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ABSTRACT We estimated loss of butt-end leg bands on male wild turkeys (Meleagris gallapavo) captured in New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania (USA) during December-March, 2006–2008. We used aluminum rivet leg bands as permanent marks to estimate loss of regular aluminum, enameled aluminum, anodized aluminum, and stainless steel butt-end leg bands placed below the spur. We used band loss information from 887 turkeys recovered between 31 days and 570 days after release ( = 202 days). Band loss was greater for turkeys banded as adults (>1 yr old) than juveniles and was greater for aluminum than stainless steel bands. We estimated band retention was 79–96%, depending on age at banding and type of band, for turkeys recovered 3 months after release. Band retention was <50% for all age classes and band types 15 months after banding. We concluded that use of butt-end leg bands on male wild turkeys is inappropriate for use in mark-recapture studies.  相似文献   
 The complete sequence of a new HLA-C allele, Cw * 1701, was determined from a South African Zulu individual. Unique features that distinguish Cw * 1701 from other HLA-C alleles include multiple point substitutions and an 18 nucleotide insertion in exon 5, which encodes the transmembrane domain. In a phylogenetic analysis of HLA-C sequences, Cw * 1701 forms a third, distinct allelic lineage. A comparison of the transmembrane domain of Cw * 1701 with other HLA-B and -C alleles reveals that duplications and deletions have been common in the evolution of these loci. A polymerase chain reaction based typing method was used to determine the distribution of this unusual allele in human populations. In contrast to the other two lineages of HLA-C alleles, the Cw * 17 lineage is found at high frequencies only in populations of African descent. In addition, the HLA-B/Cw * 17 haplotype diversity is higher in Africa. Received: 29 June 1996  / Revised: 20 December 1996  相似文献   
The labeling patterns produced by radioiodinated botulinum neurotoxin (125I-BoNT) types A and B at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction were investigated using electron microscopic autoradiography. The data obtained allow the following conclusions to be made. 125I-BoNT type A, applied in vivo or in vitro to mouse diaphragm or frog cutaneous pectoris muscle, interacts saturably with the motor nerve terminal only; silver grains occur on the plasma membrane, within the synaptic bouton, and in the axoplasm of the nerve trunk, suggesting internalization and retrograde intra-axonal transport of toxin or fragments thereof. 125I-BoNT type B, applied in vitro to the murine neuromuscular junction, interacts likewise with the motor nerve terminal except that a lower proportion of internalized radioactivity is seen. This result is reconcilable with the similar, but not identical, pharmacological action of these toxin types. The saturability of labeling in each case suggested the involvement of acceptors; on preventing the internalization step with metabolic inhibitors, their precise location became apparent. They were found on all unmyelinated areas of the nerve terminal membrane, including the preterminal axon and the synaptic bouton. Although 125I-BoNT type A interacts specifically with developing terminals of newborn rats, the unmyelinated plasma membrane of the nerve trunk is not labeled, indicating that the acceptors are unique components restricted to the nerve terminal area. BoNT types A and B have distinct acceptors on the terminal membrane. Having optimized the conditions for saturation of these binding sites and calibrated the autoradiographic procedure, we found the densities of the acceptors for types A and B to be approximately 150 and 630/micron 2 of membrane, respectively. It is proposed that these membrane acceptors target BoNT to the nerve terminal and mediate its delivery to an intracellular site, thus contributing to the toxin's selective inhibitory action on neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   
Dendrotoxin, a snake-venom polypeptide, is a potent convulsant that facilitates transmitter release apparently by inhibition of voltage-sensitive K+ channels responsible for A-currents. A biologically active 125I-iodinated derivative of this toxin was prepared and used to characterize kinetically homogeneous non-interacting high-affinity acceptors in synaptic membranes from rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Binding of radiolabelled toxin from Dendroaspis angusticeps to its membrane acceptor protein was inhibitable by homologous polypeptides from other mamba snakes; most importantly, their rank order of potency was identical with that for their central neurotoxicities in rats, furnishing evidence for involvement of this binding component in the convulsive symptoms observed. Beta-Bungarotoxin, a presynaptically acting neurotoxin whose action on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction and effects on brain synaptosomes are antagonized by dendrotoxin, was only able to inhibit the binding of the 125I-labelled toxin with low efficacy, although dendrotoxin apparently interacts avidly with the acceptor sites for beta-bungarotoxin. This weak interaction of beta-bungarotoxin with the acceptor was not attributable to its phospholipolytic action. Other neurotoxins and ion-channel antagonists failed to affect the binding of dendrotoxin. The findings presented here, together with recent electrophysiological data, favour the interpretation that dendrotoxin binds to a membrane protein comprising, or closely associated with, this one group of voltage-dependent K+ channels.  相似文献   
BuTX7 binds irreversibly to two components of skeletal muscle, one with apparent molecular weight (by gel filtration) of 550,000 and one of 200,000. Only the former, thought to contain the acetylcholine receptor, is elevated in denervated muscle, about 20-fold at its maximum. After solubilization, these components retain their specific properties.  相似文献   
Metabolism of sodium oestrone [35S]sulphate in the guinea pig   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Intraperitoneal administration of sodium oestrone [(35)S]sulphate to male and female free-ranging guinea pigs is followed by excretion of most of the radioactivity mainly as inorganic [(35)S]sulphate in the urine within 72h. The remainder of the radioactivity in the urine was found in oestrone [(35)S]sulphate, two unidentified metabolites (A and B) and traces of oestradiol-17beta 3-[(35)S]sulphate. When injected intraperitoneally into animals with bile-duct and bladder cannulae, most of the dose was excreted in the bile. Unchanged oestrone [(35)S]sulphate was the main biliary component excreted in males and females, but the latter also excreted appreciable amounts of oestradiol-17beta 3-[(35)S]sulphate and metabolites A and B. The urine from these animals also contained these metabolites, inorganic [(35)S]sulphate and also oestrone [(35)S]sulphate, but in small amounts. Metabolite A was present only in samples from males. Whole body radioautography pinpointed the liver and kidney as the possible sites of metabolism of the ester. The ester underwent little desulphation in the isolated perfused female guinea-pig liver and in animals in which kidney function had been eliminated, and was excreted unchanged in the bile. These results and the observed low oestrogen sulphatase and arylsulphatase C activities found in guinea-pig liver and kidney support the view that the two enzymes are identical.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effects of botulinum neurotoxins types A and B on Ca2(+)-dependent evoked release of [3H]noradrenaline from rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes were compared and their molecular basis investigated. A23187, a Ca2+ ionophore, proved more efficacious in reversing the blockade produced by type A than that by B, whereas the actions of neither were changed by increasing intraterminal cyclic GMP levels using 8-bromo-cyclic GMP of nitroprusside. Disruption of the actin-based cytoskeleton with cytochalasin D did not alter the inhibition seen subsequently with either toxin. However, prior disassembly of microtubules with colchicine, nocodazole, or griseofulvin reduced the potency of type B toxin, but not that of type A toxin; stabilization of the microtubules with taxol counteracted this effect of colchicine. Because colchicine treatment of synaptosomes did not interfere with the measurable binding of type B toxin or its apparent uptake, it appears to act intracellularly. Collectively, these data suggest that botulinum neurotoxins types A and B inactivate transmitter release by interaction at different sites in the process. Based on the consistent results observed with four different drugs known to affect selectively microtubules, their involvement in the action of the type B neurotoxin is proposed.  相似文献   
The neuroparalytic activities of botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT A), tetanus toxin (TeTx), or homologous and heterologous combinations of their constituent polypeptides were examined at cholinergic and non-cholinergic synapses of Aplysia californica. When applied extracellularly, BoNT A or a mixture of its heavy (HC) and light (LC) chains were far more potent in blocking transmitter release at cholinergic than non-cholinergic synapses. The reverse was true for TeTx or a mixture its constituent chains. Such selectivity was assigned to differences in neuronal targetting and uptake of the neurotoxins since both exhibited similar potencies when injected directly into the cell body of either cell type. When bath-applied, heterologous combinations of the toxins' HC and LC appeared as effective as the parent neurotoxins from whence each HC was derived. Moreover, targetting/internalization was attributable to the analogous N-terminal moieties, H2 and beta 2, of the HC from BoNT A and TeTx. Thus, it may be postulated that the latter regions possess two functional domains, one being distinct and responsible for the divergent neuronal specificity, whereas the other serves a common role in translocating the LC of either toxin. Also, it was shown that the C-terminal portion of the HC of TeTx is unable to play the intracellular role of its counterpart in BoNT A.  相似文献   
Dendrotoxin is a snake polypeptide that blocks selectively and potently certain voltage-sensitive, fast-activating K+ channels in the nervous system, where it binds with high affinity to membranous acceptors. Herein, the acceptor protein for dendrotoxin in bovine synaptic membranes is solubilized in active form and its complete purification achieved by affinity chromatography, involving a novel elution procedure. This putative K+-channel constituent is shown to be a large oligomeric glycoprotein containing two major subunits, with Mr values of 75,000 and 37,000.  相似文献   
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