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Summary The results of the Viking Biology experiments are best explained by non-biological phenomena: The interaction of the reagents with the materials comprising the regolith. Conditions of water activity, temperature, availability of carbon sources and others in most regions of the planet are too extreme for survival and growth of any known Earth microorganisms. Although the possibility persists that some very unusual form of life is somewhere on that planet the evidence is best interpreted as negative. Even though there is no evidence for current life on Mars, whether or not life ever originated there is not known.  相似文献   
Summary Difficulty was experienced in using direct silver nitrate impregnation techniques in the study of the chaetotaxy of the oncomiracidia of several freshwater ancyrocephalines. Eventually the Chatton-Lwoff method of silver impregnation, which was devised to study the cilia and basal bodies of ciliated protozoa, was utilized successfully following certain modifications. The improved technique is described in detail and photomicrographs showing the pattern of the sensillae are presented. ac]19800820  相似文献   
Summary -Glutamylamine cyclotransferase, an enzyme found in a number of animal tissues and cells, catalyzes the conversion of -(L--glutamyl)-L-lysine to free lysine and 5-oxo-L-proline as well as the release of free amines and the formation of 5-oxo-L-proline from a variety of other L--glutamylamines. Among its substrates are both the mono- and di--glutamyl derivatives of putrescine, spermidine and spermine, and a derivative of -(L--glutamyl)-L-lysine in which both the -amino group and the carboxyl group of the lysine moiety are blocked. The enzyme does not act on most -glutamyl--amino acids, nor is it active toward the -lysyl derivatives of L-aspartic acid or D-glutamic acid. Derivatives of -(L--glutamyl)-L-lysine in which the -amino or the -carboxyl function of the glutamyl moiety is blocked also do not serve as substrates. The specificity of -glutamylamine cyclotransferase is in accordance with the proposal that it functions biologically in the latter stages of the catabolism of products of the action of transglutaminases. Some suggestions as to the manner in which -glutamylamine cyclotransferase serves this function are made based on present knowledge of protein degradation.  相似文献   
A novel plasmid vector that is able to replicate both in Escherichia coli and in Streptococcus sanguis is described. This 9.2-kb plasmid, designated pVA856, carries Cmr, Tcr and Emr determinants that are expressed in E. coli. Only the Emr determinant is expressed in S. sanguis. Both the Cmr and the Tcr of pVA856 may be insertionally inactivated. This plasmid affords several different cleavage-ligation strategies for cloning in E. coli followed by subsequent introduction of chimeras in to S. sanguis. In addition, we have modified a previously described E. coli-S. sanguis shuttle plasmid [pVA838; Macrina et al., Gene 19 (1982) 345–353], so that it is unable to replicate in S. sanguis. The utility of such a plasmid for cloning and selecting sequences enabling autonomous replication in S. sanguis is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Measurement of carboxypeptidase A, one of the pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, in human serum is made possible by a combination of affinity chromatography to isolate and concentrate the enzyme followed by monitoring activity spectrophotometrically with a high-turnover peptide substrate. Concentrations of enzyme in the nanogram-per-milliliter range can be determined with high precision and reliability. Initial clinical application of this method demonstrates no detectable activity in serum from normal individuals, but the enzyme is present in the sera of individuals with pancreatitis.  相似文献   
Nonhistone protein BAfree was purified from the 0.075 M NaCl/0.025 M EDTApH 8 extract of whole rat liver nuclei while protein BAbound was isolated from the 0.05 M Na2HPO4/8 M urea/1% β-mercaptoethanol/pH 7.6 extract of dehistonized rat liver chromatin. Chromatin associated protein BAbound was able to bind 60% of the [3H] DNA in a nitrocellulose filter binding assay while nucleoplasmic protein BAfree showed essentially no DNA binding activity. Circular dichroism analysis of the two forms of protein BA revealed substantial differences in their conformations. Protein BAfree was found to have an α-helix content of 41% while protein BAbound displayed a spectrum more typical of unordered or β-turn structures.  相似文献   
Summary Phylogenetic relationships within the class Oligohymenophorea, phylum Ciliophora, were investigated by determining the complete small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene sequences for the hymenostomesColpidium campylum, Glaucoma chattoni, and the peritrichOpisthonecta henneguyi. The affiliations of the oligohymenophoreans were assessed using both distance matrix (DM) and maximum parsimony (MP) analyses. Variations do exist in the phylogenies created by the two methods. However, the basic tree topologies are consistent. In both the DM and MP analyses the hymenostomes (C. campylum, G. chattoni, and the tetrahymenas) all form a very tight group associated with the peritrichO. henneguyi. TheTetrahymena lineage was monophyletic whereasColpidium andGlaucoma were more closely related to each other than either was to the tetrahymenas. The monophyly of the genusTetrahymena in the present analysis supports the phylogenies determined from morphological data and molecular sequence data from the histone H3II/H4II region of the genome. The perplexing and controversial phylogenetic position of the peritrichs is once again depicted in the present analysis. The distinctiveness of the peritrichOpisthonecta from both hymenostome and nassophorean ciliates based on evolutionary distances suggests that the elevation of the peritrichs to a higher taxonomic rank should be reconsidered.  相似文献   
Lynn G. Clark 《Brittonia》1992,44(4):387-422
The 13 high altitude/latitude, dwarf species ofChusquea in Brazil are described, illustrated, and mapped, and their morphology, habitats, distributions, and taxonomic affinities are discussed. Two keys to species are provided, one based solely on vegetative characters, and the other on vegetative and flowering characters.Chusquea erecta, C. nutans, C. riosaltensis,C. windischii, C. caparaoensis, andC. nudiramea are described as new, andC. microphylla is elevated to specific status. Two subspecies are recognized within the variableC. mimosa: C. mimosa subsp.australis and subsp.mimosa. Seven species are formally classified withinChusquea sect.Swallenochloa; the remaining six species are classified into two informal categories, theNudiramea andHeterophylla groups. A list of all the species currently included withinChusquea sect.Swallenochloa is provided.  相似文献   
Nucleosome cores were digested with α-chymotrypsin until histone H3 was degraded to a partial histone, CP1. As we reported previously, cleavage occurred at leucine 20 to H3 and resulted in an increase in circular dichroism between 265 to 285 nm. Some modest core unfolding was also observed as determined by a small decrease in the sedimentation coefficient. Studies reported here deal with the analysis of core secondary structure and subsequent perturbation caused by treatment with α-chymotrypsin. Raman spectroscopy indicated that chymotryptic treatment promoted a change in the conformational environment of a population of core histone tyrosines. In addition, a shift from B-form to an intermediate B- or A-form was observed for core DNA. High-resolution thermal denaturation was used to determine alterations in the stabilization of core DNA related to perturbation of the core histones. Brief chymotryptic treatment indicated changes in both pre-melt and irreversible transitions.  相似文献   
We explored the potential of biological control of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seedling damping-off caused by Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis by screening root-associated bacteria for disease suppression activity in a laboratory bioassay. A total of 700 bacterial strains were isolated from the roots of field-grown alfalfa plants by using Trypticase soy agar. A simple, rapid assay was developed to screen the bacteria for the ability to reduce the mortality of Iroquois alfalfa seedlings that were inoculated with P. megasperma f. sp. medicaginis zoospores. Two-day-old seedlings were planted in culture tubes containing moist vermiculite, and each tube was inoculated with a different bacterial culture. Sufficient P. megasperma f. sp. medicaginis zoospores were added to each tube to result in 100% mortality of control seedlings. Of the 700 bacterial isolates tested, only 1, which was identified as Bacillus cereus and designated UW85, reduced seedling mortality to 0% in the initial screen and in two secondary screens. Both fully sporulated cultures containing predominantly released spores and sterile filtrates of these cultures of UW85 were effective in protecting seedlings from damping-off; filtrates of cultures containing predominantly vegetative cells or endospores inside the parent cell had low biocontrol activity. Cultures grown in two semidefined media had significantly greater biocontrol activities than cultures grown in the complex tryptic soy medium. In a small-scale trial in a field infested with P. megasperma f. sp. medicaginis, coating seeds with UW85 significantly increased the emergence of alfalfa. The results suggest that UW85 may have potential as a biocontrol agent for alfalfa damping-off, thus providing an alternative to current disease control strategies.  相似文献   
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