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Werner syndrome (WS) is a severe recessive disorder characterized by premature aging, cancer predisposition and genomic instability. The gene mutated in WS encodes a bi-functional enzyme called WRN that acts as a RecQ-type DNA helicase and a 3′-5′ exonuclease, but its exact role in DNA metabolism is poorly understood. Here we show that WRN physically interacts with the MSH2/MSH6 (MutSα), MSH2/MSH3 (MutSβ) and MLH1/PMS2 (MutLα) heterodimers that are involved in the initiation of mismatch repair (MMR) and the rejection of homeologous recombination. MutSα and MutSβ can strongly stimulate the helicase activity of WRN specifically on forked DNA structures with a 3′-single-stranded arm. The stimulatory effect of MutSα on WRN-mediated unwinding is enhanced by a G/T mismatch in the DNA duplex ahead of the fork. The MutLα protein known to bind to the MutS α–heteroduplex complexes has no effect on WRN-mediated DNA unwinding stimulated by MutSα, nor does it affect DNA unwinding by WRN alone. Our data are consistent with results of genetic experiments in yeast suggesting that MMR factors act in conjunction with a RecQ-type helicase to reject recombination between divergent sequences.  相似文献   
The unidirectional rates of passive permeation of a homologous series of saturated fatty acids and bile acids into rat epididymal adipocytes were measured to determine the permeability characteristics of this mammalian cell membrane. For fatty acids containing 5 to 12 carbon atoms the logarithm of the permeability coefficient was a linear function of the number of carbons in the fatty acid chain: fatty acids with less than five carbon atoms showed anomalously high permeabilities. Using the data for the fatty acids with 5 to 12 carbon atoms, the incremental free energy of transfer (delta delta F w leads to l) of the -CH2 moiety from the aqueous environment into the fat cell was calculated to equal -547 cal mole-1. The delta delta F w leads to l of the -OH moiety calculated from data using bile acids as the probe molecules was +1,225 cal mole-1. After rupturing the fat cells by freeze-thawing, partition ratios also were measured between bubber and the lipid phase of the adipocyte core using both the fatty acid series and a series of terminal diols as probe molecules. Using these partition ratios delta delta F w leads to l for the -CH2 and -OH substituent groups was calculated to equal -830 and +2,070 cal mole-1, respectively. On the basis of these studies, two conclusions were drawn. First, like many epithelial surfaces and the erythrocyte membrane, the fat cell membrane exhibits anomalously high permeabilities to small molecular weight, polar compounds. Since this behavior in the adipocyte, as in the erythrocyte, cannot be attributed to structures such as tight junctions, it must be explained on the basis of some physico-chemical feature of the cell membrane itself. Secondly, the values of the delta delta F w leads to l indicate that the adipocyte membrane is less polar than the intestinal and gallbladder membranes but more polar than the membranes of Nitella and the erythrocyte.  相似文献   
Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) is the initiating and rate-limiting enzyme in the neutral pathway that converts cholesterol to primary bile acids (BA). CYP7A1-deficient (Cyp7a1(-/-)) mice have a depleted BA pool, diminished intestinal cholesterol absorption, accelerated fecal sterol loss, and increased intestinal cholesterol synthesis. To determine the molecular and physiological effects of restoring the BA pool in this model, adult female Cyp7a1(-/-) mice and matching Cyp7a1(+/+) controls were fed diets containing cholic acid (CA) at modest levels [0.015, 0.030, and 0.060% (wt/wt)] for 15-18 days. A level of just 0.03% provided a CA intake of ~12 μmol (4.8 mg) per day per 100 g body wt and was sufficient in the Cyp7a1(-/-) mice to normalize BA pool size, fecal BA excretion, fractional cholesterol absorption, and fecal sterol excretion but caused a significant rise in the cholesterol concentration in the small intestine and liver, as well as a marked inhibition of cholesterol synthesis in these organs. In parallel with these metabolic changes, there were marked shifts in intestinal and hepatic expression levels for many target genes of the BA sensor farnesoid X receptor, as well as genes involved in cholesterol transport, especially ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter A1 (ABCA1) and ABCG8. In Cyp7a1(+/+) mice, this level of CA supplementation did not significantly disrupt BA or cholesterol metabolism, except for an increase in fecal BA excretion and marginal changes in mRNA expression for some BA synthetic enzymes. These findings underscore the importance of using moderate dietary BA levels in studies with animal models.  相似文献   
The Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) protein functions to regulate the transport of cholesterol from late endosomes/lysosomes to other cellular compartments after lipoprotein uptake through the coated-pit pathway. The present study examines the relative expression of NPC1 mRNA and NPC1 protein in different tissues of the mouse in relation to the uptake of total cholesterol carried in chylomicron remnants (CMr-TC), low density lipoproteins (LDL-TC), cholesteryl ester carried in high density lipoproteins (HDL-CE), and cholesterol synthesis. Results from this study demonstrate that the highest relative expression of NPC1 is in the liver, which is also the tissue with the highest uptake of CMr-TC, LDL-TC, HDL-CE, and cholesterol synthesis. However, there was no similar relation in the remaining tissues. To examine the relative expression of NPC1 in relation to the amount of cholesterol that flowed through the coated-pit pathway, mice were fed a diet supplemented with increasing amounts of cholesterol or cholestyramine. The results from this study demonstrated that there was no relation between the relative expression of NPC1 and the amount of cholesterol that flowed through the coated-pit pathway. We conclude that the relative expression of NPC1 is not regulated by the flow of cholesterol through cells in the mouse and is therefore constitutive.  相似文献   
These experiments tested the hypothesis that fatty acids (FAs) that drive cholesterol esterification also enhance sterol secretion and were undertaken using a mouse model where lipoprotein-cholesterol output by the liver could be assessed in vivo. The turnover of sterol in the animals was kept constant ( approximately 160 mg/d per kg) while the liver was enriched with the single FAs 8:0, 14:0, 18:1, or 18:2. Under these conditions, the steady-state concentration of cholesteryl ester in the liver varied 6-fold, from 1.2 to 7.9 mg/g, and the expansion of this pool was directly related to the specific FA enriching the liver (FA 18:1>18:2>8:0> 14:0). Secretion of lipoprotein-cholesterol varied 5-fold and was a linear function of the concentration of cholesteryl ester in the liver. These studies demonstrate that unsaturated FAs drive the esterification reaction and enhance lipoprotein cholesterol secretion by the liver under conditions where cholesterol balance across this organ is constant. Thus, individual FAs interact with cholesterol to profoundly regulate both the output and uptake of sterol by the liver, and these effects are articulated through the esterification reaction.  相似文献   
Unesterified cholesterol is an essential structural component of the plasma membrane of every cell. During evolution, this membrane came to play an additional, highly specialized role in the central nervous system (CNS) as the major architectural component of compact myelin. As a consequence, in the human the mean concentration of unesterified cholesterol in the CNS is higher than in any other tissue (approximately 23 mg/g). Furthermore, even though the CNS accounts for only 2.1% of body weight, it contains 23% of the sterol present in the whole body pool. In all animals, most growth and differentiation of the CNS occurs in the first few weeks or years after birth, and the cholesterol required for this growth apparently comes exclusively from de novo synthesis. Currently, there is no evidence for the net transfer of sterol from the blood into the brain or spinal cord. In adults, the rate of synthesis exceeds the need for new structural sterol, so that net movement of cholesterol out of the CNS must take place. At least two pathways are used for this excretory process, one of which involves the formation of 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol. Whether or not changes in the plasma cholesterol concentration alter sterol metabolism in the CNS or whether such changes affect cognitive function in the brain or the incidence of dementia remain uncertain at this time.  相似文献   
Mutational inactivation of NPC1 largely blocks the movement of LDL-derived cholesterol from the lysosome to the metabolically active, cytosolic pool of sterol that is the substrate for steroid hormone production. Such a block might, in theory, lead to deficiencies in circulating levels of testosterone, progesterone, and corticosterone. However, there are at least two other sources for cellular cholesterol, de novo synthesis and scavenger receptor class B type I-mediated uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester (CE). In this study, we measured the rates of net cholesterol acquisition by these three pathways in the adrenal, ovary, and testis. In all three organs, the majority (81-98%) of cholesterol acquisition came from the selective uptake of CE from HDL and de novo synthesis. Furthermore, in the npc1(-/-)mouse, the cytosolic storage pool of CE in a tissue such as the adrenal remained constant (approximately 25 mg/g). As a result of these alternative pathways, the plasma concentrations of testosterone (3.5 vs. 2.5 ng/ml), progesterone (8.5 vs. 6.7 ng/ml), and corticosterone (391 vs. 134 ng/ml) were either the same or elevated in the npc1(-/-)mouse, compared with the control animal. Thus, impairment of cholesterol acquisition through the NPC1-dependent, clathrin-coated pit pathway did not limit the availability of cholesterol substrate for steroid hormone synthesis in the steroidogenic cells.  相似文献   
Absorption rates for many biologically important compounds are determined by the relative hydrophobicity of the jejunal microvillus membrane. An estimate of this parameter may be obtained by measuring the incremental change in free energy that occurs when a methylene group partitions into the bilayer form an external aqueous solution. Although sensitive, this measurement has been difficult to quantitate in vivo; therefore, these studies have historically been performed in vitro. We describe a rapid, simple technique to measure this parameter in vivo. Furthermore, this method directly quantitates the resistance of aqueous unstirred layers that lie external to the microvillus membrane.  相似文献   
A capillary cell apparatus is described that allows accurate measurement of solute tracer diffusion coefficients in biological solutions at 37 °C. The apparatus has a unique stirring mechanism to provide a uniform flow pattern over the capillaries with only 18 ml of the bulk solution. Four capillaries of 2 cm length are used. With this apparatus measurement can be made at relatively short time periods so that bacterial overgrowth in the solutions is minimized. Using this apparatus tracer diffusion coefficients of three bile acids, cholic, taurochollic and taurodeoxycholic acids, and four fatty acids, acetic, pentanoic, octanoic and decanoic acids, were measured in an isotonic phosphate buffer, pH 7.1, at 37 °C. Viscosity, density and diffusion coefficients of sucrose in physiological saline solutions were also measured.  相似文献   
The Journal of Membrane Biology - The unidirectional rates of passive permeation of a homologous series of saturated fatty acids and bile acids into rat epididymal adipocytes were measured to...  相似文献   
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