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Neocortical beta-amyloid (Abeta) aggregates in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are enriched in transition metals that mediate assembly. Clioquinol (CQ) targets metal interaction with Abeta and inhibits amyloid pathology in transgenic mice. Here, we investigated the binding properties of radioiodinated CQ ([(125)I]CQ) to different in vitro and in vivo Alzheimer models. We observed saturable binding of [(125)I]CQ to synthetic Abeta precipitated by Zn(2+) (K(d)=0.45 and 1.40 nm for Abeta(1-42) and Abeta(1-40), respectively), which was fully displaced by free Zn(2+), Cu(2+), the chelator DTPA (diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid) and partially by Congo red. Sucrose density gradient of post-mortem AD brain indicated that [(125)I]CQ concentrated in a fraction enriched for both Abeta and Zn, which was modulated by exogenous addition of Zn(2+) or DTPA. APP transgenic (Tg2576) mice injected with [(125)I]CQ exhibited higher brain retention of tracer compared to non-Tg mice. Autoradiography of brain sections of these animals confirmed selective [(125)I]CQ enrichment in the neocortex. Histologically, both thioflavine-S (ThS)-positive and negative structures were labeled by [(125)I]CQ. A pilot SPECT study of [(123)I]CQ showed limited uptake of the tracer into the brain, which did however, appear to be more rapid in AD patients compared to age-matched controls. These data support metallated Abeta species as the neuropharmacological target of CQ and indicate that this drug class may have potential as in vivo imaging agents for Alzheimer neuropathology.  相似文献   
The unusual cyclin-dependent protein kinase 5 (CDK5) was discovered based on its sequence homology to cell cycle regulating CDKs. CDK5 was found to be active in brain tissues, where it is not involved in cell cycle regulation but in the regulation of neuronal cell differentiation and neurocytoskeleton dynamics. An aberrant regulation of CDK5 leads to the development of various neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease. Although CDK5 is not regulated by cyclins, its activity does depend on the association with a protein activator and the presence or absence of further inhibitory factors. Recently, CDK5RAP1 was discovered to inhibit the active CDK5 kinase. Here, we show that CDK5RAP1 is a radical SAM enzyme, which postsynthetically converts the RNA modification N6-isopentenyladenosine (i(6)A) into 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine (ms(2)i(6)A). This conversion is surprisingly not limited to mitochondrial tRNA, where the modification was known to exist. Instead, CDK5RAP1 introduces the modification also into nuclear RNA species establishing a link between postsynthetic kinase-based protein modification and postsynthetic RNA modification.  相似文献   
β-Carbolines (BCs) belong to the heterogenous family of carbolines, which have been found exogenously, that is, in various fruits, meats, tobacco smoke, alcohol and coffee, but also endogenously, that is, blood, brain and CSF. These exogenous and endogenous BCs and some of their metabolites can exert neurotoxic effects, however, an unexpected stimulatory effect of 9-methyl-β-carboline (9-me-BC) on dopaminergic neurons in primary mesencephalic cultures was recently discovered. The aim of the present study was to extend our knowledge on the stimulatory effects of 9-me-BC and to test the hypothesis that 9-me-BC may act as a cognitive enhancer. We found that 10 days (but not 5 days) of pharmacological treatment with 9-me-BC (i) improves spatial learning in the radial maze, (ii) elevates dopamine levels in the hippocampal formation, and (iii) results after 10 days of treatment in elongated, more complex dendritic trees and higher spine numbers on granule neurons in the dentate gyrus of 9-me-BC-treated rats. Our results demonstrate that beyond its neuroprotective/neurorestorative and anti-inflammatory effects, 9-me-BC acts as a cognitive enhancer in a hippocampus-dependent task, and that the behavioral effects may be associated with a stimulatory impact on hippocampal dopamine levels and dendritic and synaptic proliferation.  相似文献   
Acute alcohol intake is known to enhance inhibition through facilitation of GABAA receptors, which are present in 40% of the synapses all over the brain. Evidence suggests that enhanced GABAergic transmission leads to increased large-scale brain connectivity. Our hypothesis is that acute alcohol intake would increase the functional connectivity of the human brain resting-state network (RSN). To test our hypothesis, electroencephalographic (EEG) measurements were recorded from healthy social drinkers at rest, during eyes-open and eyes-closed sessions, after administering to them an alcoholic beverage or placebo respectively. Salivary alcohol and cortisol served to measure the inebriation and stress levels. By calculating Magnitude Square Coherence (MSC) on standardized Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (sLORETA) solutions, we formed cortical networks over several frequency bands, which were then analyzed in the context of functional connectivity and graph theory. MSC was increased (p<0.05, corrected with False Discovery Rate, FDR corrected) in alpha, beta (eyes-open) and theta bands (eyes-closed) following acute alcohol intake. Graph parameters were accordingly altered in these bands quantifying the effect of alcohol on the structure of brain networks; global efficiency and density were higher and path length was lower during alcohol (vs. placebo, p<0.05). Salivary alcohol concentration was positively correlated with the density of the network in beta band. The degree of specific nodes was elevated following alcohol (vs. placebo). Our findings support the hypothesis that short-term inebriation considerably increases large-scale connectivity in the RSN. The increased baseline functional connectivity can -at least partially- be attributed to the alcohol-induced disruption of the delicate balance between inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission in favor of inhibitory influences. Thus, it is suggested that short-term inebriation is associated, as expected, to increased GABA transmission and functional connectivity, while long-term alcohol consumption may be linked to exactly the opposite effect.  相似文献   
A Lord  D Horn  M Breakspear  M Walter 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41282
Major depression is a prevalent disorder that imposes a significant burden on society, yet objective laboratory-style tests to assist in diagnosis are lacking. We employed network-based analyses of "resting state" functional neuroimaging data to ascertain group differences in the endogenous cortical activity between healthy and depressed subjects.We additionally sought to use machine learning techniques to explore the ability of these network-based measures of resting state activity to provide diagnostic information for depression. Resting state fMRI data were acquired from twenty two depressed outpatients and twenty two healthy subjects matched for age and gender. These data were anatomically parcellated and functional connectivity matrices were then derived using the linear correlations between the BOLD signal fluctuations of all pairs of cortical and subcortical regions.We characterised the hierarchical organization of these matrices using network-based matrics, with an emphasis on their mid-scale "modularity" arrangement. Whilst whole brain measures of organization did not differ between groups, a significant rearrangement of their community structure was observed. Furthermore we were able to classify individuals with a high level of accuracy using a support vector machine, primarily through the use of a modularity-based metric known as the participation index.In conclusion, the application of machine learning techniques to features of resting state fMRI network activity shows promising potential to assist in the diagnosis of major depression, now suggesting the need for validation in independent data sets.  相似文献   
Research in the field of insect-host plant interactions has indicated that constituents of insect saliva play an important role in digestion and affect host chemical defense responses. However, most efforts have focused on studying the composition and function of regurgitant or saliva produced in the labial glands. Acknowledging the need for understanding the role of the mandibular glands in herbivory, we sought to make a qualitative and semi-quantitative comparison of soluble luminal protein fractions between mandibular and labial glands of Vanessa gonerilla butterfly larvae. Amylase and lysozyme were inspected as possible major enzymatic activities in the mandibular glands aiding in pre-digestion and antimicrobial defense. Although detected, neither of these enzymatic activities was prominent in the luminal protein preparation of a particular type of gland. Proteins isolated from the glands were identified by mass spectrometry and by searching an EST-library database generated for four other nymphalid butterfly species, in addition to the public NCBI database. The identified proteins were also quantified from the data using "Quanty", an in-house program. The proteomic analysis detected chemosensory proteins as the most abundant luminal proteins in the mandibular glands. In comparison to these proteins, the relative amounts of amylase and lysozyme were much lower in both gland types. Therefore, we speculate that the primary role of the mandibular glands in Lepidopteran larvae is chemoreception which may include the detection of microorganisms on plant surfaces, host plant recognition and communication with conspecifics.  相似文献   
Alphavirus replicase protein nsP1 has multiple functions during viral RNA synthesis. It catalyzes methyltransferase and guanylyltransferase activities needed in viral mRNA capping, attaches the viral replication complex to cytoplasmic membranes, and is required for minus-strand RNA synthesis. Two temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations in Semliki Forest virus (SFV) were previously identified within nsP1: ts10 (E529D) and ts14 (D119N). Recombinant viruses containing these individual mutations reproduced the features of the original ts strains. We now find that the capping-associated enzymatic activities of recombinant nsP1, containing ts10 or ts14 lesions, were not ts. The mutant proteins and polyproteins also were membrane bound, mutant nsP1 interacted normally with the other nonstructural proteins, and there was no major defect in nonstructural polyprotein processing in the mutants, although ts14 surprisingly displayed slightly retarded processing. The two mutant viruses were specifically defective in minus-strand RNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Integrating data from SFV and Sindbis virus, we discuss the domain structure of nsP1 and the relative positioning of and interactions between the replicase proteins. nsP1 is suggested to contain a specific subdomain involved in minus-strand synthesis and interaction with the polymerase nsP4 and the protease nsP2.  相似文献   
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