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The leader peptide of the major secreted protein PilA1 of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 and several artificial leader peptides have been used to study secretion of the reporter protein lichenase to the culture medium. The strains of Synechocystis carrying lichenase with the leader sequences of PilA and with the leader sequence of Slr2016 efficiently secreted the reporter protein. The artificial leader sequence that was characterized by the overall positive charge (as PilA1 and Slr2016 leaders) also allowed secretion. The artificial leader with negative charge, however, did not allow secretion of the reporter protein. Moreover, no secreted proteins have been isolated from this strain using conventional techniques for preparation of secreted proteins. These data suggest that the general secretion pathway in cyanobacteria, at least for pilins, recognizes the overall charge of the leader sequences, and operates in a sequence-non-specific manner.  相似文献   
The desC gene for the acyl-lipid Delta9-desaturase from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus vulcanus was introduced into Nicotiana tabacum under control of the 35S promoter. Expression of the desaturase was confirmed by Western blotting. Lipid analysis revealed that lipid content and the extent of fatty acid unsaturation significantly increased in leaves of transgenic plants. Chilling tolerance of those plants also increased, as estimated by the electrolyte leakage from the tissues damaged by cold treatments. Seeds of plants that expressed the desC gene imbibed at low temperatures demonstrated higher chilling tolerance than those of the control plants. The results demonstrate that the cyanobacterial thermophilic acyl-lipid desaturase was efficiently expressed in tobacco at ambient temperatures, and its expression resulted in the enhanced chilling tolerance of the transgenic plants.  相似文献   
The development of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-induced plant tumors primarily depends on the excessive production of auxin and cytokinin by enzymes encoded on T-DNA genes integrated into the plant genome. The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of additional phytohormone signals in the vascularization required for rapid tumor proliferation. In stem tumors of Ricinus communis L., free auxin and zeatin riboside concentrations increased within 2 weeks to 15-fold the concentrations in control stem tissue. Auxin and cytokinin immunolocalization revealed the highest concentrations within and around tumor vascular bundles with concentration gradients. The time-course of changes in free auxin concentration in roots was inversely correlated with that in the tumors. The high ethylene emission induced by increased auxin- and cytokinin correlated with a 36-fold accumulation of abscisic acid in tumors. Ethylene emitted from tumors and exogenously applied ethylene caused an increase in abscisic acid concentrations also in the host leaves, with a diminution in leaf water vapor conductance. Jasmonic acid concentration reached a maximum already within the first week of bacterial infection. A wound effect could be excluded. The results demonstrate the concerted interaction of a cascade of transiently induced, non-T-DNA-encoded phytohormones jasmonic acid, ethylene and abscisic acid with T-DNA-encoded auxin and zeatin riboside plus trans-zeatin, all of which are required for successful plant tumor vascularization and development together with inhibition of host plant growth.  相似文献   
Recoverin is an N-myristoylated 23 kDa calcium-binding protein from retina, which modulates the Ca2+-sensitive deactivation of rhodopsin via Ca2+-dependent inhibition of rhodopsin kinase. It was shown by intrinsic and bis-ANS probe fluorescence, circular dichroism, and differential scanning calorimetry that myristoylated recombinant recoverin interacts specifically with zinc ions. Similar to the calcium binding, the binding of zinc to Ca2+-loaded recoverin additionally increases its alpha-helical content, hydrophobic surface area, and environmental mobility/polarity of its tryptophan residues. In contrast to the calcium binding, the binding of zinc decreases thermal stability of the Ca2+-loaded protein. Zn2+-titration of recoverin, traced by bis-ANS fluorescence, reveals binding of a single Zn2+ ion per protein molecule. It was shown that the double-mutant E85Q/E121Q with inactivated Ca2+-binding EF-hands 2 and 3 (Alekseev, A. M.; Shulga-Morskoy, S. V.; Zinchenko, D. V.; Shulga-Morskaya, S. A.; Suchkov, D. V.; Vaganova, S. A.; Senin, I. I.; Zargarov, A. A.; Lipkin, V. M.; Akhtar, M.; Philippov, P. P. FEBS Lett. 1998, 440, 116-118), which can be considered as an analogue of the apo-protein, binds Zn2+ ion as well. Apparent zinc equilibrium binding constants evaluated from spectrofluorimetric Zn2+-titrations of the protein are 1.4 x 10(5) M(-1) (dissociation constant 7.1 microM) for Ca2+-loaded wild-type recoverin and 3.3 x 10(4) M(-1) (dissociation constant 30 microM) for the E85Q/E121Q mutant (analogue of apo-recoverin). Study of the binding of wild-type recoverin to ROS membranes showed a zinc-dependent increase of its affinity for the membranes, without regard to calcium content, suggesting further solvation of a protein myristoyl group upon Zn2+ binding. Possible implications of these findings to the functioning of recoverin are discussed.  相似文献   
Degradation of Cdc25A phosphatase is an ubiquitous feature of stress. There are some discrepancies in the reported roles for different phosphorylation sites in the regulation of Cdc25A stability. Using a panel of doxycycline-inducible phosphorylation mutants we show that the stability of human Cdc25A protein is dependent upon phosphorylation at S75. In non-stressed conditions and in non-mitotic cells, Cdc25A is unstable and its stability is regulated in a Chk1-dependent manner. During mitosis, Cdc25A becomes stable and does not undergo degradation after DNA damage. We further show that Chk1 kinase regulates Cdc25A stability after UV irradiation. Similar to Chk1 kinase, p38 MAPK controls Cdc25A protein level after osmotic stress. Using phospho-specific antibodies, we find that both kinases can phosphorylate S75 and S123 in vitro. Inactivation of either Chk1 after UV-irradiation or p38 MAPK after osmotic stress prevents activation of a S phase checkpoint and S75 and S123 phosphorylation. However, introduction of stable Cdc25A (S75A or S75/123A) proteins is not sufficient to overcome this checkpoint. We propose that regulation of human Cdc25A stability by its phosphorylation at S75 may contribute to S phase checkpoint activation only in cooperation with other regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   
Backfilling is a simple and effective way of improving the utilization of spacesharing schedulers. Simple firstcomefirstserved approaches are ineffective because large jobs can fragment the available resources. Backfilling schedulers address this problem by allowing jobs to move ahead in the queue, provided that they will not delay subsequent jobs. Previous research has shown that inaccurate estimates of execution times can lead to better backfilling schedules. In the first part of this study, we characterize this effect on several workloads, and show that average slowdowns can be effectively reduced by systematically lengthening estimated execution times. Further, we show that the average job slowdown metric can be addressed directly by sorting jobs by increasing execution time. Finally, we modify our sorting scheduler to ensure that incoming jobs can be given hard guarantees. The resulting scheduler guarantees to avoid starvation, and performs significantly better than previous backfilling schedulers. In the second part of this study, we show how queue randomization and even more a combination of queue randomization and sorting by job length can improve performance. We show that these improvements are better than with queue sorting by job length alone in the simulation with actual estimates of job running times. We investigate the real characteristics of these estimates, and show the wide range of overestimation. To exploit even more randomization and queue sorting, we eliminate guarantees from backfilling algorithm, and show significant improvements. Finally, we show a limited usefulness of these guarantees, and show that queue sorting criteria can be modified to prevent starvation in the modified backfilling algorithm.  相似文献   
We previously used subtractive hybridization to isolate cDNAs for genes upregulated in chick hypertrophic chondrocytes (Nurminskaya, M., and T.F. Linsenmayer. 1996. Dev. Dyn. 206:260–271). Certain of these showed homology with the “A” subunit of human plasma transglutaminase (factor XIIIA), a member of a family of enzymes that cross-link a variety of intracellular and matrix molecules. We now have isolated a full-length cDNA for this molecule, and confirmed that it is avian factor XIIIA. Northern and enzymatic analyses confirm that the molecule is upregulated in hypertrophic chondrocytes (as much as eightfold). The enzymatic analyses also show that appreciable transglutaminase activity in the hypertrophic zone becomes externalized into the extracellular matrix. This externalization most likely is effected by cell death and subsequent lysis—effected by the transglutaminase itself. When hypertrophic chondrocytes are transfected with a cDNA construct encoding the zymogen of factor XIIIA, the cells convert the translated protein to a lower molecular weight form, and they initiate cell death, become permeable to macromolecules and eventually undergo lysis. Non-hypertrophic cells transfected with the same construct do not show these degenerative changes. These results suggest that hypertrophic chondrocytes have a novel, tissue-specific cascade of mechanisms that upregulate the synthesis of plasma transglutaminase and activate its zymogen. This produces autocatalytic cell death, externalization of the enzyme, and presumably cross-linking of components within the hypertrophic matrix. These changes may in turn regulate the removal and/or calcification of this hypertrophic matrix, which are its ultimate fates.  相似文献   
The most popular object for studying endocytosis of EGF-receptor complexes, human epidermoid carcinoma A431, was shown to answer to EGF in high concentration (100 ng/ml) by growth inhibition, being indifferent to lower (0.1-1 ng/ml) concentrations. At the same time, cells NIH 3T3, expressing human EGF receptor (HER14), and epithelial mammary cells HC11 increased 14C-thymidine incorporation into DNA after EGF addition. However, for HER14 cells stimulatory effect of EGF was twice weaker than that induced by serum, whereas the effect of EGF on 14C-thymidine incorporation in DNA of cells HC11 was approximately 5 times stronger compared to serum. Therefore, cells HC11 may be referred to as EGF-dependent. Cell cycle analysis by fluorimetry showed that more than 90% of serum-starved HER14 and HC11 were in G0/G1. Within 19-20 h after stimulation by EGF 70-90% of HC11 cells and only 30-40% of HER14 cells were in S-phase. EGF removing from culture medium earlier than 9-11 h after stimulation blocked entering of HC11 cells into S-phase, whereas such EGF-dependent period was not found for cells HER14. Thus, synchronization of progression through early stages of cell cycle, stimulated by EGF and the presence of well defined "early" (EGF-dependent) and "late" (EGF-independent) phases, make cells HC11 convenient object for studying physiological role of EGF receptor complexes endocytosis.  相似文献   
A mechanism of apoptotic death of normal rat embryo fibroblasts and of those transformed by E1A + cHa-Ras oncogenes following gamma irradiation has been investigated. The E1A + cHa-Ras transformed cells were shown to express wild type p53 which was able to trans-activate a reporter pG13-luc Plasmid. As a result of trans-activation, an accumulation of universal inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases--p21/Waf1 protein and an increase in the proportion of p21/Waf1 expressing cells were observed, The accumulated p21/Waf1 was found to bind with PCNA. The association with PCNA, however, did not lead to suppression of DNA replication according to the data of iododeoxyuridine (IdUr) incorporation. A high proportion of S-phase cells, in combination with cell cycle blocking in G2-phase, promoted polyploidization of E1A + cHa-Ras transformed cells after gamma irradiation. The polyploidic cells with DNA content equal and higher than 8c die 48-72 h following irradiation due to apoptosis. A significant proportion of E1A + cHa-Ras cells with incorporated IdUr contains labeled micronuclei, the fact being a morphological evidence of apoptosis of cells in S-phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
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