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Summary Following the discovery by Daiger et al. (1975) that the Gc proteins of human plasma act as the carriers of vitamin D, the authors have plotted on a world map all available data on the frequency of the allele Gc 2, and compared the distribution with that of sunlight. With some exceptions high frequencies of Gc 2 correspond to low levels of sunlight and vice versa. Similar comparisons within Ireland show no such relation. The results are discussed in relation to natural selection and the incidence of rickets, due to vitamin D deficiency.  相似文献   
Wolfgang Junge  Don DeVault 《BBA》1975,408(3):200-214
The photoinduced linear dichroism of absorption changes resulting from photolysis of the complex between heme a3 of the cytochrome oxidase and CO is studied. The experiments started from isotropic solutions or suspensions of the enzyme both in its isolated form and in mitochondria. The anisotropy responsible for the linear dichroism was induced by excitation with a flash of linearly polarized light. The dichroic ratios observed with various systems; polymerized enzyme in solution, enzyme in mitochondria and in submitochondrial particles (at 20 °C as well as at liquid N2-temperature) all approached a value of 4/3 which characterizes a chromophore which is circularly degenerate. Therefrom we conclude that the interaction of heme a3 with its microenvironment within the protein does not break its four-fold symmetry.

The experiments with mitochondria and submitochondrial particles suspended in aqueous buffer revealed similarly high dichroic ratios without any dichroic relaxation other than a rather slow one which could be attributed to the rotation of the whole organelle in the suspending medium. Therefrom we conclude that the cytochrome oxidase either is totally immobilized in the membrane, or that it carries out only limited rotational diffusion around a single axis coinciding with the symmetry axis of heme a3. In the light of independent evidence for a transmembrane arrangement of the oxidase and for the general fluidity of the inner mitochondrial membrane we consider anisotropic mobility of the cytochrome oxidase around an axis normal to the plane of the membrane as the most likely interpretation. Then our experimental results imply that the plane of heme a3 is coplanar to the membrane.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the composition of the associated fauna of Delaware's oyster beds. Moreover the relative position of Delaware's oyster producing tributaries lends itself to testing the classic hypothesis concerning the effect of salinity on faunal distribution. Interaction of substrate was also studied. The local oyster beds are termed the bay beds which include planted and natural populations, and the river beds. From 1967 to 1971 approximately 800 samples have been collected and the majority of these were from the bay beds. In 1968 and 1969, 132 samples were systematically collected from the river beds and 19 from the bay beds. These were returned to the laboratory for special care in identification. Samples from fouling panels and oyster rafts provided additional species. 152 species were identified but only 133 species were statistically analysed because they were from the systematic collections. Nonparametric statistics were used. In order to facilitate analysis the top 23 species were selected for special treatment. In order of decreasing frequency of occurrence the species were: Sabellaria vulgaris, Conopeum tenuissimum, Panopeus herbsti, Nereis succinea, Palaemonetes vulgaris, Crassostrea virginica, Nassarius obsoletus, Polydora websteri, Membranipora tenuis, Garveia fransiscana, Bulanus improvisus, Diadumene leucolena, Aiptasiomorpha luciae, Melita nitida, Obelia longicyatha, Alcyonidium polyoum, Sertularia argentea, Crangon septemspinosa, Hydroides dianthus, Eurypanopeus depressus, Modiolus demissus, Parapleustes sp., and Hartlaubella gelatinosa. The diversity of species decreases up the estuary with decreasing salinity. Substrate can alter this pattern in particular cases. Within a given salinity range the presence of any firm substrate or mud influenced the nature of the community from epifaunal to infaunal. Four faunal units were recognized: the planted and natural beds, the four southern rivers, the Leipsic River, the Woodland Beach area. The Leipsic River area marks a critical transition zone with a rapid reduction in species. North of Woodland Beach brackish water conditions begin to prevail. The fauna was more diverse in late spring than in the fall but seasonality was not as marked as expected. The faunal composition of Delaware's oyster beds agrees with the cosmopolitan view of estuaries. The stability — time hypothesis proposed by SANDERS provides a theoretical basis to explain faunal distributions in Delaware's oyster community. The hardy nature and geologic history of this oyster community makes it a likely candidate as a sensitive indicator of environmental degradation in the estuary.  相似文献   
The distributions of 24 marine and estuarine isopods have been reviewed. Lironeca ovalis, Aegathoa medialis, Olencira praegustator, and Probopyrus pandalicola were the only parasitic species found. Of the 20 free-living isopods, Asellus communis and Chiridotea almyra were the only fresh to brackish water species, and Chiridotea arenicola, C. stenops, Cirolana impressa, C. polita and Edotea montosa were the true marine species. The salinity range of Cyathura burbancki was extended and the range of Chiridotea stenops was extended northward while the ranges of Chiridotea nigrescens and C. arenicola were extended southward. The contribution of isopod distributions to the concept of a shallow water Transatlantic zoogeographic province is discussed.  相似文献   
Studies of phenotypic variation in nature often consider only a single potential selective agent. In such cases, it remains an open question as to whether variation attributed to that single measured agent might be influenced by some other unmeasured agent. Previous research has shown that phenotypic variation in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is strongly influenced by predation regime, and we here ask whether parasitism might represent an additional important selective agent shaping this variation. We performed a field survey of 26 natural guppy populations of known predation regime in northern Trinidad. We quantified levels of parasitism of guppies by the monogenean ecotoparasite, Gyrodactylus, and examined whether this parasite was associated with guppy body size or male colour. Spatial variation in Gyrodactylus parasitism was consistent between years, and parasite prevalence was generally, but not always, higher at high-predation sites than at low-predation sites. Consistent with previous work, predation regime was related to guppy size and some aspects of male colour, whereas parasitism showed few and only minor associations with the same traits. Moreover, a consideration of parasitism did not alter any interpretations regarding associations between guppy traits and predation regimes. These results suggest that parasitism, at least as quantified in the present study, does not play a major role in shaping variation in guppy body size or colour. Nevertheless, considerable variation in these traits, even within a predation regime, suggests the likely importance of other selective agents beyond just predation regime.  相似文献   
Purification of a Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor from Bovine Heart   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A neurotrophic factor that promotes the survival of cholinergic parasympathetic ciliary neurons has been purified approximately 20,000-fold from bovine cardiac tissue under nondenaturing conditions using heparin-affinity chromatography. Up to 22 micrograms of purified factor having a specific activity of 4 X 10(5) trophic units/mg can be obtained from 250 g of heart muscle. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels of the purified material show a broad band that is sometimes resolvable into a closely spaced pair of bands of 22 and 23 kilodaltons. Partially purified factor can be resolved into two peaks of activity (pI 5.6 and 5.0) by high-resolution anion-exchange chromatography and chromatofocusing, although these procedures have not proved useful as purification methods because of the large losses of activity incurred. It is likely that these two peaks represent the two bands seen on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The bovine cardiac factor(s) differs from similar factors purified from chick optic tissues and pig brain in that it is irreversibly denatured by SDS.  相似文献   
Pretargeted radioimmunotherapy specifically targets radiation to tumors using antibody-streptavidin conjugates followed by radiolabeled biotin. A potential barrier to this cancer therapy is the presence of endogenous biotin in serum, which can block the biotin-binding sites of the antibody-streptavidin conjugate before the administration of radiolabeled biotin. Serum-derived biotin can also be problematic in clinical diagnostic applications. Due to the extremely slow dissociation of the biotin-streptavidin complex, this endogenous biotin can irreversibly block the biotin-binding sites of streptavidin and reduce therapeutic efficacy, as well as reduce sensitivity in diagnostic assays. We tested a streptavidin mutant (SAv-Y43A), which has a 67-fold lower affinity for biotin than wild type streptavidin, and three bivalent bis-biotin constructs as replacements for wild-type streptavidin and biotin used in pretargeting and clinical diagnostics. Biotin dimers were engineered with certain parameters including water solubility, biotinidase resistance, and linker lengths long enough to span the distance between two biotin-binding sites of streptavidin. The bivalent biotins were compared to biotin in exchange, retention, and off-rate assays. The faster off-rate of SAv-Y43A allowed efficient exchange of prebound biotin by the biotin dimers. In fluorescent competition experiments, the biotin dimer ligands displayed high avidity binding and essentially irreversible retention with SAv-Y43A. The off-rate of a biotinidase-stabilized biotin dimer from SAv-Y43A was 4.36 x 10(-)(6) s(-)(1), over 640 times slower compared to biotin. These findings strongly suggest that employing a mutant streptavidin in concert with a bivalent biotin can mitigate the deleterious impact of endogenous biotin, by allowing exchange of bound biotin and retention of the biotin dimer carriers.  相似文献   
Altered fire regimes are a driver of biodiversity decline. To plan effective management, we need to know how species are influenced by fire and to develop theory describing fire responses. Animal responses to fire are usually measured using methods that rely on animal activity, but animal activity may vary with time since fire, potentially biasing results. Using a novel approach for detecting bias in the pit-fall trap method, we found that leaf-litter dependent reptiles were more active up to 6 weeks after fire, giving a misleading impression of abundance. This effect was not discovered when modelling detectability with zero-inflated binomial models. Two species without detection bias showed early-successional responses to time since fire, consistent with a habitat-accommodation succession model. However, a habitat specialist did not have the predicted low abundance after fire due to increased post-fire movement and non-linear recovery of a key habitat component. Interactions between fire and other processes therefore must be better understood to predict reptile responses to changing fire-regimes. We conclude that there is substantial bias when trapping reptiles after fire, with species that are otherwise hard to detect appearing to be abundant. Studies that use a survey method based on animal activity such as bird calls or animal movements, likely face a similar risk of bias when comparing recently-disturbed with control sites.  相似文献   
We describe an approach to analyzing single- and multiunit (ensemble) discharge patterns based on information-theoretic distance measures and on empirical theories derived from work in universal signal processing. In this approach, we quantify the difference between response patterns, whether time-varying or not, using information-theoretic distance measures. We apply these techniques to single- and multiple-unit processing of sound amplitude and sound location. These examples illustrate that neurons can simultaneously represent at least two kinds of information with different levels of fidelity. The fidelity can persist through a transient and a subsequent steady-state response, indicating that it is possible for an evolving neural code to represent information with constant fidelity.  相似文献   
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