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It has been shown in mammalian systems that the mitochondria can play a key role in the regulation of apoptosis by releasing intermembrane proteins (such as cytochrome c) into the cytosol. Cytochrome c released from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm activates proteolytic enzyme cascades, leading to specific nuclear DNA degradation and cell death. This pathway is considered to be one of the important regulatory mechanisms of apoptosis. Previous studies have shown that endosperm cell development in wheat undergoes specialized programmed cell death (PCD) and that waterlogging stress accelerates the PCD process; however, little is known regarding the associated molecular mechanism. In this study, changes in mitochondrial structure, the release of cytochrome c, and gene expression were studied in the endosperm cells of the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar “huamai 8” during PCD under different waterlogging durations. The results showed that waterlogging aggravated the degradation of mitochondrial structure, increased the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), and decreased mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨm), resulting in the advancement of the endosperm PCD process. In situ localization and western blotting of cytochrome c indicated that with the development of the endosperm cell, cytochrome c was gradually released from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm, and waterlogging stress led to an advancement and increase in the release of cytochrome c. In addition, waterlogging stress resulted in the increased expression of the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT), suggesting that the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) may be involved in endosperm PCD under waterlogging stress. The MPTP inhibitor cyclosporine A effectively suppressed cell death and cytochrome c release during wheat endosperm PCD. Our results indicate that the mitochondria play important roles in the PCD of endosperm cells and that the increase in mitochondrial damage and corresponding release of cytochrome c may be one of the major causes of endosperm PCD advancement under waterlogging.  相似文献   
In contrast to simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs), which induce immunodeficiency over a 1- to 2-year period, highly pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIVs) cause an irreversible and systemic depletion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes in macaque monkeys within weeks of inoculation. Nonetheless, the seemingly more aggressive SHIVs have proven to be easier to control by the same vaccine regimens which fail to contain SIV. Because early events during in vivo infections may determine both the pathogenic consequences of the challenge virus and its sensitivity to interventions that prevent disease, we have evaluated the effects of inoculum size and a potent antiretroviral drug on the development of disease in monkeys infected with SHIV(DH12R). The results obtained show that in a majority of inoculated animals, suppression of SHIV replication during the first 2 weeks of infection, which prevents complete loss of CD4(+) T cells, leads to very low to undetectable postpeak viremia and an asymptomatic clinical course for periods up to 4 years.  相似文献   
Evolution of the env gene in transmitted R5-tropic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains is the most widely accepted mechanism driving coreceptor switching. In some infected individuals, however, a shift in coreceptor utilization can occur as a result of the reemergence of a cotransmitted, but rapidly controlled, X4 virus. The latter possibility was studied by dually infecting rhesus macaques with X4 and R5 chimeric simian simian/human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIVs) and monitoring the replication status of each virus using specific primer pairs. In one of the infected monkeys, both SHIVs were potently suppressed by week 12 postinoculation, but a burst of viremia at week 51 was accompanied by an unrelenting loss of total CD4+ T cells and the development of clinical disease. PCR analyses of plasma viral RNA indicated an env gene segment containing the V3 region from the inoculated X4 SHIV had been transferred into the genetic background of the input R5 SHIV by intergenomic recombination, creating an X4 virus with novel replicative, serological, and pathogenic properties. These results indicate that the effects of retrovirus recombination in vivo can be functionally profound and may even occur when one of the recombination participants is undetectable in the circulation as cell-free virus.  相似文献   
Many different processes have an impact on the shape of plant karyotype. Recently, cytogenetic examination of Lolium species has revealed the occurrence of spontaneous fragile sites (FSs) associated with 35S rDNA regions. The FSs are defined as the chromosomal regions that are sensitive to forming gaps or breaks on chromosomes. The shape of karyotype can also be determined by interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs), what was recognized for the first time in this paper in chromosomes of Festuca pratensis × Lolium perenne hybrids. Both FSs and ITSs can contribute to genome instabilities and chromosome rearrangements. To evaluate whether these cytogenetic phenomena have an impact on karyotype reshuffling observed in Festuca × Lolium hybrids, we examined F1 F. pratensis × L. perenne plants and generated F2-F9 progeny by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using rDNA sequences, telomere and centromere probes, as well as by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Analyses using a combination of FISH and GISH revealed that intergenomic rearrangements did not correspond to FSs but overlapped with ITSs for several analyzed genotypes. It suggests that internal telomeric repeats can affect the shape of F. pratensis × L. perenne karyotypes. However, other factors that are involved in rearrangements and have a more crucial impact could exist, but they are still unknown.  相似文献   
If a chi‐squared analysis were to be performed to determine whether preferences were significant in a paired preference test, the appropriate expected frequencies in the analysis would represent those that would occur should the consumers have no preference. One way of determining these ‘no preference’frequencies, for a particular test situation, would be to note the preference responses obtained when the stimuli were putatively identical. Over 2000 consumers were given paired preference tests in which the stimuli were putatively identical. Response conditions and consumer groups were varied and the proportions of preference and no preference responses were noted. In a preliminary experiment, further research was seen to be justified when for putatively identical stimuli, judges did not exclusively express lack of preference; many expressed a preference for one or other of the stimuli. Further experiments were conducted using a written response condition and putatively identical potato chips (potato crisps) as stimuli. Using a single ‘no preference’option, variation in the placement of this option at either first, second or third place on the response sheet had no significant effect on the response frequencies. The proportion of ‘no preference’responses was approximately 30% in all cases. A previously reported 40‐20‐40 distribution was not always confirmed. The experiment was repeated with Korean consumers; these had fewer ‘no preference’responses. Deriving preferences from hedonic scales, rather than having judges respond to preference options, increased the proportion of ‘no preference’responses, with American judges still having more than Korean judges. Yet there are logical objections to extracting preference data from hedonic scales. Increasing the number of ‘no preference’options to two or three, had the effect of increasing the number of ‘no preference’responses up to as much as approximately 60%. Extending the results to Koreans, using two ‘no preference’options, it was seen that only the judges in an anonymous response condition had significantly fewer ‘no preference’responses than Americans. The use of these response frequencies as expected frequencies in chi squared analyses was illustrated, after adjustments for counterbalancing.  相似文献   
In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes combine to form bivalents, which align on the metaphase plate. Homologous chromosomes then separate in anaphase I. Univalent sex chromosomes, on the other hand, are unable to segregate in the same way as homologous chromosomes of bivalents due to their lack of a homologous pairing partner in meiosis I. Here, we studied univalent segregation in a Hemipteran insect: the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius. We determined the chromosome number and sex determination mechanism in our population of P. spumarius and showed that, in male meiosis I, there is a univalent X chromosome. We discovered that the univalent X chromosome in primary spermatocytes forms an amphitelic attachment to the spindle and aligns on the metaphase plate with the autosomes. Interestingly, the X chromosome remains at spindle midzone long after the autosomes have separated. In late anaphase I, the X chromosome initiates movement towards one spindle pole. This movement appears to be correlated with a loss of microtubule connections between the kinetochore of one chromatid and its associated spindle pole.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation is a reliable and cost-effective method for the long-term preservation of clonally propagated species. The number of vegetatively propagated species conserved by cryopreservation is increasing through development of vitrification-based methods; droplet vitrification in particular is becoming the preferred method for many species, as it ensures fast freezing and thawing rates. This research investigated if cold, antioxidant and osmotic pre-treatments could maintain the structural integrity of cells, thence aid in developing a droplet vitrification protocol for kiwifruit using Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis ‘Hort16A’ as a model. Cold acclimation of donor plantlets at 4 °C for 2 weeks followed by sucrose pre-culture of shoot tips and supplementation of ascorbic acid (0.4 mM) in all media throughout the procedure registered 40% regeneration after cryopreservation. Transmission electron microscope imaging of meristematic cells confirmed sucrose and ascorbic acid pre-treatment of shoot tips from cold acclimated plantlets following treatment in vitrification solution exhibited severe plasmolysis and some disruption of membrane and vacuoles. In contrast cells without cold acclimation or sucrose and ascorbic acid pre-treatments exhibited minimal change after exposure to vitrification solution. After cryopreservation and recovery, all cells of untreated shoot tips showed rupture of the plasma membrane, loss of cytoplasmic contents and organelle distortions. By comparison, most pre-treated shoot-tip cells from cold acclimated plantlets retained their structural integrity, showing that only those cells that have been dehydrated and plasmolysed can withstand cryopreservation by vitrification.  相似文献   
The formation of fertile male gametophyte is known to require timely degeneration of polyfunctional tapetum tissue. The last process caused by the programmed cell death (PCD) is a part of the anther program maturation which leads to sequential anther tissue destruction coordinated with pollen differentiation. In the present work, distribution of abscisic acid (ABA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in developing anthers of male-fertile and male-sterile lines of petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) was analyzed by using the immunohistochemical method. It was established that the development of fertile male gametophyte was accompanied by monotonous elevation of ABA and IAA levels in reproductive cells and, in contrast, their monotonous lowering in tapetum cells and the middle layers. Abortion of microsporocytes in the meiosis prophase in the sterile line caused by premature tapetum degeneration along with complete maintenance of the middle layers was accompanied by dramatic, twofold elevation in the levels of both the phytohormones in reproductive cells. The data obtained allowed us to conclude that at the meiosis stage ABA and IAA are involved in the PCD of microsporocytes.  相似文献   
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