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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) act as subcellular messengers in such complex cellular processes as mitogenic signal transduction, gene expression, regulation of cell proliferation, replicative senescence, and apoptosis. They serve to maintain cellular homeostasis and their production is under strict control. However, the mechanisms whereby ROS act are still obscure. Here we review recent advances in our understanding of signaling mechanisms and recent data about the involvement of ROS in: (i) the regulation of the mitogenic transduction elements, particularly protein kinases and phosphatases; (ii) the regulation of gene expression; and (iii) the induction of replicative senescence and the role, if any, in aging and age-related disorders.  相似文献   
Although it has long been known that mitochondria possess a complex molecular repertoire for accumulating and releasing Ca2+, only in recent years has a large body of data demonstrated that these organelles promptly respond to Ca(2+)-mediated cell stimulations. In this contribution, we will review the principles of mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis and its signaling role in different physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   
The investigation of metabolism is an important milestone in the course of drug development. Drug metabolism is a determinant of drug pharmacokinetics variability in human beings. Fundamental to this are phenotypic differences, as well as genotypic differences, in the expression of the enzymes involved in drug metabolism. Genotypic variability is easy to identify by means of polymerase chain reaction-based or DNA chip-based methods, whereas phenotypic variability requires direct measurement of enzyme activities in liver, or, indirectly, measurement of the rate of metabolism of a given compound in vivo. There is a great deal of phenotypic variability in human beings, only a minor part being attributable to gene polymorphisms. Thus, enzyme activity measurements in a series of human livers, as well as in vivo studies with human volunteers, show that phenotypic variability is, by far, much greater than genotypic variability. In vitro models are currently used to investigate the hepatic metabolism of new compounds. Cultured human hepatocytes are considered to be the closest model to the human liver. However, the fact that hepatocytes are placed in a microenvironment that differs from that of the cells in the liver raises the question of to what extent drug metabolism variability observed in vitro actually reflects that in the liver in vivo. This issue has been examined by investigating the metabolism of the model compound, aceclofenac (an approved analgesic/anti-inflammatory drug), both in vitro and in vivo. Hepatocytes isolated from programmed liver biopsies were incubated with aceclofenac, and the metabolites formed were investigated by HPLC. The patients were given the drug during the course of clinical recovery, and the metabolites, largely present in urine, were analysed. In vitro and in vivo data from the same individual were compared. There was a good correlation between the in vitro and in vivo relative abundance of oxidised metabolites (4'-OH-aceclofenac + 4'-OH-diclofenac; Spearman's rho = 0.855), and the hydrolysis of aceclofenac (diclofenac + 4'-OH-aceclofenac + 4'-OH-diclofenac; rho = 0.691), while the conjugation of the drug in vitro was somewhat lower than in vivo. Globally, the metabolism of aceclofenac in vitro correlated with the amount of metabolites excreted in urine after 16 hours (rho = 0.95). Overall, although differing among assays, the in vitro/in vivo metabolism data for each patient were surprisingly similar. Thus, the variability observed in vitro appears to reflect genuine phenotypic variability among the donors.  相似文献   
By transiently or stably overexpressing the mitochondrial fission factor dynamin-related protein-1 (Drp-1), we evaluated the role of mitochondrial division in organelle Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptotic signaling. Quantitative 3D digital microscopy revealed a split mitochondrial network in Drp-1-overexpressing cells without changes in cell viability. High-speed mitochondrial [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]m) imaging revealed propagating intramitochondrial Ca2+ waves in intact cells, which were blocked in the Drp-1-fragmented network, leaving a fraction of individual mitochondria without substantial [Ca2+]m elevation. Consequently, in Drp-1-expressing cells the apoptotic efficacy of ceramide, which causes a Ca2+-dependent perturbation of mitochondrial structure and function, was drastically reduced. Conversely, the sensitivity to staurosporine-induced apoptosis, previously shown to be directly triggered by Drp-1-dependent recruitment of proapoptotic proteins to mitochondria, was enhanced. These results demonstrate that the regulated process of mitochondrial fusion and fission controls the spatiotemporal properties of mitochondrial Ca2+ responses and, thus, physiological and pathological consequences of cellular Ca2+ signals.  相似文献   
Toxic oil syndrome (TOS) is a disease that appeared in Spain in 1981. It affected more than 20 000 people and produced over 300 deaths in the first 2 years. In this paper, a prospective study on the differences in gene expression in sera between a control versus a TOS-affected population, both originally exposed to the toxic oil, is presented. Differential protein expression was analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). Several problems related with serum analysis by 2-DE were addressed in order to improve protein detection in the gel images. Three new commercial systems for albumin depletion were tested to optimize the detection of minor proteins that can be obscured by the presence of a few families of high abundance proteins (albumin, immunoglobulins). Other factors, such as the use of nonionic reductants or the presence of thiourea in the gels, were also tested. From these optimized images, a group of 329 major gel spots was located, matched and compared in serum samples. Thirty-five of these protein spots were found to be under- or overexpressed in TOS patients (> three-fold increase or decrease). Proteins in the differential spots were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight peptide map fingerprinting and database search. Several haptoglobin isoforms were found to be differentially expressed, showing expression phenotypes that could be related with TOS affection. Haptoglobin phenotypes have been previously reported to have important biological and clinical consequences and have been described as risk factors for several diseases.  相似文献   
We have recently reported that the administration of AM404, an inhibitor of the endocannabinoid re-uptake process, which also has affinity for the vanilloid VR1 receptors, is able to reduce hyperkinesia, and causes recovery from neurochemical deficits, in a rat model of Huntington's disease (HD) generated by bilateral intrastriatal injections of 3-nitropropionic acid (3NP). In the present study, we wanted to explore the mechanism(s) by which AM404 produces its antihyperkinetic effect in 3NP-lesioned rats by employing several experimental approaches. First, we tried to block the effects of AM404 with selective antagonists for the CB1 or VR1 receptors, i.e. SR141716A and capsazepine, respectively. We found that the reduction caused by AM404 of the increased ambulation exhibited by 3NP-lesioned rats in the open-field test was reversed when the animals had been pre-treated with capsazepine but not with SR141716A, thus suggesting a major role of VR1 receptors in the antihyperkinetic effects of AM404. However, despite the lack of behavioral effects of the CB1 receptor antagonist, the pretreatment with this compound abolished the recovery of neurochemical [gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and dopamine] deficits in the caudate- putamen caused by AM404, as also did capsazepine. In a second group of studies, we wanted to explore the potential antihyperkinetic effects of various compounds which, compared to AM404, exhibit more selectivity for either the endovanilloid or the endocannabinoid systems. First, we tested VDM11 or AM374, two selective inhibitors or the endocannabinoid re-uptake or hydrolysis, respectively. Both compounds were mostly unable to reduce hyperkinesia in 3NP-lesioned rats, although VDM11 produced a certain motor depression, and AM374 exhibited a trend to stimulate ambulation, in control rats. We also tested the effects of selective direct agonists for VR1 (capsaicin) or CB1 (CP55,940) receptors. Capsaicin exhibited a strong antihyperkinetic activity and, moreover, was able to attenuate the reductions in dopamine and GABA transmission provoked by the 3NP lesion, whereas CP55,940 had also antihyperkinetic activity but was unable to cause recovery of either dopamine or GABA deficits in the basal ganglia. In summary, our data indicate a major role for VR1 receptors, as compared to CB1 receptors, in the antihyperkinetic effects and the recovery of neurochemical deficits caused in 3NP-lesioned rats by compounds that activate both CB1 and VR1 receptors, either directly or via manipulation of the levels of endogenous agonists.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) participate as second messengers in the mitogenic signal transduction. Most of the experimental data supporting the role of ROS as signaling molecules have been obtained by using H2O2. Exposure of cells to H2O2 rapidly increases tyrosine phosphorylation of tyrosine kinase receptors (TKRs) in the absence of growth factor binding, thus inducing the activation of downstream signaling cascades, like that of protein kinase B (AKT). Another molecule able to induce an increase of intracellular ROS levels is diethylmaleate (DEM), which acts by depleting the ROS scavenger reduced glutathione (GSH). A comparison of the effects exerted by H2O2 and DEM shows that the latter induces redox modifications milder than those generated by H2O2. We also demonstrated that DEM-induced redox modifications are not accompanied by platelet-derived growth factor-receptor (PDGF-R) and epidermal growth factor-receptor Tyr phosphorylation, although they are able to activate ERKs and AKT, with kinetics different from those observed following H2O2 treatment. The activation of these two pathways is not blocked by AG1296, a selective inhibitor of PDGF-R Tyr kinase, thus confirming that the effects of DEM are not mediated by the TKR phosphorylation. On the contrary, PP2 (4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazole[3,4-d]pyrimidine), an inhibitor of Src kinase, completely prevents DEM- and H2O2-induced AKT activation but has no effect on the pathway of ERKs. Finally, nitration of Tyr residues in PDGF-R is observed in DEM-treated cells, thus suggesting that ROS-induced modifications different from Tyr phosphorylation can occur at the growth factor-receptor level and can be involved in the regulation of signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Lysyl oxidase (LOX) down-regulation induced an oncogenic phenotype in NRK-49F. This event was accompanied by a constitutive activation of ras oncogene and down-regulation of PDGF beta receptor, among other important phenotypic and molecular modifications. In the present paper we show that ras activation is not accompanied by a constitutive activation of the MAP kinases as expected. Surprisingly, even if MAPK-independent, ras activation was accompanied by a constitutive Ser(63) and Ser(73) phosphorylation of c-jun, a further downstream target of ras. Although rare, this ras alternative pathway has been described. Since ras alone is seldom able to trigger cell transformation and the transformed phenotype showed clearly an abnormal adhesion pattern, we investigated the main molecules involved in cell-cell adhesion. In fact, we found that beta-catenin was up-regulated, escaping the glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK-3 beta) control, through unclear mechanisms. Its nuclear accumulation was accompanied by an up-regulation of cyclin D1, as classically described in the activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin signal pathway. We believe that the resulting up-regulation of cyclin D1 acted in synergy with ras to induce the cell transformation.  相似文献   
We investigated wolfCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 food habits in central Italy by examining stomach and/or intestine contents of 59 individuals. Road accident and illegal kills were main causes of the wolves’ death. Ungulates represented the bulk of the diet (55% in frequency), and among them wild boar was the most important prey, followed by domestic Caprinae. Food items of domestic origin accounted for about 1/3 of all the diet. Diet composition did not vary between stomachs and intestines in spite of the higher degree of digestion of the intestines’ contents. The frequent detection of numerous larvae of Diptera and/or necrophagous Coleoptera, let suppose the consumption of already dead animals, and suggests a general underestimate of the wolf’s scavenging behaviour in previous studies based on scat analyses.  相似文献   
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