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Although placental trophoblasts, the only fetal cells in direct contact with infectious maternal blood, can be infected with HIV, the precise cause for the low transmission rate of virus across the placental barrier is unknown. One of the most common conjectures is that maternal anti-HIV antibodies (Abs) contribute to the protection of the fetus. This hypothesis has been tested in vitro by infecting the CD4-negative placental trophoblast line, BeWo, with HIV-1IIIB in the presence of serial dilutions of neutralizing monoclonal Abs against the V3 loop (No. 694) or CD4-binding conformational domain (No. 588). The results, based on measurement of p24 production from virus-exposed cells, reveal that the titers of Abs, adequate in preventing the infection of control MT-4 T lymphocytes, were less effective in protecting trophoblasts. Furthermore, PCR analysis of HIV DNA formed after a single round of infection has shown no significant decrease in the number of viral copies in Ab-protected BeWo cells. An anti-HIV serum from a pregnant woman did also have no effect. Although our in vitro observations do not necessarily apply to the in vivo situation, the results suggest that the humoral immune response sustained by neutralizing Abs may be able to protect T lymphocytes, but not placental trophoblasts. The findings are consistent with recent clinical studies demonstrating a lack of correlation between the presence of neutralizing anti-HIV Abs in pregnant women and HIV transmission in utero.  相似文献   
In the fiddler crab, Uca annulipes, males attract receptive females into their burrows by waving their greatly enlarged major claw. We have previously shown that males clustered around a female wave in close synchrony. Females may have a preference for leading signals and synchronised waving may arise as an epiphenomenon of competition between males to signal first. Indeed, the males in clusters that females approach and visit in their burrows are more likely to produce leading waves than are their neighbours. Here we document two other differences in the waving behaviour of visited males and their neighbours. First, visited males complete the downward component of the wave more rapidly than their neighbours. Second, the interval between the end of one wave and the start of the next is shorter for visited males. How can waving be synchronous if visited males wave faster than their neighbours? While only 9% (40/431) of waves by neighbours did not overlap those of the visited male, 22% (110/501) of visited male waves did not overlap the wave of a focal neighbour (111 visited male-neighbour dyads). Hence, while overlapping waves are nearly synchronous, visited males produce additional, ‘nonoverlapping’ waves that result in a higher wave rate than that of their neighbours.  相似文献   
Various physiological and biochemical characters of a leaf change with stages of its ontogeny. It is likely that the photosynthetic functions of leaves of different ontogeny have different levels of heat tolerance. This study was initiated to analyze the photosynthetic heat tolerance of fully-developed, nearly-developed (more than 2/3 expanded) and developing (10–12 cm visible) leaves of two maize genotypes, F223 and F250. The results indicate that the photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate (Pn) of developing leaves was less affected by heat stress (42°C in the dark for 90 min) than that of developed leaves. The impaired Pn recovered within 24 h in the developing leaves, while the Pn of developed and nearly-developed leaves did not reach the non-stress level, even after 72 h. The Pn of the developed leaves of genotype F250 was less affected by heat stress than that of genotype F223. After heat stress, the slightly affected Pn of the developing leaf was associated with the almost unchanged photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and the quantum yield of photosystem II electron transport. The chlorophylls a and b were degraded by heat stress; the degradation was pronounced in the developed leaves. As a result of heat stress, the antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin of the xanthophyll cycle accumulated in both the nearly-developed and developed leaves but not in the developing leaves. Injury to the plasma membrane due to heat stress was much less severe in developing leaves than that in the developed leaves. From the physiological characters which we determined it would appear that the Pn functions of the developing leaves are more resistant to heat stress than those of nearly-developed and developed leaves.  相似文献   
Drought is one of the key restraints to agricultural productivity worldwide and is expected to increase further. Drought stress accompanied by reduction in precipitation pose major challenges to future food safety. Strategies should be develop to enhance drought tolerance in crops like chickpea and wheat, in order to enhance their growth and yield. Drought tolerance strategies are costly and time consuming however, recent studies specify that plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and plant growth regulators (PGRs) can help plants to withstand under harsh environmental condition and enable plants to cope with drought stress. PGPR can act as biofertilizer and bioenhancer for different legumes and non-legumes. The use of PGPR and symbiotic microorganisms, may be valuable in developing strategies to assist water conservation in plants. The use of PGPR has been confirmed to be an ecologically sound way of enhancing crop yields by facilitating plant growth through direct or indirect mechanism. The mechanisms of PGPR for water conservation include secretion of exopolysaccharides, biofilm formation, alternation in phytohormone content, improvement in sugar concentration, enhancing availability of micro- and macronutrients and changes in plant functional traits. Similarly, plant growth regulators (PGRs) are specially noticed in actively growing tissues under stress conditions and have been associated in the control of cell division, embryogenesis, root formation, fruit development and ripening, and reactions to biotic and abiotic stresses and upholding water conservation status in plants. Previous studies also suggest that plant metabolites interact with plant physiology under stress condition and impart drought tolerance. Metabolites like, sugars, amino acids, organic acid and polyols play a key role in drought tolerance of crop plants grown under stress condition. It is concluded from the present study that PGRs in combination with PGPR consortium can be an effective formulation to promote plant growth and maintenance of plant turgidity under drought stress. This review is a compilation of the effect of drought stress on crop plants and described interactions between PGPR/PGRs and plant development, knowledge of water conservation and stress release strategies of PGPR and PGRs and the role of plant metabolites in drought tolerance of crop plants. This review also bridges the gaps that summarizes the mechanism of action of PGPR for drought tolerance of crop plants and sustainability of agriculture and applicability of these beneficial rhizobacteria in different agro-ecosystems under drought stress.  相似文献   
Although the cause for bone marrow fibrosis in patients with myelofibrosis remains controversial, it has been hypothesized that it is caused by extensive fibroblast proliferation under the influence of cytokines generated by the malignant megakaryocytes. Moreover, there is no known drug therapy which could reverse the process. We studied the fibroblasts in a novel system using the hanging drop method, evaluated whether the fibroblasts obtain from patients are part of the malignant clone of not and, using this system, we screen a large library of FDA‐approved drugs to identify potential drugs candidates that might be useful in the treatment of this disease, specifically which would inhibit fibroblast proliferation and the development of bone marrow fibrosis. We have found that the BM fibroblasts are not part of the malignant clone, as previously suspected and two immunosuppressive medications—cyclosporine and mycophenolate mophetil, as most potent suppressors of the fibroblast collagen production thus potentially inhibitors of bone marrow fibrosis production in myelofibrosis.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes a variety of diseases in humans including lung and ocular infections. Infections of the cornea are usually associated with wearing contact lenses and can result in loss of vision. This study aimed to determine the effect of carbon or nitrogen limitation on the adhesion to contact lenses of a strain of Ps. aeruginosa isolated from contact lens-related corneal inflammation. Cells were grown in a continuous culture apparatus in varying levels of glucose or ammonia to effect nutrient limitation. Adhesion to contact lenses was measured as total counts and viable counts. The cell surface hydrophobicity and charge were measured using adhesion to surface-modified Sepharose. Changes in lipopolysaccharide were determined using 1D SDS-PAGE and changes in cell-surface proteins were measured using 2D gel electrophoresis. The more the cultures were nitrogen limited, the greater the increase in adhesion to unworn hydrogel contact lenses 0.3 x 10(3) - 2.2 x 10(3) cells/mm2 on Etafilon A lenses. Cells that were carbon limited showed a greater increase in adhesion to contact lenses when the lenses had been coated in artificial tears. It appeared that lipopolysaccharide may have been involved in the constitutive adhesion to unworn lenses that occurred during C-limitation, whereas changes in the outer membrane proteins contributed to the increased adhesion under nitrogen limitation, or the change in adhesion that occurred to carbon-limited cells using contact lenses coated in artificial tears. Nine cell-surface proteins appeared during nitrogen limitation with kDa/pI of 75/4.8, 4.9, 5.0; 62/5.6; 89/6.5; 38/6.4; 28/1.5; 18/6.4; 12/4.5. Any or all of these may have been involved in the increased adhesion and further experiments are underway to examine this possibility.  相似文献   
The isoprostanes (IsoPs) are a unique series of prostaglandin-like compounds formed in vivo from the free radical-catalyzed peroxidation of arachidonic acid. This review summarizes our current knowledge regarding these compounds. Novel aspects of the biochemistry and bioactivity of IsoPs are detailed and methods by which these compounds are analyzed are discussed. A considerable portion of this review deals with the utility of measuring IsoPs as markers of oxidant injury in human diseases particularly in association with risk factors that predispose to atherosclerosis, a condition in which excessive oxidative stress has been causally implicated.  相似文献   
Molecular phylogenetics has benefited tremendously from the advent of next‐generation sequencing, enabling quick and cost‐effective recovery of whole mitogenomes via an approach referred to as ‘genome skimming’. Recently, genome skimming has been utilised to recover highly repetitive nuclear genes such as 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA genes that are useful for inferring deeper evolutionary relationships. To address some outstanding issues in the relationships among Northern Hemisphere freshwater crayfish (Astacoidea), we sequenced the partial genome of crayfish species from Asian, North American and European genera and report the successful recovery of whole mitogenome sequences in addition to three highly repetitive nuclear genes, namely histone H3, 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA. Consistent with some previous studies using short mtDNA and nuclear gene fragments, phylogenetic analyses based on the concatenation of recovered mitochondrial and/or nuclear sequences recovered the Asian cambarid lineage as basal to all astacids and North American cambarids, which conflicts with the current taxonomic classification based on morphological and reproduction‐related characters. Lastly, we show that complete H3, 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA genes can also be consistently recovered from a diverse range of animal taxa, demonstrating the potential wide utility of genome skimming for nuclear markers.  相似文献   
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