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By means of plasposon mutagenesis, mutants of Burkholderia cenocepacia 370 with the change in production of N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL), signal molecules of the Quorum Sensing system of regulation, were obtained. To localize plasposon insertions in mutant strains, fragments of chromosomal DNA containing plasposons were cloned, adjacent DNA regions sequenced, and a search for homologous nucleotide sequences in the GeneBank was initiated. It has been shown that the insertion of plasposon into gene lon encoding lon proteinase drastically decreases AHL synthesis. Upon insertion of plasposon into gene pps encoding phosphoenolpyruvate-synthase, enhancement of AHL production is observed. In mutant carrying inactivated gene lon, a strong decline of extracellular protease activity, hemolytic, and chitinolytic activities was observed in comparison with the original strain; lipase activity was not changed in this mutant. Mutation in gene pps did not affect these properties of B. cenocepacia 370. Mutations in genes lon and pps reduced the virulence of bacteria upon infection of mice.  相似文献   
The functional confirmation of availability of Ca2+ transport initially-active systems in the embryo cells of loach Misgurnus fossilis L. has been obtained. Using thapsigargin, the specific inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum of Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase, this enzyme activity was divided into thapsigargin-sensitive (actually endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase) and thapsigargin-insensitive (plasma membrane Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase) constituents. The Ca(2+)-independent Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase activity makes above 39.7% of the common Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase activity of embryo loach. The periodic changes of Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase activity (except for the changes of plasma membrane Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase activity) were found out, which coincide with periodic [Ca2+]i oscillations during the synchronous divisions of loach blastomers embryos.  相似文献   
In electrophysiological experiments in Wistar rats it was shown that preventive immunization of animals with bovine serum albumin conjugated with dopamine or 5-hydroxytryptamine or with bovine serum albumin alone partly protects against the development of experimental MPTP-induced depressive syndrome. Signs of depressive-like state such as decrease in REM-sleep latency and the development of epileptiform activity in caudate putamen were not observed in immunized animals, whereas REM-sleep proportion in the total sleep structure was increased. Changes in the spectral characteristics of brain electric activity and sleep structure during development of experimental MPTP-induced syndrome in immunized rats are antigen-specific and reflect the functional shifts in neurotransmitter systems, both in those which are the target of the immune action and those sensitive to alterations in the immune state of a body.  相似文献   
The amount and composition of fatty acids in the fungus Stilbella aciculosa associated with the marine macroorganism Apostichopus japonica (trepang) were determined by gas-liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In the culture liquid of S. aciculosa, prostaglandins (PG) of groups E and F were revealed by UV spectroscopy. This finding was confirmed by the presence of direct precursors of PG, polyunsaturated eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, in the culture liquid. The biomass of this fungus contained PG of group B.  相似文献   
AIM: Evaluation of the diagnostic value of pheno- and genotypic characteristics of B. cepacia strains collection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Phenotypic and genetic methods of identification and differentiation of 25 strains of the B. cepacia complex. RESULTS: Polyphasic taxonomic approach utilizing multiple diagnostic tests was used for accurate identification of Burkholderia species. Algorithm for identification of microorganisms from the B. cepacia complex was developed. CONCLUSION: Combined use of phenotypic and molecular genetic tests, such as recA gene PCR, is recommended for differentiation of the B. cepacia complex genomovars.  相似文献   
The therapeutic efficacy of enterocin S760, a broad spectrum antimicrobial peptide produced by Enterococcus faecium LWP760 was tested on mice infected with Bacillus anthracis M-71 to induce anthrax (second Tsenkovsky's vaccine). Intraperitoneal four-, two- or one-fold administration of the peptide in a dose of 25 mg/kg for 10 days for prophylactic (1 hour after the contamination) and therapeutic (24 hours after the contamination) purposes prevented or cured the infection in 90-100% of the mice versus the 100-percent lethality in the control (untreated animals). The antimicrobial activity of enterocin S760 against B. anthracis M-71 in vivo correlated with activity in vitro. Enterocin S760 is considered a novel promising antimicrobial for the treatment of grampositive and gramnegative infections.  相似文献   
The cultural, physiologo-biochemical adhesive and antagonistic properties of B. subtilis strains with good prospects for use as biotherapeutic preparations were studied. For further studies B. subtilis strain No. 1719 was chosen. In experiments on non-inbred white mice the animals were treated by the preparation Cifran used for their selective decontamination from opportunistic microflora and for the creation of the state of dysbiosis. The influence of the spore-forming microbe on the parietal microflora of the large intestine of the animals was shown. Reliable data on the changes in the number of microorganisms (CFU/ml) per 1 cm of the surface of the large intestine were established. As markers making it possible to evaluate the action of biotherapeutic and other medicinal remedies, easily determinable ratios of lac+/lac- of bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus/Staphylococcus spp. was proposed.  相似文献   
We have found that intravenous administration of cannabinoid receptor (CB) agonist HU-210 (0.05 mg/kg), increases cardiac resistance against arrhythmogenic effect of epinephrine, aconitine, coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion in rats. Pretreatment with CB2-receptor antagonist, SR144528 (1 mg/kg), completely abolished the antiarrhythmic effect of HU-210. However this effect of HU-210 was not attenuated by pretreatment with CB1-receptor antagonist, SR141716A (3 mg/kg). We also found that HU-210 (0.05 mg/kg) decreased the relationship between infarction size and area of ischemia. It is concluded that CB2 receptor stimulation promotes an increase in the cardiac resistance against arrhythmogenic influences and probably increases myocardial tolerance of both ischemic and reperfusion damages in rats.  相似文献   
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