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A series of proline based melanocortin ligands has been developed on the basis of initial piperazine leads by using a more conformationally rigid scaffold. A number of these novel ligands showed significant binding affinity for MC3 and MC4 receptors.  相似文献   
The serine/threonine kinase protein kinase D1 (PKD1) is a protein kinase C (PKC) substrate that mediates antigen receptor signal transduction in lymphocytes. PKC phosphorylates serines 744/748 within the PKD1 catalytic domain, and this is proposed to be necessary and sufficient for enzyme activation. Hence, a PKD1 mutant with alanine substituted at positions 744 and 748 (PKD-S744A/S748A) is catalytically inactive. Conversely, a PKD1 mutant with glutamic residues substituted at positions 744 and 748 as phospho-mimics (PKD-S744E/S748E) is constitutively active when expressed in Cos7 or HeLa cells. The present study reveals that Ser-744/Ser-748 phosphorylation is required for PKD1 activation in lymphocytes. However, PKD-S744E/S748E is not constitutively active but, like the wild type enzyme, requires antigen receptor triggering or phorbol ester stimulation. Antigen receptor activation of wild type PKD is dependent on phospholipase C (PLC)/diacylglycerol (DAG) and PKC, whereas PKD-S744E/S748E is only dependent on PLC/DAG but no longer requires PKC. Hence, substitution of serines 744 and 748 with glutamic residues as phospho-mimics bypasses the PKC requirement for PKD1 activation but does not bypass the need for antigen receptors, PLC, or DAG. In lymphocytes, PKD1 is, thus, not regulated by PLC and PKC in a linear pathway; rather, PKD1 activation has more stringent requirements for integration of dual PLC signals, one mediated by PKCs and one that is PKC-independent.  相似文献   
Adduct I (lambda(max) at approximately 430 nm) formed in the reaction of 2-hydrazinopyridine (2HP) and the TPQ cofactor of wild-type Escherichia coli copper amine oxidase (WT-ECAO) is stable at neutral pH, 25 degrees C, but slowly converts to another spectroscopically distinct species with a lambda(max) at approximately 530 nm (adduct II) at pH 9.1. The conversion was accelerated either by incubation of the reaction mixture at 60 degrees C or by increasing the pH (>13). The active site base mutant forms of ECAO (D383N and D383E) showed spectral changes similar to WT when incubated at 60 degrees C. By contrast, in the Y369F mutant adduct I was not stable at pH 7, 25 degrees C, and gradually converted to adduct II, and this rate of conversion was faster at pH 9. To identify the nature of adduct II, we have studied the effects of pH and divalent cations on the UV-vis and resonance Raman spectroscopic properties of the model compound of adduct I (2). Strikingly, it was found that addition of Cu2+ to 2 at pH 7 gave a product (3) that exhibited almost identical spectroscopic signatures to adduct II. The X-ray crystal structure of 3 shows that it is the copper-coordinated form of 2, where the +2 charge of copper is neutralized by a double deprotonation of 2. These results led to the proposal that adduct II in the enzyme is TPQ-2HP that has migrated onto the active site Cu2+. The X-ray crystal structure of Y369F adduct II confirmed this assignment. Resonance Raman and EPR spectroscopy showed that adduct II in WT-ECAO is identical to that seen in Y369F. This study clearly demonstrates that the hydrogen-bonding interaction between O4 of TPQ and the conserved Tyr (Y369) is important in controlling the position and orientation of TPQ in the catalytic cycle, including optimal orientation for reactivity with substrate amines.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: We have developed Look-Align, an interactive web-based viewer to display pre-computed multiple sequence alignments. Although initially developed to support the visualization needs of the maize diversity website Panzea (http://www.panzea.org), the viewer is a generic stand-alone tool that can be easily integrated into other websites. AVAILABILITY: Look-Align is written in Perl using open-source components and is available under an open-source license. Live installation and download information can be found at the Panzea website (http://www.panzea.org/software/alignment_viewer.html). CONTACT: ware@cshl.edu SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Supplementary information includes sample lists of multiple sequence alignment software and sample screenshots of the viewer.  相似文献   
We have taken a knockout approach to interrogate the function of protein kinase D (PKD) serine/threonine kinases in lymphocytes. DT40 B cells express two PKD family members, PKD1 and PKD3, which are both rapidly activated by the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). DT40 cells with single or dual deletions of PKD1 and/or PKD3 were viable, allowing the role of individual PKD isoforms in BCR signal transduction to be assessed. One proposed downstream target for PKD1 in lymphocytes is the class II histone deacetylases (HDACs). Regulation of chromatin accessibility via class II histone deacetylases is an important mechanism controlling gene expression patterns, but the molecules that control this key process in B cells are not known. Herein, we show that phosphorylation and nuclear export of the class II histone deacetylases HDAC5 and HDAC7 are rapidly induced following ligation of the BCR or after treatment with phorbol esters (a diacylglycerol mimetic). Loss of either PKD1 or PKD3 had no impact on HDAC phosphorylation, but loss of both PKD1 and PKD3 abrogated antigen receptor-induced class II HDAC5/7 phosphorylation and nuclear export. These studies reveal an essential and redundant role for PKD enzymes in controlling class II HDACs in B lymphocytes and suggest that PKD serine kinases are a critical link between the BCR and epigenetic control of chromatin.  相似文献   
This study explores the links between the GTPase RhoA and the serine kinase protein kinase D (PKD) during thymocyte development. The rationale is that RhoA and PKD regulate common biological responses during T cell development, but there is nothing known about their interdependence. In fibroblasts, Rho function is required for activation of PKD catalytic activity. However, the data show that activation of Rho is neither sufficient nor essential for PKD activation in T cells. One alternative explanation for the apparent convergence of PKD and Rho signaling in T cells is that PKD responses might be Rho-dependent. To address this latter possibility, we probed the Rho requirements for the actions of constitutively active PKD mutants in pre-T cells of transgenic mice. Active PKD can localize to either the plasma membrane or the cytosol, and we therefore compared the Rho requirements for the actions of membrane- or cytosol-localized PKD. Here we show that membrane-localized PKD regulation of pre-T cell differentiation is Rho-dependent, but the actions of cytosol-localized PKD are not. These studies demonstrate that a Rho requirement for PKD activation is not ubiquitous. Moreover, links between PKD and Rho are determined by the cellular location of PKD.  相似文献   
In eukaryotes, dihydropyrimidinase catalyzes the second step of the reductive pyrimidine degradation, the reversible hydrolytic ring opening of dihydropyrimidines. Here we describe the three-dimensional structures of dihydropyrimidinase from two eukaryotes, the yeast Saccharomyces kluyveri and the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, determined and refined to 2.4 and 2.05 angstroms, respectively. Both enzymes have a (beta/alpha)8-barrel structural core embedding the catalytic di-zinc center, which is accompanied by a smaller beta-sandwich domain. Despite loop-forming insertions in the sequence of the yeast enzyme, the overall structures and architectures of the active sites of the dihydropyrimidinases are strikingly similar to each other, as well as to those of hydantoinases, dihydroorotases, and other members of the amidohydrolase superfamily of enzymes. However, formation of the physiologically relevant tetramer shows subtle but nonetheless significant differences. The extension of one of the sheets of the beta-sandwich domain across a subunit-subunit interface in yeast dihydropyrimidinase underlines its closer evolutionary relationship to hydantoinases, whereas the slime mold enzyme shows higher similarity to the noncatalytic collapsin-response mediator proteins involved in neuron development. Catalysis is expected to follow a dihydroorotase-like mechanism but in the opposite direction and with a different substrate. Complexes with dihydrouracil and N-carbamyl-beta-alanine obtained for the yeast dihydropyrimidinase reveal the mode of substrate and product binding and allow conclusions about what determines substrate specificity, stereoselectivity, and the reaction direction among cyclic amidohydrolases.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have explored the impact of deleting a single allele of PDK1 in T cell progenitors on alpha/beta and gamma/delta T cell development. The data show that deleting a single allele of PDK1 allows differentiation of alpha/beta T cells but prevents their proliferative expansion in the thymus. Accordingly, mice with T cells that are haplo-insufficient for PDK1 have reduced numbers of thymocytes and alpha/beta peripheral T cells. T cell progenitors also give rise to gamma/delta T cells but in contrast to the loss of alpha/beta T cells in T-PDK1 null and haplo-insufficient mice, there were increased numbers of gamma/delta T cells. The production of alpha/beta T cells is dependent on the proliferative expansion of thymocytes and is determined by a balance between the frequency with which cells enter the proliferative phase of the cell cycle and rates of cell death. Herein, we show that PDK1 haplo-insufficient thymocytes have no defects in their ability to enter the cell cycle but show increased apoptosis. PDK1 thus plays a determining role in the development of alpha/beta T lymphocytes but does not limit gamma/delta T cell development.  相似文献   
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