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ABSTRACT Mist nets deployed in a standard ground‐level fashion capture birds approximately 0.5–2.6 m above the ground. In habitats where the vegetation extends above this height, standard mist net deployment may inadequately sample the targeted avian community and age‐ and sex‐classes within species. Such sampling biases may raise questions regarding studies based on data from mist‐net captures. To determine if birds were equally likely to be captured by mist nets at different heights, we constructed a series of paired ground‐level and elevated mist nets (hereafter “net rigs”) at a research station in western New York State. Net rigs were operated during 14 migration seasons from 2000 to 2006 (spring and fall each year), and 19,735 birds of 118 species were captured. Capture rates were significantly higher in ground‐level nets, but 12 species were only captured in elevated nets. Of 44 species with at least 50 captures, 25 species were more likely to be captured in the ground‐level nets and two species in the elevated nets. For four of 18 species, more birds were captured in the elevated nets during fall migration than during spring migration. We conclude that standard ground‐level net placement was more efficient in capturing birds in the secondary growth habitats that we sampled. However, ground‐level nets may not adequately sample the entire targeted community or all age‐ or sex‐classes within species.  相似文献   
BackgroundWe identified predominant vaginal microbiota communities, changes over time, and how this varied by HIV status and other factors in a cohort of 64 women.MethodsBacterial DNA was extracted from reposited cervicovaginal lavage samples collected annually over an 8–10 year period from Chicago Women’s Interagency HIV Study participants: 22 HIV-negative, 22 HIV-positive with stable infection, 20 HIV-positive with progressive infection. The vaginal microbiota was defined by pyrosequencing of the V1/V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Scheduled visits included Bacterial vaginsosis (BV) screening; clinically detected cases were referred for treatment. Hierarchical clustering identified bacterial community state types (CST). Multinomial mixed effects modeling determined trends over time in CST, by HIV status and other factors.ResultsThe median follow-up time was 8.1 years (range 5.5–15.3). Six CSTs were identified. The mean relative abundance (RA) of Lactobacillus spp. by CST (with median number of bacterial taxa) was: CST-1–25.7% (10), CST-2–27.1% (11), CST-3–34.6% (9), CST-4–46.8% (9), CST-5–57.9% (4), CST-6–69.4% (2). The two CSTs representing the highest RA of Lactobacillus and lowest diversity increased with each additional year of follow-up (CST-5, adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.62 [95% CI: 1.34–1.94]; CST-6, aOR = 1.57 [95 CI: 1.31–1.89]), while the two CSTs representing lowest RA of Lactobacillus and higher diversity decreased with each additional year (CST-1, aOR = 0.89 [95% CI: 0.80–1.00]; CST-2, aOR = 0.86 [95% CI: 0.75–0.99]). There was no association between HIV status and CST at baseline or over time. CSTs representing lower RA of Lactobacillus were associated with current cigarette smoking.ConclusionsThe vaginal microbial community significantly improved over time in this cohort of women with HIV and at high risk for HIV who had regular detection and treatment referral for BV.  相似文献   
Exercise causes heat shock (muscle temperatures of up to 45 degrees C, core temperatures of up to 44 degrees C) and oxidative stress (generation of O2- and H2O2), and exercise training promotes mitochondrial biogenesis (2-3-fold increases in muscle mitochondria). The concentrations of at least 15 possible heat shock or oxidative stress proteins (including one with a molecular weight of 70 kDa) were increased, in skeletal muscle, heart, and liver, by exercise. Soleus, plantaris, and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles exhibited differential protein synthetic responses ([3H]leucine incorporation) to heat shock and oxidative stress in vitro but five proteins (particularly a 70 kDa protein and a 106 kDa protein) were common to both stresses. HSP70 mRNA levels were next analyzed by Northern transfer, using a [32P]-labeled HSP70 cDNA probe. HSP70 mRNA levels were increased, in skeletal and cardiac muscle, by exercise and by both heat shock and oxidative stress. Skeletal muscle HSP70 mRNA levels peaked 30-60 min following exercise, and appeared to decline slowly towards control levels by 6 h postexercise. Two distinct HSP70 mRNA species were observed in cardiac muscle; a 2.3 kb mRNA which returned to control levels within 2-3 h postexercise, and a 3.5 kb mRNA species which remained at elevated concentrations for some 6 h postexercise. The induction of HSP70 appears to be a physiological response to the heat shock and oxidative stress of exercise. Exercise hyperthermia may actually cause oxidative stress since we also found that muscle mitochondria undergo progressive uncoupling and increased O2- generation with increasing temperatures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a volatile organosulfur compound which has been implicated in the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur and in climate control. Microbial degradation is a major sink for DMS. DMS metabolism in some bacteria involves its oxidation by a DMS monooxygenase in the first step of the degradation pathway; however, this enzyme has remained uncharacterized until now. We have purified a DMS monooxygenase from Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans, which was previously isolated from garden soil. The enzyme is a member of the flavin-linked monooxygenases of the luciferase family and is most closely related to nitrilotriacetate monooxygenases. It consists of two subunits: DmoA, a 53-kDa FMNH2-dependent monooxygenase, and DmoB, a 19-kDa NAD(P)H-dependent flavin oxidoreductase. Enzyme kinetics were investigated with a range of substrates and inhibitors. The enzyme had a Km of 17.2 (± 0.48) μM for DMS (kcat = 5.45 s−1) and a Vmax of 1.25 (± 0.01) μmol NADH oxidized min−1 (mg protein−1). It was inhibited by umbelliferone, 8-anilinonaphthalenesulfonate, a range of metal-chelating agents, and Hg2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ ions. The purified enzyme had no activity with the substrates of related enzymes, including alkanesulfonates, aldehydes, nitrilotriacetate, or dibenzothiophenesulfone. The gene encoding the 53-kDa enzyme subunit has been cloned and matched to the enzyme subunit by mass spectrometry. DMS monooxygenase represents a new class of FMNH2-dependent monooxygenases, based on its specificity for dimethylsulfide and the molecular phylogeny of its predicted amino acid sequence. The gene encoding the large subunit of DMS monooxygenase is colocated with genes encoding putative flavin reductases, homologues of enzymes of inorganic and organic sulfur compound metabolism, and enzymes involved in riboflavin synthesis.Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a volatile organosulfur compound, important in the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur and global climate regulation (4, 9). Bacterial metabolism of DMS is an important sink of the compound in nature and is thought to account for degradation of over 80% of the DMS produced in the marine environment. Although bacterial pathways of DMS degradation have been studied previously in Hyphomicrobium spp. and in Thiobacillus spp. (12, 36), they remain poorly characterized, and few enzymes of DMS metabolism have been purified (see reference 32). DMS monooxygenase was first reported from an assay of NADH-dependent oxygen uptake in the presence of DMS by cell extracts of Hyphomicrobium S (12), an activity also demonstrated in cell extracts of other Hyphomicrobium, Thiobacillus, and Arthrobacter isolates (6, 7, 34), with specific activities around 30 nmol NADH oxidized min−1 mg protein−1. The enzyme has not previously been purified or characterized.The aims of this study were to purify and characterize the DMS monooxygenase enzyme from a member of the genus Hyphomicrobium. Since Hyphomicrobium S is no longer available, studies were undertaken using the type strain of H. sulfonivorans. The strain was originally isolated from garden soil and grows on DMS, as well as the related compounds dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and dimethylsulfone (DMSO2). During growth on DMSO2, H. sulfonivorans first reduces DMSO2 to DMSO by a dimethylsulfone reductase, and subsequently a DMSO reductase converts DMSO to DMS, which is further oxidized to methanethiol and formaldehyde by a DMS monooxygenase. Oxidation of methanethiol to formaldehyde by methanethiol oxidase yields another mole of formaldehyde, which is either assimilated into biomass or oxidized to carbon dioxide to provide reducing equivalents (Fig. (Fig.1).1). DMS monooxygenase activity is present in the soluble protein fraction during growth on these compounds (6, 7). A 53-kDa polypeptide was previously observed in organisms grown on DMS, DMSO, and DMSO2 (6, 7), but its significance in the metabolism of these compounds was unknown.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Pathway and enzymes of dimethylsulfone degradation in Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans S1. Reduction of dimethylsulfone [DMSO2; (CH3)2SO2] to dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO; (CH3)2SO] and further reduction of DMSO to dimethylsulfide provides the substrate for DMS monooxygenase. Formaldehyde is either assimilated (via the serine cycle) or oxidized to CO2 providing reducing equivalents. Sulfide is oxidized to sulfate; see reference 7 for further details.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Biochemical testing for pheochromocytoma by measurement of fractionated plasma metanephrines is limited by false positive rates of up to 18% in people without known genetic predisposition to the disease. The plasma normetanephrine fraction is responsible for most false positives and plasma normetanephrine increases with age. The objective of this study was to determine if we could improve the specificity of fractionated plasma measurements, by statistically adjusting for age. METHODS: An age-adjusted metanephrine score was derived using logistic regression from 343 subjects (including 33 people with pheochromocytoma) who underwent fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements as part of investigations for suspected pheochromocytoma at Mayo Clinic Rochester (derivation set). The performance of the age-adjusted score was validated in a dataset of 158 subjects (including patients 23 with pheochromocytoma) that underwent measurements of fractionated plasma metanephrines at Mayo Clinic the following year (validation dataset). None of the participants in the validation dataset had known genetic predisposition to pheochromocytoma. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the age-adjusted metanephrine score was the same as that of traditional interpretation of fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements, yielding a sensitivity of 100% (23/23, 95% confidence interval [CI] 85.7%, 100%). However, the false positive rate with traditional interpretation of fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements was 16.3% (22/135, 95% CI, 11.0%, 23.4%) and that of the age-adjusted score was significantly lower at 3.0% (4/135, 95% CI, 1.2%, 7.4%) (p < 0.001 using McNemar's test). CONCLUSION: An adjustment for age in the interpretation of results of fractionated plasma metanephrines may significantly decrease false positives when using this test to exclude sporadic pheochromocytoma. Such improvements in false positive rate may result in savings of expenditures related to confirmatory imaging.  相似文献   
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