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Prostate cryosurgery has advanced over the last decade, and is now recognized as a treatment option for patients who have failed radiotherapy. Appropriate patient selection is imperative for successful salvage. Because the treatment is a local therapy, the recurrent cancer must be confined to the prostate and its immediate area, and up to half of patients who undergo salvage cryotherapy may eventually fail treatment because of occult synchronous metastases. Yet some patients with poor prognosticators may still benefit from salvage treatment.  相似文献   
The bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic in cattle has had a huge economic impact on the agricultural industries across Europe. Furthermore, scientific evidence now strongly supporting a link between a new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) and consumption of BSE-infected animals has further heightened the need both to understand the transmission of these new diseases and to improve control measures to protect public health. In this paper we review work undertaken by our group using epidemiological models to understand the transmission dynamics of BSE and vCJD. We present new estimates of the future number of cases of BSE and the number of infected animals slaughtered for consumption for Great Britain, and summarise similar analyses undertaken for Northern Ireland, Ireland, Portugal and France. We also consider the epidemiological determinants of the future course of the vCJD epidemic, including the age and genetic characteristics of the confirmed cases, and present predictions of future case numbers.  相似文献   
We previously characterized LePRK1 and LePRK2, pollen-specific receptor kinases from tomato (Muschietti et al., 1998). Here we identify a similar receptor kinase from maize, ZmPRK1, that is also specifically expressed late in pollen development, and a third pollen receptor kinase from tomato, LePRK3. LePRK3 is less similar to LePRK1 and LePRK2 than either is to each other. We used immunolocalization to show that all three LePRKs localize to the pollen tube wall, in partially overlapping but distinct patterns. We used RT-PCR and degenerate primers to clone homologues of the tomato kinases from other Solanaceae. We deduced features diagnostic of pollen receptor kinases and used these criteria to identify family members in the Arabidopsis database. RT-PCR confirmed pollen expression for five of these Arabidopsis candidates; two of these are clearly homologues of LePRK3. Our results reveal the existence of a distinct pollen-specific receptor kinase gene family whose members are likely to be involved in perceiving extracellular cues during pollen tube growth.  相似文献   
Endogenous levels of free and conjugated forms of three classes of planthormones were quantified at various stages of megagametophyte development inDouglas fir. Megagametophytes were excised weekly from 8–16 weeks pastpollination (WPP), a period encompassing the central cell to the earlymaturation stage of seed development. The hormones indole-3 acetic acid (IAA),indole-3-aspartate (IAAsp), zeatin (Z), zeatin riboside (ZR), isopentenyladenine(iP), isopentenyladenosine (iPA), abscisic acid (ABA) and abscisic acid glucoseester (ABA-GE) were extracted, purified, fractionated by high- performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC), and then quantified using an enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Z levels ranged from 0–25ng/g dry weight (DW) and were highest in megagametophytes at thecentral cell stage (8 WPP). During embryogenesis, Z levels peakedduring week 13. In contrast, the ZR conjugate was not detected over the periodstudied. The iP content of megagametophytes increased at 10 and 13WPP, while the iPA concentration increased at 13 WPP.Prior to fertilisation, IAA was highest in megagametophytes at 9WPP. During embryogenesis, the major IAA accumulations occurred at11, 13 and 15 WPP, the concentration ranging from 0–0.43g/g DW. IAAsp concentrations reached their highest level duringembryogenesis at 14 WPP. ABA content increased at 11 and 13WPP, with a concentration range of 0.1–13 g/gDW. In contrast, ABA-GE levels were relatively constant over the 9-weekperiod analyzed. The endogenous levels of plant hormones varied withmegagametophyte development and were associated with morphological changes.  相似文献   
We reported previously that mice lacking plasma retinol-binding protein (RBP) are phenotypically normal except that they display impaired vision at the time of weaning. This visual defect is associated with greatly diminished eyecup levels of retinaldehyde and is reversible if the mutants are maintained for several months on a vitamin A-sufficient diet. Here we provide a biochemical basis for the visual phenotype of RBP-deficient mice. This phenotype does not result from inadequate milk total retinol levels since these are not different for RBP-deficient and wild-type mice. The eye, unlike all other tissues that have been examined, takes up dietary retinol very poorly. Moreover, compared to other tissues, the eye displays a strong preference for retinol uptake when retinol is delivered bound to RBP. The poor uptake of dietary retinol by the eye coupled with its marked ability to take up retinol from RBP, we propose, provides a basis for the impaired vision observed in weanling RBP-deficient mice. Further study of the mutants suggests that the impaired vision is reversible because the eyes of mutant mice slowly acquire sufficient retinol from the low levels of retinol present in their circulation either bound to albumin or present in lipoprotein fractions. Thus, the eye is unlike other tissues in the body in that it shows a very marked preference for acquiring retinol needed to support vision from the retinol-RBP complex and is unable to meet adequately its retinol need through uptake of recently absorbed dietary retinol. This provides an explanation for the impaired vision phenotype of RBP-deficient mice.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate if snorkeling had significant effects on coral community structure, three different coral reefs (Madrizquí, Pelona de Rabusquí and Crasquí) located at Archipelago Los Roques National Park, Venezuela, were surveyed. For each site, the coral community structure of two different areas, one subjected to intense snorkeling use (FB) and other not frequently used (PFB), were compared. Community structure was determined with 1 m2-quadrants and 20 m-long transects. These communities were described in terms of species richness, diversity (Shannon-Wiener) and evenness indexes, live and dead coral cover and cover of other organisms (sponges, octocorals and algae). Comparisons within sites were performed with a Kruskall-Wallis test. A total of 24 species of scleractinian corals were found. Live coral cover ranged from 29.9% +/- 26.43 (Crasquí) to 34.55% +/- 6.43 (Madrizquí), while dead coral cover ranged from 32.51% +/- 2.86 (Madrizquí) to 60.78% +/- 21.3 (Pelona de Rabusquí). The PFB areas showed higher live coral cover compared to FB areas; however, significant differences were only found in Crasquí and Pelona de Rabusquí (p < 0.05). Species richness, diversity and evenness were variable and no trends were observed between FB and PFB areas. The frequency of both damaged and diseased colonies were low (< 1%), most damages observed were natural (parrotfish predation). Damages caused by divers such as fin impacts, were not found at the reefs studied. These results suggest that, currently, diving pressure is not as high to cause massive loses of live coral cover in these reefs. However, the lack of strict controls for these activities might produce long-term changes in the structure of these coral communities.  相似文献   
This work was aimed to determine the incidence of coral diseases in six different reef sites at the Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Los Roques, Venezuela: Arrecife de herradura, Arrecife costanero, both at Dos Mosquises Sur Key, Boca de Cote, Carenero, Crasquí and Pelona de Rabusquí. Each reef was surveyed by using ten 10 m2-band transects (10 x 1 m), placed parallel to the long axis of the reef within a depth gradient ranging from 1 to 9 m depth. All healthy and injured corals, along each band transect, were counted and identified to species level. Additionally, all diseases and recent mortality that were still identifiable on each colony were also recorded. The occurrence of diseased colonies and other signs of reef decline between localities were compared by means of a Chi2 test. The absolute, relative and mean incidence was estimated for each disease and other signs of damage observed for all coral species surveyed at each site. The overall incidence of coral diseases was low for all the localities surveyed, only 6.04% of the 3 344 colonies observed, showed signs of diseases. The most important diseases recorded were the Yellow-Blotch Disease (YBD) and Dark Spots Disease (DSD) with 2.1% +/- 1.52 y 2.1% +/- 2.54, respectively. Significant differences were found in the incidence of coral diseases between reef sites (Chi2 p < 0.05). Finally, the occurrence of colonies injured by parrotfish bites and pomacentrids was higher compared with the incidence of coral diseases for all the reefs surveyed. In conclusion, currently the proportion of healthy colonies at Los Roques coral reefs is higher than the percentage of both diseased and injured colonies.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis is a prehistoric American human disease. This paper reviews the literature and discusses hypotheses for origins and epidemiological patterns of prehistoric tuberculosis. From the last decades, 24 papers about prehistoric tuberculosis were published and 133 cases were reviewed. In South America most are isolated case studies, contrary to North America where more skeletal series were analyzed. Disease was usually located at the deserts of Chile and Peru, Central Plains in USA, and Lake Ontario in Canada. Skeletal remains represent most of the cases, but 16 mummies have also been described. Thirty individuals had lung disease, 19 of them diagnosed by the ribs. More then 100 individuals had osseous tuberculosis and 26 also had it in other organs. As today, transmission of the infection and establishment of the disease were favored by cultural and life-style changes such as sedentarization, crowding, undernutrition, use of dark and insulated houses, and by the frequency of interpersonal contacts. The papers confirm that despite previous perceptions, tuberculosis seems to have occurred in America for millennia. It only had epidemiological expression when special conditions favored its expansion. Occurring as epidemic bursts or low endemic disease, it had differential impact on groups or social segments in America for at least two millennia.  相似文献   
Most gram-negative pathogens express fibrous adhesive virulence organelles that mediate targeting to the sites of infection. The F1 capsular antigen from the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis consists of linear fibers of a single subunit (Caf1) and serves as a prototype for nonpilus organelles assembled via the chaperone/usher pathway. Genetic data together with high-resolution X-ray structures corresponding to snapshots of the assembly process reveal the structural basis of fiber formation. Comparison of chaperone bound Caf1 subunit with the subunit in the fiber reveals a novel type of conformational change involving the entire hydrophobic core of the protein. The observed conformational change suggests that the chaperone traps a high-energy folding intermediate of Caf1. A model is proposed in which release of the subunit allows folding to be completed, driving fiber formation.  相似文献   
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