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Land-use change is a major driver of the global biodiversity crisis, mainly via the fragmentation and loss of natural habitat. Although land-use changes will accelerate to meet humankind's growing demand for agricultural products, conservation planning rarely considers future land uses and how they may affect the connectivity of ecological networks. Here, we integrate land-use models with landscape fragmentation and connectivity analyses, to assess the effects of past and future land-use changes on the connectivity of protected area networks for a highly dynamic region in southeast Spain. Our results show a continued geographical polarisation of land use, with agricultural intensification and urban development in the coastal areas, and the abandonment of traditional land use in the mountains (e.g., 1100 km2 of natural vegetation are projected to be lost in coastal areas whereas 32 km2 of natural vegetation would recover in interior areas from 1991 to 2015). As a result, coastal protected areas will experience increasing isolation. The connectivity analyses reveal that the two protected area networks in place in the study area, the European “Natura 2000” and the Andalusian “RENPA” networks, include many landscape connectors. However, we identify two areas that currently lack protection but contain several important patches for maintaining the region's habitat connectivity: the northwestern and the southwestern slopes of the Sierra Cabrera and Bédar protected area. Our results highlight the importance of considering future land-use trajectories in conservation planning to maintain connectivity at the regional scale, and to improve the resilience of conservation networks.  相似文献   
A mutant poliovirus (PV) encoding a change in its polymerase (3Dpol) at a site remote from the catalytic center (G64S) confers reduced sensitivity to ribavirin and forms a restricted quasispecies, because G64S 3Dpol is a high-fidelity enzyme. A foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) mutant that encodes a change in the polymerase catalytic site (M296I) exhibits reduced sensitivity to ribavirin without restricting the viral quasispecies. In order to resolve this apparent paradox, we have established a minimal kinetic mechanism for nucleotide addition by wild-type (WT) FMDV 3Dpol that permits a direct comparison to PV 3Dpol as well as to FMDV 3Dpol derivatives. Rate constants for correct nucleotide addition were on par with those of PV 3Dpol, but apparent binding constants for correct nucleotides were higher than those observed for PV 3Dpol. The A-to-G transition frequency was calculated to be 1/20,000, which is quite similar to that calculated for PV 3Dpol. The analysis of FMDV M296I 3Dpol revealed a decrease in the calculated ribavirin incorporation frequency (1/8,000) relative to that (1/4,000) observed for the WT enzyme. Unexpectedly, the A-to-G transition frequency was higher (1/8,000) than that observed for the WT enzyme. Therefore, FMDV selected a polymerase that increases the frequency of the misincorporation of natural nucleotides while specifically decreasing the frequency of the incorporation of ribavirin nucleotide. These studies provide a mechanistic framework for understanding FMDV 3Dpol structure-function relationships, provide the first direct analysis of the fidelity of FMDV 3Dpol in vitro, identify the β9-α11 loop as a (in)fidelity determinant, and demonstrate that not all ribavirin-resistant mutants will encode high-fidelity polymerases.  相似文献   
Using a bioenergetic model we show that the pattern of foraging preferences greatly determines the complexity of the resulting food webs. By complexity we refer to the degree of richness of food-web architecture, measured in terms of some topological indicators (number of persistent species and links, connectance, link density, number of trophic levels, and frequency of weak links). The poorest food-web architecture is found for a mean-field scenario where all foraging preferences are assumed to be the same. Richer food webs appear when foraging preferences depend on the trophic position of species. Food-web complexity increases with the number of basal species. We also find a strong correlation between the complexity of a trophic module and the complexity of entire food webs with the same pattern of foraging preferences.  相似文献   
Nonhuman primates use greeting behaviors as nonaggressive communicatory signals in multiple social contexts. Adult male mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) perform a ritual greeting that has been associated with bond-strengthening functions. The aim of this study is to explore the greeting patterns of male howlers living on Agaltepec Island, Mexico. Specifically, we analyzed the relationships between greetings and several individual, relational, and contextual variables, such as the expression of affiliation and agonism, dominance rank, age, kinship relationships, spatial organization, activity patterns, and subgrouping patterns. Greetings were more frequent between males with closer dominance ranks. Among those dyads that greeted at least once, dominant males initiated greetings more frequently than less-dominant males. On the other hand, more greetings were observed when one of the participants had recently returned to a subgroup and during locomotion. On the basis of these results, we propose that on Agaltepec greetings are a conflict management mechanism used between males of similar ranks. The fission-fusion social system of this group of howlers allows males with conflicting interests to remain separated, and greetings may reduce tension during fusion events.  相似文献   
Previous studies have provided evidence for a paracrine interaction between pituitary gonadotrophs and lactotrophs. Here, we show that GnRH is able to stimulate prolactin (PRL) release in ovine primary pituitary cultures. This effect was observed during the breeding season (BS), but not during the nonbreeding season (NBS), and was abolished by the application of bromocriptine, a specific dopamine agonist. Interestingly, GnRH gained the ability to stimulate PRL release in NBS cultures following treatment with bromocriptine. In contrast, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, a potent secretagogue of PRL, stimulated PRL release during both the BS and NBS and significantly enhanced the PRL response to GnRH during the BS. These results provide evidence for a photoperiodically modulated functional interaction between the GnRH/gonadotropic and prolactin axes in the pituitary gland of a short day breeder. Moreover, the stimulation of PRL release by GnRH was shown not to be mediated by the gonadotropins, since immunocytochemical, Western blotting, and PCR studies failed to detect pituitary LH or FSH receptor protein and mRNA expressions. Similarly, no gonadotropin receptor expression was observed in the pituitary gland of the horse, a long day breeder. In contrast, S100 protein, a marker of folliculostellate cells, which are known to participate in paracrine mechanisms within this tissue, was detected throughout the pituitaries of both these seasonal breeders. Therefore, an alternative gonadotroph secretory product, a direct effect of GnRH on the lactotroph, or another cell type, such as the folliculostellate cell, may be involved in the PRL response to GnRH in these species.  相似文献   
In citrus, the occurrence of a sink effect on photosynthesis (A) is controversial. Leaf carbohydrates and photosynthetic rates in field-grown trees of Satsuma mandarin ( Citrus unshiu [Mak.] Marc.) cv. Okitsu, were measured to elucidate whether or not the demand for photoassimilates regulates A. The data indicated that the source-sink imbalances induced by different treatments altered both soluble (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and insoluble carbohydrates in leaves, as well as photosynthetic rates. In general, girdling and defruiting increased starch and reduced photosynthesis, whereas source-limiting conditions imposed through partial defoliations had the opposite effect. These results are compatible with the assumption that a lack of sink activity leads to carbohydrate accumulation and feedback inhibition of A, and vice versa. Further evidence supporting a source-sink effect on A was provided by measurements of the dry matter:leaf area ratio, since defoliations, for example, increased this ratio. The in vivo sucrose supplementation to plants with different source:sink ratios (control, defoliated, girdled and defruited plants) increased carbohydrates and reduced photosynthesis. This suggests that sugars may have, per se, the potential to repress photosynthetic rates in intact plants with active sinks. Based on these results we propose that sugar accumulation in citrus leaves causes a feedback inhibition of A.  相似文献   
Functional reproduction of discontinuous antigenic site D of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) has been achieved by means of synthetic peptide constructions that integrate into a single molecule each of the three protein loops that define the antigenic site. The site D mimics are designed on the basis of the X-ray structure of FMDV type C-S8c1 with the aid of molecular dynamics, so that the five residues assumed to be involved in antigenic recognition are located on the same face of the molecule, exposed to solvent and defining a set of native-like distances and angles. The designed site D mimics are disulphide-linked heterodimers that consist of a larger unit containing VP2(71-84), followed by a polyproline module and by VP3(52-62), and a smaller unit corresponding to VP1(188-194). Guinea pig antisera to the peptides recognize the viral particle and compete with site D-specific monoclonal antibodies, while inoculation with a simple (non-covalently bound) admixture of the three VP1-VP3 sequences yields no detectable virus-specific serum conversion. Similar results have been reproduced in two cattle. Antisera to the peptides are also moderately neutralizing of FMDV in cell culture and partially protective of guinea pigs against challenge with the virus. These results demonstrate functional mimicry of the discontinuous site D by the peptides, which are therefore obvious candidates for a multicomponent peptide-based vaccine against FMDV.  相似文献   
Preneoplastic liver lesions were produced in female Wistar rats by application of 25 mg/kg N-nitrosomorpholine (NNM), 14 mg/kg diethylnitrosamine (DENA), 0.075 mg/kg aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) or 160 mg/kg safrole. These carcinogens were administered in two equal doses 12 and 24 h after partial hepatectomy. The animals then received sodium phenobarbital (0.1% in tap water) for up to 410 days. Numerous altered hepatic foci (AHF) and hyperplastic nodules (HN) were detected enzyme histochemically by their negative ATPase reaction after application of AFB1, DENA and NNM; some AHF and HN were also caused by the weak carcinogen safrole. Immunohistochemically these lesions were also L-pyruvate kinase (L-PK)-negative with a high coincidence with regard to their number and area. These results confirm the role of L-PK, an enzyme affecting the pentose phosphate pathway, as a negative marker of preneoplastic liver lesions.  相似文献   
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