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Among rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)and other cercopithecine monkeys, social groups occupying adjacent home ranges (i.e., members of the same local population) exchange individuals and genes and thus exhibit marked genetic similarities. To assess the degree to which this pattern extends beyond the local population, the genetic structure of M. mulattaand six other primate species was determined using Nei’s (1973) gene-diversity analysis. The genetic similarities seen among social groups in the Dunga Gali population of M. mulatta (Melnick et al.,1984a) can be seen over the entire species range. Comparison of these results with the structures of other similarly organized primate species indicates that (1) the average social group contains most of its local population’s genetic diversity, (2) the average local population contains the majority of the genetic diversity found in the region to which it belongs, and (3) the proportion of species gene diversity found in the average regional population varies substantially between species. Genetic homogeneity within local and regional populations is probably the product of gene flow. The application of a number of analytical models of selection and gene flow strongly suggests that gene flow, genetic drift, and zoogeography offer a more parsimonious and plausible explanation for interspecific variation in regional differentiation than does stabilizing selection.  相似文献   
Summary Most of the inducible mutagenesis observed in Escherichia coli after treatment with many DNA damaging agents is dependent upon the products of the umuD,C operon. RecA-mediated proteolytic processing of UmuD yields a carboxyl-terminal fragment (UmuD) that is active for mutagenesis. Processing of UmuD is therefore a critical step in the fixation of mutations. In this paper we have analyzed the requirements for UmuD processing in vivo. Standard immuno-detection assays, coupled with a sensitive chemiluminescence detection assay, have been utilized to probe levels of chromosomally encoded Umu proteins from whole-cell E. coli extracts. We found that the derepression of additional SOS gene products, other than RecA, was not required for UmuD processing. Moreover, efficient cleavage of UmuD was observed only in the presence of elevated levels of activated RecA, suggesting that efficient processing would occur only under conditions of severe DNA damage. Detection of chromosomally encoded Umu proteins has allowed us, for the first time, to measure directly the cellular steady-state levels of these proteins under various SOS inducing conditions. UmuD was present at 180 copies per uninduced cell and was measured at 2400 copies per cell in strains that lacked a functional repressor. Induced levels of UmuC were approximately 12-fold lower than UmuD with 200 molecules per cell. These levels of cellular UmuC protein suggest that it functions through specific protein-DNA or protein-protein interactions, possibly as a lesion recognition protein or by interacting with DNA polymerase III.  相似文献   
Aeration of plasmid-free Enterococcus faecalis strains resulted in an 8- to 16-fold decrease in sex pheromone cAD1 activity in culture filtrates. Levels of two unrelated pheromones, cPD1 and cAM373, were unaffected by culture aeration. Aeration also resulted in a decrease in the expression of conjugative transfer functions observed in cells containing pAD1 traB mutations, verifying a link between traB function and pheromone “shutdown.” Tests with a series of pAD1 mini-plasmids indicated that the product of the traB gene was involved in, but not sufficient for, pheromone shutdown; the cooperation of one or more other gene products encoded within the pheromone response control region was required.  相似文献   
Suggestive but not decisive evidence indicates that in vivo peptide chain folding is completed in a time not much longer than that required for covalent peptide synthesis. Extrapolation of model peptide rates of the cistrans prolyl isomerization leads to the prediction tht protein folding should be much slower than the apparent in vivo rates. On the assumption that rapid protein folding in vivo is the rule, three routes are suggested by which a protein undergoing biosynthesis can avoid a strongly slowed folding rate: (1) by a peptide chain-elongation process that adds only trans peptide bonds, follwed by a rapid folding process that incorporates them into a three-dimensional structure, raising the energy barrier to isomerization; (2) by folding to produce three dimensional structures that position prolyl residues largely in chain turns on the protein surface, where the residue may be either cis or trans without large effects on the protein structure and function; (3) prolyl cistrans isomerization may be speeded by the formation of peptide loops.  相似文献   
Determinations of sex by subjective assessment of the skulls from a skeletal series of known sex were compared to fully independent assessments based on pelves of the same specimens. Within-sex correlations of cranial and pelvic morphologies measured on an android-gynecoid scale were smaller than expected. Subjective assessment by means of the skull compared favorably to that of the linear discriminant functions of Giles and Elliot; however, the direction of error was similar for both procedures. Of course, estimations based on the pelves were generally superior to both in terms of frequency and overall bias of error. The bias of sex estimation for paleodemographic purposes is contingent upon completeness of skeletal remains.  相似文献   
Manipulations of substrate size and components of heterogeneity were designed to test their independent effects and interactions on the abundance and species richness of stream macroinvertebrates. Two components of substrate heterogeneity, variation in size class proportions and number of size classes, had no independent effect on abundance or richness; and in general did not interact with median particle size. Median particle size, stream current, and detritus accounted for most of the significant variation in macroinvertebrates colonizing the experimental substrates. Rocks with high surface heterogeneity (roughness) were colonized by more individuals (but not taxa) than rocks with low surface heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Zonal centrifuge and flotation–fractionation profile analysis of neonatal mouse brain homogenates in iso-osmotic Ficoll–sucrose density–gradients demonstrates the presence of four light density fractions. In msd neurological mutant mice with a myelin-synthesizing deficiency syndrome, the bands appear to be relatively normal until after the 10th day of postnatal brain development. With the onset of visible neurological symptoms after the 11th day, the four density bands begin to disappear from the zonal profiles and are all but absent at the time of death at about the 21st postnatal day. In normal littermates of the mutants, the bands persist with age and intensify. Although their identities remain unknown, the top three identify by their density with adult myelin and the fourth with the lighter of two adult synaptosome fractions. Mixtures of brain homogenates between mutant and normal littermates give rise to zonal and banding profiles intermediate between the separate profiles but somewhat less than their average in intensity.  相似文献   
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