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Explaining the seasonal decline in litter size in European ground squirrels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In European ground squirrels Spermophilus citellus as in many ground squirrel species. late born litters are composed of fewer young than early born litters. Two alternative though not mutually exclusive hypotheses may explain this seasonal pattern of change in litter size. On the one hand. the production of few large young late in the season may be an adaptation to time limitations on the offspring. that have to complete growth and fattening prior to hibernation. Then one would expect a trade-off between offspring number and size as the breeding season progresses. At its extreme. this hypothesis would predict that total maternal effort should be equal independent of litter size. Alternatively. litter size may be determined by physiological limitations on the mother. in that highly constrained mothers breed later and produce smaller litters. Then one would expect reduced overall maternal effort in highly constrained mothers of smaller litters. In this case. a trade-off between litter size and offspring size would not be expected. We found that total maternal effort in terms of gestation length and the duration of lactation increased with increasing litter size. thus supporting the second hypothesis. Lactation was not terminated at natal emergence. It extended a relatively long period of time beyond the time of first litter emergence depending on litter size. During prolonged lactation. individual young of large litters made up body mass to young of small litters. As a consequence. juvenile weaning body mass was unaffected by litter size although offspring body mass at natal emergence was inversely related to litter size. This additional weight gain in young of large litters compensated for initial survival disadvantages and presumably affected fecundity at yearling age.  相似文献   


Mitochondrial and nuclear genes have generally been employed for different purposes in molecular systematics, the former to resolve relationships within recently evolved groups and the latter to investigate phylogenies at a deeper level. In the case of rapid and recent evolutionary radiations, mitochondrial genes like cytochrome b (CYB) are often inefficient for resolving phylogenetic relationships. One of the best examples is illustrated by Arvicolinae rodents (Rodentia; Muridae), the most impressive mammalian radiation of the Northern Hemisphere which produced voles, lemmings and muskrats. Here, we compare the relative contribution of a nuclear marker – the exon 10 of the growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene – to the one of the mitochondrial CYB for inferring phylogenetic relationships among the major lineages of arvicoline rodents.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, reduction of NAD(+) to NADH occurs in dissimilatory as well as in assimilatory reactions. This review discusses mechanisms for reoxidation of NADH in this yeast, with special emphasis on the metabolic compartmentation that occurs as a consequence of the impermeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane for NADH and NAD(+). At least five mechanisms of NADH reoxidation exist in S. cerevisiae. These are: (1) alcoholic fermentation; (2) glycerol production; (3) respiration of cytosolic NADH via external mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenases; (4) respiration of cytosolic NADH via the glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle; and (5) oxidation of intramitochondrial NADH via a mitochondrial 'internal' NADH dehydrogenase. Furthermore, in vivo evidence indicates that NADH redox equivalents can be shuttled across the mitochondrial inner membrane by an ethanol-acetaldehyde shuttle. Several other redox-shuttle mechanisms might occur in S. cerevisiae, including a malate-oxaloacetate shuttle, a malate-aspartate shuttle and a malate-pyruvate shuttle. Although key enzymes and transporters for these shuttles are present, there is as yet no consistent evidence for their in vivo activity. Activity of several other shuttles, including the malate-citrate and fatty acid shuttles, can be ruled out based on the absence of key enzymes or transporters. Quantitative physiological analysis of defined mutants has been important in identifying several parallel pathways for reoxidation of cytosolic and intramitochondrial NADH. The major challenge that lies ahead is to elucidate the physiological function of parallel pathways for NADH oxidation in wild-type cells, both under steady-state and transient-state conditions. This requires the development of techniques for accurate measurement of intracellular metabolite concentrations in separate metabolic compartments.  相似文献   
Summary Our observations on Barnacle geese in Spitsbergen permit the following conclusions: The non-breeding geese molted at about the same time as hatching occurred in the nesting colonies, about 16 days before the breeders' molt began. The non-breeders came together into large groups along the coast. Pair bond displays (cackling and triumph ceremonies) were infrequent in non-breeder molting flocks. Families formed small flocks after hatching and migrating to the breeding areas. The flocks grew in number as the summer progressed and the parental molt occurred. The non-breeder flocks and the family flocks were both extremely cohesive. The families in a particular flock were normally synchronized in their activities. A flock of three families was studied in detail. An analysis of activity patterns showed that no diurnal fluctuations in resting, grazing and travelling were present. One gander initiated place changes more successfully than the other two. No geese or goslings were preyed upon during our observations. Gulls and skuas were threatened by individual geese. Arctic foxes caused flightless geese to take refuge in water. Full-winged adults mobbed the foxes.
Zusammenfassung Unsere Beobachtungen an Nonnengänsen in Spitzbergen nach der Brutzeit brachten folgende Ergebnisse: Die Mauser setzte bei den nichtbrütenden Gänsen etwa 16 Tage früher ein als bei den brütenden und fiel zeitlich ungefähr mit dem Schlüpftermin der Gössel zusammen. Die Nichtbrüter bildeten große Mauserverbände in Küstennähe und unterließen fast völlig Verhaltensweisen, die dem Paarzusammenhalt dienen (Schnattern und Triumphgeschrei). Die Brüter wanderten nach dem Schlüpfen der Jungen von den Brutplätzen zu ihren Aufzuchtgebieten, wo sie sich zu kleineren Familienscharen zusammenschlossen. Diese Familienscharen nahmen im Lauf des Sommers und mit dem Einsetzen der elterlichen Mauser zahlenmäßig zu. Sowohl in den Mauser- als auch in den Familienscharen zeigten die Individuen einen starken Zusammenhalt auf engem Raum und synchrone Aktivitäten. Eine Dreifamilienschar wurde im Detail untersucht. Ein Tagesrhythmus in der zeitlichen Verteilung von Weiden, Ruhen und Ortswechsel trat nicht auf. Einem Ganter gelang es häufiger als den beiden anderen, bei Ortsveränderungen eine führende Rolle in der Schar einzunehmen. Die Ganter richteten ihre Angriffe bevorzugt auf andere Ganter und fremde Gössel, die Weibchen auf andere Weibchen. Wir konnten nicht beobachten, daß Gänse oder Gössel von Raubtieren erbeutet wurden. Adulte Gänse griffen Möwen und Raubmöwen an. Vor einem Eisfuchs begaben sich flugunfähige Gänse ins Wasser, während flugfähige Gänse ihn anhaßten.
A highly abundant satellite DNA comprising 20% of the Meloidogyne fallax (Nematoda, Tylenchida) genome was cloned and sequenced. The satellite monomer is 173 bp long and has a high A + T content of 72.3%, with frequent runs of A's and T's. The sequence variability of the monomers is 2.7%, mainly due to random distribution of single-point mutations. A search for evidence of internal repeated subunits in the monomer sequence revealed a 6-bp motif (AAATTT) for which five degenerated repeats, differing by just a single base pair, could be identified. Pairwise comparison of the M. fallax satellite with those from the sympatric species Meloidogyne chitwoodi and Meloidogyne hapla revealed a high sequence similarity (68.39%) with one satellite DNA subfamily in M. chitwoodi, which indicated an unexpected close relationship between them. Given the high copy number and the extreme sequence homogeneity among monomeric units, it may be assumed that the satellite DNA of M. fallax could have evolved through some recent and extensive amplification burst in the nematode genome. In this case, its relatively short life would not yet have allowed the accumulation of random mutations in independent amplified repeats. Considering the morphological resemblance between the two species and their ability to produce interspecific fertile hybrids under controlled conditions, these results indicate that M. fallax may share a common ancestor with M. chitwoodi, from which it could have diverged recently. All these data suggest that M. fallax could be the result of a recent speciation process and show that Meloidogyne satellite DNAs may be of interest to resolve phylogenetic relationships among closely related species from this genus.   相似文献   
Summary Pinealectomized and sham-operated European starlings were maintained for 16 months under a constant 12-h photoperiod and constant temperature conditions. In all birds, testicular width was measured at about monthly intervals and the onset and end of molt was determined. Shortly after the beginning of the experiment, the sham-operated birds went through a cycle of testicular growth and regression which was followed by a complete molt; subsequently most individuals initiated a second testicular cycle. Most of the pinealectomized birds, in contrast, failed to go through a second testicular cycle. Moreover, during the first cycle their testes regressed earlier than in the sham-operated birds and the subsequent molt was relatively advanced. In these respects the pinealectomized birds behaved like intact starlings under a 13-h photoperiod. Since pinealectomy probably changes the phase-relationship between circadian rhythms and the entraining light-dark cycle it is proposed that pinealectomy in the present experiment might have altered the phase-relationship between a circadian rhythm of photosensitivity and the light-dark cycle in such a way that the birds interpreted the 12-h photoperiod as a 13-h photoperiod.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SPP Mechanismen biologischer Uhren.  相似文献   
The behavioral and endocrine changes from prenesting to feeding phases of reproduction were examined in free-living reed warblers. Apart from the onset of feeding behavior, these changes in males are particularly evident in song, territorial behavior and circulating levels of testosterone. The interactions between an individual's physiology and behavior during these behavioral transitions were tested first by correlating song and feeding rates with circulating levels of testosterone and secondly by implanting feeding males with steroids and documenting the resulting effects on song, territoriality and parental behavior. The physiological mechanisms associated with the transition from the sexual phase (nest-building and egg-laying) to the parental (incubation and feeding) in females were also examined. In this case, estrogens were implanted during the parental phase to enhance sexual behavior. The results demonstrate an antagonistic relationship between sexual/territorial behavior and parental care in males which is mediated by changes in circulating androgens and no such antagonism in females. The effects of parental manipulation on the feeding rates of the partners and the growth rates of offspring have been examined to shed light on the necessity for male parental input.  相似文献   


Molecular sequence data have become the standard in modern day phylogenetics. In particular, several long-standing questions of mammalian evolutionary history have been recently resolved thanks to the use of molecular characters. Yet, most studies have focused on only a handful of standard markers. The availability of an ever increasing number of whole genome sequences is a golden mine for modern systematics. Genomic data now provide the opportunity to select new markers that are potentially relevant for further resolving branches of the mammalian phylogenetic tree at various taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
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