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Two Leuconostoc oenos mutant strains unable to metabolize malic acid were differentiated by [U-14C]-labelled L-malate transport assays into a malolactic-enzyme-deficient mutant and a malate-transport-defective mutant. A mathematical analysis of the data from L-malic acid uptake at three pH values (5.2, 4.5, and 3.2) in the malolactic-enzyme-deficient strains suggest two simultaneous uptake mechanisms, presumably a carrier-mediated transport and a passive diffusion for the anionic and the undissociated forms of the acid, respectively. The apparent affinity constant (K m t) and the maximal rate (V m t) values for L-malate active transport were, 12 mM and 43 mol L-malate·mg–1·s–1, respectively. Active transport was constitutive and strongly inhibited by protonophores and by ATPase inhibitors. L-Lactic acid appeared to inhibit L-malic acid transport, suggesting an L-lactate/L-malate exchange. At pH values of 4.5 or above, the passive diffusion of L-malic acid was negligible. However, at pH 3.2, the mean pH of wine, the permeability of the cells to the undissociated acid by simple diffusion could represent more than 50% of total L-malic acid uptake, with a diffusion constant (K D) of 0.1 s–1. Correspondence to: C. Divies  相似文献   
A citrate lyase (EC was purified 25-fold from Leuconostoc mesenteroides and was shown to contain three subunits. The first 42 amino acids of the β subunit were identified, as well as an internal peptide sequence spanning some 20 amino acids into the α subunit. Using degenerated primers from these sequences, we amplified a 1.2-kb DNA fragment by PCR from Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris. This fragment was used as a probe for screening a Leuconostoc genomic bank to identify the structural genes. The 2.7-kb gene cluster encoding citrate lyase of L. mesenteroides is organized in three open reading frames, citD, citE, and citF, encoding, respectively, the three citrate lyase subunits γ (acyl carrier protein [ACP]), β (citryl-S-ACP lyase; EC, and α (citrate:acetyl-ACP transferase; EC The gene (citC) encoding the citrate lyase ligase (EC was localized in the region upstream of citD. Protein comparisons show similarities with the citrate lyase ligase and citrate lyase of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. Downstream of the citrate lyase cluster, a 1.4-kb open reading frame encoding a 52-kDa protein was found. The deduced protein is similar to CitG of the other bacteria, and its function remains unknown. Expression of the citCDEFG gene cluster in Escherichia coli led to the detection of a citrate lyase activity only in the presence of acetyl coenzyme A, which is a structural analog of the prosthetic group. This shows that the acetyl-ACP group of the citrate lyase form in E. coli is not complete or not linked to the protein.Lactic acid bacteria of the genus Leuconostoc play important roles in the dairy industry because of their ability to produce carbon dioxide and C4 aroma compounds through lactose heterofermentation and citrate utilization. The carbon dioxide produced is responsible for eye formation in certain types of cheese. Citrate utilization by these bacteria leads to the production of diacetyl, which is considered a main flavor compound of a range of fermented dairy products such as cultured butter, buttermilk, and cottage cheese.The citrate utilization by lactic acid bacteria requires specifically three enzymes involved in the conversion of citrate to pyruvate: a citrate permease, a citrate lyase, and an oxaloacetate decarboxylase. The energetic role of citrate metabolism in Leuconostoc mesenteroides has been recently described (24, 25). The citrate permease catalyzes an electrogenic exchange of divalent anionic citrate and monovalent lactate, resulting in the generation of a membrane potential (Fig. (Fig.1,1, reaction 1) (24, 25). The intracellular citrate is cleaved by a citrate lyase (EC, yielding acetate and oxaloacetate (Fig. (Fig.1,1, reactions 2 and 3). The oxaloacetate is decarboxylated into carbon dioxide and pyruvate in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme oxaloacetate decarboxylase (Fig. (Fig.1,1, reaction 4). Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Citrate fermentation pathway in L. mesenteroides and role of the different subunits in the reaction catalyzed by citrate lyase (EC The proteins involved are citrate permease (1), citrate lyase α subunit citrate:acetyl-ACP transferase (EC (2), citrate lyase β subunit citryl–S-ACP lyase (EC (3) oxaloacetate decarboxylase (4), acetate:SH-CL ligase (EC (5), and lactate dehydrogenase (6). ACP, γ subunit of ACP; R, prosthetic group. Acetic anhydride is used for chemical specific acetylation of the prosthetic group. Acetic anhydride is an analog of the mixed anhydride of citric and acetic acids which corresponds probably to an intermediate analog in the acyl-exchange reaction (7a, 14a).Understanding of the molecular genetics of these lactic acid bacteria is not far advanced, and the genes encoding the enzymes citrate lyase and oxaloacetate decarboxylase are unknown.On the basis of previous studies (22, 33), the citrate lyase of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis and Leuconostoc can be considered a functional complex (Mr, 585,000) composed of three proteins: α, β, and γ subunits in a stoichiometric relationship of 6:6:6. The structure and the mechanism of action are similar to those of the citrate lyase of Klebsiella pneumoniae, which has been extensively studied (1, 15, 16, 34, 36). The citrate lyase is active only if the thioester residue of the prosthetic group linked to its acyl carrier protein (ACP) (γ subunit) is acetylated. This activation is catalyzed by an acetate:SH-citrate lyase ligase (CL ligase) (EC, which converts HS-ACP with ATP and acetate into the acetyl-S-ACP (Fig. (Fig.1,1, reaction 5) (32). The α subunit replaces the acyl group with a citryl group to form the citryl-S-ACP (Fig. (Fig.1,1, reaction 2) (16). At last, the β subunit cleaves citryl-S-ACP into oxaloacetate and regenerates the acyl-S-ACP (Fig. (Fig.1,1, reaction 3) (16).Different mechanisms of regulation of citrate lyase have been reported, such as configurational changes, reversible covalent modification by acetylation-deacetylation, and phosphorylation-dephosphorylation (1, 2). In microorganisms like Klebsiella, in which the reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle are operative and therefore contain citrate synthase, a strict regulation of citrate lyase activity is necessary to avoid a futile cycle between citrate fermentation and the l-glutamate biosynthetic pathway. After citrate depletion from the growth medium or upon transfer from an anaerobic citrate medium to an aerobic glucose medium, the synthesis of l-glutamate from oxaloacetate and acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) via citrate can be ensured only if the citrate fermentation pathway is turned off. The intracellular l-glutamate concentration controls these pathways by modulating the activity of the citrate lyase complex (1, 2).An induction of citrate lyase activity has been observed in Leuconostoc but never in all Lactococcus strains tested (21, 26). In L. mesenteroides, the citrate lyase activity is induced by citrate and rapidly repressed after the citrate consumption in the medium. However, the regulation mechanisms remain unknown. In this paper, we report the purification of L. mesenteroides citrate lyase and an approach based on reverse genetics that yielded the full-length sequence of CL ligase and citrate lyase genes encoding the α, β, and γ subunits. The citrate lyase and CL ligase genes were sequenced and expressed in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of citrate on diacetyl, acetoin and 2,3-butylene glycol (2,3-BG) production by Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris grown in continuous culture at pH 5.2 were studied. In glucose alone end-product production agreed with the theoretical stoichiometry. In the presence of citrate, lactate and acetate production was higher than the theoretical stoichiometry from glucose. Lactate production was constant when the initial citrate concentration was increased whereas ethanol production strongly decreased. In the absence of citrate, citrate lyase (CL) exhibited weak activity. Diacetyl reductase (DR) and acetoin reductase (AR) exhibited basal activity. When varying citrate concentrations ranging from 10 to 75 mm were added to glucose broth, DR, AR, lactate dehydrogenase, NADH oxidase and alcohol dehydrogenase decreased as the initial citrate concentration increased suggesting that they were partly repressed by citrate. In contrast, CL increased and the specific citrate utilization rate also increased in the same way, indicating no saturation of the first step of citrate metabolism. Acetate kinase (AK) was slightly higher in the presence of citrate and increased when the initial citrate concentration increased. This result was correlated with an increase of acetate from the acetyl phosphate pathway. More ATP was produced in the presence of citrate, which could explain the increase in biomass formation. Citrate bioconversion into diacetyl, acetoin and 2,3-BG increased as the initial citrate increased. Correspondence to: C. Diviès  相似文献   


Human blood coagulation factor VIII (fVIII) is a large plasma glycoprotein with sequential domain arrangement in the order A1-a1-A2-a2-B-a3-A3-C1-C2. The A1, A2 and A3 domains are interconnected by long linker peptides (a1, a2 and a3) that possess the activation sites. Proteolysis of fVIII zymogen by thrombin or factor Xa results in the generation of the activated form (fVIIIa) which serves as a critical co-factor for factor IXa (fIXa) enzyme in the intrinsic coagulation pathway.


In our efforts to elucidate the structural differences between fVIII and fVIIIa, we developed the solution structural models of both forms, starting from an incomplete 3.7 Å X-ray crystal structure of fVIII zymogen, using explicit solvent MD simulations. The full assembly of B-domainless single-chain fVIII was built between the A1-A2 (Ala1-Arg740) and A3-C1-C2 (Ser1669-Tyr2332) domains. The structural dynamics of fVIII and fVIIIa, simulated for over 70 ns of time scale, enabled us to evaluate the integral motions of the multi-domain assembly of the co-factor and the possible coordination pattern of the functionally important calcium and copper ion binding in the protein.


MD simulations predicted that the acidic linker peptide (a1) between the A1 and A2 domains is largely flexible and appears to mask the exposure of putative fIXa enzyme binding loop (Tyr555-Asp569) region in the A2 domain. The simulation of fVIIIa, generated from the zymogen structure, predicted that the linker peptide (a1) undergoes significant conformational reorganization upon activation by relocating completely to the A1-domain. The conformational transition led to the exposure of the Tyr555-Asp569 loop and the surrounding region in the A2 domain. While the proposed linker peptide conformation is predictive in nature and warrants further experimental validation, the observed conformational differences between the zymogen and activated forms may explain and support the large body of experimental data that implicated the critical importance of the cleavage of the peptide bond between the Arg372 and Ser373 residues for the full co-factor activity of fVIII.  相似文献   
The seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana and many other plants are surrounded by a pectinaceous mucilage that aids in seed hydration and germination. Mucilage is synthesized during seed development within maternally derived seed coat mucilage secretory cells (MSCs), and is released to surround the seed upon imbibition. The FEI1/FEI2 receptor-like kinases and the SOS5 extracellular GPI-anchored protein were shown previously to act on a pathway that regulates the synthesis of cellulose in Arabidopsis roots. Here, we demonstrate that both FEI2 and SOS5 also play a role in the synthesis of seed mucilage. Disruption of FEI2 or SOS5 leads to a reduction in the rays of cellulose observed across the seed mucilage inner layer, which alters the structure of the mucilage in response to hydration. Mutations in CESA5, which disrupts an isoform of cellulose synthase involved in primary cell wall synthesis, result in a similar seed mucilage phenotype. The data indicate that CESA5-derived cellulose plays an important role in the synthesis and structure of seed coat mucilage and that the FEI2/SOS5 pathway plays a role in the regulation of cellulose synthesis in MSCs. Moreover, these results establish a novel structural role for cellulose in anchoring the pectic component of seed coat mucilage to the seed surface.  相似文献   


The objective was to evaluate concordance between 2002 American-European Consensus Group (AECG) and 2016 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) and to assess how salivary gland ultrasonography (SGUS) might improve the classification of patients.


Patients with suspected pSS underwent a standardised evaluation, including SGUS, at inclusion into the single-centre Brittany DIApSS cohort. Agreement between the two criteria sets was assessed using Cohen’s κ coefficient. Characteristics of discordantly categorised patients were detailed.


We prospectively included 290 patients between 2006 and 2016, among whom 125 (43%) met ACR/EULAR criteria and 114 (39%) also met AECG criteria; thus, 11 (4%) patients fulfilled only ACR/EULAR, no patients AECG only, and 165 (57%) patients neither criteria set. Concordance was excellent (κ?=?0.92). Compared to patients fulfilling both criteria sets, the 11 patients fulfilling only ACR/EULAR criteria had similar age and symptom duration but lower frequencies of xerophthalmia and xerostomia (p?<?0.01 for each) and salivary gland dysfunction (p?<?0.01); most had systemic involvement (91%), including three (27%) with no sicca symptoms; 91% had abnormal salivary gland biopsy and 46% anti-Sjögren's-syndrome-related antigen A (anti-SSA); 64% were diagnosed with pSS by the physician. SGUS was abnormal in 12% of the 165 patients fulfilling no criteria set. Including SGUS among the ACR/EULAR criteria increased sensitivity from 87.4% to 91.1% when physician diagnosis was the reference standard.


Agreement between AECG and ACR/EULAR criteria sets is excellent. ACR/EULAR criteria are slightly more sensitive and classified some patients without sicca symptoms as having pSS. Including SGUS in the ACR/EULAR criteria may further improve their sensitivity.
Erbium (Er) (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 wt%)‐doped CaZrO3 nanophosphors were synthesized by the sol–gel method using poly(vinyl alcohol) as the chelating agent. Their structural and photoluminescence properties were studied using X‐ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopy (FESEM‐EDS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photoluminescence and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The XRD patterns of the samples confirm that nanoscale crystallite sizes. Agglomeration of the samples was observed using field emission scanning electron microscopy images. Energy dispersive spectroscopy measurements confirmed the existence of Ca, Zr, O and Er in the samples. Average particle sizes for the samples were calculated from transmission electron microscopy images. FTIR spectra clearly show characteristic absorption bands related to the metal oxides, as well as some other organic molecules. The photoluminescence spectra show bands in the green region. The Commission International de l'Eclairage coordinates were calculated and found to be in green region.  相似文献   
A microelectrode system is used in order to simultaneously measure pH and oxidoreduction potential (Eh) gradients developed during growth by Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus plantarum immobilized in gelled media used as model food. Unlike E. coli, L. plantarum steadily decreased medium pH independently of depth of measurement and time of incubation. Both bacteria brought about the creation of an Eh gradient throughout the gelled medium. This gradient was much more important for E. coli (700 mV) than for L. plantarum (80 mV) but more transitory.  相似文献   
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