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Single units which discharged with regular spontaneous rhythms without intentional stimulation were observed in the ventral nerve cord by intracellular recording close to the sixth abdominal ganglion. These units were divided into two groups: group A units in which interspike intervals varied less than 10 msec.; group B units in which interspike intervals varied within a range of 10 to 30 msec. Group A units maintained "constant" interspike intervals and could not be discharged by sensory inputs, while the majority of group B units could be discharged by appropriate sensory nerve stimulation. Both group A and B units discharged to direct stimulation when the stimulating and recording electrodes were placed in the same ganglionic intersegment, and directly evoked single spikes reset the spontaneous rhythm. In group B units, presynaptic volleys reset the spontaneous rhythm of some units; but in others, synaptically evoked spikes were interpolated within the spontaneous rhythm without resetting. The phenomenon of enhancement could also be demonstrated in spontaneously active units as a result of repetitive stimulation. It is concluded that endogenous pacemaker activity is responsible for much of the regular spontaneous firing observed in crayfish central neurons, and that interaction of evoked responses with such pacemaker sites can produce a variety of effects dependent upon the anatomical relationships between pacemaker and synaptic regions.  相似文献   
Twenty-seven populations of Tuomeya, including the types of Tuomeya fluviatilis Harvey and Baileya americana Kützing, were analyzed from the entire known range of the genus: northern Newfoundland to northern Florida and east of the Mississippi River. Key morphological features were examined in detail since it has been recently proposed that Tuomeya should be reduced to a section of the genus Batrachospermum. Our observations confirmed the presence of several characteristics unique to Tuomeya: gametophyte development from a basal mass of undifferentiated cells rather than a chantransia stage, pseudoparenchymatous growth, and carpogonia with obliquely to perpendicularly attached trichogynes. Based on these findings, we conclude that the genus Tuomeya should be retained. Using multivariate morphometrics, two groupings were found that differed significantly in plant length (X = 14.1 and 24.1 mm, respectively). However, since there was no other morphometric, environmental, or geographic basis for separation of the groupings, only one species is recognized, T. americana (Kützing) Papenfuss. Populations tend to occur in large streams (>2.8 m wide) with low ion content (≤ 100 μS · cm?1).  相似文献   
Genetic variation for seedling and adult fitness components was measured under natural conditions to determine the relative importance of the seedling stage for lifetime fitness in Erigeron annuus. Variation in lifetime reproductive success can result from both the persistent effects of genetic variation expressed among seedlings and from variation in adult fitness components. Analysis of covariance was used to separate the stage specific from the cumulative effects of genetic variance expressed earlier in the life cycle. E. annuus produces seeds through apomixis, which allowed measurement of the fitness of replicate genotypes from germination through the entire life cycle. There were significant differences among genotypes for date of emergence, seedling size, survivorship and fecundity, but heritabilities were low, indicating slow response to selection. For all characters, environmental components of variance were one to two orders of magnitude larger than genetic variance components, resulting in broad sense heritabilities less than 0.1. For seedling size and fecundity, all of the genetic variance was in the form of genotype-environment interactions, often with large negative genetic correlations across environments. In contrast, genotypes differed in mean survivorship through one year, but there were no genotype-environment interactions for viability. Genetic differences in viability were primarily expressed as differences in overwinter survivorship. Genotype × environment interactions among sites and blocks were generated early in the life cycle while the genotype × environment interactions in response to competitive environment (open, annual cover, perennial cover) first appeared in adult fecundity. Genetic variation in lifetime fitness was not significant, despite a fourfold difference in mean fitness among genotypes.  相似文献   
This study surveys genetic variation in two clonal, monoecious, water-pollinated species that differ in their extent of sexuality and distributional range. Electrophoresis was used to quantify allozyme variability in 12 Wisconsin populations of the widespread Ceratophyllum demersum and the rare C. echinatum. Electrophoretic data indicate that populations of both species have low levels of sexual recombination, low levels of variation, and are structured genetically like inbreeding terrestrial plants. Ceratophyllum populations differ from “typical” clonal terrestrial plants by lower genetic diversity, lower proportions of multiclonal populations, and fewer genotypes per population. In two populations where sexual recombination is documented, heterozygosity is low with significant deficiencies. Monoecy in Ceratophyllum may be related to historical evolutionary factors, whereas vegetative reproduction has a greater influence on the genetic population structure of extant populations. The low genetic identity between C. demersum and C. echinatum supports their recognition as distinct species.  相似文献   
The marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax tamarensis Lebour is best known for its propensity to form blooms known as red tides in coastal waters worldwide. This paper examines the sexual cycle of this organism using light and electron microscopy. Sexual reproduction begins with contact between thecate gametes which subsequently shed their thecae to fuse along their pellicular layers. Nuclear fusion occurs well after cytoplasmic fusion and is characterized by several distinctive features: a highly vesiculate nucleoplasm without microtubules; nucleoli and V-shaped chromosomes abut the nuclear envelope distal to the region of nuclear contact; and each chromosome possesses a longitudinal line, the central chromosomal axis. Fusion results in a planozygote with numerous cytoplasmic storage products and a slightly thickened layer beneath the pellicle. Subsequent loss of thecal plates and a thickening of the sub-pellicular layer results in a non-motile hypnozygote. A newly-formed hypnozygote possesses numerous minute papillae along its outer surface, formed by the up-folding of the accumulating wall layer. Maturation of the hypnozygote wall results in a smooth three-layered wall, the outermost layer of which is the pellicular layer. Hypnozygote germination produces a large quadriflagellate plan-omeiocyte with a single nucleus and thecal plates identical to vegetative cells. Two subsequent divisions, presumably meiotic, result in Jour cells morphologically identical to vegetative cells.  相似文献   
IclR protein, the repressor of the aceBAK operon of Escherichia coli, has been examined by time-of-flight mass spectrometry, with ionization by matrix assisted laser desorption or by electrospray. The purified protein was found to have a smaller mass than that predicted from the base sequence of the cloned iclR gene. Additional measurements were made on mixtures of peptides derived from IclR by treatment with trypsin and cyanogen bromide. They showed that the amino acid sequence is that predicted from the gene sequence, except that the protein has suffered truncation by removal of the N-terminal eight or, in some cases, nine amino acid residues. The peptide bond whose hydrolysis would remove eight residues is a typical target for the E. coli protease OmpT. We find that, by taking precautions to minimize Omp T proteolysis, or by eliminating it through mutation of the host strain, we can isolate full-length IclR protein (lacking only the N-terminal methionine residue). Full-length IclR is a much better DNA-binding protein than the truncated versions: it binds the aceBAK operator sequence 44-fold more tightly, presumably because of additional contacts that the N-terminal residues make with the DNA. Our experience thus demonstrates the advantages of using mass spectrometry to characterize newly purified proteins produced from cloned genes, especially where proteolysis or other covalent modification is a concern. This technique gives mass spectra from complex peptide mixtures that can be analyzed completely, without any fractionation of the mixtures, by reference to the amino acid sequence inferred from the base sequence of the cloned gene.  相似文献   
An unmodified heptadecapeptide pheromone capable of eliciting competence for genetic transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae has recently been identified and characterized. In considering possible signaltransduction mechanisms for the peptide, the previously characterized Ami oligopeptide permease and the three highly homologous oligopeptide-binding lipoproteins, AmiA. AliA, and AliB, appeared to be good candidates for receptors. We therefore compared the spontaneous transformability of Ami, AliA and AliB mutants to that of an isogenic wild-type strain and we investigated the response of the various mutants to treatment with synthetic competence-stimulating peptide (CSP). Our results clearly demonstrate that neither Ami nor any of the three highly homologous oligopeptide-binding lipoproteins identified so far in S. pneumoniae are required for competence induction following treatment with synthetic CSP. Although the existence of a fourth unidentified oligopeptide-binding lipoprotein and/or a second oligopeptide permease operon could not be completely ruled out, we favour the hypothesis that CSP signal transmission rather involves a two-component regulatory system. Although none of the single or double Ami and Ali mutants tested appeared severely affected for competence, an exceptional aliB plasmid-insertion mutation abolished competence completely. In addition, the triple AmiA-AliA-AliB mutant differed from wild type in showing no sharp peak of competence but exhibiting transformability throughout the exponential phase of growth. These and previous observations are discussed and a general hypothesis is proposed to account for the modulation of competence by peptide permease mutants in S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   
Summary An undifferentiated subset of cells within the stromal cell population of bone marrow in postnatal mammals retains the capacity to differentiate along osteogenic, adipogenic, fibroblastic, and chondrogenic lines. These cells, which are referred to as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), can be maintainedin vitro and expanded in number through a process of subculturing. MSCs are maintained in culture in medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). It is believed that certain, as yet unidentified, serum components play critical roles in the attachment and proliferation of MSCs. Commercially available FBS is poorly characterized and may vary in composition and quality from lot to lot. This study describes a method for the selection of lots of FBS that best support maintenance of the undifferentiated state, mitotic expansion of MSCsin vitro, and retention of multilineage developmental potential in response to appropriate cues.  相似文献   
Atelocauda koae, a rust of the native HawaiianAcacia koa, is considered as a demicyclic species, having spermogonial, aecial, and telial states, but is unusual in production of aeciospores simultaneously with teliospores rather than consecutively. Host inoculation with spores of each state separately confirmed that the life cycle was perpetuated by the telial state, but the aeciospores, while capable of germination and stomal penetration, did not produce detectable infection. This rust therefore behaves as a microcyclic species, and appears to be in evolutionary transition toward this reduced state. Teliospores produced vestigial, permanently attached basidiosopores which germinated to produce infective hyphae. The hyphae entered the host either through stomata or penetrated the epidermis directly, with the latter method being more common. Unusual nuclear associated with teliospore germination, in which meiosis occurs in more than one diploid nucleus was observed, in confirmation of an earlier study.  相似文献   
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