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Tumor progression is controlled by signals from cellular and extra-cellular microenvironment including stromal cells and the extracellular matrix. Consequently, three-dimensional in vitro tumor models are essential to study the interaction of tumor cells with their microenvironment appropriately in a biologically relevant manner. We have previously used organotypic co-cultures to analyze the malignant growth of human squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cell lines on a stromal equivalent in vitro. In this model, SCC cell lines are grown on a collagen-I gel containing fibroblasts. Since macrophages play a critical role in the progression of many tumor types, we now have expanded this model by integrating macrophages into the collagen gel of these organotypic tumor co-cultures. This model was established as a murine and a human system of skin SCCs. The effect of macrophages on tumor progression depends on their polarization. We demonstrate that macrophage polarization in organotypic co-cultures can be modulated towards and M1 or an M2 phenotype by adding recombinant IFN-γ and LPS or IL-4 respectively to the growth medium. IL-4 stimulation of macrophage-containing cultures resulted in enhanced tumor cell invasion evidenced by degradation of the basement membrane, enhanced collagenolytic activity and increased MMP-2 and MMP-9. Interestingly, extended co-culture with tumor cells for three weeks resulted in spontaneous M2 polarization of macrophages without IL-4 treatment. Thus, we demonstrate that macrophages can be successfully integrated into organotypic co-cultures of murine or human skin SCCs and that this model can be exploited to analyze macrophage activation towards a tumor supporting phenotype.  相似文献   
Removal of Pb(II) from an aqueous environment using biosorbents is a cost-effective and environmentally benign method. The biosorption process, however, is little understood for biosorbents prepared from plant materials. In this study, the biosorption process was investigated by evaluating four adsorption models. A fixed-bed column was prepared using a biosorbent prepared from the aquatic plant Hydrilla verticillata. The effect of bed height and flow rate on the biosorption process was investigated. The objective of the study was to determine the ability of H. verticillata to biosorb Pb(II) from an aqueous environment and to understand the process, through modeling, to provide a basis to develop a practical biosorbent column. Experimental breakthrough curves for biosorption of 50 mg L?1 aqueous Pb(II) using a fixed-bed column with 1.00 cm inner diameter were fitted to the Thomas, Adams-Bohart, Belter, and bed depth service time (BDST) models to investigate the behavior of each model according to the adsorption system and thus understand the adsorption mechanism. Model parameters were evaluated using linear and nonlinear regression methods. The biosorbent removed 65% (82.39 mg g?1 of biosorbent) of Pb(II) from an aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2 at a flow rate of 5.0 ml min?1 in a 10 cm column. Na2CO3 was used to recover the adsorbed Pb(II) ions as PbCO3 from the biosorbent. The Pb(II) was completely desorbed at a bed height of 10.0 cm and a flow rate of 5.0 ml min?1. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis of the native biosorbent and Pb(II)-loaded biosorbent indicated that the hydroxyl groups and carboxylic acid groups were involved in the metal bonding process. The FT-IR spectrum of Pb(II)-desorbed biosorbent showed an intermediate peak shift, indicating that Pb(II) ions were replaced by Na+ ions through an ion-exchange process. Of the four models tested, the Thomas and BDST models showed good agreement with experimental data. The calculated bed sorption capacity N0 and rate constant ka were 31.7 g L?1 and 13.6 × 10?4 L mg?1 min?1 for the Ct/C0 value of 0.02. The BDST model can be used to estimate the column parameters to design a large-scale column.  相似文献   
Amniotic membrane (AM) due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-scarring and anti-angiogenic properties is used as corneal and wound grafts. When developing AM tissue banks, cell viability, membrane morphology and genomic stability should be preserved following cryopreservation. To analyze the changes rendered to the AM during the process of cryopreservation by comparing different combinations of standard cryopreservation media; fetal bovine serum (FBS), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), Dulbecco’s modified eagle’s medium (DMEM) and glycerol at ?80 °C and at ?196 °C for a period of 6 weeks and at 4 °C in 70 % alcohol for 6 weeks. Following informed consent, placentae of healthy term pregnancies delivered by elective Cesarean section were collected and AM separated into 5 × 5 cm size sections and under sterile conditions stored in 9:1 DMSO:FBS and 1:1 DMEM:Glycerol at ?196 and ?80 °C for 6 weeks. Similar sections were also stored at 4 °C in 70 % alcohol for 6 weeks. After storage periods following were assessed; AM epithelial cell viability by trypan blue vital stain, epithelial cell proliferation capacity by cell doubling time, membrane morphology by haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain and genomic stability by conventional G-banded karyotyping. Human amniotic epithelial cells were cultured in DMEM and 10 % FBS in humidified atmosphere of 5 % carbon dioxide at 37 °C and were characterized using RT-PCR for Octamer-binding protein 4 (Oct-4) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) genes. All the above parameters were also assessed in fresh AM. AM obtained from 4 term placentae. Mean cell count and mean cell doubling times in days respectively; for fresh AM 3.8 × 106; 1.59, after 6 weeks in DMSO:FBS at ?196 °C 3.0 × 106; 2.38 and at ?80 °C 2.1 × 106; 1.60, in DMEM:Glycerol at ?196 °C 3.6 × 106; 2.33 at ?80 °C 23 × 106; 1.66 and at 4 °C 3.3 × 106; 2.14. Histology analysis of the fresh AM showed an intact epithelial monolayer, thick basement membrane (BM) and avascular stromal matrix. Amniotic membranes stored at ?196 °C showed morphology similar to fresh AM in both preservation media and AM stored at ?80 °C showed disruption of the stromal matrix. At 4 °C the epithelial monolayer showed flattening. Fresh AM karyotype was 46XX. Analyzable spreads for karyotype were not obtained from stored AMs. Human amniotic epithelial cells were positive for both Oct-4 and G6PD genes. AM is best preserved at ?196 °C either in 1:9 DMSO:FBS or 1:1 DMEM:Glycerol. In both conditions cell viability and membrane integrity were shown to be preserved up to 6 weeks. Since analyzable chromosome spreads from cell cultures were not obtained, genomic stability could not be assessed.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody designated Gib 13 has been used in an immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) to detect circulating antigen in the sera of Wuchereria bancrofti-infected subjects from an endemic area of Papua New Guinea. A clear association between the presence of patent infection and the Gib 13 target epitope in serum was established because 93% of microfilaremic individuals were antigen-positive. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between levels of serum antigen and blood microfilarial counts. Detection of circulating antigen in amicrofilaremic subjects with acute symptoms of lymphatic filariasis, and 53% of asymptomatic amicrofilaremic subjects, but not in nonendemic controls, suggests that the Gib 13 IRMA will also be of value in the diagnosis of occult filariasis. However, as in all IRMA based on detection of potentially immunogenic molecules in man, antibodies can be expected to be the major contributor to reduced sensitivity of the assay.  相似文献   
Infectivity rates of insect vectors are the best criteria by which to assess the transmission of filarial parasites and the efficacy of filariasis control programs. Currently available DNA probes can be used to estimate the proportion of vectors containing larvae of a given filarial species but provide no information on three other important variables in the transmission dynamics of filarial nematodes: the developmental stage, the location and the actual number of larvae that are present in the vector, all of which can be reliably determined by microscopy. However, species identification is often difficult and sometimes impossible by conventional microscopy, which requires morphologically intact specimens. DNA is tough and DNA probing can identify worms that are dead and that have lost morphologic integrity; it also permits multiple analyses of the same specimen with different probes and has the potential for simultaneous processing of very large numbers of samples. Here, Senaroth Dissonoyake and Willy Piessens outline the route to the development of species- and life cycle stage-specific DNA/RNA probing reagents, and simple, reliable and quantitative technologies that can supplement and ultimately replace microscopic dissection.  相似文献   
Nearly all twin registers are based in developed countries and there is no twin register in the developing world. Our objectives were to initiate the process of establishing a nationwide twin register in Sri Lanka by starting a volunteer register first and working towards a population-based register. Regular newspaper advertisements, feature articles, radio talks, and television programmes were used to publicise a competition for twins, their parents/relatives and friends requesting them to participate by sending in details of twins. The competition ran from 28 March 1997 for a period of 3 months. It offered prizes for three winners selected by drawing lots. Advertisements highlighted the objective of the competition as establishing a twin register for future research and emphasised that informed consent would be obtained for individual research projects. Those who registered comprise 4602 twin pairs (same sex: male--1564, female--1885; different sex--1153), 80 sets of triplets (same sex: male--17, female--31; different sex--42) and two sets of quadruplets (different sex). The oldest twins, triplets, quadruplets are 85, 46, and 5 years old, respectively; 88.0% of twins are less than 30 years old. Although others have previously used media publicity to enrol twins in twin registers, we believe this to be the first time that twins have been enrolled through competition. We have more young twins, and our gender and zygosity proportions after applying Weinburg's rule do not match the proportions expected from a volunteer twin sample. Establishing a twin register for research purposes has proved possible in a developing country.  相似文献   
The effects of isatin Mannich bases incorporating (1-[piperidin-1-yl (P1)/morpholin-4-yl (P2)/N-methylpiperazin-1-yl (P3)]methyl)-1H-indole-2,3-dione) moieties against human (h) carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isoenzymes hCA I and hCA II, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) enzymes were evaluated. P1P3 demonstrated impressive inhibition profiles against AChE and BChE and also inhibited both CAs at nanomolar level. These inhibitory effects were more powerful in all cases than the reference compounds used for all these enzymes. This study suggests that isatin Mannich bases P1–P3 are good candidate compounds especially for the development of new cholinesterase inhibitors since they were 2.25.9 times better inhibitors than clinically used drug Tacrine.  相似文献   
Much attention is paid in conservation planning to the concept of a species, to ensure comparability across studies and regions when classifying taxa against criteria of endangerment and setting priorities for action. However, various jurisdictions now allow taxonomic ranks below the level of species and nontaxonomic intraspecific divisions to be factored into conservation planning—subspecies, key populations, evolutionarily significant units, or designatable units. Understanding patterns of genetic diversity and its distribution across the landscape is a key component in the identification of species boundaries and determination of substantial geographic structure within species. A total of 12,532 reliable polymorphic SNP loci were generated from 63 populations (286 individuals) covering the distribution of the Australian eastern three‐lined skink, Bassiana duperreyi, to assess genetic population structure in the form of diagnosable lineages and their distribution across the landscape, with particular reference to the recent catastrophic bushfires of eastern Australia. Five well‐supported diagnosable operational taxonomic units (OTUs) existed within B. duperreyi. Low levels of divergence of B. duperreyi between mainland Australia and Tasmania (no fixed allelic differences) support the notion of episodic exchange of alleles across Bass Strait (ca 60 m, 25 Kya) during periods of low sea level during the Upper Pleistocene rather than the much longer period of isolation (1.7 My) indicated by earlier studies using mitochondrial sequence variation. Our study provides foundational work for the detailed taxonomic re‐evaluation of this species complex and the need for biodiversity assessment to include an examination of cryptic species and/or cryptic diversity below the level of species. Such information on lineage diversity within species and its distribution in the context of disturbance at a regional scale can be factored into conservation planning regardless of whether a decision is made to formally diagnose new species taxonomically and nomenclaturally.  相似文献   


Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) enzymes are involved in the metabolism of a large number of commonly prescribed drugs such as antidepressants and cardiovascular drugs. The CYP2D6 *3, *4 and *14 variants associated with the loss of enzyme function; CYP2D6 *10 and *17 variants with reduced enzyme function; and CYP2D6 *2 variant with no effect on enzyme function. Establishing the frequency of these variant alleles in Sri Lankan population would be useful for optimizing pharmacotherapy with CYP2D6-substrate drugs.


The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of CYP2D6 *2, *3, *4, *10, *14 and *17 variants in the main ethnic groups in the Sri Lankan population.


A total of 90 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) samples (30 each from Sinhalese, Tamils and Moors) were selected from a DNA resource at the Human Genetic Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. This collection had been made for population genetic studies from a random population based volunteers. Genotyping was performed using published polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism methods.


The prevalence of the CYP2D6 variants in Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils and Moors respectively were CYP2D6 *2: 37%, 41.6% and 37.9%; CYP2D6 *3: 60.3%, 45% and 30%; CYP2D6 *4: 21.6%, 6.6% and 8.3%; CYP2D6 *10: 40%, 35% and 44%. CYP2D6 *14 and *17 variants were not identified.


CYP2D6*3, *4 and *10 variants, which are associated with reduced or loss of CYP2D6 enzyme function were found in our population in significant frequencies. CYP2D6*4, which is reported to be a Caucasian variant was also found in all three ethnic groups.  相似文献   
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