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We studied wolfCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 — livestock conflict in central Greece by investigating patterns of 267 verified wolf attacks on livestock for 21 months. Wolves attacked adult goats 43% and cattle 218% more than expected, whereas sheep 41% less than expected from their availability. Wolves killed less than four sheep or goats in 79%, and one cow or calf in 74% of depredation events, respectively. We recorded higher attack rates during wolf post-weaning season. Wolf attacks on strayed, or kept inside non predator-proof enclosures, sheep and goats, were on average two to four times respectively more destructive than those when livestock was guarded by a shepherd. Sheepdog use reduced losses per attack. Optimal sheepdog number ranged from 3 to 9 animals depending on flock size. Losses per attack were positively related to the number of wolves involved. Total losses per farm were positively correlated with the size of livestock unit but percentage losses per capita increased with decreasing flock size. Management implications to mitigate livestock depredation are discussed.  相似文献   
This report describes the selection of highly efficient antibody catalysts by combining chemical selection from a synthetic library with directed in vitro protein evolution. Evolution started from a naive antibody library displayed on phage made from fully synthetic, antibody-encoding genes (the Human Combinatorial Antibody Library; HuCAL-scFv). HuCAL-scFv was screened by direct selection for catalytic antibodies exhibiting phosphatase turnover. The substrate used was an aryl phosphate, which is spontaneously transformed into an electrophilic trapping reagent after cleavage. Chemical selection identified an efficient biocatalyst that then served as a template for error-prone PCR (epPCR) to generate randomized repertoires that were subjected to further selection cycles. The resulting superior catalysts displayed cumulative mutations throughout the protein sequence; the ten-fold improvement of their catalytic proficiencies (>10(10) M(-1)) resulted from increased kcat values, thus demonstrating direct selection for turnover. The strategy described here makes the search for new catalysts independent of the immune system and the antibody framework.  相似文献   
Oxidation-specific epitopes (OSEs) present on apoptotic cells and oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL) represent danger-associated molecular patterns that are recognized by different arcs of innate immunity, including natural IgM antibodies. Here, we investigated whether circulating microparticles (MPs), which are small membrane vesicles released by apoptotic or activated cells, are physiological carriers of OSEs. OSEs on circulating MPs isolated from healthy donors and patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STE-MI) were characterized by flow cytometry using a panel of OSE-specific monoclonal antibodies. We found that a subset of MPs carry OSEs on their surface, predominantly malondialdehyde (MDA) epitopes. Consistent with this, a majority of IgM antibodies bound on the surface of circulating MPs were found to have specificity for MDA-modified LDL. Moreover, we show that MPs can stimulate THP-1 (human acute monocytic leukemia cell line) and human primary monocytes to produce interleukin 8, which can be inhibited by a monoclonal IgM with specificity for MDA epitopes. Finally, we show that MDA+ MPs are elevated at the culprit lesion site of patients with STE-MI. Our results identify a subset of OSE+ MPs that are bound by OxLDL-specific IgM. These findings demonstrate a novel mechanism by which anti-OxLDL IgM antibodies could mediate protective functions in CVD.  相似文献   
3-Nitrotyrosine (NO(2)Tyr) is a potential biomarker of reactive-nitrogen species (RNS) including peroxynitrite. 3-Nitrotyrosine occurs in human plasma in its free and protein-associated forms and is excreted in the urine. Measurement of 3-nitrotyrosine in human plasma is invasive and associated with numerous methodological problems. Recently, we have described an accurate method based on gas chromatography (GC)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS) for circulating 3-nitrotyrosine. The present article describes the extension of this method to urinary 3-nitrotyrosine. The method involves separation of urinary 3-nitrotyrosine from nitrite, nitrate and l-tyrosine by HPLC, preparation of the n-propyl-pentafluoropropionyltrimethylsilyl ether derivatives of endogenous 3-nitrotyrosine and the internal standard 3-nitro-l-[(2)H(3)]tyrosine, and GC-tandem MS quantification in the selected-reaction monitoring mode under negative-ion chemical ionization conditions. In urine of ten apparently healthy volunteers (years of age, 36.5+/-7.2) 3-nitrotyrosine levels were determined to be 8.4+/-10.4 nM (range, 1.6-33.2 nM) or 0.46+/-0.49 nmol/mmol creatinine (range, 0.05-1.30 nmol/mmol creatinine). The present GC-tandem MS method provides accurate values of 3-nitrotyrosine in human urine at the basal state. After oral intake of 3-nitro-l-tyrosine by a healthy volunteer (27.6 microg/kg body weight) 3-nitro-l-tyrosine appeared rapidly in the urine and was excreted following a biphasic pharmacokinetic profile. Approximately one third of administered 3-nitro-l-tyrosine was excreted within the first 8 h. The suitability of the non-invasive measurement of urinary 3-nitrotyrosine as a method of assessment of oxidative stress in humans remains to be established.  相似文献   


The recent swine-origin H1N1 pandemic illustrates the need to develop improved procedures for rapid production of influenza vaccines. One alternative to the current egg-based manufacture of influenza vaccine is to produce a hemagglutinin (HA) subunit vaccine using a recombinant expression system with the potential for high protein yields, ease of cloning new antigenic variants, and an established safety record in humans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We generated a soluble HA (sHA), derived from the H3N2 virus A/Aichi/2/68, modified at the C-terminus with a GCN4pII trimerization repeat to stabilize the native trimeric structure of HA. When expressed in the baculovirus system, the modified sHA formed native trimers. In contrast, the unmodified sHA was found to present epitopes recognized by a low-pH conformation specific monoclonal antibody. We found that mice primed and boosted with 3 µg of trimeric sHA in the absence of adjuvants had significantly higher IgG and HAI titers than mice that received the unmodified sHA. This correlated with an increased survival and reduced body weight loss following lethal challenge with mouse-adapted A/Aichi/2/68 virus. In addition, mice receiving a single vaccination of the trimeric sHA in the absence of adjuvants had improved survival and body weight loss compared to mice vaccinated with the unmodified sHA.


Our data indicate that the recombinant trimeric sHA presents native trimeric epitopes while the unmodified sHA presents epitopes not exposed in the native HA molecule. The epitopes presented in the unmodified sHA constitute a “silent face” which may skew the antibody response to epitopes not accessible in live virus at neutral pH. The results demonstrate that the trimeric sHA is a more effective influenza vaccine candidate and emphasize the importance of structure-based antigen design in improving recombinant HA vaccines.  相似文献   
Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) are major constituents of the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). These primary transporters of nucleotides, ions and metabolites mediate a substantial portion of the OMM molecular traffic. To study the native supramolecular organization of the VDAC, we have isolated, characterized and imaged OMMs from potato tubers. SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry of OMMs revealed the presence of the VDAC isoforms POM34 and POM36, as well as the translocase of the OMM complex. Tubular two-dimensional crystals of the VDAC spontaneously formed after incubation of OMMs for two to three months at 4 degrees C. Transmission electron microscopy revealed an oblique lattice and unit cells housing six circular depressions arranged in a hexagon. Atomic force microscopy of freshly isolated OMMs demonstrated (i) the existence of monomers to tetramers, hexamers and higher oligomers of the VDAC and (ii) its spatial arrangement within the oligomers in the native membrane. We discuss the importance of the observed oligomerization for modulation of the VDAC function, for the binding of hexokinase and creatine kinase to the OMM and for mitochondria-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   
Quiescent T lymphocytes containing latent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) provide a long-lived viral reservoir. This reservoir may be the source of active infection that is reinitiated following the cessation of antiretroviral therapy. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms involved in latent infection to develop new strategies to eliminate the latent HIV reservoir. We have previously demonstrated that latently infected quiescent lymphocytes can be generated during thymopoiesis in vivo in the SCID-hu mouse system. However, there is still a pressing need for an in vitro model of HIV latency in primary human cells. Here, we present a novel in vitro model that recapitulates key aspects of dormant HIV infection. Using an enhanced green fluorescent protein-luciferase fusion protein-containing reporter virus, we have generated a stable infection in primary human CD4(+) CD8(+) thymocytes in the absence of viral gene expression. T-cell activation induces a >200-fold induction of reporter activity. The induced reporter activity originates from a fully reverse-transcribed and integrated genome. We further demonstrate that this model can be useful to study long terminal repeat regulation, as previously characterized NF-kappaB response element mutations decrease the activation of viral gene expression. This model can therefore be used to study intricate molecular aspects of activation-inducible HIV infection in primary cells.  相似文献   
The calcein-AM (calcein-acetoxymethyl ester) method is a widely used technique that is supposed to assay the intracellular 'labile iron pool' (LIP). When cells in culture are exposed to this ester, it passes the plasma membrane and reacts with cytosolic unspecific esterases. One of the reaction products, calcein, is a fluorochrome and a hydrophilic alcohol to which membranes are non-permeable and which, consequently, is retained within the cytosol of cells. Calcein fluorescence is quenched following chelation of low-mass labile iron, and the degree of quenching gives an estimate of the amounts of chelatable iron. However, a requirement for the assay to be able to demonstrate cellular LIP in total is that such iron be localized in the cytosol and not in a membrane-limited compartment. For some time it has been known that a major part of cellular, redox-active, labile, low-mass iron is temporarily localized in the lysosomal compartment as a result of the autophagic degradation of ferruginous materials, such as mitochondrial complexes and ferritin. Even if some calcein-AM may escape cytosolic esterases and enter lysosomes to be cleaved by lysosomal acidic esterases, the resulting calcein does not significantly chelate iron at 相似文献   
We describe the features of programmed cell death occurring in the egg chambers of Drosophila virilis during mid-oogenesis and late oogenesis. During mid-oogenesis, the spontaneously degenerating egg chambers exhibit typical characteristics of apoptotic cell death. As revealed by propidium iodide, rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin staining, and the TUNEL assay, respectively, the nurse cells contain condensed chromatin, altered actin cytoskeleton, and fragmented DNA. In vitro caspase activity assays and immunostaining procedures demonstrate that the atretic egg chambers possess high levels of caspase activity. Features of autophagic cell death are also observed during D. virilis mid-oogenesis, as shown by monodansylcadaverine staining, together with an ultrastructural examination by transmission electron microscopy. During the late stages of oogenesis in D. virilis, once again, the two mechanisms, viz., nurse cell cluster apoptosis and autophagy, operate together, manifesting features of cell death similar to those detailed above. Moreover, an altered form of cytochrome c seems to be released from the mitochondria in the nurse cells proximal to the oocyte. We propose that apoptosis and autophagy function synergistically during oogenesis in D. virilis in order to achieve a more efficient elimination of the degenerated nurse cells and abnormal egg chambers. The present study was co-financed within Op. Education by the European Social Fund and by National Resources via a grant (HRAKLEITOS 70/3/7164) to Professor L.H. Margaritis.  相似文献   
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