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Long-term cultures of certain rat and mouse cell lines carry several dicentric and some multicentric chromosomes. Using antikinetochore antibodies obtainable from serum of scleroderma (var. CREST) patients we studied the number of kinetochores formed along the length of these chromosomes. The rat cells displayed as many kinetochores as there were centromeres. However, mouse cells showed the synthesis of only one kinetochore in dicentric and multicentric chromosomes which had been in the culture for a period of 1 year or more. When translocations were induced by bleomycin in mouse L cells, the newly formed dicentric chromosomes showed the formation of two kinetochores. It is not known when the accessory centromeres lose their capacity to assemble kinetochore proteins. Possibly, in the rat the latent kinetochores lack a specific component which renders them ineffective for microtubule binding. The reason for the formation of only one kinetochore in mouse multicentric chromosomes is not clear. It may be due to the accumulation of mutations, modification of the kinetochore protein so that it lacks the antibody binding component, or a more effective regulatory gene than in the rat.  相似文献   
The secretion and cellular localization of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were studied in primary cultures of rat sympathetic neurons. When cultured under conditions favoring a noradrenergic phenotype, these neurons synthesized and secreted large quantities of the tetrameric G4, and the dodecameric A12 forms, and minor amounts of the G1 and G2 forms. When these neurons adopted the cholinergic phenotype, i.e., in the presence of muscle-conditioned medium, the development of the cellular A12 form was completely inhibited. These neurons secreted only globular, mainly G4, AChE. Both cellular and secreted A12 AChE in adrenergic cultures aggregated at an ionic strength similar to that of the culture medium, raising the hypothesis that this form was associated with a polyanionic component of basal lamina. In noradrenergic neurons, 60-80% of the catalytic sites were exposed at the cell surface. In particular, 80% of G4 form, but only 60% of the A12 form, was external, demonstrating for the A12 form a sizeable intracellular pool. The hydrophobic character of the molecular forms was studied in relation to their cellular localization. As in muscle cells, most of the G4 form was membrane-bound. Whereas 76% of the cell surface A12 form was solubilized in the aqueous phase by high salt concentrations, only 50% of the intracellular A12 form was solubilized under these conditions. The rest of intracellular A12 could be solubilized by detergents and was thus either membrane-bound or entrapped in vesicles originating from, e.g., the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA of the white rot fungus Polyporus ciliatus was isolated and characterized. As a result of detailed restriction enzyme analysis, a physical map was established showing that this circular DNA has a molecular weight of 88.2 kb. By heterologous cross hybridization the sites of three mt genes were recognized. By nonselective cloning of mt DNA fragments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an autonomously replicating sequence (ars) was identified which has potential application in the development of a prokaryotic/eukaryotic shuttle vector.  相似文献   
Summary A recombinant probe specific for the pro2 chain of human Type V collagen has been used for the localization of the corresponding gene (COL5A2) to chromosome 2. Regional mapping by in situ hybridization and analysis of DNA from humanxrodent cell lines indicated that COL5A2 is confined within the segment 2q142q32, thus syntenic to the pro1 (III) collagen gene (COL3A1).  相似文献   
Résumé La ComposéeVernonia guineensis Benth., abondante dans les savanes préforestières de Côte d'Ivoire, fleurit quelques semaines après le passage des feux de brousse. Plusieurs espèces de Fourmis sont récoltées régulièrement sur la plante: ce sont surtoutCamponotus acvapimensis et unCremastogaster du genreAcroclia.Les Fourmis se nourrissent de sécrétions sucrées qui suintent au niveau des bractées des jeunes capitules, mais pratiquent également l'élevage d'Homoptères.Divers types de constructions sont décrits et, en particulier, les loges édifiées parC. acvapimensis pour abriter un Jassidæ:Selenocephalus sp.L'influence de l'environnement végétal sur la faune myrmécologique exploitantV. guineensis est mise en évidence.
Summary Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Compositæ). common in the forest-savanna mosaic of Ivory Coast, blooms a few weeks after the fires. Several species of Ants are collected then on the forb; especiallyCamponotus acvapimensis and a species ofCremastogaster (Acroclia).These ants feed on seepings from the young flower heads, and search for exsudates of Homopterans.Various buildings are described, particularly shelters made byC. acvapimensis for the leaf—hopperSelenocephalus sp.Influence of botanical environment on the ants exploitingV. guineensis is shown.
Abstract The variability of predominant Mycoplasma bovis surface antigens in the presence of specific immune pressure was analyzed in an in vitro assay to determine if M. bovis could escape immune destruction. We have shown that serum antibodies from immunized or experimentally infected calves and monoclonal antibodies which specifically react with previously characterized or as yet undefined major M. bovis membrane surface proteins cause repression of expression or shortening of the target protein, or induce switching to expression of an antigenically distinct variant protein. We have further demonstrated that removal of the inducing antibody results in reversion to the original phenotype. These results suggest that the level of expression and the length of M. bovis surface antigens in the host is modulated by cognate antibodies. According to the surface antigenic variation systems, random selection of preexisting variants resistant to antibody-mediated inhibition or direct regulation of gene expression may be means by which this organism evades host immune defences.  相似文献   
A family of genes, the so-called msr genes (multiple stimulus response), has recently been identified on the basis of sequence homology in various plant species. Members of this gene family are thought to be regulated by a number of environmental or developmental stimuli, although it is not known whether any one member responds more specifically to one stimulus, or whether each gene member responds to various environmental stimuli. In this report, we address this question by studying the tobacco msr gene str246C. Using transgenic tobacco plants containing 2.1 kb of 5′ flanking DNA sequence from the str246C gene fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) coding region, the complex expression pattern of the str246C promoter has been characterized. Expression of the str246C promoter is strongly and rapidly induced by bacterial, fungal and viral infection and this induction is systemic. Elicitor preparations from phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi activate the str246C promoter to high levels, as do wounding, the application of auxin, auxin and cytokinin, salicylic acid or copper sulfate, indicating the absence of gene specialization within the msr gene family, at least for str246C. In addition, GUS activity was visualized. histochemically in root meristematic tissues of tobacco seedlings and is restricted to roots and sepals of mature plants. Finally, analysis of a series of 5′ deletions of the str246C promoter-GUS gene fusion in transgenic tobacco plants confirms the involvement of multiple regulatory elements. A region of 83 by was found to be necessary for induction of promoter activity in response to Pseudomonas solanacearum, while auxin inducibility and root expression are apparently not controlled by this element, since its removal does not abolish either response. An element of the promoter with a negative effect on promoter activation by P. solanacearum was also identified.  相似文献   
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been applied to investigate the secondary structural changes of-lactoglobulin in water/ethanol mixtures. The studies were carried out at two differentpHs and at high protein concentrations. The spectra were recorded using an attenuated total reflection cell. The amide I band of-lactoglobulin in water reveals large amounts of intra extended-sheet structure. About 20% ethanol,-lactoglobulin unfolds and-strand formation is observed.-Helices are built up by increasing the ethanol concentration up to 30%. In 50% ethanol,-lactoglobulin gels providing the apparent pH are neutral. The secondary structural changes of-lactoglobulin were observed on the similarity maps obtained by Principal Component Analysis.  相似文献   
In log-phase cells of staphylococci, cultivated under high, non-lytic concentrations of penicillin G, there occurred a novel killing process hitherto hidden behind seemingly bacteriostatic effects. Two events are essential for the apprearance of this hidden death: (i) the failure of the dividing cell to deposit enough fibrillar cross-wall material to be welded together, and (ii) a premature ripping up of incomplete cross walls along their splitting system. Hidden death started as early as 10–15 min after drug addition, already during the first division cycle. It was the consequence of a loss of cytoplasmic constituents which erupted through peripheral slit-like openings in the incomplete cross walls. The loss resulted either in more or less empty cells or in cell shrinkage. These destructions could be prevented by raising the external osmotic pressure. In contrast, the conventional non-hidden death occurred only much later and exclusively during the second division cycle and mainly in those dividing cells, whose nascent cross walls of the first division plane had been welded together. These welding processes at nascent cross walls, resulting in tough connecting bridges between presumptive individual cells, were considered as a morphogenetic tool which protects the cells, so that they can resist the otherwise fatal penicillin-induced damages for at least an additional generation time (morphogenetic resistance system). Such welded cells, in the virtual absence of underlying cross-wall material, lost cytoplasm and were killed via ejection through pore-like wall openings or via explosions in the second division plane and after liberation of their murosomes, as it was the case in the presence of low, lytic concentrations of penicillin. Bacteriolysis did not cause any of the hitherto known penicillin-induced killing processes.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Georg Henneberg on the occasion of his 85th birthday  相似文献   
The regulation of cell surface fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors during the differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma cells was investigated. The capacity of F9 cells to bind 125I-basic FGF (FGF-2) increased upon induction of differentiation with dibutyryl cAMP and retinoic acid. No change in binding capacity was observed in the first 24 h after addition of differentiating agents, but a sixfold increase in binding capacity was observed after 48 h and a fivefold increase after 72 h. Scatchard analysis of the binding data indicated that the increased binding of 125I-FGF-2 was due to an increase in the number of receptors with no change in their affinity. When 125I-FGF-2 was cross-linked to cell surface receptors, an increase in FGF-2-receptor complexes with molecular weights of 140,000–160,000 was also observed in the differentiated F9 cells. Undifferentiated F9 cells are known to secrete FGF-4 and cease expression of this molecule upon differentiation. To determine whether the low level of receptors in undifferentiated cells might be related to their production of FGF ligands, the ability of suramin, a drug that can disrupt FGF-receptor interactions, to modulate receptor number on F9 cells was investigated. Suramin treatment increased 125I-FGF-2 binding capacity of undifferentiated F9 cells threefold but had little effect on the binding capacity of differentiated cells. In addition, antibodies to FGF-4 increased the 125I-FGF-2 binding capacity of undifferentiated F9 cells by 58%. These results suggest that undifferentiated F9 cells might be responding in an autocrine manner to their own FGF ligands resulting in downregulation of cell surface FGF receptors. The increased number of receptors observed in differentiated cells may partly result from the decreased production of FGF ligands by these cells. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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