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A water-soluble polysaccharide was extracted with alkali from the cell wall of Verticillium lecanii (also called Lecanicillium lecanii). After freezing and thawing, the water-soluble fraction was purified by gel filtration chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B and eluted as one peak by HPSEC/RID. Monosaccharide analysis showed galactose and glucose (1.1:1), with traces of mannose (<1%). The structural characteristics were determined by spectroscopic analysis, FT-IR and 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR, and methylation results. On the basis of the data obtained, the following structure of the polysaccharide (E3SIV fraction) was established:  相似文献   
Provete, D. B, Franco‐Belussi, L., de Souza Santos, L. R., Zieri, R., Moresco, R. M., Martins, I. A., de Almeida, S. C., & de Oliveira, C. (2012). Phylogenetic signal and variation of visceral pigmentation in eight anuran families. —Zoologica Scripta, 41, 547‐556. Visceral pigmentation is found in several organs and structures of ectothermic animals, comprising the extracutaneous pigmentary system. Its function is not well defined, although it is known that melanin is produced and stored inside pigmented cells. Previous studies demonstrated that the distribution of visceral pigmentation is neither homogeneous among organs among anuran species. We described the diversity of visceral pigmentation in 12 organs/structures from 32 anuran species belonging to eight families in a phylogenetic context. We also determined in which node(s) of the phylogeny there is more variation in the pigmentation and whether this variation has phylogenetic signal. The visceral pigment cells in organs and structures of the abdominal cavity varied among genera. All species had pigmentation in the urogenital and cardiorespiratory systems, whereas the stomach lacks pigmentation in all species. We also found a phylogenetic signal for pigmentation in all organs and structures taken together, besides heart, testes, lumbar parietal peritoneum and lumbar nerve plexus when considered separately. Overall, considering all organs, the highest diversity of categories of pigmentation was found in the nodes corresponding to Cruciabatrachia and Athesphatanura. This study constitutes the first step towards understanding the evolution of visceral pigmentation in anurans.  相似文献   
  1. We examined the competitive interactions between a native fruit fly species (Anastrepha obliqua Macquart) and the invasive medfly (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann) when these co-occur on a shared mango fruit host (Mangifera indica L.).
  2. Using mango fruits of distinct levels of ripeness, we investigated both competition among larvae and among adult females for oviposition. We quantified competition by the numbers of eggs laid and the intensity of agonistic interactions between adult females.
  3. Interactions between immature fruit flies led to reduced size and number of emerged adults of both species. These impacts were felt more acutely in the native species.
  4. Interspecific competition between females led to fewer eggs laid on semi-ripe fruit by both species, which may be the result of niche overlap associated with oviposition.
  5. Intraspecific interactions between A. obliqua individuals led to intense agonistic behaviour, with a concurrent decrease in number of landings on these host fruits.
  6. These results suggest that the native species undergoes a partial niche displacement when facing the invasive species. A portion of the fundamental niche of A. obliqua remained unoccupied by the invading C. capitata, which may allow their coexistence under natural conditions.
Glutamate significantly increased levels of spontaneous chemiluminescence (CL) in rat hippocampal slices incubated under hypoxic conditions. Although it has been previously shown that guanine nucleotides (GN) displace glutamate from several of its receptors, in our study only GMP, as well as the glutamate antagonist MK-801, was able to reverse the increase in CL provoked by glutamate. On the other hand, not only GTP or Gpp(NH)p failed to reverse the action of glutamate, but they increased CL production like glutamate. This effect of GTP/Gpp(NH)p was also reversed by GMP. We concluded that, under neurotoxic conditions, GMP acted as an antagonist and GTP or Gpp(NH)p acted as agonists of glutamate. These results reinforced the evidence of the existence of extracellular site(s) for GN and indicated a possible role for GN in excitotoxicity.  相似文献   
Normal development in anurans includes a free swimming larva that goes through metamorphosis to develop into the adult frog. We have investigated cranial muscle development and adult cranial muscle morphology in three different anuran species. Xenopus laevis is obligate aquatic throughout lifetime, Rana (Lithobates) pipiens has an aquatic larvae and a terrestrial adult form, and Eleutherodactylus coqui has direct developing juveniles that hatch from eggs deposited on leaves (terrestrial). The adult morphology shows hardly any differences between the investigated species. Cranial muscle development of E. coqui shows many similarities and only few differences to the development of Rana (Lithobates) and Xenopus. The differences are missing muscles of the branchial arches (which disappear during metamorphosis of biphasic anurans) and a few heterochronic changes. The development of the mandibular arch (adductor mandibulae) and hyoid arch (depressor mandibulae) muscles is similar to that observed in Xenopus and Rana (Lithobates), although the first appearance of these muscles displays a midmetamorphic pattern in E. coqui. We show that the mix of characters observed in E. coqui indicates that the larval stage is not completely lost even without a free swimming larval stage. Cryptic metamorphosis is the process in which morphological changes in the larva/embryo take place that are not as obvious as in normal metamorphosing anurans with a clear biphasic lifestyle. During cryptic metamorphosis, a normal adult frog develops, indicating that the majority of developmental mechanisms towards the functional adult cranial muscles are preserved. J. Morphol. 275:398–413, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Compounds similar to lapatinib and gefitinib have been investigated as potential inhibitors of the intracellular receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) domain of the human epidermal receptor 2 (HER2), which is a promising molecular target to the drug design of new chemotherapies for breast, lung, ovarian and colorectal cancers. In this study, we have searched potential HER2 inhibitors used for treatment of other illnesses such as hepatitis, bacterial infections and sexual impotence screened in the DrugBank. The compounds selected were subjected to virtual screening docking in order to evaluate the main interactions between them and the RTK domain of HER2. The selected compounds were investigated by flexible docking, molecular dynamics studies and ΔG bind calculations. The results suggest that antrafenine, saprisartan, reserpine, irinotecan and udenafil are potential candidates to inhibit the RTK domain of HER2.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Aging is associated with chronic low-grade inflammatory activity with an elevation of cytokine levels. An association between regular physical activity and reduction of blood levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines is demonstrated in the literature pointing to an anti-inflammatory effect related to exercise. However, there is no consensus regarding on which type of exercise and which parameters are the most appropriate to influence inflammatory markers. Evidence indicates that the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) can influence the synthesis of those cytokines affecting their production. METHODS: The design is a randomized controlled trial. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of two protocols of exercises, aerobic and muscle strengthening, on the physical performance (PP) and the serum levels of sTNFR-1, sTNFR-2, IL-6, IL-10 e BDNF; and to investigate the interaction between the cytokines genes SNP and the effect of physical activity on elderly women. The main outcomes are: serum levels of sTNFR-1, sTNFR-2, IL-6, IL-10 e BDNF, measured by the ELISA method; genotyping of TNF-alpha (rs1800629), IL6 (rs1800795), IL10 (rs1800896) and BDNF (rs6265 e rs4923463) SNP by the TaqMan Method (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA); and PP assessed by Timed Up and Go, 5-chair sit to stand from a chair and 10-meter walk tests. Secondary outcomes include: Geriatric Depression Scale, aerobic capacity, assessed by the 6-minute walk and the Shuttle Walking tests; lower limbs muscle strength, using an isokinetic dinamometer (Biodex Medical Systems Inc, USA); cortisol awakening response and Perceived Stress Scale. Both exercise protocols will be performed three times a week for ten weeks, 30 sessions in total. DISCUSSION: Investigate the effect of both protocols of exercise on the levels of inflammatory cytokine levels can contribute to standardize and to guide clinical practice related to treatment and prevention of functional changes due to chronic inflammatory activity in elderly. This will be the first study to analyze the interaction between genetic factors and exercise effects in elderly. This approach could develop new perspectives on preventive and treatment proposals in Physical Therapy and in the management of the elderly patient. Trial Registration: RBR9v9cwf.  相似文献   
Most textbooks and research reports state that the structures of the tetrapod forelimbs and hindlimbs are serial homologues. From this view, the main challenge of evolutionary biologists is not to explain the similarity between tetrapod limbs, but instead to explain why and how they have diverged. However, these statements seem to be related to a confusion between the serial homology of the vertebrate pelvic and pectoral appendages as a whole, and the serial homology of the specific soft‐ and hard‐tissue structures of the tetrapod forelimbs and hindlimbs, leading to an even more crucial and puzzling question being overlooked: why are the skeletal and particularly the muscle structures of the forelimb and hindlimb actually so strikingly similar to each other? Herein we provide an updated discussion of these questions and test two main hypotheses: (i) that the similarity of the limb muscles is due to serial homology; and (ii) that tetrapods that use hindlimbs for a largely exclusive function (e.g. bipedalism in humans) exhibit fewer cases of similarity between forelimbs and hindlimbs than do quadrupedal species. Our review shows that of the 23 arm, forearm and hand muscles/muscle groups of salamanders, 18 (78%) have clear ‘topological equivalents' in the hindlimb; in lizards, 14/24 (58%); in rats, 14/35 (40%); and in modern humans, 19/37 (51%). These numbers seem to support the idea that there is a plesiomorphic similarity and subsequent evolutionary divergence, but this tendency actually only applies to the three former quadrupedal taxa. Moreover, if one takes into account the total number of ‘correspondences’, one comes to a surprising and puzzling conclusion: in modern humans the number of forelimb muscles/muscle groups with clear ‘equivalents’ in the hindlimb (19) is substantially higher than in quadrupedal mammals such as rats (14), lizards (14) and even salamanders (18). These data contradict the hypothesis that divergent functions lead to divergent morphological structures. Furthermore, as we show that at least five of the 19 modern human adult forelimb elements that have a clear hindlimb ‘equivalent’ derive from embryonic anlages that are very different from the ones giving rise to their adult hindlimb ‘equivalents’, they also contradict the hypothesis that the similarity in muscle structures between the forelimb and hindlimb of tetrapods such as modern humans are due to their origin as serial homologues. This similarity is instead the result of phylogenetically independent evolutionary changes leading to a parallelism/convergence due to: (i) developmental constraints, i.e. similar molecular mechanisms are involved (particularly in the formation of the neomorphic hand), but this does not necessarily mean that similar anlages are used to form the similar adult structures; (ii) functional constraints, related to similar adaptations; (iii) topological constraints, i.e. limited physical possibilities; and even (iv) phylogenetic constraints, which tend to prevent/decrease the occurrence of new homoplasic similarities, but also help to keep older, ancestral homoplasic resemblances.  相似文献   
The supraspinatus muscle is a key component of the soft tissues of the shoulder. In pronograde primates, its main function, in combination with the other rotator cuff muscles (subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres minor), is to stabilize the glenohumeral joint, whereas in orthograde primates it functions together with the deltoid, to elevate the upper extremity in the scapular plane. To determine whether these functional differences are also reflected in the molecular biochemistry of the supraspinatus muscles involved in these different locomotor modes, we used real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to analyze the expression of the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms in supraspinatus muscles from modern humans and 12 species of pronograde and orthograde primates. The MHC expression pattern in the supraspinatus muscle of pronograde primates was consistent with its function as a tonic and postural muscle, whereas the MHC expression pattern observed in the supraspinatus muscle of nonhuman orthograde primates was that of a muscle that emphasizes speed, strength, and less resistance to fatigue. These findings are consistent with the role of the supraspinatus in the posture and locomotor modes of these groups of nonhuman primates. The humans included in the study had an expression pattern similar to that of the nonhuman orthograde primates. In conclusion, molecular analysis of skeletal muscles via RT-PCR can contribute to a better understanding of the morphological and functional characteristics of the primate musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   
The genus Phanaeus is included in the tribe Phanaeini, one of the most diverse tribes within the subfamily Scarabaeinae in terms of chromosomal characteristics. However, so far the species of this genus were not studied with differential cytogenetic techniques, limiting any inference of the probable mechanisms responsible for this diversity. In this work, several techniques were applied with the aim of cytogenetically characterizing two Phanaeus species. The karyotype found for Phanaeus (Notiophanaeus) chalcomelas was 2n = 12, neo-XY, and that of P. (N.) splendidulus was 2n = 20, Xyp, considered primitive for the family Scarabaeidae. The chromosomes of both species showed a high amount of constitutive heterochromatin (CH), with blocks rich in base pairs GC (CMA3+). Moreover, in P. (N.) chalcomelas the marks revealed by C-banding and fluorochrome staining were different in size, showing CH variability. Sites of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were identified in one autosomal pair of P. (N.) chalcomelas and in five autosomal pairs of P. (N.) splendidulus. On the other hand, only one autosomal pair exhibited 5S rDNA sequences in these species. The results suggest that the karyotype differentiation of the Phanaeus species studied here involved pericentric inversions and centric fusions, as well as mechanisms related to amplification and dispersion of CH and rDNA sequences.  相似文献   
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