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The properties of seven enzymes were studied in extracts from Myxobacter AL-1. The enzymes were isocitrate dehydrogenase (E.C., succinate dehydrogenase (E.C., alkaline phosphatase (E.C., -glucosidase (E.C., -glucosidase (E.C., -galactosidase (E.C., and N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (E.C. Four of these enzymes: isocitrate dehydrogenase, -glucosidase, -glucosidase, and -galactosidase are cytosolic enzymes. Succinate dehydrogenase was found to be located on the cytoplasmic membrane system, whereas alkaline phosphatase and N-acetyl-glucosaminidase were considered as enzymes which bind the outer membranes resp. the cell wall. During the cell cycle, all enzymes have a pattern of discontinuous activity increase. Succinate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase exhibit a stepwise increase of activity, whereas the other enzymes follow the pattern of a peak enzyme.  相似文献   
Summary Eight representative recombinant background clones of λEMBL3 were analysed usingKpnI,BamHI,SalI,EcoRI andHindIII digestion. We found that λEMBL3 carries its own left arm in theBamHI cloning site. In this way, recombinant molecules were found to be generated which can grow onEscherichia coli strain NM539. In all cases analysed, the left arm DNA was inserted in a head to tail orientation. Seven clones carried a restoredBamHI site at thecos site-BamHI site connection. In the region where the inserted left arm and the right arm were ligated,BamHI cloning produces a large palindromic sequence consisting of two polylinkers. ThisBamHI site was incompletely cleaved in all cases analysed. We assume that a part of the λ DNA molecule in this region shows a cruciform structure prohibiting recognition or cleavage of this site by restriction endonucleaseBamHI.  相似文献   
Secretion in blowfly (Calliphora vicina) salivary glands is stimulated by the biogenic amine serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), which activates both inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)/Ca2+ and cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cAMP) signalling pathways in the secretory cells. In order to characterize the signal-inducing 5-HT receptors, we cloned two cDNAs (Cv5-ht2α, Cv5-ht7) that share high similarity with mammalian 5-HT2 and 5-HT7 receptor genes, respectively. RT-PCR demonstrated that both receptors are expressed in the salivary glands and brain. Stimulation of Cv5-ht2α-transfected mammalian cells with 5-HT elevates cytosolic [Ca2+] in a dose-dependent manner (EC50 = 24 nM). In Cv5-ht7-transfected cells, 5-HT produces a dose-dependent increase in [cAMP]i (EC50 = 4 nM). We studied the pharmacological profile for both receptors. Substances that appear to act as specific ligands of either Cv5-HT or Cv5-HT7 in the heterologous expression system were also tested in intact blowfly salivary gland preparations. We observed that 5-methoxytryptamine (100 nM) activates only the Cv5-HT receptor, 5-carboxamidotryptamine (300 nM) activates only the Cv5-HT7 receptor, and clozapine (1 µM) antagonizes the effects of 5-HT via Cv5-HT7 in blowfly salivary glands, providing means for the selective activation of each of the two 5-HT receptor subtypes. This study represents the first comprehensive molecular and pharmacological characterization of two 5-HT receptors in the blowfly and permits the analysis of the physiological role of these receptors, even when co-expressed in cells, and of the modes of interaction between the Ca2+- and cAMP-signalling cascades.  相似文献   
With 1429 animal species, the Triassic Cassian Formation in the Dolomites, Southern Alps (Italy), yields the highest species richness reported from any spatially constrained pre-Quaternary formation known to science. The high preserved diversity is partly attributable to a high primary diversity governed by the tropical setting, increasing alpha diversity, and the breadth of habitats spurring beta diversity. More important is the excellent preservation of fossils and the ease with which they can be extracted from the poorly lithified sediments. We propose the term ‘liberation Lagerstätten’ to capture this preservational window. In contrast to conservation Lagerstätten, liberation Lagerstätten like the Cassian Formation originate from normal marine conditions but low-grade diagenesis. Molluscs contribute substantially to species richness, comprising 67% of all invertebrate species in the Cassian Formation. The gastropod dominance (39% of all species) is nearly as great as in Recent tropical settings, contradicting the concept of a substantial Cenozoic rise.  相似文献   
Ostracods were found in two pieces of Baltic amber for the first time. The animals belong to the freshwater genus Cyclocypris. Since Baltic amber was formed during Eocene times in southern Scandinavia, the age of the specimens is estimated at 42–54 million years. As aquatic organisms, ostracods are seldom trapped in amber; it is considered that one specimen, already dead and dried, was either blown onto sticky resin on a plant stem, or washed there by a high flood level, while the other was probably splashed, alive, in a drop of water against the flowing resin, again probably during a flood. Associated faunal remains, including other crustaceans, suggest a coastal palaeoenvironment with some marine as well as freshwater influence.  相似文献   
Summary Lambertz (1954) did not mention Gramineae as plants containing ectodesmata, although he stated that ectodesmata are not bound to special groups of angiosperms but should occur in all families of angiosperms. Schnepe (1959) expressly pointed out that he never succeeded in demonstrating such structures in leaves of Gramineae with his method. In our studies, however, ectodesmata could be shown in leaves of wheat and maize if the fixation mixture contained nitric acid. As in other objects, including species of gymnosperms and pteridophytes, the same distribution of ectodesmata could be observed which was characterized by the formation of rows along the anticlinal walls, crowding in guard-cells and seattering in periclincal walls.  相似文献   
Production of apoplastic reactive oxygen species (ROS), or oxidative burst, is among the first responses of plants upon recognition of microorganisms. It requires peroxidase or NADPH oxidase (NOX) activity and factors maintaining cellular redox homeostasis. Here, PpTSPO1 involved in mitochondrial tetrapyrrole transport and abiotic (salt) stress tolerance was tested for its role in biotic stress in Physcomitrella patens, a nonvascular plant (moss). The fungal elicitor chitin caused an immediate oxidative burst in wild-type P. patens but not in the previously described ΔPrx34 mutants lacking the chitin-responsive secreted class III peroxidase (Prx34). Oxidative burst in P. patens was associated with induction of the oxidative stress-related genes AOX, LOX7, and NOX, and also PpTSPO1. The available ΔPpTSPO1 knockout mutants overexpressed AOX and LOX7 constitutively, produced 2.6-fold more ROS than wild-type P. patens, and exhibited increased sensitivity to a fungal necrotrophic pathogen and a saprophyte. These results indicate that Prx34, which is pivotal for antifungal resistance, catalyzes ROS production in P. patens, while PpTSPO1 controls redox homeostasis. The capacity of TSPO to bind harmful free heme and porphyrins and scavenge them through autophagy, as shown in Arabidopsis under abiotic stress, seems important to maintenance of the homeostasis required for efficient pathogen defense.  相似文献   
The role of the plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase (E.C. in the plants response to salt stress was studied in the perennial leguminosae forage Medicago arborea L. and its close relative Medicago citrina (Font-Quer) Greuter, a species exposed to saline conditions in its original habitat. Plants were solution cultured for 8 days in 1 or 100 mM NaCl. Leaf growth and CO2 assimilation were more inhibited by salt in M. arborea than in M. citrina. Both species were able to osmoregulate, and salt-treated plants maintained turgor potentials, with no differences between species. Contrasting ion distribution patterns showed that M. citrina was able to exclude Na+ from the leaves more selectively, while M. arborea had a greater buildup of leaf blade Na+. Isolation of purified PM and quantification of H+-ATPase protein by Western blot analysis against the 46E5B11D5 or AHA3 antibodies showed an increase in response to salt stress in the expanding (92%) and expanded leaves (87%) of M. citrina, while no differences were found in the corresponding leaves of M. arborea. The assay of H+-ATPase specific activity of the two leaf types in salinized M. citrina confirmed this increase, as activities increased with 55% and 104% for the expanded and expanding leaves, respectively, while no significant differences were found for either leaf type of salinized M. arborea. A possible role of the increased expression of the PM H+-ATPase for leaf expansion and ion exclusion in salt-stressed plants is discussed.  相似文献   
Inbreeding depression, or the reduction in fitness due to mating between close relatives, is a key issue in biology today. Inbreeding negatively affects many fitness‐related traits, including survival and reproductive success. Despite this, very few studies have quantified the effects of inbreeding on vertebrate gamete traits under controlled breeding conditions using a full‐sib mating approach. Here, we provide comprehensive evidence for the negative effect of inbreeding on sperm traits in a bird, the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. We compared sperm characteristics of both inbred (pedigree F = 0.25) and outbred (pedigree F = 0) individuals from two captive populations, one domesticated and one recently wild‐derived, raised under standardized conditions. As normal spermatozoa morphology did not differ consistently between inbred and outbred individuals, our study confirms the hypothesis that sperm morphology is not particularly susceptible to inbreeding depression. Inbreeding did, however, lead to significantly lower sperm motility and a substantially higher percentage of abnormal spermatozoa in ejaculate. These results were consistent across both study populations, confirming the generality and reliability of our findings.  相似文献   
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