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Summary Both carotid bodies from 26 patients coming to necropsy were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and sections 4 m thick were stained for various peptides by use of the immunogold technique. The results show that the human carotid body contains met- and leu-enkephalin, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), neurotensin and bombesin. The distribution of these six peptides within the carotid body differs. Thus met- and leu-enkephalin are both present predominantly within glomic chief cells but with a marked tendency to favour the dark variant of these cells. Substance P and VIP both show a weak immunoreactivity in comparison to the enkephalins and are present in all three variants of chief cell. Neurotensin shows the weakest immunoreactivity of all and is restricted to a few glomic chief cells in a minority of cases. Bombesin also shows a weak immunoreactivity in glomic chief cells but a strong reaction in glomic arteries and arterioles. In these vessels bombesin appears to be confined to smooth muscle cells in the media but we cannot say whether it is secreted by them or merely bound to receptor sites on their membranes. These findings are related to quantitative data on the concentration of peptides in the human carotid body from a previous paper with which we were associated.  相似文献   
Physiological and ultrastructural assessment of changes in the walls of venules in the rat cremaster muscle after administration of histamine indicates that pericytes have essential roles in the normal functioning of venules during inflammation. Fluorescein-labelled albumin was used to quantitate macromolecular leakage and to select suitable venules for ultrastructural analysis 4 and 7 minutes after addition of histamine. Pericytes were concentrated over endothelial cell junctions and gaps. At 4 minutes, when albumin leakage was becoming detectable, gaps between endothelial cells were observed in the venule wall. In 24 serially sectioned gaps, pericytes formed covers, with contact points to the endothelial cells along the sides of the gaps. At 7 minutes, when albumin leakage was maximal, gaps with pericyte covers were still evident, but more commonly observed were pericyte covers over closed endothelial cell junctions. Spaces between the innermost pericytes and endothelial cells were enlarged by an order of magnitude, from 95 nm in controls to 872 nm at 4 minutes and 958 nm at 7 minutes. Pericytes formed coverings or bridges over inclusions of extravasated cells, fluid, proteins, and the vascular label monastral blue. The data indicate that pericytes protect the endothelial lining of venules during histamine-induced inflammation by forming a cohesive covering across gaps.  相似文献   
Summary The actions of cyclic AMP are subject to several levels of post-receptor modulation in cardiac tissue. Isoproterenol and prostaglandin E1 both stimulate cAMP accumulation, but only isoproterenol causes activation of particulate cAMP-dependent protein kinase, leading to activation of phosphorylase kinase and glycogen phosphorylase, and inhibition of glycogen synthase. Through the use of isolated, adult ventricular myocytes, we have determined that the hormone-specific activation of glycogen phosphorylase is due to subcellular compartmentation of cAMP. There is some evidence that cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, whose activity is stimulated by alpha1-adrenergic agonists in isolated myocytes, may have a role in compartmentation. Phosphoinositide hydrolysis is stimulated by alpha, and muscarinic agonists, presumably leading to activation of protein kinase C, which in turn has multiple effects on hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase.Abbreviations cAMP Adenosine-3,5-Cyclic Monophosphate - cGMP Guanosine-3,5-Cyclic Monophosphate - Gi, GS Guanine nucleotide-binding proteins linked to inhibition and stimulation, respectively, of adenylate cyclase - GTP Guanosine-5-triphosphate - PDE Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase - PGE1 Prostaglandin E1  相似文献   
Goats were divided into three groups and given infusions of live Escherichia coli bacteria. Group I received no treatment, group II was treated with indomethacin (a cyclooxygenase inhibitor), and group III with dazoxiben (a thromboxane synthase inhibitor). Double indicator-dilution extravascular lung water (EVLW) in group I was significantly different from the treated groups. There was an early increase in EVLW in group I and group III but not in group II animals. At 6 h EVLW's in group I, group II, and group III were 100, 45, and 30% above base line, respectively. Lymph flow (QL) and lymph-to-plasma protein ratio (L/P) was not statistically different between groups. Estimated total fluid filtration [QL + d(EVLW)/dt] in group I and III was markedly elevated between 0 and 1.5-2 h after E. coli infusion. Cardiac output (QT) decreased to 40% of base line in group I, and it decreased slightly in group II because of the indomethacin but did not decrease after E. coli. QT decreased in group III but recovered more rapidly than group I. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure increased more rapidly in group I and reached a higher peak than either treated group. At 6 h these groups had similar pulmonary arterial and pulmonary arterial wedge pressures. We conclude that 1) indomethacin but not dazoxiben blocks the early increase in total fluid filtration after bacterial infusion, 2) dazoxiben does not prevent the increased endothelial permeability resulting from infusion of live bacteria, and 3) indomethacin may somewhat ameliorate the endothelial permeability change.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary We developed a high-titer polyclonal antiserum to a glycoprotein tumor-associated antigen (TAA) by immunization of a baboon with the purified glycoprotein antigen. The baboon serum was fractionated into IgG and IgM components by DEAE Affi-Gel blue chromatography. The ability of the baboon IgM anti-TAA antibody to effect tumor cell lysis in the presence of complement was tested using a chromium-release assay. The baboon antibody was able to lyse melanoma target cells (20.8%–71.4% cytolysis), breast carcinoma cells (36.5%–38.9% cytolysis), and a neuroblastoma cell line (35.5% cytolysis) in the presence of complement but did not effect significant lysis of autologous lymphoblastoid cell lines (4.9% cytolysis) or peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy volunteers (12.6% cytolysis). Cytolysis of melanoma target cells was completely inhibited by preabsorption of the IgM anti-TAA antibody with UCLA-SO-M14 (M14) cells and partially inhibited by preabsorption with several other melanoma cell lines. There was no significant inhibition of tumor cell lysis after preabsorption of the antibody with lymphoblastoid cell lines. Complement-dependent lysis of M14 targets could be blocked by addition of the purified antigen to the antibody prior to incubation with the tumor cells. Our results suggest that the glycoprotein TAA resides on the tumor cell surface and that the baboon IgM anti-TAA antibody recognizes the antigen on the cell surface and is able to fix complement and effect the lysis of the tumor cells.  相似文献   
Cellular localization of a metabotropic glutamate receptor in rat brain.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
In rat brain, the cellular localization of a phosphoinositide-linked metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1 alpha) was demonstrated using antibodies that recognize the C-terminus of the receptor. mGluR1 alpha, a 142 kd protein, is enriched within the olfactory bulb, stratum oriens of CA1 and polymorph layer of dentate gyrus in hippocampus, globus pallidus, thalamus, substantia nigra, superior colliculus, and cerebellum. Lower levels of mGluR1 alpha are present within neocortex, striatum, amygdala, hypothalamus, and medulla. Dendrites, spines, and neuronal cell bodies contain mGluR1 alpha. mGluR1 alpha is not detectable in presynaptic terminals. mGluR1 alpha and ionotropic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) receptor subunits show differential distributions, but in Purkinje cells, mGluR1 alpha and specific AMPA receptor subunits colocalize. The postsynaptic distribution of mGluR1 alpha is consistent with postulated physiological roles of this subtype of glutamate receptor.  相似文献   
DNA reassociation kinetics were used to determine nuclear genome organization and complexity inAgardhiella subulata (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Results indicate the presence of three second-order components corresponding to fast (22%), intermediate (68%) and slow (10%) fractions. Thus, the genome consists of 90% repetitive sequences. Microspectrophotoometry with the DNA-localizing fluorochrome DAPI was used to confirm ploidy level differences in the gametophytic and tetrasporophytic phases. Results indicate that meiosis occurs during tetrasporogenesis. Comparison of mean nuclear DNA (If) values to chicken erythrocytes (RBC) resulted in an estimate of 0.9 pg/2C genome forAgardhiella. Karyological studies using aceto-orcein revealed a chromosome complement of 2N = 44 in carposporangia and the presence of 22 bivalents during diakinesis of tetraspore mother cells.  相似文献   
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