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Prediction accuracies of estimated breeding values for economically important traits are expected to benefit from genomic information. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels used in genomic prediction are increasing in density, but the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation of SNP effects can be quite time consuming or slow to converge when a large number of SNPs are fitted simultaneously in a linear mixed model. Here we present an EM algorithm (termed “fastBayesA”) without MCMC. This fastBayesA approach treats the variances of SNP effects as missing data and uses a joint posterior mode of effects compared to the commonly used BayesA which bases predictions on posterior means of effects. In each EM iteration, SNP effects are predicted as a linear combination of best linear unbiased predictions of breeding values from a mixed linear animal model that incorporates a weighted marker-based realized relationship matrix. Method fastBayesA converges after a few iterations to a joint posterior mode of SNP effects under the BayesA model. When applied to simulated quantitative traits with a range of genetic architectures, fastBayesA is shown to predict GEBV as accurately as BayesA but with less computing effort per SNP than BayesA. Method fastBayesA can be used as a computationally efficient substitute for BayesA, especially when an increasing number of markers bring unreasonable computational burden or slow convergence to MCMC approaches.  相似文献   
The eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) has been identified as an essential cofactor for the HIV-1 trans-activator protein Rev. Rev plays a key role in the complex regulation of HIV-1 gene expression and thereby in the generation of infectious virus particles. Expression of eIF-5A is vital for Rev function, and inhibition of this interaction leads to a block of the viral replication cycle. In humans, four different eIF-5A genes have been identified. One codes for the eIF-5A protein and the other three are pseudogenes. Using a panel of somatic rodent—human cell hybrids in combination with fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis, we show that the four genes map to threedifferent chromosomes. The coding eIF-5A gene (EIF5A) maps to 17p12–p13, and the three pseudogenes EIF5AP1, EIF5AP2, and EIF5AP3 map to 10q23.3, 17q25, and 19q13.2, respectively. This is the first localization report for a eukaryotic cofactor for a regulatory HIV-1 protein.  相似文献   
Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is caused by an LMNA mutation that results in the production of the abnormal progerin protein. Children with HGPS display phenotypes of premature aging and have an average lifespan of 13 years. We found earlier that the targeting of the transmembrane protein PLA2R1 overcomes senescence and improves phenotypes in a mouse model of progeria. PLA2R1 is regulating the JAK/STAT signaling, but we do not yet know whether targeting this pathway directly would influence cellular and in vivo progeria phenotypes. Here, we show that JAK1/2 inhibition with ruxolitinib rescues progerin‐induced cell cycle arrest, cellular senescence, and misshapen nuclei in human normal fibroblasts expressing progerin. Moreover, ruxolitinib administration reduces several premature aging phenotypes: bone fractures, bone mineral content, grip strength, and a trend to increase survival in a mouse model of progeria. Thus, we propose that ruxolitinib, an FDA‐approved drug, should be further evaluated as a drug candidate in HGPS therapy.  相似文献   
Cladistic and phenetic analyses of leaf and other morphological characters ofGunnera strongly support monophyly of the genus, with the Saxifragaceae s.str. as the closest sister group. This morphologically based phylogeny provides a more coherent understanding of the evolutionary history ofGunnera than do recent phylogenetic hypotheses based on genetic data sets with Myrothamnaceae as the sister group. Simple, crenate, palinactinodromously veined leaves lacking freely ending veinlets and tricolpate, tectate-perforate pollen with a reticulate exine indicate a shared ancestry. Within the genusGunnera all six traditionally recognized subgenera are monophyletic, as supported by leaf architectural apomorphies. The monotypic subgenusOstenigunnera is the sister group to the other five subgenera, which can be divided into two principal lineages. One lineage includes the subgeneraMilligania andMisandra, characterized by a prostate stoloniferous habit with small, low-rank leaves and exclusively unisexual flowers, whereas the other lineage includes the subgeneraPerpensum, Pseudo Gunnera, andPanke, all of which possess at least some hermaphroditic flowers and larger, high-rank leaves. When the phylogeny of the subgenera is considered in light of biogeography and the fossil record, a number of cladogenetic events can be explained by continental vicariance in the Late Cretaceous. The AfricanPerpensum became distinct from the other large-leafed lineage with the separation of the African continent ca. 90 Ma. The two small-leafed lineages, the subgeneraMilligania andMisandra, split with the separation of New Zealand from Western Gondwana, about 80 Ma.Pseudo-Gunnera became isolated fromPanke prior to this time, whenPanke fossils occur in North America.Gunnera probably arose out of an early herbaceous radiation of tricolpate eudicots having close affinity to the basal Saxifragaceae, espethe genusChrysosplenium.  相似文献   
Stress hormones, released into circulation as a consequence of disturbance, are classically assayed from blood samples but may also be detected in a variety of matrices. Blubber and fecal samples can be remotely collected from free‐ranging cetaceans without the confounding hormone elevations associated with chase, capture, and handling required to collect blood samples. The relationship between cortisol concentrations in circulation with that of blubber and feces, however, is unknown. To assess these associations, we elevated cortisol by orally administering hydrocortisone for five days in five bottlenose dolphins. Voluntary blood and fecal samples were collected daily; blubber biopsies were collected on day one, just prior to hydrocortisone administration, and days three and five of hydrocortisone administration. We evaluated subsequent changes in several circulating stress hormones as well as cortisol and glucocorticoid metabolites in blubber and feces, respectively. There was a significant association between cortisol levels in serum and in blubber (F1,12.7 = 14.3, P < 0.01, mR2 = 0.57) despite substantial variability in blubber cortisol levels. Counterintuitively, fecal cortisol metabolite levels were inversely related to serum cortisol. The relationship between serum and blubber cortisol levels suggests blubber samples from remote sampling may be useful to detect stress loads in this species.  相似文献   
Sera from a total of 564 olive baboons collected at six different localities in west central Kenya were examined for the presence of cross-reactive immunoglobulin allotypes with reagents used for human sera. Serum samples were tested for Km (1 and 3), Glm (1–3 and 17), andG3m (5, 6, 10, 11, 13–16, 21, 24, and 26). Polymorphism was found for Glm (1 and 17) and G3m (10, 13, and 15). These findings on antigen presence, absence, and polymorphism show broad similarities to, along with some differences from, previous studies of baboons. Our data support the view that there are variations in allotype frequencies between troops at single localities, as well as differences among geographically separated areas. Linkage disequilibria for Gm allotypes differ in strength and direction among the various local Kenya olive baboon populations.  相似文献   
The dispersal of rice (Oryza sativa) following domestication influenced massive social and cultural changes across South, East, and Southeast (SE) Asia. The history of dispersal across islands of SE Asia, and the role of Taiwan and the Austronesian expansion in this process remain largely unresolved. Here, we reconstructed the routes of dispersal of O. sativa ssp. japonica rice to Taiwan and the northern Philippines using whole-genome resequencing of indigenous rice landraces coupled with archaeological and paleoclimate data. Our results indicate that japonica rice found in the northern Philippines diverged from Indonesian landraces as early as 3,500 years before present (BP). In contrast, rice cultivated by the indigenous peoples of the Taiwanese mountains has complex origins. It comprises two distinct populations, each best explained as a result of admixture between temperate japonica that presumably came from northeast Asia, and tropical japonica from the northern Philippines and mainland SE Asia, respectively. We find that the temperate japonica component of these indigenous Taiwan populations diverged from northeast Asia subpopulations at about 2,600 BP, whereas gene flow from the northern Philippines had begun before ∼1,300  BP. This coincides with a period of intensified trade established across the South China Sea. Finally, we find evidence for positive selection acting on distinct genomic regions in different rice subpopulations, indicating local adaptation associated with the spread of japonica rice.  相似文献   

The inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms grown on glass under high shear stress and exposed to a range of dissolved ozone concentrations (2, 5 and 7?ppm) at 10 and 20?min was investigated. The regression equation, log reduction (biofilm)?=?0.64?+?0.59×(C – 2)?+?0.33×(T – 10), described the dependence of biofilm inactivation on the dissolved ozone concentration (C, ppm) and contact time (T, min). The predicted D-values were 11.1, 5.7 and 2.2?min at 2, 5 and 7?ppm, respectively. Inactivation of biofilms grown on various surfaces was tested at a single dissolved ozone concentration of 5?ppm and a single exposure time of 20?min. Biofilms grown on plastic materials showed inactivation results similar to that of biofilms on glass, while biofilms grown on ceramics were statistically significantly more difficult to inactivate, suggesting the importance of utilizing non-porous materials in industrial and clinical settings.  相似文献   
Elephant seals maintain rates of endogenous glucose production (EGP) typical of post-absorptive mammals despite enduring prolonged periods of food deprivation concurrent with low rates of glucose oxidation. These high rates of EGP suggest extensive glucose recycling during fasting. We investigated lactate metabolism in fasting elephant seals to assess its role in glucose recycling. Whole-animal glucose and lactate fluxes were measured as the rates of appearance of glucose and lactate (Ra gluc and Ra lac, respectively) using a primed constant infusion of [U-14C] lactate and [6-3H] glucose, and we calculated the minimum contribution of lactate to gluconeogenesis (GNG lac). Ra lac was high compared to resting values in other species (3.21 ± 0.71 mmol min?1* kg?1), did not change between 14 ± 1 and 31 ± 8 days of fasting and varied directly with Ra glu. The minimum GNG lac was 44.6 ± 6.0 % of EGP, varied directly with plasma lactate levels, and did not change over the fast. Ra lac and Ra glu both varied directly with plasma insulin concentrations. These data suggest that lactate is the predominant gluconeogenic precursor in fasting elephant seals and that high rates of glucose recycling through Cori cycle activity contribute to the maintenance of EGP during fasting. High levels of Cori cycle activity and EGP may be important components of metabolic adaptations that maintain glucose production while avoiding ketosis during extended fasting or are related to sustained metabolic alterations associated with extended breath-holds in elephant seals.  相似文献   
Exposure to stress causes differential neural modifications in various limbic regions, namely the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala. We investigated whether α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) phosphorylation is involved with these stress effects. Using an acute inescapable stress protocol with rats, we found opposite effects on AMPA receptor phosphorylation in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsal hippocampus (DH) compared to the amygdala and ventral hippocampus (VH). After stress, the phosphorylation of Ser831-GluA1 was markedly decreased in the mPFC and DH, whereas the phosphorylation of Ser845-GluA1 was increased in the amygdala and VH. Stress also modulated the GluA2 subunit with a decrease in the phosphorylation of both Tyr876-GluA2 and Ser880-GluA2 residues in the amygdala, and an increase in the phosphorylation of Ser880-GluA2 in the mPFC. These results demonstrate that exposure to acute stress causes subunit-specific and region-specific changes in glutamatergic transmission, which likely lead to the reduced synaptic efficacy in the mPFC and DH and augmented activity in the amygdala and VH. In addition, these findings suggest that modifications of glutamate receptor phosphorylation could mediate the disruptive effects of stress on cognition. They also provide a means to reconcile the contrasting effects that stress has on synaptic plasticity in these regions. Taken together, the results provide support for a brain region-oriented approach to therapeutics.  相似文献   
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