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从石灰菌(Lactarius hysginus Fr.)提取物的中性部分,分离得到六个化合物,经物理常数和光谱分析,鉴定为麦角甾醇(A)、硬脂酸甲脂(B)、N-苯基-2-萘胺(C)、24E-麦角甾7,22-二烯-6-酮一3β,5α-二醇(D)、庚酰胺(E)、24E-麦角甾-7.22-二烯-3β,5α,6β-三醇(F),其中化合物D作为天然产物尚未见文献报道。  相似文献   
黄淮海平原高产田作物群体结构特征   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
本文利用实测资料分析了高产田作物群体结构特征。精播高产栽培麦田春季最大蘖数12×10~6/ha,群体最大叶面积指数5.5—6.0,成穗4.5—5.25×10~6/ha。传统高产栽培麦田春季最大蘖数15—18×10~6/ha,群体最大叶面积指数6.0—6.5,成穗6.0—7.5×10~6/ha。小麦营养生长与生殖生长期叶日积比,精播高产栽培麦田是1∶0.89,传统高产栽培麦田为1∶0.73。夏玉米种植密度主要受叶倾角的影响。紧凑型玉米品种的叶倾角大于65°,种植密度7.5—8.25×10~4/ha;平展型玉米品种的叶倾角小于50°,种植密度5.25—6.0×10~4/ha。  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which distinguish Type 3 protein kinase C (PKC) from Types 1 and 2 have been obtained from mice immunized with purified Type 3 PKC from rabbit brain cytosol. Most of these mAbs (seven out of eight) selectively recognize Type 3 versus Types 1 and 2 PKC in both enzyme-linked immunosorbent and immunoblot assays. Trypsin treatment of Type 3 PKC reduced the immunoreactivity with 82-kDa PKC and generated immunoreactive fragments of 45 and 35 kDa. The mAbs can be divided into two classes based on their ability to recognize the 45-kDa catalytic fragment (5/8) or the 35 kDa regulatory domain fragment (3/8). Each of the mAbs inhibits phosphorylation of histone or lipocortin by PKC, although the extent of the inhibition varied. Only those mAbs that recognize the 35-kDa regulatory domain inhibited phorbol ester binding. The inhibition of both kinase and binding activities by this group of mAbs was sensitive to the concentration of phospholipid used in the assay. This functional inhibition suggests that these mAbs may be useful for defining the phospholipid binding domain(s) of Type 3 PKC. The mAbs recognized 82-kDa PKC in a variety of cell types; the presence of smaller molecular weight fragments was not consistently found. Distinct immunofluorescence staining patterns were observed with mAbs directed toward different epitopes, suggesting that there may be heterogeneity in the subcellular localization of PKC. The type specificity of these mAbs will make them valuable tools for studying activation and regulation of Type 3 PKC in cell culture model systems.  相似文献   
本文继先前工作后,进一步应用正常健康人外周血单个核细胞(PBMNC)经塑料培皿粘附技术把单核细胞分离出来,经培养进一步纯化,随后动态观察培养0,2,4,6和8天的单核-巨噬细胞的形态变化和对新鲜分离同种异基因个体PBMNC中NK活性的影响。实验表明,体外分化6天和8天的巨噬细胞质/核比例和胞浆内空泡显著增加,细胞直径约为0天时的2倍。这些细胞和PBMNC之比为0.5:1时,引起了NK细胞活性的50%以上抑制(4小时~(51)Cr标记K 562肿瘤的同位素释放试验)。这种抑制效应不为过氧化氢酶(Catalase 4000单位/毫升)和前列腺素合成酶的抑制剂(Indom 1×10~(-5)M)所阻断。实验证明,同种异基因个体的NK细胞不能识别巨噬细胞表面抗原,从而排除了巨噬细胞和K562肿瘤抗原竞争的可能性。实验还表明,巨噬细胞对NK活性的抑制是不受HLA约束的。应用高频超声振荡破碎巨噬细胞膜方法和免疫调变技术进一步提示,人体巨噬细胞对NK活性的抑制与巨噬细胞体积无关,而与体外分化所赋有的固有特性和它们分泌的免疫调节分子有关。  相似文献   
Normal subjects preserve tidal volume (VT) in the face of added inspiratory resistance by increasing maximal amplitude and duration of the rising phase of respiratory driving pressure (DP) and by changing the shape of this phase to one that is more concave to the time axis. To explore the possible role of chest wall afferents in mediating these responses, we determined averaged DP in eight quadriplegic subjects during steady-state unloaded breathing and while breathing through an inspiratory resistance (8.5 cmH2O X 1(-1) X s). As with normal subjects, quadriplegics preserved VT (loaded VT = 106% control) by utilizing all three mechanisms. However, prolongation of the inspiratory duration derived from the DP waveform (+22% vs. +42%) and shape response were significantly less in the quadriplegic subjects. Shape response was completely absent in subjects with C4 lesions. The results provide strong evidence that respiratory muscle spindles are responsible for shape response and that changes in afferent feedback from the chest wall play an important role in mediating inspiratory prolongation.  相似文献   
从大萼香茶菜叶中又分得一个具有细胞毒活性的新的二萜类化合物,命名为大萼香茶菜丁素(macrocalyxin D)。根据光谱和化学数据鉴定其化学结构为[3]。  相似文献   
本文对扁头中国短头鲵(新属新种) (Sinobrachyops placenticephalus gen. et sp. nov.) 的形态特征和分类位置进行简述.标本得自著名的恐龙化石产地——自贡大山铺,产出时代为中侏罗世.中国短头鲵是目前迷齿类中在地史上最年轻的一个属.它的发现使迷齿类在地球上生存时代的上限推移到中侏罗世.  相似文献   
Dong Ming 《Plant Ecology》1987,72(1):35-44
Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) is a pioneer in forest succession in the subtropics of East Asia. However, the species persits, though with decreasing abundance, throughout the various successional phases. Agestructure, spatial pattern, density, population biomass, and their dynamics are described for a population in Sichuan, China, on the basis of a census of all individuals in the population while substituting space with time. In the course of succession, the population density increases and its rate of growth decreases until self-thinning starts; during the phase of self-thinning density decrease and continues to decrease even afterwards, but the rate of growth increase markedly after self-thinning has stopped. The development of population biomass (Bp) during the early succession from shrub-grassland to the early stages of mixed pine and broad-leaved forest can be described by a logistic equation. Later, Bp decrease rapidly. These changes are governed partly by inherent biological features of P. massoniana and partly by the invasion, establishment and development of shade-tolerant evergreen broad-leaved trees. Both self- and alien-thinning occur. Soil conditions affect the rates of these processes.  相似文献   
本工作利用光吸收和高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术研究了甲素对DNA分子中四种碱基A、G、C和T光氧化的敏化作用,发现在反应体系的pH为9.0、甲素浓度为3×10~(-5)mol/L、光照40分钟时,G和T紫外吸收明显降低;HPLC分析发现甲素敏化的G光氧化体系比对照体系多出现一组分峰(滞留时间0.927分钟),该峰用475nm波长检测比260nm波长检测灵敏。根据反应机制推测是G环破裂产物。在反应条件固定时,甲素敏化G的光氧化作用受pH、光照时间及甲素浓度影响极大。单线态氧淬灭剂——叠氮钠浓度在40—110mmol/L可部分抑制甲素敏化G的光氧化作用,>110mmol/L时反应完全被阻断,提示甲素对G光氧化的敏化作用主要通过单线态氧(~1O_2)即Ⅱ型机制起作用。本文还讨论了G光氧化的可能途径。  相似文献   
Summary Cathepsins B and H are representative cysteine proteinases localized to lysosomes of a variety of mammalian cells. Previous studies indicated the presence of these enzymes also in secretory granules of endocrine cells. Therefore, the human endocrine pancreas and human insulinomas were investigated by light microscopical immunohistochemistry on serial semithin plastic sections immunostained sequentially for cathepsins B or H and pancreatic hormones. Out of the four established endocrine cell types, insulin (B-) and glucagon (A-) cells showed immunoreactivities for these cathepsins. Cathepsin B immunoreactivities showed a dot-like appearance in A- and B-cells and in insulinoma cells. Immunoreactivities for cathepsin H additionally were found in cell parts containing secretory granules of B-cells and insulinoma cells. By single and double immunoelectron microscopy the dot-like immunoreactivities for cathepsin B were identified as immunoreactive lysosomes of A- and B-cells and insulinoma cells. In addition, some of the secretory granules of A- and B-cells showed cathepsin B immunoreactivities. Cathepsin H immunoreactivities showed an other pattern: they were found regularly in the secretory granules of A- and B-cells and insulinoma cells, and in lysosomes of A-cells. These findings suggest that cathepsins B and H in lysosomes of A- and/or B-cells are involved in the degradation of lysosomal constituents. In secretory granules of these cells, these cystine proteinases may participate in the processing of the corresponding hormones from their precursor proteins.  相似文献   
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