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Abstract: Hippocampal slices were prepared under three conditions: (1) in medium containing glucose and oxygen at 4°C; (2) as in (1), but at 37°C; (3) in medium devoid of glucose and oxygen at 37°C. The rates of recovery to roughly steady-state levels and through 8 h of incubation were monitored for energy metabolite levels and related parameters. In vitro stable values are compared with in situ hippocampal levels. Regardless of the conditions under which slices were prepared, metabolite levels required up to 3 h to stabilize, and these levels were maintained or improved through 8 h of incubation. Further, the maximal concentrations of metabolites were independent of the conditions of slice preparation. Total adenylates and total creatine levels reached 55% of those in vivo. Lactate decreased from the decapitation-induced high levels, but stabilized at concentrations about twice those in rapidly frozen brain. Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP exhibited peak levels at 30 min of incubation, and cyclic GMP remained elevated for 3 h. Although all three methods of slice preparation resulted in similar metabolite profiles on incubation, the initial decreases in high energy phosphates were delayed by chilling. Most striking, the slices prepared in the absence of glucose and oxygen exhibited much smaller orthodromic evoked potentials in the dentate gyrus. The presence of glucose and oxygen during preparation of the slices appears to be critical to the electrophysiological response of the tissue.  相似文献   
Breathing 100% O2 at 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA) is known to be associated with a decrease in cerebral blood flow (CBF). It is also accompanied by a fall in arterial Pco2 leading to uncertainty as to whether the cerebral vasoconstriction is totally or only in part caused by arterial hypocapnia. We tested the hypothesis that the increase in arterial Po2 while O2 was breathed at 1.0 ATA decreases CBF independently of a concurrent fall in arterial Pco2. CBF was measured in seven healthy men aged 21-62 yr by using noninvasive continuous arterial spin-labeled-perfusion MRI. The tracer in this technique, magnetically labeled protons in blood, has a half-life of seconds, allowing repetitive measurements over short time frames without contamination. CBF and arterial blood gases were measured while breathing air, 100% O2, and 4 and 6% CO2 in air and O2 backgrounds. Arterial Po2 increased from 91.7 +/- 6.8 Torr in air to 576.7 +/- 18.9 Torr in O2. Arterial Pco2 fell from 43.3 +/- 1.8 Torr in air to 40.2 +/- 3.3 Torr in O2. CBF-arterial Pco2 response curves for the air and hyperoxic runs were nearly parallel and separated by a distance representing a 28.7-32.6% decrement in CBF. Regression analysis confirmed the independent cerebral vasoconstrictive effect of increased arterial Po2. The present results also demonstrate that the magnitude of this effect at 1.0 ATA is greater than previously measured.  相似文献   
Summary A localized region of low DNA sequence homology was revealed in two strains of Bacillus subtilis by a specific 100-fold reduction in transformation by W23 DNA of the tag1 locus, a teichoic acid marker of strain 168. Fifty nine rare recombinants, hybrid at this locus, had all acquired donor-specific phage resistance characters, while losing those specific to the 168 recipient. Chemical analysis of isolated cell walls showed that these modifications are associated with major changes in the wall teichoic acids. Genetic analysis demonstrated that determinants for the ribitol phosphate polymer of strain W23 had been transferred to 168, replacing those for the glycerol phosphate polymer in the recipient. All W23 genes coding for poly(ribitol phosphate) in the hybrids and those specifying anionic wall polymers in strain 168 are clustered near hisA. In addition to tag1, the region exchanged extends just beyond gtaA in some hybrids, whereas in others it may include the more distant gtaB marker, encompassing a region sufficient to contain at least 20 average-sized genes. Surface growth, flagellation, transformability and sporulation all appeared normal in hybrids examined. Recombinants without a major wall teichoic acid from either strain were not found, suggesting that an integral transfer of genes for poly(ribitol phosphate) from W23 had occurred in all hybrids isolated. We interpret these results as indicating an essential role for anionic wall polymers in the growth of B. subtillis.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of liver disease, but therapeutic options are limited and there are no prevention strategies. Viral entry is the first step of infection and requires the cooperative interaction of several host cell factors. Using a functional RNAi kinase screen, we identified epidermal growth factor receptor and ephrin receptor A2 as host cofactors for HCV entry. Blocking receptor kinase activity by approved inhibitors broadly impaired infection by all major HCV genotypes and viral escape variants in cell culture and in a human liver chimeric mouse model in vivo. The identified receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) mediate HCV entry by regulating CD81-claudin-1 co-receptor associations and viral glycoprotein-dependent membrane fusion. These results identify RTKs as previously unknown HCV entry cofactors and show that tyrosine kinase inhibitors have substantial antiviral activity. Inhibition of RTK function may constitute a new approach for prevention and treatment of HCV infection.  相似文献   
NK1 is a splice variant of the polypeptide growth factor HGF/SF that consists of the N terminal (N) and first kringle (K) domains and retains receptor binding and signalling. While NK1 behaves as a monomer in solution, two independent crystallographic structures have previously shown an identical, tightly packed dimer. Here we report a novel orthorhombic crystal form of NK1 at 2.5 A resolution in which four NK1 protomers are packed in two distinct dimers in the asymmetric unit. Although the basic architecture of the new NK1 dimers is similar to the two described earlier, the new crystal form demonstrates extensive hinge movement between the N and K domain that leads to re-orientation of the receptor-binding sites. The hinge bending is evidence of the paucity of strong interactions between domains within the protomer, in contrast to the extensive interactions between protomers in the dimer. These observations are consistent with domain swapping in the dimer, such that the interdomain interactions of the monomer are replaced by equivalent interprotomer interactions in the dimer and offer a route for protein engineering of NK1 variants which may act as receptor antagonists.  相似文献   
Journal of Ethology - By gathering data on people during their ordinary daily activities, we tested if looking at, but not manipulating, smartphones led to a mimicry response in the observer....  相似文献   


The uptake of sulphur-containing compounds plays a pivotal role in the physiology of bacteria that live in aerobic soils where organosulfur compounds such as sulphonates and sulphate esters represent more than 95% of the available sulphur. Until now, no information has been available on the uptake of sulphonates by bacterial plant pathogens, particularly those of the Xanthomonas genus, which encompasses several pathogenic species. In the present study, we characterised the alkanesulphonate uptake system (Ssu) of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri 306 strain (X. citri), the etiological agent of citrus canker.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A single operon-like gene cluster (ssuEDACB) that encodes both the sulphur uptake system and enzymes involved in desulphurisation was detected in the genomes of X. citri and of the closely related species. We characterised X. citri SsuA protein, a periplasmic alkanesulphonate-binding protein that, together with SsuC and SsuB, defines the alkanesulphonate uptake system. The crystal structure of SsuA bound to MOPS, MES and HEPES, which is herein described for the first time, provides evidence for the importance of a conserved dipole in sulphate group coordination, identifies specific amino acids interacting with the sulphate group and shows the presence of a rather large binding pocket that explains the rather wide range of molecules recognised by the protein. Isolation of an isogenic ssuA-knockout derivative of the X. citri 306 strain showed that disruption of alkanesulphonate uptake affects both xanthan gum production and generation of canker lesions in sweet orange leaves.


The present study unravels unique structural and functional features of the X. citri SsuA protein and provides the first experimental evidence that an ABC uptake system affects the virulence of this phytopathogen.  相似文献   
Fluorescence is common in both coral adult and larval stages, and is produced by fluorescent proteins that absorb higher energy light and emit lower energy light. This study investigated the changes of coral fluorescence in different life history stages and the effects of parental light environment on larval fluorescence, larval endosymbiotic dinoflagellate abundance, larval size and settlement in the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix. Data showed that coral fluorescence changed during development from green in larvae to cyan in adult colonies. In larvae, two green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) co-occur where the peak emission of one GFP overlaps with the peak excitation of the second GFP allowing the potential for energy transfer. Coral larvae showed great variation in GFP fluorescence, dinoflagellate abundance, and size. There was no obvious relationship between green fluorescence intensity and dinoflagellate abundance, green fluorescence intensity and larval size, or dinoflagellate abundance and larval size. Larvae of parents from high and low light treatments showed similar green fluorescence intensity, yet small but significant differences in size, dinoflagellate abundance, and settlement. The large variation in larval physiology combined with subtle effects of parental environment on larval characteristics seem to indicate that even though adult corals produce larvae with a wide range of physiological capacities, these larvae can still show small preferences for settling in similar habitats as their parents. These data highlight the importance of environmental conditions at the onset of life history and parent colony effects on coral larvae.  相似文献   
Vertebrate animals exhibit impressive locomotor skills. These locomotor skills are due to the complex interactions between the environment, the musculo-skeletal system and the central nervous system, in particular the spinal locomotor circuits. We are interested in decoding these interactions in the salamander, a key animal from an evolutionary point of view. It exhibits both swimming and stepping gaits and is faced with the problem of producing efficient propulsive forces using the same musculo-skeletal system in two environments with significant physical differences in density, viscosity and gravitational load. Yet its nervous system remains comparatively simple. Our approach is based on a combination of neurophysiological experiments, numerical modeling at different levels of abstraction, and robotic validation using an amphibious salamander-like robot. This article reviews the current state of our knowledge on salamander locomotion control, and presents how our approach has allowed us to obtain a first conceptual model of the salamander spinal locomotor networks. The model suggests that the salamander locomotor circuit can be seen as a lamprey-like circuit controlling axial movements of the trunk and tail, extended by specialized oscillatory centers controlling limb movements. The interplay between the two types of circuits determines the mode of locomotion under the influence of sensory feedback and descending drive, with stepping gaits at low drive, and swimming at high drive.  相似文献   
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