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Before birth, glucocorticoids retard growth, although the extent to which this is mediated by changes in insulin signalling pathways in the skeletal muscle of the fetus is unknown. The current study determined the effects of endogenous and synthetic glucocorticoid exposure on insulin signalling proteins in skeletal muscle of fetal sheep during late gestation. Experimental manipulation of fetal plasma glucocorticoid concentration was achieved by fetal cortisol infusion and maternal dexamethasone treatment. Cortisol infusion significantly increased muscle protein levels of Akt2 and phosphorylated Akt at Ser473, and decreased protein levels of phosphorylated forms of mTOR at Ser2448 and S6K at Thr389. Muscle GLUT4 protein expression was significantly higher in fetuses whose mothers were treated with dexamethasone compared to those treated with saline. There were no significant effects of glucocorticoid exposure on muscle protein abundance of IR-β, IGF-1R, PKCζ, Akt1, calpastatin or muscle glycogen content. The present study demonstrated that components of the insulin signalling pathway in skeletal muscle of the ovine fetus are influenced differentially by naturally occurring and synthetic glucocorticoids. These findings may provide a mechanism by which elevated concentrations of endogenous glucocorticoids retard fetal growth.  相似文献   
Hawkmoths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) are considered important pollinators in tropical regions, but the frequency and degree of reciprocal specialization of interactions between hawkmoths and flowers remain poorly understood. Detailed observations at two sites in Kenya over a two‐year period indicate that adult hawkmoths are routinely polyphagous and opportunistic, regardless of their proboscis length. About 700 individuals of 13 hawkmoth species were observed visiting a wide range of plant species at the study sites, including 25 taxa that appear to be specifically adapted for pollination by hawkmoths. We estimate that 277 plant species in Kenya (c. 4.61% of the total angiosperm flora) are adapted for pollination by hawkmoths. Floral tube lengths of these plants have a bimodal distribution, reflecting the existence of two hawkmoth guilds differing in tongue length. Hawkmoths exhibited strongly crepuscular foraging patterns with activity confined to a 20‐min period at dusk and, in some cases, a similar period just before dawn. Corolla tube length appears to act as a mechanical filter as the longest‐tubed plants were visited by the fewest hawkmoth species and these were exclusively from the long‐tongued guild. Tube length showed a strong positive relationship with nectar volume, even after phylogenetic correction, which implies that plants with long corolla tubes are under selection to offer relatively large amounts of nectar to entice visits by polyphagous long‐tongued hawkmoths. Our study shows that diffusely co‐evolved pollination systems involving long‐tongued hawkmoths are clearly asymmetrical, with plants exhibiting a high degree of floral specialization, while hawkmoths exhibit polyphagous behaviour. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 199–213.  相似文献   
Hydrogen bonds between polarized atoms play a crucial role in protein interactions and are often used in drug design, which usually neglects the potential of C-H...O hydrogen bonds. The 1.4 A resolution crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the retinoic acid receptor RARgamma complexed with the retinoid SR11254 reveals several types of C-H...O hydrogen bonds. A striking example is the hydroxyl group of the ligand that acts as an H bond donor and acceptor, leading to a synergy between classical and C-H...O hydrogen bonds. This interaction introduces both specificity and affinity within the hydrophobic ligand pocket. The similarity of intraprotein and protein-ligand C-H...O interactions suggests that such bonds should be considered in rational drug design approaches.  相似文献   
Hasen KV  Samartzis D  Casas LA  Mustoe TA 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,112(6):1683-9; discussion 1690-1
The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in measurable outcomes following aesthetic procedures performed under intravenous sedation with incremental doses of midazolam and fentanyl and those performed under propofol infusion. The authors' hypothesis was that the differences in these outcome parameters are not significant between these intravenous sedation protocols. All intraoperative and perioperative records of 84 consecutive patients having aesthetic surgery under a conscious sedation protocol using incremental doses of intravenous midazolam and fentanyl were retrospectively reviewed and compared with the records of a second group of 85 patients having aesthetic surgery under a deep sedation regimen based primarily on propofol infusion. All procedures were hospital based and performed by two surgeons. Twenty-eight different parameters were examined by chart review. In addition, a patient questionnaire was used to assess patient satisfaction and patient recall of operative and perioperative pain, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting. Multivariate statistical analysis was conducted. The two sedation groups were similar with regard to aesthetic procedures performed and patient demographics. The mean duration of operative time was statistically equivalent (152 minutes and 153 minutes). In both groups, there were minor adverse intraoperative events reported but no significant complications. Transient hypotension was more common in the propofol infusion group (12.9 percent versus 2.4 percent, p = 0.018), but no patient required intervention beyond reducing the sedative agent or increasing intravenous fluids. The amount of supplemental fentanyl given intraoperatively was significantly higher in the group whose primary agent for sedation was propofol infusion than the group who received midazolam/fentanyl (209 mug and 143 mug, respectively). The overall questionnaire response rate was 80 percent for both groups. The midazolam/fentanyl sedation group had more recall of "unpleasant intraoperative events" (17 percent versus 3 percent, p = 0.007). However, both groups had low recall of intraoperative pain, anxiety, and nausea. The propofol infusion group experienced significantly more nausea in the recovery room (p = 0.002), nausea at the time of discharge (p = 0.009), and nausea the evening after the operation (p = 0.013). Greater than 90 percent of the patients in both groups would have the same anesthetic in the future rather than undergo general anesthesia. Patient safety, outcomes, and satisfaction are similar in plastic surgery procedures performed under sedation protocols using either incremental doses of midazolam and fentanyl or propofol infusion. All operative and postoperative outcomes for pain, anxiety, and vomiting were similar in the two groups except for immediate postoperative nausea, which was higher in the propofol infusion group. The overall satisfaction of patients undergoing plastic surgery procedures under these intravenous sedation protocols appears very high.  相似文献   
Group-living animals frequently face situations in which they must coordinate individual and sometimes conflicting goals. We assessed chimpanzees’ ability to coordinate in a Stag Hunt game. Dyads were confronted with a situation in which each individual was already foraging on a low-value food (hare) when a high-value food (stag) appeared that required collaboration for retrieval, with a solo attempt to get the stag resulting in a loss of both options. In one condition visibility between partners was open whereas in the other it was blocked by a barrier. Regardless of condition, dyads almost always (91%) coordinated to choose the higher valued collaborative option. Intentional communication or monitoring of the partner’s behavior before decision making—characteristic of much human coordination—were limited. Instead, all dyads adopted a leader–follower strategy in which one partner took the risk of going first, presumably predicting that this would induce the other to join in (sometimes communicating if she was slow to do so). These results show that humans’ closest primate relatives do not use complex communication to coordinate but most often use a less cognitively complex strategy that achieves the same end.  相似文献   
Summary Immuno-gold labeling at the electron-microscopy level was used to investigate the distribution of tropoelastin in the chick eye. Intense staining was found in the amorphous part of mature elastic fibers in different regions of the organ. In elaunin fibers, both the amorphous core and the surrounding microfibrils were clearly labeled. In addition, reactive sites were detected in the oxitalan fibers of the stroma of the cornea and in Descemet's membrane, which showed a gradient of reactive sites increasing from the center toward the periphery. Oxitalan fibers of the stroma often fused with Descemet's membrane; the pattern of immunological staining suggested a continuity between the two structures. In the ciliary zonule, labeling for tropoelastin was observed in discrete areas on the bundles of microfibrils. The results show a complex structural organization of elastic tissue; this may be important in endowing the various parts of the eye with different mechanical properties.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is responsible for inflammatory symptoms. However, PGE2 also suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokine production. There are at least 4 subtypes of PGE2 receptors, EP1–EP4, but it is unclear which of these specifically control cytokine production. The aim of this study was to determine which of the different receptors, EP1R–EP4R modulate production of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in human monocytic cells.Human blood, or the human monocytic cell line THP-1 were stimulated with LPS. The actions of PGE2, alongside selective agonists of EP1–EP4 receptors, were assessed on LPS-induced TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-10 release. The expression profiles of EP2R and EP4R in monocytes and THP-1 cells were characterised by RT-qPCR. In addition, the production of cytokines was evaluated following knockdown of the receptors using siRNA and over-expression of the receptors by transfection with constructs.PGE2 and also EP2 and EP4 agonists (but not EP1 or EP3 agonists) suppressed TNF-α production in blood and THP-1 cells. LPS also up regulated expression of EP2R and EP4R but not EP1 or EP3. siRNA for either EP2R or EP4R reversed the suppressive actions of PGE2 on cytokine production and overexpression of EP2R and EP4R enhanced the suppressive actions of PGE2.This indicates that PGE2 suppression of TNF-α by human monocytic cells occurs via EP2R and EP4R expression. However EP4Rs also control their own expression and that of EP2 whereas the EP2R does not affect EP4R expression. This implies that EP4 receptors have an important master role in controlling inflammatory responses.  相似文献   
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