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Hydrobiologia - Due to an unfortunate turn of events, the incorrect caption of Fig. 2 appeared in the original publication. Figure 2 and its correct caption is published here and should be treated...  相似文献   
Fragile X syndrome is caused by the expansion of an unstable CGG repeat in the 5′UTR of FMR1 gene. The occurrence of mosaicism is not uncommon, especially in male patients, whereas in females it is not so often reported. Here we report a female foetus that was subject to prenatal diagnosis, because of her mother being a premutation carrier. The foetus was identified as being a mosaic for an intermediate allele and a full mutation of FMR1 gene, in the presence of a normal allele. The mosaic status was confirmed in three different tissues of the foetus – amniotic fluid, skin biopsy and blood – the last two obtained after pregnancy termination. Karyotype analysis and X-chromosome STR markers analysis do not support the mosaicism as inheritance of both maternal alleles. Oligonucleotide array-CGH excluded an imbalance that could contain the primer binding site with a different repeat size. The obtained results give compelling evidence for a postzygotic expansion mechanism where the foetus mosaic pattern originated from expansion of the mother's premutation into a full mutation and consequent regression to an intermediate allele in a proportion of cells. These events occurred in early embryogenesis before the commitment of cells into the different tissues, as the three tested tissues of the foetus have the same mosaic pattern. The couple has a son with Fragile X mental retardation syndrome and choose to terminate this pregnancy after genetic counselling.  相似文献   
Evolutionary patterns of Clavatoraceae during the Malm and the Lower Cretaceous can be understood by considering how palaeoecological constraints of these charophytes were affected by palaeoenvironmental change. Speciation of Clavatoraceae reached maxima in the Tithonian and especially in the Lower Barremian, coinciding with an important areal extension and environmental diversification of freshwater swamps. Extinction reached a peak in the Upper Barremian, coinciding with the marine flooding of freshwater environments in Mesogea, and continued through the Aptian and Albian due to substitution of carbonatic freshwater swamps by terrigenous deltaic environments and probably by development of highly competitive aquatic flora of angiosperms. Anagenetic change within species attained maxima during the Berriasian and Lower Barremian, when freshwater environments became extensively developed. Absence of change (stasis) was marked during the Valanginian and Hauterivian, in a geological context of environmental stability and areal reduction of the freshwater environments.  相似文献   
It has been difficult to examine the role of TGF-ß in post-natal tooth development due to perinatal lethality in many of the signaling deficient mouse models. To address the role of Tgfbr2 in postnatal tooth development, we generated a mouse in which Tgfbr2 was deleted in odontoblast- and bone-producing mesenchyme. Osx-Cre;Tgfbr2fl/fl mice were generated (Tgfbr2cko) and post-natal tooth development was compared in Tgfbr2cko and control littermates. X-ray and μCT analysis showed that in Tgfbr2cko mice radicular dentin matrix density was reduced in the molars. Molar shape was abnormal and molar eruption was delayed in the mutant mice. Most significantly, defects in root formation, including failure of the root to elongate, were observed by postnatal day 10. Immunostaining for Keratin-14 (K14) was used to delineate Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS). The results showed a delay in elongation and disorganization of the HERS in Tgfbr2cko mice. In addition, the HERS was maintained and the break up into epithelial rests was attenuated suggesting that Tgfbr2 acts on dental mesenchyme to indirectly regulate the formation and maintenance of the HERS. Altered odontoblast organization and reduced Dspp expression indicated that odontoblast differentiation was disrupted in the mutant mice likely contributing to the defect in root formation. Nevertheless, expression of Nfic, a key mesenchymal regulator of root development, was similar in Tgfbr2cko mice and controls. The number of osteoclasts in the bone surrounding the tooth was reduced and osteoblast differentiation was disrupted likely contributing to both root and eruption defects. We conclude that Tgfbr2 in dental mesenchyme and bone is required for tooth development particularly root formation.  相似文献   
Curcumin, a dietary polyphenol, has shown a potential to act on the symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as a consequence of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-protein aggregation properties. Unfortunately, curcumin undergoes rapid degradation at physiological pH into ferulic acid, vanillin and dehydrozingerone, making it an unlikely drug candidate. Here, we evaluated the ability of some curcumin by-products: dehydrozingerone (1), its O-methyl derivative (2), zingerone (3), and their biphenyl analogues (4–6) to interact with α-synuclein (AS), using CD and fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, the antioxidant properties and the cytoprotective effects in rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells prior to intoxication with H2O2, MPP+ and MnCl2 were examined while the Congo red assay was used to evaluate the ability of these compounds to prevent aggregation of AS. We found that the biphenyl zingerone analogue (6) interacts with high affinity with AS and also displays the best antioxidant properties while the biphenyl analogues of dehydrozingerone (4) and of O-methyl-dehydrozingerone (5) are able to partially inhibit the aggregation process of AS, suggesting the potential role of a hydroxylated biphenyl scaffold in the design of AS aggregation inhibitors.  相似文献   
Co-occurrence of cryptic species raises theoretically relevant questions regarding their coexistence and ecological similarity. Given their great morphological similitude and close phylogenetic relationship (i.e., niche retention), these species will have similar ecological requirements and are expected to have strong competitive interactions. This raises the problem of finding the mechanisms that may explain the coexistence of cryptic species and challenges the conventional view of coexistence based on niche differentiation. The cryptic species complex of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is an excellent model to study these questions and to test hypotheses regarding ecological differentiation. Rotifer species within this complex are filtering zooplankters commonly found inhabiting the same ponds across the Iberian Peninsula and exhibit an extremely similar morphology—some of them being even virtually identical. Here, we explore whether subtle differences in body size and morphology translate into ecological differentiation by comparing two extremely morphologically similar species belonging to this complex: B. plicatilis and B. manjavacas. We focus on three key ecological features related to body size: (1) functional response, expressed by clearance rates; (2) tolerance to starvation, measured by growth and reproduction; and (3) vulnerability to copepod predation, measured by the number of preyed upon neonates. No major differences between B. plicatilis and B. manjavacas were found in the response to these features. Our results demonstrate the existence of a substantial niche overlap, suggesting that the subtle size differences between these two cryptic species are not sufficient to explain their coexistence. This lack of evidence for ecological differentiation in the studied biotic niche features is in agreement with the phylogenetic limiting similarity hypothesis but requires a mechanistic explanation of the coexistence of these species not based on differentiation related to biotic niche axes.  相似文献   
Fixation instability due to saccadic intrusions is a feature of autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxias, and includes square wave intrusions (SWI) and macrosaccadic oscillations (MSO). A recent report suggested that the non-competitive antagonist of NMDA receptors, memantine, could decrease MSO and improve fixation in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia with saccadic intrusions (SCASI). We similarly tested two sisters, respectively of 58 and 60 years, with an unrecognized form of recessive, adult-onset cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy and slow saccades, who showed prominent SWI and also complained with difficulty in reading. We tested horizontal visually guided saccades (10°–18°) and three minutes of steady fixation in each patient and in thirty healthy controls. Both patients showed a significant reduction of peak and mean velocity compared with control subjects. Large SWI interrupting steady fixation were prominent during steady fixation and especially following visually guided saccades. Eye movements were recorded before and during the treatment with memantine, 20 mg/daily for 6 months. The treatment with memantine reduced both the magnitude and frequency of SWI (the former significantly), but did not modified neurological conditions or saccade parameters. Thus, our report suggests that memantine may have some general suppressive effect on saccadic intrusions, including both SWI and MSO, thereby restoring the capacity of reading and visual attention in these and in other recessive forms of ataxia, including Friedreich’s, in which saccadic intrusions are prominent.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a new breeding strategy, marker-assisted introgression (MAI), to obtain lines of perennial species with a single introgressed fragment from a compatible species two generations after the interspecific hybrid. MAI allows enrichment of the genome of a species with genes from a wild or exotic relative in a short timeframe and with an intermediate step that allows a first exploration of genes/QTLs that the donor species can provide to the target crop. This method has three phases: (1) creating a large backcross one (BC1) population to select, with markers, a reduced number of individuals (15–30, called the prIL set) with a low number of introgressions; (2) phenotyping the prIL set for the traits of interest and inferring the inheritance and map position of segregating major genes/QTLs based on the known genotypes of the prILs; and (3) advancing selected lines carrying the traits of interest to a next generation of backcross or selfing to obtain individuals with a single introgression in the background of the elite commercial germplasm. The proof of concept of this strategy was implemented by using peach as the recurrent species and almond as the donor. The whole process can be done in 9–10 years as the identification of the first line with one introgression was after 5 years (2006–2011), and 4–5 additional years are needed for phenotypic evaluation of selected lines. The expansion of this method to other perennial clonally propagated crops and to other species of Prunus compatible with peach is discussed.  相似文献   
In the post-natal growth plate, chondrocytes are arranged in columns parallel to the long axis of the bone. Chondrocytes divide perpendicular to this axis and then move into position one on top of another in a process called "rotation" that maintains columnar organization. Primary cilia are non-motile microtubule base appendages extending from the surface of almost all vertebrate cells. Primary cilia were described on chondrocytes almost 40 years ago but the function of these structures in cartilage biology is not known. Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the process by which primary cilia are generated and maintained. This study tested the hypothesis that IFT plays an important role in post-natal skeletal development. Kif3a, a subunit of the Kinesin II motor complex, that is required for intraflagellar transport and the formation of cilia, was deleted in mouse chondrocytes via Col2a-Cre-mediated recombination. Disruption of IFT resulted in subsequent depletion of cilia and post-natal dwarfism due to premature loss of the growth plate likely a result of reduced proliferation and accelerated hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes. Cell shape and columnar orientation in the growth plate were also disrupted suggesting a defect in the process of rotation. Alterations in chondrocyte rotation were accompanied by disruption of the actin cytoskeleton and alterations in the localization of activated FAK to focal adhesion-like structures on chondrocytes. This is the first report indicating a role for IFT and primary cilia in the development of the post-natal growth plate. The results suggest a model in which IFT/cilia act to maintain the columnar organization of the growth plate via the process of chondrocyte rotation.  相似文献   
Asymmetry in the alignment of the lower limbs during weight-bearing activities is associated with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), caused by an increase in patellofemoral (PF) joint stress. High neuromuscular demands are placed on the lower limb during the propulsion phase of the single leg triple hop test (SLTHT), which may influence biomechanical behavior. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to compare kinematic, kinetic and muscle activity in the trunk and lower limb during propulsion in the SLTHT using women with PFPS and pain free controls. The following measurements were made using 20 women with PFPS and 20 controls during propulsion in the SLTHT: kinematics of the trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee; kinetics of the hip, knee and ankle; and muscle activation of the gluteus maximus (GM), gluteus medius (GMed), biceps femoris (BF) and vastus lateralis (VL). Differences between groups were calculated using three separate sets of multivariate analysis of variance for kinematics, kinetics, and electromyographic data. Women with PFPS exhibited ipsilateral trunk lean; greater trunk flexion; greater contralateral pelvic drop; greater hip adduction and internal rotation; greater ankle pronation; greater internal hip abductor and ankle supinator moments; lower internal hip, knee and ankle extensor moments; and greater GM, GMed, BL, and VL muscle activity. The results of the present study are related to abnormal movement patterns in women with PFPS. We speculated that these findings constitute strategies to control a deficient dynamic alignment of the trunk and lower limb and to avoid PF pain. However, the greater BF and VL activity and the extensor pattern found for the hip, knee, and ankle of women with PFPS may contribute to increased PF stress.  相似文献   
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