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Prevotella intermedia is a rod-shaped, Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium found in human indigenous microbiota that plays an important role in opportunistic infections. The successful colonization depends on the ability of anaerobes to respond to oxidative stress (OS) in oxygenated tissues as well as to resist oxidative events from the host immune system until anaerobic conditions are present at the infection site. As knowledge of the mechanisms of protection against OS in Prevotella is limited, studies are needed to clarify aspects of molecular biology, physiology and ecology of this bacterium. The aim of this study was to access the proteins differentially regulated in P. intermedia after exposure to molecular oxygen by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) associated with the approach of MALDI-TOF/TOF Tandem Mass Spectrometry. The identity of the protein was evaluated by database search for homologous genomic sequences of P. intermedia strain 17 (TIGR). Twenty five out of 72 proteins found were identified as up-regulated (17) or down-regulated (9). These proteins were related to a variety of metabolic process, some of which could be associated to antioxidant and redox regulatory roles. Our data indicate that OS may stimulate an adaptive response in P. intermedia whose effect on its biology may be evidenced by the increase in aerotolerance and changes in protein abundance in the oxygen adapted cells.  相似文献   
The identification of arthropod bloodmeals is important in many epidemiological studies, as, the understanding of the life cycle of vectors and the pathogens they transmit, as well as helping to define arthropods' control strategies. The precipitin test has been used for decades, but ELISA is slowly becoming more popular. To compare the two tests for sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to detect small insect bloodmeals, Aedes aegypti or Ae. fluviatilis mosquitoes were fed either on feline, canine or human hosts. Mosquitoes were frozen at 6, 12, 24, 48 or 72 h after feeding. Precipitin test showed better specificity and accuracy and ELISA test showed higher sensitivity. Better results with both tests were achieved when mosquitoes were frozen within 48 h from feeding.  相似文献   
Okra’s (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) commercial cultivation is threatened in the tropics due to high incidence of yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV) disease. Okra geneticists across the world tried to understand the inheritance pattern of YVMV disease tolerance without much success. Therefore, the inheritance pattern of YVMV disease in okra was revisited by employing six generations (\(\hbox {P}_{1}\), \(\hbox {P}_{2}\), \(\hbox {F}_{1}\), \(\hbox {F}_{2}\), \(\hbox {BC}_{1}\) and \(\hbox {BC}_{2}\)) of four selected crosses (one tolerant \(\times \) tolerant, two tolerant \(\times \) susceptible and one susceptible \(\times \) susceptible) using two tolerant (BCO-1 and Lal Bhendi) and two susceptible (Japanese Jhar Bhendi and PAN 2127) genotypes. Qualitative genetic analysis was done on the basis of segregation pattern of tolerant and susceptible plants in \(\hbox {F}_{2}\) and backcross generations of all the four crosses. It revealed that a single dominant gene along with some minor factors governed the disease tolerant trait in both the tolerant parents used. However, it was observed that genes governing disease tolerance identified in both the tolerant variety used was different. It could be concluded that the gene governing YVMV disease tolerance in okra was genotype specific. Further, duplicate gene action as evident from an approximate ratio of 15 : 1 (tolerant : susceptible) in the \(\hbox {F}_{2}\) population in the cross of two tolerant varieties gave a scope of increasing the tolerance level of the hybrid plants when both the tolerant genes are brought together. However, generation mean analysis revealed involvement of both additive and nonadditive effects in the inheritance of disease tolerance. Thus, the present study confirms that a complicated genetic inheritance pattern is involved in the disease tolerance against YVMV trait. The major tolerance genes could be transferred to other okra varieties, but the tolerance breaking virus strains might not allow them to achieve tolerance in stable condition. Therefore, accumulation of additional genes may be needed for a sustainable tolerance phenotype in okra.  相似文献   

Objective and Design

Psoriasis is a common, enigmatic, and recurrent disease. The precise etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis are still unclear. Psoriasis has been treated as an inflammatory disorder related to an underlying Th1/Th17-dominated immune response. Interleukins are involved in the development of psoriasis lesions through Th-17-associated inflammation. Th1 and Th17 cytokines are found in skin lesions and in the peripheral blood of psoriasis patients.We sought to analyze serum levels of IL-1-β, IL-8, IL-9, IL-27, IL-29, IL-35, IFN-γ, TNF and TGF-β in patients with psoriasis and healthy control volunteers.


Blood samples were collected from fifty-three patients with psoriasis and thirty-five healthy controls.


Serum cytokines concentrations were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.


Serum IL-8, IL-9, IL-27, IL-29 and TNF levels were statistically significant in psoriasis patients. Detectable serum IL-9 levels were found in 47 patients of the 53 in the psoriasis group.


Interleukins-8, 27, 29 and TNF levels measured in the serum of psoriasis patients were slightly elevated as compared to healthy controls in a weakly significant way. On the other hand, there were highly significant differences in IL-9 levels between the two groups.
AIM: This study focuses on investigating the molecular and physiological characteristics of Prevotella intermedia after molecular oxygen exposure (MOE) and the effect on drug susceptibility patterns. METHODS AND RESULTS: Samples of P. intermedia were used as parent strains: ATCC25611 and four clinical isolates. Strains adapted to oxidative stress by MOS were obtained by the enrichment technique. Drug susceptibility was evaluated by minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) using agar dilution. Arbitrarily primed-polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) was used to evaluate the genetic diversity of all strains and physiological analyses were made by sodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional electrophoresis of crude, cell-free extracts. The genetic profile showed that lineages with altered MIC values were selected after MOE. Overall, we found significant decrease in drug susceptibility for the aero-strains against all tested antimicrobials (amoxicillin, amoxicillin+clavulanic acid, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, ertapenen and metronidazole). We also observed markedly different protein expression patterns between the parent and selected aero-strains. CONCLUSIONS: MOE induces changes in the genetic profile and protein expression patterns of P. intermedia that may also be linked to its drug resistance mechanisms. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The effects of MOE on anaerobic bacterial physiology and behaviour may influence antimicrobial susceptibility patterns with potential consequences to antimicrobial chemotherapy.  相似文献   
Mass-rearing of fruit fly parasitoids for augmentative release would be more economical if production could be biased towards females. If sex ratios are ever to be manipulated under rearing conditions it is important to determine if, then understand why, sex ratio flexibility exists. Unequal brood-sex ratios are common in parasitic Hymenoptera and two reasons are generally advanced for such cases: 1) avoidance of Local Mate Competition (LMC) predicts that the number of females exploiting a host-patch can influence the optimal sex ratio of their offspring; and 2) one sex is more likely to develop under a particular set of physical/competitive conditions. We hypothesized that LMC is more often encountered in relatively uncommon species with coarse-grained distributions. As a result, isolated females of such species would be more likely to expect future LMC to be high and to bias offspring sex ratios towards females. We proposed that the opiine braconid Utetes anastrephae is such a coarse-grained species and compared its responses to differences to LMC (isolated females and those paired with a conspecific competitor) with those of another opiine, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata believed to have a finer-grained distribution. Adult sex ratios were mutable in D. longicaudata and U. anastrephae and, as predicted by avoidance of LMC, males were relatively more abundant among the paired females in both species. However, superparasitized hosts yielded relatively more daughters, perhaps because female larvae are superior intrinsic competitors. Contrary to prediction, there was no suggestion that U. anastrephae was more likely to than D. longicaudata to avoid LMC. While these results did not reveal any species differences in sex-allocation patterns or suggest any modifications to the present practice of fruit fly mass-rearing for augmentative release they did provide new information regarding U. anastrephae, a widespread natural enemy of Anastrepha spp. about which relatively little is known.  相似文献   
Aim To define priority sets of ecoregions that should be sufficiently covered in a reserve system to represent all Neotropical carnivores (Mammalia: Carnivora) under three distinct conservation scenarios. Location The Neotropical region. Methods We used broad‐scale biogeographical data of species distribution to define priority sets of ecoregions for conservation of carnivores and mapped four species traits (phylogenetic diversity, body size, rarity and extinction risk), which were used as constraints in prioritization analyses, based on the complementarity concept. We proposed three scenarios: a very vulnerable one, one of species persistence and another of lower human impact. We used the simulated annealing algorithm to generate ecoregion‐irreplaceability pattern and to find the combinations of ecoregions in each conservation scenario. Results We found that only 8% of Neotropical ecoregions are needed to represent all 64 carnivore species at least once. Rain forest ecoregions harbour a greater amount of carnivore phylogenetic diversity, whereas the tropical Andes hold large‐bodied carnivores. Western and southern Neotropical ecoregions have more rare species as well as higher threat levels. In the lower human‐impact set, 12 ecoregions were needed to represent all species. These coincide only partially with those attained by other prioritization scenarios. In the very vulnerable and in the species persistence scenario, 14 and 12 ecoregions were represented, respectively, and the congruence between either one and the lower human‐impact set was fairly low. Shared ecoregions are located in Mexico, Costa Rica, northern Amazon and western Chile. Main conclusions Our results highlight areas of particular interest for the conservation of Neotropical carnivores. The inclusion of evolutionary and ecological traits in conservation assessments and planning helps to improve reserve networks and therefore to increase the effectiveness of proposed priority sets. We suggest that conservation action in the highlighted areas is likely to yield the best return of investments at the ecoregion scale.  相似文献   
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