调后小鼠造血因子水平的变化.方法:采用抗生素脱污染造成小鼠肠道菌群失调的动物模型,用ELISA的方法检测血清白细胞介素-3(IL-3)、粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GMCSF)的含量.结果:菌群失调后小鼠血清IL-3和GM-CSF的含量均低于对照组(P<0.01);双歧杆菌数量与IL-3和GM-CSF含量存在显著正相关.结论:肠道菌群失调可影响机体造血功能.  相似文献   
Most core components of the neurotransmitter release machinery have homologues in other types of intracellular membrane traffic, likely underlying a universal mechanism of intracellular membrane fusion. However, no clear similarity between Munc13s and protein families generally involved in membrane traffic has been reported, despite the essential nature of Munc13s for neurotransmitter release. This crucial function was ascribed to a minimal Munc13 region called the MUN domain, which likely participates in soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptor complex (SNARE) assembly and is also found in Ca2+-dependent activator protein for secretion. We have now used comparative sequence and structural analyses to study the structure and evolutionary origin of the MUN domain. We found weak yet significant sequence similarities between the MUN domain and a set of protein subunits from several related vesicle tethering complexes, such as Sec6 from the exocyst complex and Vps53 from the Golgi-associated retrograde protein complex. Such an evolutionary relationship allows structure prediction of the MUN domain and suggests functional similarities between MUN domain-containing proteins and multisubunit tethering complexes such as exocyst, conserved oligomeric Golgi complex, Golgi-associated retrograde protein complex, and Dsl1p. These findings further unify the mechanism of neurotransmitter release with those of other types of intracellular membrane traffic and, in turn, support a role for tethering complexes in soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptor complex assembly.  相似文献   
Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl. is a perennial dicot halophytic species, that grows in brackish portions of coastal tidal marshes of the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States. New saline mudflats have been increasing every year in Northern Jiangsu, China. In 1993, we introduced K. virginica (L.) into China from the Halophyte Biotechnology Center (University of Delaware, USA) as a potential species to improve the soil and develop ecologically sound saline agriculture. Our nearly 10 years of experimental research, both in a test garden and in the field, indicated that K. virginica adapts excellently to the heavy saline soils of Jiangsu Province, China. The average seed yield of K. virginica in 2001 at Yancheng was 638 kg/ha from 1-year old seedlings. There were significant variations among individuals from the unselected population of K. virginica on growth, quality, and seed yield traits. There is great potential to increase the seed yield if superior clones are selected. The seed yield of 35 selected individuals was six times greater than that of the average. Four growth traits of K. virginica were found to have a significant correlation with seed yield. However, there was no strong positive or negative correlation among seed quality traits. The mean seed weight and the germination ratio of the 35 selected individuals of K. virginica were 16.36±0.32 g and 76.11±1.82%, respectively. The percentage content of oil and crude protein in the seeds was 11.28±0.67 and 8.17±0.19%, respectively. The percentage of seed vigor of the selected individuals was 99%, as determined by soft X-ray radiography.  相似文献   
条斑紫菜抗高温和快速生长细胞株系HB的建立及栽培   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要应用单细胞培养技术培育紫菜新品系,以建立紫菜细胞工程快速育苗系统。通过酶解技术分离出紫菜叶状体细胞,并进行多克隆,从中获得4个细胞纯系植株(HA,HB,HC,HD)。对该4个细胞株系进行了纯系培养,并对其细胞苗和丝状体的生长速度和抗高温(19℃,21℃,23℃,25℃)性进行了测定。结果显示,船株系具有较高的抗高温性和最快生长速度。在1998年到2000年间,在江苏省启东县海丰海区对HB株系进行了海上栽培实验,结果显示,实验组的产量高于当地对照组产量,证明了条斑紫菜船株系不仅具有较高的抗高温性,而且也有较快生长速度。本实验说明应用细胞工程进行条斑紫菜育种是一条很好的快速育种途径。  相似文献   
稻鸭共作有机农业模式的能值评估   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
应用能值分析方法对稻鸭共作有机农业模式(模式Ⅰ)和对应的稻麦常规生产模式(模式Ⅱ)进行比较研究,并比较了两种模式的生态经济效益.结果表明,模式Ⅰ的能值效益高,自组织能力、可持续发展能力强,产品安全性高,净能值产出率(EYR)、系统产出能值反馈率(FYE)、能值可持续指标(ESI)分别是模式Ⅱ的1.57、14.1和8.71倍;基于能值的产品安全性指标(EIPS)模式Ⅰ为0,模式Ⅱ为-0.66;模式Ⅰ对环境的压力小于模式Ⅱ,能值投资率(EIR),环境负载率(ELR)分别是模式Ⅱ的40.1%和18.3%;但模式Ⅰ的经济效益低于模式Ⅱ,其产出、毛收入和净效益分别低于模式Ⅱ15.7%、9.6%和29.6%;以能值 货币价值计算,模式Ⅰ的产投比、毛收入和净收入分别高于模式Ⅱ50%、102.6%和136.4%.随着生产系统的优化和市场对有机食品认知程度的提高,模式Ⅰ的经济效益具有提高的潜力.  相似文献   
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