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Newly released zoospores fromEnteromorpha linza (L.) J. Ag. lack significant cellulose cell wall material and are suitable for treatment as protoplasts in a parasexual fusion process using high pH-Ca+ +, PEG and centrifugation. Treated zoospores settled on glass cover slips within 3 h and were examined microscopically at 1000 ×. Presumptive fusion products were identified by their larger size and presence of twin chloroplasts and eyespots. Unfused zoospores adjacent to fusion cells were killed by 2–3 min exposure to blue light (410–490 nm) from a high pressure mercury illuminator. Unexposed fusion cells developed into uniseriate germlings within 10 days at which stage they could be readily identified at 60 × with a dissecting microscope and isolated by micropipette. Ten-day germlings from both unfused zoospores and fusion cells were stained with the DNA-localizing fluorochrome hydroethidine and relative nuclear DNA content determined with epi-(incident) UV illumination. All germlings were found to be uninucleate. Germlings from unfused zoospores had haploid nuclei with 1N = 10 and 1C and 2C levels of DNA, while germlings from fusion cells had diploid nuclei with 2N = 20 and 2C and 4C levels of DNA. These result are interpreted as evidence of karyogamy following parasexual zoospore fusions. Isolated diploid germlings, cultured for 10 weeks were found to conserve their 2N chromosome complements and elevated levels of nuclear DNA. Although most diploid germlings were morphologically similar to haploid control plants, some exhibited ‘gigas’ characteristics, including larger cells, chloroplasts, and nuclei. These results are discussed in terms of unique phenotypes that result when nuclear and organellar genes are combined in different ways.  相似文献   
S-Antigen is a soluble cell protein unique to the retina and pineal gland. In the former, it is a well-characterized molecule that participates in light-induced signal transduction in photoreceptor cells. In the latter, the functional role is presently not known. The expression of S-antigen and its mRNA was examined in the rat retina and pineal gland throughout the diurnal cycle and with light interruption of the dark cycle. A cDNA for rat S-antigen was isolated from a pineal gland library to examine the mRNAs. A 1.7-kb mRNA for S-antigen was observed in both the pineal gland and the retina. Retinal S-antigen mRNA was expressed throughout the diurnal cycle and increased with light interruption of the dark cycle. In contrast, pineal gland S-antigen mRNA levels were detectable only during the dark and were absent preceding and during light. The phenotypic expression of immunoreactive S-antigen, identified with two S-antigen monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), MAb A9C6 and MAb C10C10, was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel (PAGE) and isoelectric focusing (IEF) electrophoresis. Immunoblot analysis of gels after SDS-PAGE revealed a single 46-kDa protein in retina. In contrast, two bands of approximately 43 and 46 kDa were identified in the pineal gland. Immunoblots of the retinal extracts separated by IEF electrophoresis revealed five S-antigen isomers, which vary quantitatively throughout the diurnal cycle and when light interrupted the dark cycle. Immunoblots of the pineal gland samples separated by IEF electrophoresis indicated that the pineal gland possesses four pineal gland-specific forms of S-antigen in addition to the five forms present in the retina. The differences observed in the mRNA and protein analyses suggest tissue-specific structural components for S-antigen in the retina and pineal gland that are not regulated in the same manner.  相似文献   
Nontoxic analogs of pertussis toxin (PT), produced by in vitro mutagenesis of the tox operon, are immunogenic and protective against infection by Bordetella pertussis. The moderate levels of PT production by B. pertussis, however, make it the limiting antigen in the formulation of multicomponent, acellular, recombinant whooping cough vaccines. To increase production of the highly detoxified Lys9Gly129 PT analog by B. pertussis, additional copies of the mutated tox operon were integrated into the bacterial chromosome at the tox or fha locus by unmarked allelic exchange. Recombinant strains produced in this way secreted elevated levels of the PT analog proportional to gene dosage. The strains were stable during 10-liter fermentations, and yields of up to 80 mg of PT analog per liter were obtained under production-scale conditions. The nontoxic analog was purified and shown to be indistinguishable from material obtained from a B. pertussis strain that contained only a single copy of the toxLys9Gly129 operon. Such strains are therefore suitable for large-scale, industrial production of an acellular whooping cough vaccine containing a genetically detoxified PT analog.  相似文献   
P Palumaa  E A Mackay  M Vasák 《Biochemistry》1992,31(7):2181-2186
The effect of free Cd(II) ions on monomeric Cd7-metallothionein-2 (MT) from rabbit liver has been studied. Slow, concentration-dependent dimerization of this protein was observed by gel filtration chromatographic studies. The dimeric MT form, isolated by gel filtration, contains approximately two additional and more weakly bound Cd(II) ions per monomer. The incubation of MT dimers with complexing agents EDTA and 2-mercaptoethanol leads to the dissociation of dimers to monomers. The results of circular dichroism (CD) and electronic absorption studies indicate that the slow dimerization process is preceded by an initial rapid Cd-induced rearrangement of the monomeric Cd7-MT structure. The 113Cd NMR spectrum of the MT dimer revealed only four 113Cd resonances at chemical shift positions similar to those observed for the Cd4 cluster of the well-characterized monomeric 113Cd7-MT. This result suggests that on dimer formation major structural changes occur in the original three-metal cluster domain of Cd7-MT.  相似文献   
Several classes ofsecA mutants have been isolated which reveal the essential role of this gene product forE. coli cell envelope protein secretion. SecA-dependent,in vitro protein translocation systems have been utilized to show that SecA is an essential, plasma membrane-associated, protein translocation factor, and that SecA's ATPase activity appears to play an essential but as yet undefined role in this process. Cell fractionation studies suggested that SecA protein is in a dynamic state within the cell, occurring in soluble, peripheral, and integral membraneous states. These data have been used to argue that SecA is likely to promote the initial insertion of secretory precursor proteins into the plasma membrane in a manner dependent on ATP hydrolysis. The protein secretion capability of the cell has been shown to translationally regulatesecA expression with SecA protein serving as an autogenous repressor, although the exact mechanism and purpose of this regulation need to be defined further.  相似文献   
The Alu family of intersperesed repeats is comprised of ovr 500,000 members which may be divided into discrete subfamilies based upon mutations held in common between members. Distinct subfamilies of Alu sequences have amplified within the human genome in recent evolutionary history. Several individual Alu family members have amplified so recently in human evolution that they are variable as to presence and absence at specific loci within different human populations. Here, we report on the distribution of six polymorphic Alu insetions in a survey of 563 individuals from 14 human population groups across several continents. Our results indicate that these polymorphic Alu insertions probably have an African origin and that there is a much smaller amount of genetic variation between European populations than that found between other populations groups. Present address: Department of Pathology, Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1901 Perdido St., New Orleans, LA 70112 Correspondence to: M.A. Batzer  相似文献   
Abstract: We have identified the regional distributions and developmental expression of NMDA-receptor proteins NR2A and NR2B in rat CNS, using two subunit-specific affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies that recognize NR2A and NR2B. In western blots of cells transfected with NR2A or NR2B cDNAs, and of brain homogenates, each antibody detects a single predominant 172-kDa protein corresponding to its homologous subunit. Both subunits are glycoproteins that are enriched in synaptic membranes. In adult rat CNS, NR2A and NR2B are enriched in cortex and hippocampus but are present in other forebrain regions. In hindbrain, NR2A is present at low levels but NR2B is barely detectable. These subunits are differentially expressed in postnatal CNS development. In cortex and striatum, NR2A is absent at birth but expression increases thereafter, whereas NR2B is expressed at nearly adult levels during forebrain development. In hindbrain, low levels of NR2A are present throughout development, whereas NR2B is expressed only transiently in the first postnatal weeks. These results suggest that native NMDA receptors are modulated by NR2A and NR2B in adult forebrain but not appreciably in hindbrain. In contrast, during early postnatal development, NR2B may have a more dominant role than NR2A in modulating NMDA receptors throughout the CNS. Thus, transient changes in NMDA-receptor function may occur during maturation of certain neuronal and/or glial populations via differential expression of NR2A and NR2B subunits.  相似文献   
In a previous study large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) sequences from the marine dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, A. catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech, A. fundyense Balech, A. affine (Fukuyo et Inoue) Balech, A. minutum Halim, A. lusitanicum Balech, and A. andersoni Balech were compared to assess inter- and intraspecific relationships. Many cultures compared in that study contained more than one class of LSU rDNA. Sequencing pooled clones of rDNA from single cultures revealed length heterogeneities and sequence ambiguities. This complicated sequence comparisons because multiple rDNA clones from a single culture had to be sequenced individually to document the different classes of molecules present in that culture. A further complication remained as to whether or not the observed intraculture sequence variations were reliable genetic markers or were instead artifacts of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, cloning, and/or sequencing methods employed. The goals of the present study were to test the accuracy of Alexandrium LSU rDNA sequences using restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and to devise RFLP-based assays for discriminating among representatives of that group. Computer-assisted examination of the sequences allowed us to identify a set of restriction enzymes that were predicted to reveal species, strain, and intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities. All groups identified by sequencing were revealed independently and repeatedly by RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified material. Five ambiguities and one length heterogeneity, each of which ascribes a unique group of Alexandrium species or strains, were confirmed by restriction digests. Observed intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities were not artifacts of cloning and sequencing but were instead a good representation of the spectrum of molecules amplified during PCR reactions. Intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities thus serve as unique genetic markers for particular strains of Alexandrium, particularly those of A. tamarense, A. catenella, and A. fundyense. However, some of these “signature heterogeneities” represented a smaller portion of PCR product than was expected given acquired sequences. Other deviations from predicted RFLP patterns included incomplete digestions and appearance of spurious products. These observations indicate that the diversity of sequences in PCR product pools were greater than that observed by cloning and sequencing. The RFLP tests described here are useful tools for characterizing Alexandrium LSU rDNA to define the evolutionary lineage of cultures and are applicable at a fraction of the time, cost, and labor required for sequencing.  相似文献   
Abstract: We used in vitro translation and antibodies against phosphoserine and the eukaryotic initiation factors eIF-4E, eIF-4G, and eIF-2α to examine the effects of global brain ischemia and reperfusion on translation initiation and its regulation in a rat model of 10 min of cardiac arrest followed by resuscitation and 90 min of reperfusion. Translation reactions were performed on postmitochondrial supernatants from brain homogenates with and without aurintricarboxylic acid to separate incorporation due to run-off from incorporation due to peptide synthesis initiated in vitro. The rate of leucine incorporation due to in vitro-initiated protein synthesis in normal forebrain homogenates was ∼0.4 fmol of leucine/min/µg of protein and was unaffected by 10 min of cardiac arrest, but 90 min of reperfusion reduced this rate 83%. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blots of these homogenates showed that neither 10 min of global brain ischemia nor 90 min of reperfusion induced significant alterations in the quantity or serine phosphorylation of eIF-4E. However, we observed in all 90-min-reperfused samples eIF-4G fragments that also bound eIF-4E. The amount of eIF-2α was not altered by ischemia or reperfusion, and immunoblotting after isoelectric focusing did not detect serine-phosphorylated eIF-2α in normal samples or in those obtained after ischemia without reperfusion. However, serine-phosphorylated eIF-2α was uniformly present after 90 min of reperfusion and represented 24 ± 3% of the eIF-2α in these samples. The serine phosphorylation of eIF-2α and partial fragmentation of eIF-4G observed after 90 min of reperfusion offer an explanation for the inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   
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