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Sulfur Mustard (SM) is a vesicant chemical warfare agent, which is acutely toxic to a variety of organ systems including skin, eyes, respiratory system and bone marrow. The underlying molecular pathomechanism was mainly attributed to the alkylating properties of SM. However, recent studies have revealed that cellular responses to SM exposure are of more complex nature and include increased protein expression and protein modifications that can be used as biomarkers. In order to confirm already known biomarkers, to detect potential new ones and to further elucidate the pathomechanism of SM, we conducted large-scale proteomic experiments based on a human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) exposed to SM. Surprisingly, our analysis identified glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as one of the up-regulated proteins after exposure of HaCaT cells to SM. In this paper we demonstrate the sulfur mustard induced nuclear translocation of GAPDH in HaCaT cells by 2D gel-electrophoresis (2D GE), immunocytochemistry (ICC), Western Blot (WB) and a combination thereof. 2D GE in combination with MALDI-TOF MS/MS analysis identified GAPDH as an up-regulated protein after SM exposure. Immunocytochemistry revealed a distinct nuclear translocation of GAPDH after exposure to 300 μM SM. This finding was confirmed by fractionated WB analysis. 2D GE and subsequent immunoblot staining of GAPDH demonstrated two different spot locations of GAPH (pI 7.0 and pI 8.5) that are related to cytosolic or nuclear GAPDH respectively. After exposure to 300 μM SM a significant increase of nuclear GAPDH at pI 8.5 occurred. Nuclear GAPDH has been associated with apoptosis, detection of structural DNA alterations, DNA repair and regulation of genomic integrity and telomere structure. The results of our study add new aspects to the pathophysiology of sulfur mustard toxicity, yet further studies will be necessary to reveal the specific function of nuclear GAPDH in the pathomechanism of sulfur mustard.  相似文献   
The growing importance of biocatalysis in the syntheses of enantiopure molecules results from the benefits of enzymes regarding selectivity and specificity of the reaction and ecological issues of the process. Ene‐reductases (ERs) from the old yellow enzyme family have received much attention in the last years. These flavo‐enzymes catalyze the trans‐specific reduction of activated C?C bonds, which is an important reaction in asymmetric synthesis, because up to two stereogenic centers can be created in one reaction. However, limitations of ERs described in the literature such as their moderate catalytic activity and their strong preference for NADPH promote the search for novel ERs with improved properties. In this study, we characterized nine novel ERs from cyanobacterial strains belonging to different taxonomic orders and habitats. ERs were identified with activities towards a broad spectrum of alkenes. The reduction of maleimide was catalyzed with activities of up to 35.5 U mg?1 using NADPH. Ketoisophorone and (R)‐carvone, which were converted to the highly valuable compounds (R)‐levodione and (2R,5R)‐dihydrocarvone, were reduced with reaction rates of up to 2.2 U mg?1 with NADPH. In contrast to other homologous ERs from the literature, NADH was accepted at moderate to high rates as well: Enzyme activities of up to 16.7 U mg?1 were obtained for maleimide and up to 1.3 U mg?1 for ketoisophorone and (R)‐carvone. Additionally, excellent stereoselectivities were achieved in the reduction of (R)‐carvone (97–99% de). In particular, AnabaenaER3 from Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 and AcaryoER1 from Acaryochloris marina MBIC 11017 were identified as useful biocatalysts. Therefore, novel ERs from cyanobacteria with high catalytic efficiency were added to the toolbox for the asymmetric reduction of alkenes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1293–1301. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The liver is the principal source of glutamate in blood plasma. Recently we have discovered that efflux of glutamate from hepatocytes is catalyzed by the transporter OAT2 (human gene symbol SLC22A7). Organic anion transporter 2 (OAT2) is an integral membrane protein of the sinusoidal membrane domain; it is primarily expressed in liver and much less in kidney, both in rats and humans. Many years ago, Häussinger and coworkers have demonstrated in isolated perfused rat liver that benzoic acid or specific 2-oxo acid analogs of amino acids like e.g. 2-oxo-4-methyl-pentanoate (‘2-oxo-leucine’) strongly stimulate release of glutamate (up to 7-fold); ‘2-oxo-valine’ and the corresponding amino acids were without effect. The molecular mechanism of efflux stimulation has remained unclear. In the present study, OAT2 from human and rat were heterologously expressed in 293 cells. Addition of 1 mmol/l benzoic acid to the external medium increased OAT2-specific efflux of glutamate up to 20-fold; ‘2-oxo-leucine’ was also effective, but not ‘2-oxo-valine’. Similar effects were seen for efflux of radiolabeled orotic acid. Expression of OAT2 did not increase uptake of benzoic acid; thus, benzoic acid is no substrate, and trans-stimulation can be excluded. Instead, further experiments suggest that increased efflux of glutamate is caused by direct interaction of benzoic acid and specific 2-oxo acids with OAT2. We propose that stimulators bind to a distinct extracellular site and thereby accelerate relocation of the empty substrate binding site to the intracellular face. Increased glutamate efflux at OAT2 could be the main benefit of benzoate treatment in patients with urea cycle defects.  相似文献   
The alphaproteobacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense synthesizes magnetosomes, which are membrane-enveloped crystals of magnetite. Here we show that nitrite reduction is involved in redox control during anaerobic biomineralization of the mixed-valence iron oxide magnetite. The cytochrome cd1-type nitrite reductase NirS shares conspicuous sequence similarity with NirN, which is also encoded within a larger nir cluster. Deletion of any one of these two nir genes resulted in impaired growth and smaller, fewer, and aberrantly shaped magnetite crystals during nitrate reduction. However, whereas nitrite reduction was completely abolished in the ΔnirS mutant, attenuated but significant nitrite reduction occurred in the ΔnirN mutant, indicating that only NirS is a nitrite reductase in M. gryphiswaldense. However, the ΔnirN mutant produced a different form of periplasmic d1 heme that was not noncovalently bound to NirS, indicating that NirN is required for full reductase activity by maintaining a proper form of d1 heme for holo-cytochrome cd1 assembly. In conclusion, we assign for the first time a physiological function to NirN and demonstrate that effective nitrite reduction is required for biomineralization of wild-type crystals, probably by contributing to oxidation of ferrous iron under oxygen-limited conditions.  相似文献   
European Wrynecks Jynx torquilla torquilla have generally been considered to be long‐distance Palaearctic–African migrants that spend the non‐breeding season in Sahelian Africa, where they have been reported regularly. Results from tracking individual birds showed that Wrynecks from two Central European populations migrated only relatively short distances to the Iberian Peninsula and northwestern Africa (c. 1500 km and 3000 km, respectively), compared with a minimum distance of about 4500 km to Sahelian Africa. Additionally, differences in wing lengths of populations from Central and Northern Europe support the idea of leap‐frog migration, populations from Northern Europe being long‐distance migrants with a non‐breeding distribution in Sahelian Africa.  相似文献   
The publication of a large number of taxon names at all levels within the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota) has resulted in conflicting systematic schemes and generated considerable confusion among biologists working with these important plant symbionts. A group of biologists with more than a century of collective experience in the systematics of Glomeromycota examined all available molecular–phylogenetic evidence within the framework of phylogenetic hypotheses, incorporating morphological characters when they were congruent. This study is the outcome, wherein the classification of Glomeromycota is revised by rejecting some new names on the grounds that they are founded in error and by synonymizing others that, while validly published, are not evidence-based. The proposed “consensus” will provide a framework for additional original research aimed at clarifying the evolutionary history of this important group of symbiotic fungi.  相似文献   
The effect of three different nutrient depletions (nitrogen, sulphur and magnesium) on the growth and pigment accumulation of the haptophyte Isochrysis aff. galbana (clone T-ISO) has been studied. Pigments were quantified based on RP-UHPLC-PDA-MSn analysis. All nutrient depletions led to reduced maximal biomass concentrations. Besides, all nutrient-depleted cultures accumulated 3-hydroxyechinenone. To our knowledge, this is the first time that 3-hydroxyechinenone has been found in I. aff. galbana T-ISO. Most 3-hydroxyechinenone, as well as the most echinenone and diatoxanthin, were found in the nitrogen-limited culture in which a more severe limitation resulted in higher cellular contents. Similar to accumulation of diatoxanthin, accumulation of 3-hydroxyechinenone and echinenone may be part of a global (stress) response mechanism to oversaturating light conditions.  相似文献   
To fulfill existing guidelines, applicants that aim to place their genetically modified (GM) insect‐resistant crop plants on the market are required to provide data from field experiments that address the potential impacts of the GM plants on nontarget organisms (NTO's). Such data may be based on varied experimental designs. The recent EFSA guidance document for environmental risk assessment (2010) does not provide clear and structured suggestions that address the statistics of field trials on effects on NTO's. This review examines existing practices in GM plant field testing such as the way of randomization, replication, and pseudoreplication. Emphasis is placed on the importance of design features used for the field trials in which effects on NTO's are assessed. The importance of statistical power and the positive and negative aspects of various statistical models are discussed. Equivalence and difference testing are compared, and the importance of checking the distribution of experimental data is stressed to decide on the selection of the proper statistical model. While for continuous data (e.g., pH and temperature) classical statistical approaches – for example, analysis of variance (ANOVA) – are appropriate, for discontinuous data (counts) only generalized linear models (GLM) are shown to be efficient. There is no golden rule as to which statistical test is the most appropriate for any experimental situation. In particular, in experiments in which block designs are used and covariates play a role GLMs should be used. Generic advice is offered that will help in both the setting up of field testing and the interpretation and data analysis of the data obtained in this testing. The combination of decision trees and a checklist for field trials, which are provided, will help in the interpretation of the statistical analyses of field trials and to assess whether such analyses were correctly applied.  相似文献   
Highlights? SorLA is a sorting receptor for GDNF and its signaling receptors GFRa1 and RET ? The SorLA/GFRa1 complex targets GDNF for lysosomal degradation, while GFRa1 is recycled ? SorLA/GFRa1 targets RET for endocytosis and influences GDNF-induced neurotrophic effects ? SorLA knockout mice display altered dopaminergic function and an ADHD-like phenotype  相似文献   
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