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The use of surface electromyographic (SEMG) techniques in evaluating production line workstations is illustrated through the use of two case studies. Evaluation procedures are introduced. The results illustrate how SEMG can be used to document the strain upon muscles of the neck and shoulders and how workstations may be altered to comply with government regulations.  相似文献   
1. Our previous studies demonstrated that when neural stem cells (NSCs) of the C17.2 clonal line are transplanted into the intact or 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesioned rat striatum, in most, but not all grafts, cells spontaneously express the dopamine (DA) biosynthetic enzymes, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (Yang, M., Stull, N. D., Snyder, E. Y., Berk, M. A., and Iacovitti, L. (2002). Exp. Neurol.).2. These results suggested that there were certain conditions which were more conducive to the development of DA traits in NSCs and possibly other neurotransmitter phenotypes.3. In the present study, we modified a number of variables in vitro (i.e. passage number, confluence) and/or in vivo (degree, type, and site of injury) before assessing the survival, migration, and differentiation of engrafted NSCs.4. We found that low confluence cultures were comprised exclusively of flattened polygonal cells, which when transplanted, migrated widely in the brain but did not express TH.5. In contrast, high confluence cultures contained both polygonal cells and an overlying bed of fusiform cells.6. When these NSCs were maintained for 12–20 passages and then transplanted, virtually all engrafted cells in 65% of the grafts expressed TH but not markers of other neurotransmitter systems.7. Importantly, all TH+ grafts were accompanied by significant physical damage to the brain while TH grafts were not, suggesting that local injury-related factors were also important.8. Of no apparent influence on TH expression, regardless of how cells were grown prior to implantation, was the site of transplantation (cortex or striatum) or the degree of chemical lesion (intact, partial or full).9. We conclude that transplanted NSCs can express traits specifically associated with DA neurons but only when cells are grown under certain conditions in vitro and then transplanted in proximity to injury-induced factors present in vivo.  相似文献   
Type II activin receptors (ActRII and ActRIIB) are single-transmembrane domain serine/threonine kinase receptors that bind activin to initiate the signaling and cellular responses triggered by this hormone. Inhibin also binds type II activin receptors and antagonizes many activin effects. Here we describe alanine scanning mutagenesis of the ActRII extracellular domain. We identify a cluster of three hydrophobic residues (Phe(42), Trp(60), and Phe(83)) that, when individually mutated to alanine in the context of the full-length receptor, cause the disruption of activin and inhibin binding to ActRII. Each of the alanine-substituted ActRII mutants retaining activin binding maintains the ability to form cross-linked complexes with activin and supports activin cross-linking to the type I activin receptor ALK4. Unlike wild-type ActRII, the three mutants unable to bind activin do not cause an increase in activin signaling when transiently expressed in a corticotroph cell line. Together, our results implicate these residues in forming a critical binding surface on ActRII required for functional interactions with both activin and inhibin. This first identification of a transforming growth factor-beta family member binding site may provide a general basis for characterizing binding sites for other members of the superfamily.  相似文献   
Confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to examine the spectral characteristics of lignin autofluorescence in secondary cell walls of normal and compression wood from Pinus radiata. Using UV excitation, fluorescence spectra of normal and compression wood sections showed significant differences, especially in the outer secondary cell wall of tracheids, with a shift in maxima from violet to blue wavelengths between normal and compression wood. A comparison of normal wood, mild and severe compression wood, showed that the wavelength shift was intermediate in the mild compression wood compared to the severe compression wood, thus offering the possibility of quantifying the severity by measuring ratios of fluorescence at violet and blue wavelengths. Fluorescence induced by blue light, rather than UV, was less well differentiated amongst wood types. Spectral deconvolution indicated the presence of a minimum of five discrete lignin fluorophores in the cell walls of both normal and compression wood tracheids. Comparison with lignin model compounds suggest that the wavelength shift may correspond in part to increased levels of p-hydroxy type lignin in the compression wood samples. The combination of confocal fluorescence imaging and related spectral deconvolution therefore offers a novel technique for characterising cell wall lignin in situ.  相似文献   
Microbodies (peroxisomes and glyoxysomes), mitochondria, and microsomes from rat liver, dog kidney, spinach leaves sunflower cotyledons, and castor bean endosperm were isolated by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation. The microbody-limiting membrane and microsomes each contained NADH-cytochrome c reductase and had a similar phospholipid composition. NADH-cytochrome c reductase from plant and animal microbodies and microsomes was insensitive to antimycin A, which inhibited the activity in the mitochondrial fractions. The pH optima of cytochrome c reductase in plant microbodies and microsomes was 7.5–9.0, which was 2 pH units higher than the optima for the mitochondrial form of the enzyme. The activity in animal organelles exhibited a broad pH optimum between pH 6 and 9. Rat liver peroxisomes retained cytochrome c reductase activity, when diluted with water, KCl, or EDTA solutions and reisolated. Cytochrome c reductase activity of microbodies was lost upon disruption by digitonin or Triton X-100, but other peroxisomal enzymes of the matrix were not destroyed. The microbody fraction from each tissue also contained a small amount of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase activity. Peroxisomes from spinach leaves were broken by osmotic shock and particles from rat liver by diluting in alkaline pyrophosphate. Upon recentrifugation liver peroxisomes yielded a core fraction containing urate oxidase at a sucrose gradient density of 1.23 g × cm−3, a membrane fraction at 1.17 g × cm−3 containing NADH-cytochrome c reductase, and soluble matrix enzymes at the top of the gradient.  相似文献   
Porcine galanin, somatostatins (SRIF-25 and SRIF-28) and invariant SRIF-14, known to have inhibitory-stimulatory actions on growth hormone (GH) secretion in higher vertebrates, were tested for their ability to affect plasma GH levels in coho salmon. Peptides were administered by intraperitoneal injection of 10 or 100 ng g−1 body weight. All three SRIFs decreased plasma GH concentrations, their activity following the order SRIF-14 > SRIF-28 > SRIF-25. Galanin and an anti-SRIF produced pronounced, although transient increases in plasma GH.  相似文献   
The human-derived promyelocytic leukemia cell line, HL-60, is known to differentiate into mature myeloid cells in the presence of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25[OH]2D3). We investigated differentiation by monitoring 1,25(OH)2D3-exposed HL-60 cells for phagocytic activity, ability to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium, binding of the chemotaxin N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-[3H]phenylalanine, development of nonspecific acid esterase activity, and morphological maturation of Wright-Giemsa-stained cells. 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations as low as 10(-10) M caused significant development of phagocytosis, nitroblue tetrazolium reduction, and the emergence of differentiated myeloid cells that had morphological characteristics of both metamyelocytes and monocytes. These cells were conclusively identified as monocytes/macrophages based upon their adherence to the plastic flasks and their content of the macrophage-characteristic nonspecific acid esterase enzyme. The estimated ED50 for 1,25(OH)2D3-induced differentiation based upon nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-[3H]phenylalanine binding was 5.7 X 10(-9) M. HL-60 cells exhibited a complex growth response with various levels of 1,25(OH)2D3: less than or equal to 10(-10) M had no detectable effect, 10(-9) M stimulated growth, and greater than or equal to 10(-8) M sharply inhibited proliferation. We also detected and quantitated the specific receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3 in HL-60 and HL-60 Blast, a sub-clone resistant to the growth and differentiation effects of 1,25(OH)2D3. The receptor in both lines was characterized as a DNA-binding protein that migrated at 3.3S on high-salt sucrose gradients. Unequivocal identification was provided by selective dissociation of the 1,25(OH)2D3-receptor complex with the mercurial reagent, p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid, and by a shift in its sedimentation position upon complexing with anti-receptor monoclonal antibody. On the basis of labeling of whole cells with 1,25(OH)2[3H]D3 in culture, we found that HL-60 contains approximately 4,000 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor molecules per cell, while the nonresponsive HL-60 Blast is endowed with approximately 8% of that number. The concentration of 1,25(OH)2D3 (5 X 10(-9) M) in complete culture medium, which facilitates the saturation of receptors in HL-60 cells, is virtually identical to the ED50 for the sterol's induction of differentiation. This correspondence, plus the resistance of the relatively receptor-poor HL-60 Blast, indicates that 1,25(OH)2D3-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells to monocytes/macrophages is occurring via receptor-mediated events.  相似文献   
IL-4 and IL-13 are potent cytokines that drive production of IgE, which is critical to the development of atopic disease. In this study, we directly compared IgE generation and IgE-dependent mast cell effector function in mouse strains lacking IL-4, IL-13, IL-4 + IL-13, or their common receptor component, IL-4Ralpha. Although serum IgE was undetectable under resting conditions in most animals deficient in one or both cytokines, peritoneal mast cells from mice lacking IL-4 or IL-13 had only partial reductions in surface IgE level. In contrast, peritoneal mast cells from IL-4/13(-/-) and IL-4Ralpha(-/-) animals were severely deficient in surface IgE, and showed no detectable degranulation following treatment with anti-IgE in vitro. Surprisingly, however, intradermal challenge with high concentrations of anti-IgE Ab induced an ear-swelling response in these strains, implying some capacity for IgE-mediated effector function in tissue mast cells. Furthermore, upon specific immunization with OVA, both IL-4/IL-13(-/-) and IL-4Ralpha(-/-) mice produced detectable levels of serum IgE and Ag-specific IgG1, and generated strong ear-swelling responses to intradermal administration of anti-IgE. These findings suggest that a mechanism for IgE production exists in vivo that is independent of IL-4 or IL-13.  相似文献   
Endomembrane glycosylation and cytoplasmic O-GlcNAcylation each play essential roles in nutrient sensing, and characteristic changes in glycan patterns have been described in disease states such as diabetes and cancer. These changes in glycosylation have important functional roles and can drive disease progression. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying how these signals are integrated and transduced into biological effects. Galectins are proteins that bind glycans and that are secreted by a poorly characterized nonclassical secretory mechanism. Once outside the cell, galectins bind to the terminal galactose residues of cell surface glycans and modulate numerous extracellular functions, such as clathrin-independent endocytosis (CIE). Originating in the cytoplasm, galectins are predicted substrates for O-GlcNAc addition and removal; and as we have shown, galectin 3 is a substrate for O-GlcNAc transferase. In this study, we also show that galectin 3 secretion is sensitive to changes in O-GlcNAc levels. We determined using immunoprecipitation and Western blotting that there is a significant difference in O-GlcNAcylation status between cytoplasmic and secreted galectin 3. We observed dramatic alterations in galectin 3 secretion in response to nutrient conditions, which were dependent on dynamic O-GlcNAcylation. Importantly, we showed that these O-GlcNAc-driven alterations in galectin 3 secretion also facilitated changes in CIE. These results indicate that dynamic O-GlcNAcylation of galectin 3 plays a role in modulating its secretion and can tune its function in transducing nutrient-sensing information coded in cell surface glycosylation into biological effects.  相似文献   
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