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The intestinal microbiota has many beneficial roles for its host. However, the precise mechanisms developed by the microbiota to influence the host intestinal cell responses are only partially known. The complexity of the ecosystem and our inability to culture most of these micro-organisms have led to the development of molecular approaches such as functional metagenomics, i.e. the heterologous expression of a metagenome in order to identify functions. This elegant strategy coupled to high throughput screening allowed to identify novel enzymes from different ecosystems where culture methods have not yet been adapted to isolate the candidate microorganisms. We have proposed to use this functional metagenomic approach in order to model the microbiota’s interaction with the host by combining this heterologous expression with intestinal reporter cell lines. The addition of the cellular component to this functional metagenomic approach introduced a second important source of variability resulting in a novel challenge for high throughput screening. First attempts of high throughput screening with various reporter cell-lines showed a high distribution of the response and consequent difficulties to reproduce the response, impairing an easy and clear identification of confirmed hits. In this study, we developed a robust and reproducible methodology to combine these two biological systems for high throughput application. We optimized experimental setups and completed them by appropriate statistical analysis tools allowing the use this innovative approach in a high throughput manner and on a broad range of reporter assays. We herewith present a methodology allowing a high throughput screening combining two biological systems. Therefore ideal conditions for homogeneity, sensitivity and reproducibility of both metagenomic clones as well as reporter cell lines have been identified and validated. We believe that this innovative method will allow the identification of new bioactive microbial molecules and, subsequently, will promote understanding of host-microbiota interactions.  相似文献   


Associations between dietary patterns, metabolic and inflammatory markers and gut microbiota are yet to be elucidated.


We aimed to characterize dietary patterns in overweight and obese subjects and evaluate the different dietary patterns in relation to metabolic and inflammatory variables as well as gut microbiota.


Dietary patterns, plasma and adipose tissue markers, and gut microbiota were evaluated in a group of 45 overweight and obese subjects (6 men and 39 women). A group of 14 lean subjects were also evaluated as a reference group.


Three clusters of dietary patterns were identified in overweight/obese subjects. Cluster 1 had the least healthy eating behavior (highest consumption of potatoes, confectionary and sugary drinks, and the lowest consumption of fruits that was associated also with low consumption of yogurt, and water). This dietary pattern was associated with the highest LDL cholesterol, plasma soluble CD14 (p = 0.01) a marker of systemic inflammation but the lowest accumulation of CD163+ macrophages with anti-inflammatory profile in adipose tissue (p = 0.05). Cluster 3 had the healthiest eating behavior (lower consumption of confectionary and sugary drinks, and highest consumption of fruits but also yogurts and soups). Subjects in this Cluster had the lowest inflammatory markers (sCD14) and the highest anti-inflammatory adipose tissue CD163+ macrophages. Dietary intakes, insulin sensitivity and some inflammatory markers (plasma IL6) in Cluster 3 were close to those of lean subjects. Cluster 2 was in-between clusters 1 and 3 in terms of healthfulness. The 7 gut microbiota groups measured by qPCR were similar across the clusters. However, the healthiest dietary cluster had the highest microbial gene richness, as evaluated by quantitative metagenomics.


A healthier dietary pattern was associated with lower inflammatory markers as well as greater gut microbiota richness in overweight and obese subjects.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01314690  相似文献   
Many animals use photoperiod cues to synchronize reproduction with environmental conditions and thereby improve their reproductive success. The circadian clock, which creates endogenous behavioral and physiological rhythms typically entrained to photoperiod, is well characterized at the molecular level. Recent work provided evidence for an association between Clock poly-Q length polymorphism and latitude and, within a population, an association with the date of laying and the length of the incubation period. Despite relatively high overall breeding synchrony, the timing of clutch initiation has a large impact on the fitness of swallows in the genus Tachycineta. We compared length polymorphism in the Clock poly-Q region among five populations from five different Tachycineta species that breed across a hemisphere-wide latitudinal gradient (Fig. 1). Clock poly-Q variation was not associated with latitude; however, there was an association between Clock poly-Q allele diversity and the degree of clutch size decline within breeding seasons. We did not find evidence for an association between Clock poly-Q variation and date of clutch initiation in for any of the five Tachycineta species, nor did we found a relationship between incubation duration and Clock genotype. Thus, there is no general association between latitude, breeding phenology, and Clock polymorphism in this clade of closely related birds.Figure 1Photos of Tachycineta swallows that were used in this study: A) T. bicolor from Ithaca, New York, B) T. leucorrhoa from Chascomús, Argentina, C) T. albilinea from Hill Bank, Belize, D) T. meyeni from Puerto Varas, Chile, and E) T. thalassina from Mono Lake, California, Photographers: B: Valentina Ferretti; A, C-E: David Winkler.  相似文献   
The human intestine is a balanced ecosystem well suited for bacterial survival, colonization and growth, which has evolved to be beneficial both for the host and the commensal bacteria. Here, we investigated the effect of bacterial metabolites produced by commensal bacteria on AP-1 signaling pathway, which has a plethora of effects on host physiology. Using intestinal epithelial cell lines, HT-29 and Caco-2, stably transfected with AP-1-dependent luciferase reporter gene, we tested the effect of culture supernatant from 49 commensal strains. We observed that several bacteria were able to activate the AP-1 pathway and this was correlated to the amount of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced. Besides being a major source of energy for epithelial cells, SCFAs have been shown to regulate several signaling pathways in these cells. We show that propionate and butyrate are potent activators of the AP-1 pathway, butyrate being the more efficient of the two. We also observed a strong synergistic activation of AP-1 pathway when using butyrate with PMA, a PKC activator. Moreover, butyrate enhanced the PMA-induced expression of c-fos and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, but not p38 and JNK. In conclusion, we showed that SCFAs especially butyrate regulate the AP-1 signaling pathway, a feature that may contribute to the physiological impact of the gut microbiota on the host. Our results provide support for the involvement of butyrate in modulating the action of PKC in colon cancer cells.  相似文献   
The composition of the colonic microbiota of 91 northern Europeans was characterized by fluorescent in situ hybridization using 18 phylogenetic probes. On average 75% of the bacteria were identified, and large interindividual variations were observed. Clostridium coccoides and Clostridium leptum were the dominant groups (28.0% and 25.2%), followed by the Bacteroides (8.5%). According to principal component analysis, no significant grouping with respect to geographic origin, age, or gender was observed.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DC) are suspected to be involved in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, including bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). We detected the disease-specific, protease-resistant prion protein (PrP(bse)) in splenic DC purified by magnetic cell sorting 45 days after intraperitoneal inoculation of BSE prions in immunocompetent mice. We showed that bone marrow-derived DC (BMDC) from wild-type or PrP-null mice acquired both PrP(bse) and prion infectivity within 2 h of in vitro culture with a BSE inoculum. BMDC cleared PrP(bse) within 2 to 3 days of culture, while BMDC infectivity was only 10-fold diminished between days 1 and 6 of culture, suggesting that the infectious unit in BMDC is not removed at the same rate as PrP(bse) is removed from these cells. Bone marrow-derived plasmacytoid DC and bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) also acquired and degraded PrP(bse) when incubated with a BSE inoculum, with kinetics very similar to those of BMDC. PrP(bse) capture is probably specific to antigen-presenting cells since no uptake of PrP(bse) was observed when splenic B or T lymphocytes were incubated with a BSE inoculum in vitro. Lipopolysaccharide activation of BMDC or BMM prior to BSE infection resulted in an accelerated breakdown of PrP(bse). Injected by the intraperitoneal route, BMDC were not infectious for alymphoid recombination-activated gene 2(0)/common cytokine gamma chain-deficient mice, suggesting that these cells are not capable of directly propagating BSE infectivity to nerve endings.  相似文献   
The human intestinal microbiota is essential for the conversion of the dietary lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) via secoisolariciresinol (SECO) to the enterolignans enterodiol (ED) and enterolactone (EL). However, knowledge of the species that catalyse the underlying reactions is scant. Therefore, we focused our attention on the identification of intestinal bacteria involved in the conversion of SDG. Strains of Bacteroides distasonis, Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides ovatus and Clostridium cocleatum, as well as the newly isolated strain Clostridium sp. SDG-Mt85-3Db, deglycosylated SDG. Demethylation of SECO was catalysed by strains of Butyribacterium methylotrophicum, Eubacterium callanderi, Eubacterium limosum and Peptostreptococcus productus. Dehydroxylation of SECO was catalysed by strains of Clostridium scindens and Eggerthella lenta. Finally, the newly isolated strain ED-Mt61/PYG-s6 catalysed the dehydrogenation of ED to EL. The results indicate that the activation of SDG involves phylogenetically diverse bacteria, most of which are members of the dominant human intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   
The probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii is a non-pathogenic yeast that has been proven efficient in the prevention of antimicrobial-associated diarrhea and of Clostridium difficile associated colitis. We evaluated the influence of the administration of S. boulardii on the composition of the fecal microbiota in a human microbiota-associated mouse model. This evaluation was run before, during and after a 7-day oral treatment with amoxicillin clavulanic acid. Predominant groups of bacteria were quantified with fluorescence in situ hybridization combined with flow cytometry using group-specific 16S rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probes designed for the Eubacteria, Bacteroides-Porphyromonas-Prevotella, Clostridium coccoides-Eubacterium rectale, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Clostridium histolyticum, Lactobacillus-Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae groups and Bifidobacterium species. S. boulardii did not quantitatively alter the total anaerobic microbiota nor the dominant bacterial groups. During the antibiotic treatment in the two groups of mice receiving the yeast or not, the level of Enterobacteriaceae and Bacteroides groups increased when the C. coccoides-E. rectale group decreased dramatically. After the antibiotic treatment was discontinued, the return to the initial level was reached more rapidly in the S. boulardii-treated mice than in the control mice (p<0.05) for the C. coccoides-E. rectale and Bacteroides-Porphyromonas-Prevotella groups. This quicker recovery of normal intestinal microbiota equilibrium after antibiotic therapy could be a mechanism for S. boulardii preventive effect on antibiotic-associated diarrhea in humans.  相似文献   
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry on serially coupled capillary columns with different polarity of stationary phases showed that the soil cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatusfrom the Negev desert produces an unusual mixture of 4 normal and more than 60 branched alkanes, as well as a number of fatty acids, cyclic and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alcohols, and ketones. The dominant compounds were heptadecane (12%), 7-methylheptadecane (7.8%), hexadecanoic acid (6.5%), (Z)-9-hexadecenoic acid (5.6%), 4-ethyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane (2.8%), (Z)-9-octadecenoic acid (2.8%), and 4-methyl-5-propylnonane (2.7%).  相似文献   
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