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PlasmoDB (http://PlasmoDB.org) is the official database of the Plasmodium falciparum genome sequencing consortium. This resource incorporates the recently completed P. falciparum genome sequence and annotation, as well as draft sequence and annotation emerging from other Plasmodium sequencing projects. PlasmoDB currently houses information from five parasite species and provides tools for intra- and inter-species comparisons. Sequence information is integrated with other genomic-scale data emerging from the Plasmodium research community, including gene expression analysis from EST, SAGE and microarray projects and proteomics studies. The relational schema used to build PlasmoDB, GUS (Genomics Unified Schema) employs a highly structured format to accommodate the diverse data types generated by sequence and expression projects. A variety of tools allow researchers to formulate complex, biologically-based, queries of the database. A stand-alone version of the database is also available on CD-ROM (P. falciparum GenePlot), facilitating access to the data in situations where internet access is difficult (e.g. by malaria researchers working in the field). The goal of PlasmoDB is to facilitate utilization of the vast quantities of genomic-scale data produced by the global malaria research community. The software used to develop PlasmoDB has been used to create a second Apicomplexan parasite genome database, ToxoDB (http://ToxoDB.org).  相似文献   
Loss-of-function mutations in parkin are the major cause of early-onset familial Parkinson's disease. To investigate the pathogenic mechanism by which loss of parkin function causes Parkinson's disease, we generated a mouse model bearing a germline disruption in parkin. Parkin-/- mice are viable and exhibit grossly normal brain morphology. Quantitative in vivo microdialysis revealed an increase in extracellular dopamine concentration in the striatum of parkin-/- mice. Intracellular recordings of medium-sized striatal spiny neurons showed that greater currents are required to induce synaptic responses, suggesting a reduction in synaptic excitability in the absence of parkin. Furthermore, parkin-/- mice exhibit deficits in behavioral paradigms sensitive to dysfunction of the nigrostriatal pathway. The number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of parkin-/- mice, however, is normal up to the age of 24 months, in contrast to the substantial loss of nigral neurons characteristic of Parkinson's disease. Steady-state levels of CDCrel-1, synphilin-1, and alpha-synuclein, which were identified previously as substrates of the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of parkin, are unaltered in parkin-/- brains. Together these findings provide the first evidence for a novel role of parkin in dopamine regulation and nigrostriatal function, and a non-essential role of parkin in the survival of nigral neurons in mice.  相似文献   
Although aldose reductase (AR) is a critical participant in osmoregulation, and the metabolism of glucose and aldehydes derived from lipid peroxidation, post-translational mechanisms regulating its activity have not been identified. In this paper, we report that stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) in several cell types induces phosphorylation of AR and translocation of the phosphorylated protein to the mitochondria. In vitro, recombinant AR was directly phosphorylated by activated PKC, suggesting that AR may be an in vivo PKC substrate. Together, these observations reveal a novel link between PKC activation and the regulation of glucose and aldehyde metabolism.  相似文献   
One hundred children with suspected congenital and/or malformation and their parents who reported to SAT hospital, Medical College, Trivandrum, India formed the test group. Fifty children with no obvious anomalies or abnormalities and their parents formed the control group. The criteria for selection of the control was 1) the maternal age at delivery was below 30 years and 2) the parents belong to 1st or 2nd birth order. The chromosomal analysis was carried out in all the subjects using peripheral blood lymphocyte microculture to investigate for any constitutional chromosomal markers and quantitate the mutagen (bleomycin) sensitivity of the chromosomes. All the subjects were evaluated clinically and a complete family history was recorded. Chromosome anomalies were noted in 41 out of the one hundred children and in 4 out of the 200 parents of the test group. No constitutional aberrations were seen either in the parents or in the children of the control group. Bleomycin sensitivity study revealed a high b/c value in 35 children (24 hypersensitive and 11 sensitive) of the test group whereas in the control group the b/c values were low denoting hyposensitivity and very good DNA repair mechanism. This study reveals that the incidence of chromosome aberrations is higher when the age and birth order of parents are higher. A direct correlation was noted with parental order and b/c value. This was also true with the parental age and birth defects.  相似文献   
Homologs of aflatoxin biosynthetic genes have been identified in the pine needle pathogen Dothistroma pini. D. pini produces dothistromin, a difuranoanthraquinone toxin with structural similarity to the aflatoxin precursor versicolorin B. Previous studies with purified dothistromin suggest a possible role for this toxin in pathogenicity. By using an aflatoxin gene as a hybridization probe, a genomic D. pini clone was identified that contained four dot genes with similarity to genes in aflatoxin and sterigmatocystin gene clusters with predicted activities of a ketoreductase (dotA), oxidase (dotB), major facilitator superfamily transporter (dotC), and thioesterase (dotD). A D. pini dotA mutant was made by targeted gene replacement and shown to be severely impaired in dothistromin production, confirming that dotA is involved in dothistromin biosynthesis. Accumulation of versicolorin A (a precursor of aflatoxin) by the dotA mutant confirms that the dotA gene product is involved in an aflatoxin-like biosynthetic pathway. Since toxin genes have been found to be clustered in fungi in every case analyzed so far, it is speculated that the four dot genes may comprise part of a dothistromin biosynthetic gene cluster. A fifth gene, ddhA, is not a homolog of aflatoxin genes and could be at one end of the dothistromin cluster. These genes will allow comparative biochemical and genetic studies of the aflatoxin and dothistromin biosynthetic pathways and may also lead to new ways to control Dothistroma needle blight.  相似文献   
Light microscopic study of hippocampal sub-regions demonstrated significant number of degenerated nerve cell bodies in the CA3, CA4 and dentate gyrus(Dg) areas of sodium fluoride administered adult female mice. Ultrastructural studies revealed neurodegenrative characteristics like involution of cell membranes, swelling of mitochondria, clumping of chromatin material etc, can be observed in cell bodies of CA3, CA4 and dentate gyrus (Dg). Fluoride intoxicated animals also performed poorly in motor co-ordination tests and maze tests. Inability to perform well increased with higher fluoride concentration in drinking water.  相似文献   
The objective of the present communication is to address the issues concerning reversal of fluoride induced cell injury and disease (i.e. fluorosis) through the elimination of fluoride and consumption of a diet containing essential nutrients and antioxidants. Humans afflicted with fluorosis, as a result of consuming fluoride contaminated water or food, have been investigated. Hospital based diagnostic procedure for early detection of fluorosis, through retrieval of history, clinical complaints, testing of blood, urine and drinking water for fluoride using ion selective electrode technology, along with X-ray of the forearm have been carried out. Confirmed cases of fluorosis were introduced to an intervention protocol consisting of (1) provision of safe drinking water with fluoride levels less than 1 mg/L and (2) counselling on nutritional supplementation with focus on adequate intake of calcium, vitamins C, E and antioxidants. The patients were monitored at frequent intervals up to one year and the results are reported. With a standardized early diagnosis, elimination of fluoride intake and supplementation of a diet rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants, we have shown that the fluorosis can be reversed.  相似文献   
We have used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to provide a detailed picture of the interactions between the carboxylate groups of the ligands, glutamate, serine, and glutamine, with the ligand-binding domain of a prokaryotic ionotropic glutamate receptor (GluR0). The vibrational spectra indicate that the noncovalent interactions between the 1C(alpha)-carboxylate moiety of the ligand and the protein are stronger for glutamate than for serine and glutamine. These results correlate well with the higher affinity of glutamate for GluR0-S1S2 relative to the affinities of serine and glutamine. In addition, all three ligands induce similar changes in the vibrational spectra and intrinsic fluorescence of the protein, which indicates that all three ligands induce the same structural changes in the protein. These results are consistent with the recent crystal structures of the glutamate and serine bound forms of GluR0-S1S2 and in addition provide insights into the structure of the glutamine bound form of the protein.  相似文献   
Protective antigen (PA) is the most potent molecule for vaccination against anthrax. In the present study, we have successfully integrated protective antigen gene in nuclear genome of tobacco plants by Agrobacterium mediated leaf-disc transformation method. Expression of protective antigen gene was detected by immunoblot analysis using antisera raised against purified PA. A distinct band of approximately 83kDa lighted up in the protein extracted from transformed plants while there was no such band in untransformed plants. The plant expressed PA showed biological activity just like native PA, which was demonstrated by cytolytic assay on macrophage like cell lines with lethal factor. This study establishes for the first time expression of PA gene in a plant system and thus marks the first milestone towards developing edible vaccine against anthrax.  相似文献   
There are few studies in which direct measurement of vitamin B6 status in both plasma and red cells has been assessed. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the use of a simple, robust HPLC method of direct pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) measurement in plasma and red cells and to assess its use in establishing reference ranges in a healthy population. A reverse phase HPLC method with pre-column derivatisation using semicarbazide for the simultaneous measurement of PLP, its degradation product, 4-pyridoxic acid (PA) and pyridoxal (PL) in plasma and red cells was developed. Pre-column derivatisation, reverse phase chromatography and detection procedures were optimised. The recovery, precision, linearity and sensitivity of the assay for plasma and red cell PLP, PA and PL was established. The recovery of PLP was greater than 95% for both plasma and red cell samples. The Intra and Inter batch imprecision for PLP was less than 6% and 7%, respectively. The method for PLP was linear up to at least 1000 nmol/l and the detection limit was 2.1 nmol/l (limit of quantification; 5.8 nmol/l). Accuracy of PLP measurements in plasma were acceptable, showing a mean bias of 4.5% from the mean value of laboratories (N=34) participating in an external quality assurance scheme. Geometric mean (95% reference intervals) for plasma and red cell PLP in the healthy subjects (N=126) were 56 (21-138) nmol/l and 410 (250-680) pmol/g Hb, respectively. There was a strong positive correlation (r(2)=0.81) between plasma and red cell PLP levels in the reference population. The HPLC method described was found to be suitable for the routine measurement of PLP in both plasma and red cells.  相似文献   
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