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A popular criterion of cell-cell communication in tissue cultures is dye coupling: the ability of the injected fluorescent dye of low molecular weight to be transferred from one cell to another. We report about a new factor which induces cell-to-cell dye coupling in previously uncoupled epithelial sheets. Paradoxically it is the standard fluorescent microscopy itself (that is, blue light of 320- to 480-nm wavelength) which induces rapid morphological alterations of cell culture followed by the transfer of fluorescent dye from one cell to another. Thus monitoring cell-cell dye coupling by fluorescent microscopy may itself induce the dye coupling in previously uncoupled epithelial cells.  相似文献   
15N and 1H NMR studies of Rhodospirillum rubrum cytochrome c2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L P Yu  G M Smith 《Biochemistry》1988,27(6):1949-1956
15N-Enriched cytochrome c2 was purified from Rhodospirillum rubrum that had been grown on 15NH4Cl, and the diamagnetic iron(II) form of the cytochrome was studied by 15N and 1H NMR spectroscopy. 15N resonances of the four pyrrole nitrogens, the ligand histidine nitrogens, the highly conserved tryptophan indole nitrogen, and some proline nitrogens are assigned. The resonances of the single nonligand histidine are observed only at low pH because of severe broadening produced by proton tautomerization. The resonances of exchangeable protons bonded to the nitrogens of the ligand histidine, the tryptophan, and some amide groups are also assigned. The exchange rates of the nitrogen-bound protons vary greatly: most have half-lives of less than minutes, the indolic NH of Trp-62 exchanges with a half-time of weeks, and the ligand histidine NH proton exchanges with a half-time of months. The latter observation is indicative of extreme exclusion of solvent from the area surrounding the ligand histidine and lends credence to theories implicating the degree of hydrophobicity in this region as an important factor in adjusting the midpoint potential. The dependence of the 15N and 1H NMR spectra of ferrocytochrome c2 on pH indicates neither the Trp-62 nor the ligand His side chains become deprotonated to any appreciable extent below pH 9.5. The His-18 NH remains hydrogen bonded, presumably to the Pro-19 carboxyl group, throughout the pH titrations. Because neither deprotonated nor non-hydrogen-bonded forms of His-18 are observed in spectra of the ferrocytochrome, the participation of such forms in producing a heterogeneous population having different g tensor values seems unlikely.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Material balances for pentosan, lignin, and hexosan, during steam-explosion pretreatment of aspenwood, showed almost quantitative recovery of cellulose in the water-insoluble fraction. Dilute acid impregnation resulted in more selective hydrolysis of pentosan relative to undesirable pyrolysis, and gave a more accessible substrate for enzymatic hydrolysis. Thermocouple probes, located inside simulated aspenwood chips heated in 240 degrees C-saturated steam, showed rapid heating of air-dry wood, whereas green or impregnated wood heated slowly. Small chips, 3.2 mm in the fiber direction, whether green or airdry gave approximately equal rates of pentosan destruction and solubilization, and similar yields of glucose and of total reducing sugars on enzymatic hydrolysis with Trichoderma harzianum. Partial pyrolysis, destroying one third of the pentosan of aspenwood at atmospheric pressure by dry steam at 276 degrees C, gave little increase in yield of reducing sugars on enzymatic hydrolysis. Treatment with saturated steam at 240 degrees C gave essentially the same yields of glucose and of total reducing sugars, and the same yields of butanediol and ethanol on fermentation with Klebsiella pneumoniae, whether or not 80% of the steam was bled off before explosion and even if the chips remained intact, showing that explosion was unnecessary.  相似文献   
Percottus glehni is a new colonizer in the ichthyofauna of Lake Glubokoe. Recently, this species, established in the European part of the USSR nearly 30 years ago, has become common in the lakes and ponds located 3–5 km from Lake Glubokoe. In Lake Glubokoe it keeps mainly to water thyme (Elodea) in shallow water with individuals up to 7 cm in size being predominant. Apparently, these fishes are not abundant due to strong predation pressure from larger predators.  相似文献   
Nickel(II)-reconstituted hemoglobin (NiHb) and myoglobin (NiMb) and model Ni porphyrins have been investigated by Soret-resonance Raman difference spectroscopy. Two sets of frequencies for the oxidation-state and core-size marker lines in the region from 1300 to 1700 cm-1 indicate two distinct sites in NiHb. Only one of these sites is evident in the Raman spectra of NiMb. This result is consistent with the UV-visible absorption spectrum of NiHb, which shows two Soret bands at 397 and 420 nm and one Soret at 424 nm for NiMb. Excitation at the blue Soret component of NiHb with 406.7-nm laser radiation preferentially enhances the set of Raman marker lines typical of Ni-protoporphyrin IX [Ni(ProtoP )] in noncoordinating solvents. The wavelength of the blue Soret component and the Raman spectrum indicate four-coordination for this site in NiHb. Laser excitation in the red Soret band enhances a set of lines whose frequencies are compatible with neither four- nor six-coordinate frequencies but are intermediate between the two. The red Soret band of the proteins is also considerably less red shifted than six-coordinate Ni-porphyrin models. These results suggest that Ni in the second site possesses a single axial ligand. Raman spectra of 64Ni-reconstituted and natural abundance Ni-reconstituted hemoglobins, obtained simultaneously in a Raman difference spectrometer, have identified the Ni-ligand stretch at 236 cm-1. The line shifts to 229 cm-1 for the 64Ni-reconstituted Hb. For a pure Ni-ligand stretch a 10-cm-1 shift would be predicted.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Airway anesthesia with inhaled aerosolized lidocaine has been associated with increases in minute ventilation (VE) and mean inspiratory flow rate (VT/TI) during CO2 inhalation. However, it is unclear whether these increases are local effects of the anesthesia or systemic effects of absorbed and circulating lidocaine. To evaluate this 20 normal subjects were treated on separate days with aerosolized lidocaine, intravenous lidocaine, aerosolized control solution, or intravenous control solution, and the effects of each treatment on VE and VT/TI were determined and compared during room-air breathing and inhalation of 5% CO2-95% O2. None of the treatments altered VE or VT/TI during room-air breathing. Aerosolized lidocaine produced small (5.9-6.0%) increases in VE and VT/TI during CO2 inhalation, but these effects were not present after intravenous lidocaine despite equivalent lidocaine blood levels. We concluded that the increases in VE and VT/TI after aerosolized lidocaine were local effects of airway anesthesia rather than systemic effects of absorbed and circulating lidocaine.  相似文献   
S C Yu  J Fishman 《Biochemistry》1985,24(27):8017-8021
Disturbed estrogen metabolism leading to increased 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone (16 alpha-OHE) has been described in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and mammary carcinoma. Previous studies showed the formation of covalent complexes between 16 alpha-OHE and nonspecific cellular membrane proteins. The present study is concerned with the interaction of 16 alpha-OHE and histones. Covalent adduct formation between 16 alpha-OHE and individual histones was maximal with H1 histone. Other endogenous estrogens such as estrone, estradiol, and estriol did not interact with histones and form covalent adducts, nor did they interfere with the interaction of 16 alpha-OHE with these nuclear proteins. The evidence supports that the adduct formation between 16 alpha-OHE and histones proceeds via a stabilized Schiff base and subsequent rearrangement. This adduct formation which may have in vivo analogues may represent a mechanism for cellular transformation by this estrogen metabolite.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the O-side chains of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of serotype 0:3 strains of Yersinia enterocolitica vary quantitatively and qualitatively depending on whether they are cultured at 37 degrees C or 25 degrees C. It is uncertain whether this affects the expression of the serotype-specific antigens that are probably carried on the LPS. We studied this question with a serotype 0:3-specific monoclonal antibody, 2C1. This monoclonal antibody immunoprecipitated a 39K major protein from detergent-solubilized 125I-labeled Yersinia preparation. However, results of Western blot experiments demonstrated that the antigens reactive with 2C1 were not actually the 39K protein but the O-side chains of the LPS. Significantly, reactivity could be detected whether the bacteria were cultured at room temperature or at 37 degrees C. However, absorption experiments confirmed that there were less accessible antigenic determinants on the 37 degrees C-LPS. The LPS preparations were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and silver staining. These SDS-PAGE profiles showed that less O-side chains were present in the 37 degrees C-LPS. Hence, the most likely explanation for our observation is that the 37 degrees C incubation condition induced a partial smooth to rough transition of the Yersinia LPS with a decrease in the amount of 2C1-reactive antigen.  相似文献   
On the basis of complete scanning through conformational space of dihedral angles, twelve structural genera were obtained. Subsequent energy minimization within these genera yielded a limited set of duplexes with stacking: right-handed B-form (Wilkins type), B2-form (Watson and Crick type) and left-handed Ll-form (Sasisekharan type) and the new L2-form. In the polymeric DNA only right-handed double-helices are possible, the left-handed helices are forbidden due to poor 1–5 interchain contacts. In contrast, for short fragments the left- and right-handed helicek have practically the same energies providing some physical ground for side-by-side form, which biologically is possible as recombination form and may be as replication form.  相似文献   
元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被变迁探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
元江河谷是云南省最干热地区之一,在海拔800—900米以下的山地上广泛分布着稀树灌草丛。根据《元江府志》(1714年编纂)、《元江州志》(1826年编纂)、《元江志稿》(1922年编篡)及对现存植被的考察,本文探讨了元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被的变迁。 元江县森林复盖率的减少与人口的增加有密切关系,十七世纪中期以前,森林复盖率在75%以上,十八、十九世纪时为70%左右,1958年为61.5%,1975年为27.3%,至1982年则为19.3%。研究表明,在十九世纪以前,这个地区分布的主要植被是热带季雨林,甚而热带季节雨林,以后热带稀树灌草丛则迅速发展。植被的历史变化与土壤流失密切相关。植物群落的演变是由以乔木树种为优势演变为以灌木种类为优势,再演变为以多年生草木植物为优势,而最后则成为裸地。本文也讨论了这个地区植被恢复的方法。  相似文献   
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