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用Northern blot方法对二乙基亚硝胺所诱发的大鼠肝癌中内源性蛋白酶抑制因子α_2-巨球蛋白(α_2-M)、非特异性免疫抑制剂α_1-酸性糖蛋白(α_1-AGP)及雄性激素正调控的α-2u球蛋白(α-2u)三种分泌性蛋白基因表达情况进行了分析。结果表明在大部分(14/16)肝癌样品中α_2-M RNA水平显著降低;而α_1-AGP RNA水平显著高于正常对照水平;α-2u RNA水平明显下降,但在某些雄性大鼠肝癌样品中该基因却有一定程度的表达。这些结果说明,一些肿瘤宿主血浆中α_2-M水平的显著下降及α_1-AGP水平的明显升高分别是由于基因表达活性的下降及升高所致。α-2u基因表达的异常提示,在癌变过程中机体的内分泌功能发生了某些变化。  相似文献   
中国优质水果资源的分布与适宜生态环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据农业部在80年代两次组织评选出的全国189个优质水果产地的生态环境资料,用微型电子计算机系统建立数据库,统计分析柑桔、苹果和梨优质产品的构成比例、产区分布地域及其适宜的环境指标和主栽品种的生态适应性,为果树良种区域化栽培与选育提供依据。  相似文献   
第十一届国际植物园协会(IABG)大会于1993年9月7日在中国无锡开幕,经苏州、杭州,于9月12日在上海闭幕。9月6日部分与会代表参加了在南京举行的“中国南京国际植物园俱乐部”奠基仪式及江苏省重点实验室南京中山植物园“植物迁地保存实验室”扩建部分开放使用等一系列庆祝活动。参加大会的有来自23个国家和地区的199名代表。大会收到论文74篇,其中板报42篇,大会报告13篇。本次会议的主要议题为“植物园与国家发展”。经过大会报告和交流,明确了世界植物园在继续发挥其保护物种和保护环境的功能之外,必须进一步密切植物园与国家发展的关系。全面发展植物园的十项功能,不仅可以增加植物园对社会的贡献,也有利于提高植物园自身的活力和生存能力。大会选出了以主席岩(木规)邦男,副主席李蔼娃、贺善安、安德列也夫,秘书长艾斯特万为领导核心的新一届理事会。世界植物园两大组织国际植物园协会(IABG)和国际植物园保护组织(BGCI)在无锡签署的合作备忘录标志着国际植物园运动进入了一个新的历史时期。理事会的第一次会议于9月11日在由杭州开往上海的火车上举行。讨论了整顿组织、会员登记、出版IABG通讯及与BGCI合作开展活动等问题。会议确认1994年将在印尼召开IABG-AD第二次会议。第十二届IABG大会将于1  相似文献   
Genetic identification of exported proteins in Streptococcus pneumoniae   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
A strategy was developed to mutate and genetically identify exported proteins in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Vectors were created and used to screen pneumococcal DNA in Escherichia coli and S. pneumoniae for translational gene fusions to alkaline phosphatase (PhoA), Twenty five PhoA+ pneumococcal mutants were isolated and the loci from eight of these mutants showed similarity to known exported or membrane-associated proteins. Homologues were found to: (i) protein-dependent peptide permeases, (ii) penicillin-binding proteins, (iii) Cip proteases, (iv) two-component sensor regulators, (v) the phospho-enolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase permeases, (vi) membrane-associated dehydrogenases, (vii) P-type (E1E2-type) cation transport ATPases, (viii) ABC transporters responsible for the translocation of the RTX class of bacterial toxins. Unexpectedly one PhoA+ mutant contained a fusion to a member of the DEAD protein family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases suggesting export of these proteins.  相似文献   
Gating of associations of mechanosensitive Ca2+-selective cation co-channels in the plasmalemma of onion epidermis has a strong and unusual temperature dependence. Tension-dependent activity rises steeply as temperature is lowered from 25°C to about 6°C, but drops to a low level at about 5°C. Under the conditions tested (with Mg2+ and K+ at the cytosolic face of outside-out membrane patches), promotion results both from more bursting at all observed linkage levels and from longer duration of bursts of co-channels linked as quadruplets and quintuplets. Co-channel conductance decreases linearly, but only modestly, with declining temperature. It is proposed that these and related mechanosensitive channels may participate in a variety of responses to temperature, including thermonasty, thermotropism, hydrotropism, and both cold damage and cold acclimation.  相似文献   
核酶Ripc对HBV基因体外转录物的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王平  徐炜 《病毒学报》1993,9(3):278-280
The unscientific application of synthetic pesticides has brought various negative effects on the environment, hindering the sustainable development of agriculture. Nanoparticles can be applied as carriers to improve pesticide delivery, showing great potential in the development of pesticide formulation in recent years. Herein, a star polymer (SPc) was constructed as an efficient pesticide nanocarrier/adjuvant that could spontaneously assemble with thiocyclam or monosultap into a complex, through hydrophobic association and hydrogen bonding, respectively, with the pesticide-loading contents of 42.54% and 19.3%. This complexation reduced the particle sizes of thiocyclam from 543.54 to 52.74 nm for pure thiocyclam, and 3 814.16 to 1 185.89 nm for commercial preparation (cp) of thiocyclam. Interestingly, the introduction of SPc decreased the contact angles of both pure and cp thiocyclam on plant leaves, and increased the plant uptake of cp thiocyclam to 2.4–1.9 times of that without SPc. Meanwhile, the SPc could promote the bioactivity of pure/cp thiocyclam against green peach aphids through leaf dipping method and root application. For leaf dipping method, the 50% lethal concentration decreased from 0.532 to 0.221 g/L after the complexation of pure thiocyclam with SPc, and that decreased from 0.390 to 0.251 g/L for cp thiocyclam. SPc seems a promising adjuvant for nanometerization of both pure and cp insecticides, which is beneficial for improving the delivery efficiency and utilization rate of pesticides.  相似文献   
Because a male/female resource tradeoff is a basic assumption of many models of sex allocation in cosexual plants, statistical and manipulative methods were used to look for evidence of intersexual resource conflicts in Zizania palustris. In this monoecious grass, male and female investments overlap in time within each panicle and on successive panicles, and sex allocation quickly responds to environmental changes. Nevertheless, no negative correlations were found between the numbers of florets of each sex within panicles, on consecutive panicles, or on whole plants. Removing immature fruits or florets of either sex did not significantly increase subsequent investment in the other sex. The one significant tradeoff was slightly lower total fruit production on plants with exceptionally large male investment. Wild rice, therefore, fits the tradeoff assumption of sex allocation models at the population level but rarely at the individual level.  相似文献   
The gastropod fauna of the Upper Devonian Baggy and Pilton formations in south‐west England is revised and includes some 30 taxa. The topmost part of the Upper Famennian succession in Devon is represented by clastic near‐shore and shallow shelf sediments, indicating a short‐term transgressive phase (‘Strunian Transgression’). The sequence yields a highly diverse fauna dominated by brachiopods and ostracodes, locally supplemented by crinoids, bryozoans, trilobites and molluscs. The taxa ‘Patellostiumbritannicum sp. nov., Angyomphalus (Angyomphalus) junius sp. nov. and Dictyotomaria eurocapillaria sp. nov. are erected; a junior homonym is replaced by Macrochilina? piltonensis nom. nov. The gastropod fauna displays an independent character, where latest Devonian faunal elements overlap with Late Palaeozoic taxa expressing a transition similar to that of the bivalves, brachiopods, echinoderms and corals, without a sharp faunal break at the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary. Apart from the Caenogastropoda, all subclasses of gastropods are represented. Members of the bellerophontoids, pleurotomarioids and loxonematoids are most abundant, followed by murchisonioids, naticimorphs, euomphalomorphs and platyceratoids. The various gastropod groups represent different ecological demands and trophic categories, and together with the accompanying fauna indicate that nearly all habitats and niches were occupied in the shallow South Laurussian Shelf.  相似文献   
小麦Kr基因在小麦与玉米或鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交中的失活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李大玮  牛德水 《遗传学报》1996,23(6):453-459
用37个小麦(Triticumaestivum)品种(系)为母本,分别与黑麦(Secalecereale)、球茎大麦(Hordeumbulbosum)、玉米(Zeamays)和鸭茅状摩擦禾(Tripsacumdactyloides)杂交,比较其亲和性,小麦和玉米或鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交比小麦与黑麦或球茎大麦杂交的亲和性显著提高。携带着显性Kr1和Kr2基因的小麦品种Hope与黑麦杂交,不能形成胚,而与玉米及鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交时,成胚率分别达16.00%和32.50%。表明控制小麦与黑麦及球茎大麦杂交亲和性的Kr基因系统在小麦与玉米及小麦与鸭茅状摩擦禾属间杂交中失活。讨论了还存在有其它控制小麦属间杂交亲和性的遗传调控系统的可能性。  相似文献   
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