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Pichia pastoris is a widely used host for the production of heterologous proteins. In this case, high cell densities are needed and oxygen is a major limiting factor. The increased air pressure could be used to improve the oxygen solubility in the medium and to reach the high oxygen demand of methanol metabolism. In this study, two P. pastoris strains producing two different recombinant proteins, one intracellular (β‐galactosidase) and other extracellular (frutalin), were used to investigate the effect of increased air pressure on yeast growth in glycerol and heterologous protein production, using the methanol AOX1‐inducible system. Experiments were carried out in a stainless steel bioreactor under total air pressure of 1 bar and 5 bar. The use of an air pressure raise of up to 5 bar proved to be applicable for P. pastoris cultivation. Moreover, no effects on the kinetic growth parameters and methanol utilization (Mut) phenotype of strains were found, while an increase in recombinant β‐galactosidase‐specific activity (ninefold) and recombinant frutalin production was observed. Furthermore, the air pressure raise led to a reduction in the secreted protease specific activity. This work shows for the first time that the application of an air pressure of 5 bar may be used as a strategy to decrease protease secretion and improve recombinant protein production in P. pastoris. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:1040–1047, 2014  相似文献   
We present a spatial model describing the growth of a photosynthetic microalgae biofilm. In this 2D-model we consider photosynthesis, cell carbon accumulation, extracellular matrix excretion, and mortality. The rate of each of these mechanisms is given by kinetic laws regulated by light, nitrate, oxygen and inorganic carbon. The model is based on mixture theory and the behaviour of each component is defined on one hand by mass conservation, which takes into account biological features of the system, and on the other hand by conservation of momentum, which expresses the physical properties of the components. The model simulates the biofilm structural dynamics following an initial colonization phase. It shows that a 75 μm thick active region drives the biofilm development. We then determine the optimal harvesting period and biofilm height which maximize productivity. Finally, different harvesting patterns are tested and their effect on biofilm structure are discussed. The optimal strategy differs whether the objective is to recover the total biofilm or just the algal biomass.  相似文献   
Studies of the phytotoxic effects between plants can be a crucial tool in the discovery of innovative compounds with herbicide potential. In this sense, we can highlight ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis), which is traditionally used in the crop rotation system in order to reduce weed emergence. The aim of this work was to characterize the secondary metabolites of ruzigrass and to evaluate its phytotoxic effects. In total, eight compounds were isolated: friedelin, oleanolic acid, α‐amyrin, 1‐dehydrodiosgenone, sitosterol and stigmasterol glycosides, tricin and p‐coumaric acid. Phytotoxic effects of the crude methanolic extract and fractions of ruzigrass were assessed using germination rate, initial seedling growth, and biomass of Bidens pilosa, Euphorbia heterophylla and Ipomoea grandifolia. Chemometric analysis discriminated the weed species into three groups, and B. pilosa was the most affected by fractions of ruzigrass. The phytotoxic activities of 1‐dehydrodiosgenone, tricin, and p‐coumaric acid are also reported, and p‐coumaric acid and 1‐dehydrodiosgenone were active against B. pilosa.  相似文献   

The potential impact of the soil seed bank of a given species and subsequent population persistence will depend on the robustness of the seeds against depletion. Invasiveness is frequently linked to this behavior and successful control of invasive species depends on reducing the size of their seed banks. We propose a hybrid model that simulates the seed bank dynamics in association with their physical dormancy (PD) based on experimental data on seed bank depletion of a Leucaena leucocephala population during the dispersal phase. The hybrid model uses cellular automata (CA) and Monte Carlo techniques. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the model delivers reproducible and reliable results. Then, we discuss the ability of the hybrid model to predict the effect of seasonal climate change. A 2.0 °C increase in temperature was enough to cause a considerable impact in the seed depletion curve, and after 1 year, ~?75% of the seeds had already disappeared from the seed bank. The proposed hybrid CA model can be used to study soil-stored seed banks with physical dormancy, and could be applied to other Fabaceae species with similar seed traits. We believe that this computational model contributes to a better understanding of seed bank dynamics and will aid in the control of invasive species and for testing different scenarios to reduce or eliminate seed banks that have already been formed.

The Mediterranean Basin is a global biodiversity hotspot, hosting a number of native species belonging to families that are found almost exclusively in tropical climates. Yet, whether or not these taxa were able to survive in the Mediterranean region during the Quaternary climatic oscillations remains unknown. Focusing on the European free-tailed bat (Tadarida teniotis), we aimed to (a) identify potential ancient populations and glacial refugia; (b) determine the post-glacial colonization routes across the Mediterranean; and (c) evaluate current population structure and demography. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers were used to understand T. teniotis evolutionary and demographic history. We show that T. teniotis is likely restricted to the Western Palearctic, with mitochondrial phylogeny suggesting a split between an Anatolian/Middle East clade and a European clade. Nuclear data pointed to three genetic populations, one of which is an isolated and highly differentiated group in the Canary Islands, another distributed across Iberia, Morocco, and France, and a third stretching from Italy to the east, with admixture following a pattern of isolation by distance. Evolutionary and demographic reconstruction supports a pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization of Italy and the Anatolian/Middle East, while the remaining populations were colonized from Italy after the Younger Dryas. We also found support for demographic expansion following the Iberian colonization. The results show that during the LGM T. teniotis persisted in Mediterranean refugia and has subsequently expanded to its current circum-Mediterranean range. Our findings raise questions regarding the physiological and ecological traits that enabled species with tropical affinities to survive in colder climates.  相似文献   
Knowledge of how animal species use food resources available in the environment can increase our understanding of many ecological processes. However, obtaining this information using traditional methods is difficult for species feeding on a large variety of food items in highly diverse environments. We amplified the DNA of plants for 306 scat and 40 soil samples, and applied an environmental DNA metabarcoding approach to investigate food preferences, degree of diet specialization and diet overlap of seven herbivore rodent species of the genus Ctenomys distributed in southern and midwestern Brazil. The metabarcoding approach revealed that these species consume more than 60% of the plant families recovered in soil samples, indicating generalist feeding habits of ctenomyids. The family Poaceae was the most common food resource retrieved in scats of all species as well in soil samples. Niche overlap analysis indicated high overlap in the plant families and molecular operational taxonomic units consumed, mainly among the southern species. Interspecific differences in diet composition were influenced, among other factors, by the availability of resources in the environment. In addition, our results provide support for the hypothesis that the allopatric distributions of ctenomyids allow them to exploit the same range of resources when available, possibly because of the absence of interspecific competition.  相似文献   
Seasonality often influences multiple aspects of vector-borne plant diseases. With respect to the management of plant disease vectors, an understanding of the factors driving seasonal changes in vector flight activity may improve management outcomes by facilitating more proactive application of control measures. One of the most challenging issues for citrus Huanglongbing management is to forecast when disease primary spread by bacteriliferous Diaphorina citri will occur. We monitored the temporal patterns of immigrating psyllids, using upwards of 1,200 traps spread among 9 citrus farms and checked on a weekly basis over 4 years. This dataset was analysed with a set of hierarchical models to estimate the effect of climatic variables on citrus foliage production (i.e. flush), and effects of climatic variables and citrus foliage dynamics on D. citri catches over the season. The results showed substantial seasonal variability in immigrating D. citri abundance, with the critical dispersal/migration period occurring between end of winter and spring. During this period, 65% of the total psyllids were collected on sticky traps. Seasonality of immigrating D. citri coincided with changes in certain climate variables, with negative effects of humidity and daily maximum temperatures, and a positive effect of rainfall amount in prior weeks. Maximum temperature and both daily minimum temperature and rainfall during prior weeks were also associated with new citrus flush production, which itself was positively related to immigrating D. citri abundance. Based on these results, citrus growers should be aware and intensify the frequency of psyllid control tactics (i.e. insecticide and/or kaolin sprays) during this period in order to prevent Ca. L. asiaticus transmission. These results are an important step towards developing the predictive framework needed to refine D. citri and huanglongbing management.  相似文献   

Sharks have been facing unprecedented pressure over the last decades, and ocean acidification may represent an additional threat, particularly during their most susceptible life stages. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of ocean acidification (control pCO2 ~ 400 μatm; high pCO2 ~ 900 μatm) on the growth, swimming performance and cholinergic system of juvenile white-spotted bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum). After 45 days of exposure, we observed that high CO2 did not affect most of the end-points studied. However, somatic growth rate and the percentage of time that sharks spent swimming was significantly reduced under high CO2 conditions. Moreover, AChE activity decreased in two of the seven brain macroareas analyzed, the telencephalon and optic lobes. As this near-threatened shark species showed small sub-lethal effects to high CO2 levels, we argue that within a longer time-frame they can potentially reduce individual performance with cascading consequences to shark population dynamics.  相似文献   
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