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Payseur BA, Covert HA, Vinyard CJ, Dagosto M. 1999. New Body Mass Estimates for Omomys carteri, a Middle Eocene Primate From North America. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:41–52. This article included an incomplete Table 2. The final two columns, showing “Intercept” and “SEE” data were omitted. The complete Table 2, with these two columns included, is provided below.  相似文献   
The major virulence factor of the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is an extensive polysaccharide capsule which surrounds the cell. Almost 90% of the capsule is composed of a partially acetylated linear alpha-1,3-linked mannan substituted with D-xylose and D-glucuronic acid. A novel mannosyltransferase with specificity appropriate for a role in the synthesis of this glucuronoxylomannan is active in cryptococcal membranes. This membrane-associated activity transfers mannose in vitro from GDP-mannose to an alpha-1, 3-dimannoside acceptor, forming a second alpha-1,3 linkage. Product formation by the transferase is dependent on protein, time, temperature, divalent cations, and each substrate. It is not affected by amphomycin or tunicamycin but is inhibited by GDP and mannose-1-phosphate. The described activity is not detectable in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, consistent with the absence of a similar polysaccharide structure in that organism. A second mannosyltransferase from C. neoformans membranes adds mannose in alpha-1,2 linkage to the same dimannoside acceptor. The two activities differ in pH optimum and cation preference. While the alpha-1,2 transferase does not have specificity appropriate for a role in glucuronoxylomannan synthesis, it may participate in production of mannoprotein components of the capsule. This study suggests two new targets for antifungal drug discovery.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aureofaciens, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida are of importance to medicine, agriculture and biocycling. These microbes acquire ferric ion via the use of the siderophores pyochelin and the family known as the pyoverdines or pseudobactins. The ferric uptake regulator (fur) gene is responsible, at least in part, for the regulation of siderophore synthesis and uptake in P. aeruginosa.To determine whether the organisms contain single or multiple homologues of the siderophore-related genes fpvA (ferripyoverdine uptake) and fur, and whether these homologues displayed sequence heterogeneity, their chromosomal DNAs were probed with fur and fpvA sequences. As a representative of a non-fluorescent pseudomonad, the bacterium Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia was also examined.The pseudomonads all contained fpvA- and fur-like homologues, and heterogeneity was observed among the different species. The presence of two or more fpvA-like genes is indicated in all of the fluorescent pseudomonads surveyed. In contrast, B. cepacia DNA either did not hybridize to these probes, or did so only very weakly, suggesting that fur- and fpvA-like homologues are either absent or significantly different in B. cepacia compared to the fluorescent pseudomonads examined.  相似文献   
An easy to perform autometallographic technique (AMG) for capturing zinc ions in Alzheimer plaques is presented. The possibility of visualizing loosely bound or free zinc ions in tissue by immersion autometallography (iZnSAMG) is a relatively recent development. The iZnSAMG staining is caused by zinc-sulphur nanocrystals created in 1–2 mm thick brain slices that are immersed in a 0.1% sodium sulphide, 3% glutaraldehyde phosphate buffered solution, the NeoTimm Solution (NTS), for 3 days. When the zinc-sulphur nanocrystals are subsequently silver-enhanced by autometallography, the plaques are readily identified as spheres of dark interlacing strands of different sizes, embedded in the pattern of zinc-enriched terminals. The zinc specificity of the iZnSAMG technique was tested by immersion of brain slides in the chelator DEDTC prior to the NTS immersion. The iZnSAMG detection of zinc ions is easily standardized and can be used in the quantification of plaques with stereological methods. This technique is the first to detect zinc in plaques in the cerebellum of transgenic PS1/APP mice and the first to detect zinc ions in plaques and dystrophic neurites at electron microscopical levels.  相似文献   
Major urinary proteins (Mups) are important for rodent scent communication and sexual behaviour. Recent evidence suggests that Mup1 may be regulated by fasting and re-feeding (RF). However, other Mup isoforms are poorly investigated, and data on the impact of long-term dietary restriction (DR) and ad libitum RF on Mup expression are missing. We investigated the effects of long-term 25 per cent DR and subsequent RF on Mup expression in male C57BL6 mice. DR significantly decreased Mup gene expression, hepatic and urinary protein levels compared with ad libitum (AL) fed control mice, with the greatest downregulation found for Mup5 expression. The decline in Mup expression was inverted by six months of RF. Because of inhibitory glucocorticoid response elements in the genomic sequence of the Mup5 gene, the observed inverse correlation of nuclear glucocorticoid receptor levels with Mup expression in response to DR and subsequent RF is a possible regulatory mechanism. Additionally, gene-expression-inhibiting histone deacetylation (H3K9) occurred in the region of the Mup5 gene in response to DR. We assume that Mup may act as a molecular switch linking nutritional status to sexual behaviour of mice, and thereby regulating male fertility and reproduction in response to food supply.  相似文献   


Videobronchoscopy is an essential diagnostic procedure for evaluation of the central airways and pivotal for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. Technological improvements have resulted in high definition (HD) images with advanced real time image enhancement techniques (i-scan).


In this study we aimed to explore the sensitivity of HD+ i-scan bronchoscopy for detection of epithelial changes like vascular abnormalities and suspicious preinvasive lesions, and tumors.


In patients scheduled for a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure under general anesthesia videos of the bronchial tree were made using 5 videobronchoscopy modes in random order: normal white light videobronchoscopy (WLB), HD-bronchoscopy (HD), HD bronchoscopy with surface enhancement technique (i-scan1), HD with surface- and tone enhancement technique (i-scan2) and dual mode autofluorescence videobronchoscopy (AFB). The videos were scored in random order by two independent and blinded expert bronchoscopists.


In 29 patients all videos were available for analysis. Vascular abnormalities were scored most frequently in HD + i-scan2 bronchoscopy (1.33 ± 0.29 abnormal or suspicious sites per patient) as compared to 0.12 ± 0.05 site for AFB (P = 0.003). Sites suspicious for preinvasive lesions were most frequently reported using AFB (0.74 ± 0.12 sites per patient) as compared to 0.17 ± 0.06 for both WLB and HD bronchoscopy (P = 0.003). Tumors were detected equally by all modalities. The preferred modality was HD bronchoscopy with i-scan (tone- plus surface and surface enhancement in respectively 38% and 35% of cases P = 0.006).


This study shows that high definition bronchoscopy with image enhancement technique may result in better detection of subtle vascular abnormalities in the airways. Since these abnormalities may be related to preneoplastic lesions and tumors this is of clinical relevance. Further investigations using this technique relating imaging to histology are warranted.  相似文献   


Due to the rapidly expanding body of biomedical literature, biologists require increasingly sophisticated and efficient systems to help them to search for relevant information. Such systems should account for the multiple written variants used to represent biomedical concepts, and allow the user to search for specific pieces of knowledge (or events) involving these concepts, e.g., protein-protein interactions. Such functionality requires access to detailed information about words used in the biomedical literature. Existing databases and ontologies often have a specific focus and are oriented towards human use. Consequently, biological knowledge is dispersed amongst many resources, which often do not attempt to account for the large and frequently changing set of variants that appear in the literature. Additionally, such resources typically do not provide information about how terms relate to each other in texts to describe events.


This article provides an overview of the design, construction and evaluation of a large-scale lexical and conceptual resource for the biomedical domain, the BioLexicon. The resource can be exploited by text mining tools at several levels, e.g., part-of-speech tagging, recognition of biomedical entities, and the extraction of events in which they are involved. As such, the BioLexicon must account for real usage of words in biomedical texts. In particular, the BioLexicon gathers together different types of terms from several existing data resources into a single, unified repository, and augments them with new term variants automatically extracted from biomedical literature. Extraction of events is facilitated through the inclusion of biologically pertinent verbs (around which events are typically organized) together with information about typical patterns of grammatical and semantic behaviour, which are acquired from domain-specific texts. In order to foster interoperability, the BioLexicon is modelled using the Lexical Markup Framework, an ISO standard.


The BioLexicon contains over 2.2 M lexical entries and over 1.8 M terminological variants, as well as over 3.3 M semantic relations, including over 2 M synonymy relations. Its exploitation can benefit both application developers and users. We demonstrate some such benefits by describing integration of the resource into a number of different tools, and evaluating improvements in performance that this can bring.  相似文献   
Centromeres are differentiated chromatin domains, present once per chromosome, that direct segregation of the genome in mitosis and meiosis by specifying assembly of the kinetochore. They are distinct genetic loci in that their identity in most organisms is determined not by the DNA sequences they are associated with, but through specific chromatin composition and context. The core nucleosomal protein CENP-A/cenH3 plays a primary role in centromere determination in all species and directs assembly of a large complex of associated proteins in vertebrates. While CENP-A itself is stably transmitted from one generation to the next, the nature of the template for centromere replication and its relationship to kinetochore function are as yet poorly understood. Here, we investigate the assembly and inheritance of a histone fold complex of the centromere, the CENP-T/W complex, which is integrated with centromeric chromatin in association with canonical histone H3 nucleosomes. We have investigated the cell cycle regulation, timing of assembly, generational persistence, and requirement for function of CENPs -T and -W in the cell cycle in human cells. The CENP-T/W complex assembles through a dynamic exchange mechanism in late S-phase and G2, is required for mitosis in each cell cycle and does not persist across cell generations, properties reciprocal to those measured for CENP-A. We propose that the CENP-A and H3-CENP-T/W nucleosome components of the centromere are specialized for centromeric and kinetochore activities, respectively. Segregation of the assembly mechanisms for the two allows the cell to switch between chromatin configurations that reciprocally support the replication of the centromere and its conversion to a mitotic state on postreplicative chromatin.  相似文献   
Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen characterized by a prominent polysaccharide capsule that envelops the cell. Although this capsule is dispensable for in vitro growth, its presence is essential for virulence. The capsule is primarily made of two xylose-containing polysaccharides, glucuronoxylomannan and galactoxylomannan. There are likely to be multiple xylosyltransferases (XTs) involved in capsule synthesis, and the activities of these enzymes are potentially important for cryptococcal virulence. A beta-1,2-xylosyltransferase with specificity appropriate for capsule synthesis was purified approximately 3000-fold from C. neoformans, and the corresponding gene was identified and cloned. This sequence conferred XT activity when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which lacks endogenous XT activity. The gene, termed CXT1 for cryptococcal xylosyltransferase 1, encodes a 79-kDa type II membrane protein with an N-linked glycosylation site and two DXD motifs. These latter motifs are believed to coordinate divalent cation binding in the activity of glycosyltransferases. Site-directed mutagenesis of one DXD motif abolished Cxt1p activity, even though this activity does not depend on the addition of a divalent cation. This may indicate a novel catalytic mechanism for glycosyl transfer. Five homologs of Cxt1p were found in the genome sequence of C. neoformans and 34 within the sequences of other fungi, although none were found in other organisms. Many of the homologous proteins are similar in size to Cxt1p, and all are conserved with respect to the essential DXD motif. These proteins represent a new family of glycosyltransferases, found exclusively within the fungal kingdom.  相似文献   
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