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These studies investigated the role of gangliosides in governing the steady-state concentration and turnover of unesterified cholesterol in normal tissues and in those of mice carrying the NPC1 mutation. In animals lacking either GM2/GD2 or GM3 synthase, tissue cholesterol concentrations and synthesis rates were normal in nearly all organs, and whole-animal sterol pools and turnover also were not different from control animals. Mice lacking both synthases, however, had small elevations in cholesterol concentrations in several organs, and the whole-animal cholesterol pool was marginally elevated. None of these three groups, however, had changes in any parameter of cholesterol homeostasis in the major regions of the central nervous system. When either the GM2/GD2 or GM3 synthase activity was deleted in mice lacking NPC1 function, the clinical phenotype was not changed, but lifespan was shortened. However, the abnormal cholesterol accumulation seen in the tissues of the NPC1 mouse was unaffected by loss of either synthase, and clinical and molecular markers of hepatic and cerebellar disease also were unchanged. These studies demonstrate that hydrophobic interactions between cholesterol and various gangliosides do not play an important role in determining cellular cholesterol concentrations in the normal animal or in the mouse with the NPC1 mutation.  相似文献   
Uptake rates across the jejunal brush border have been measured for water-soluble fatty acids and alcohols and analyzed to determine the relative roles of the unstirred water layer and the lipid cell membrane as determinants of the intestinal absorptive process. Initial studies involving measurement of time courses of electrical transients developed across the intestine exposed to poorly permeant solute molecules showed no anomalous discrimination of probe molecules of different size or charge. This finding suggests that the diffusion barrier in the intestine can be considered as an unstirred water layer. Next, uptake rates of fatty acid were found to be linear with respect to concentration of the test solute, demonstrated no competitive inhibition or contralateral stimulation, had low temperature dependency, and were insensitive to metabolic inhibition, indicating that uptake proceeds by passive diffusion. Passive permeability coefficients, *P, varied from 22 +/- 1.4 to 395 +/- 9.2 nmoles.min(-1).100 mg(-1).mm(-1) for the saturated fatty acids 2:0 through 12:0 and from 119 +/- 3.3 to 581 +/- 45.2 for the saturated alcohols 6:0 through 10:0. Vigorous stirring of the bulk buffer solution enhanced *P values in direct proportion to chain length while the presence of bile acid micelles depressed apparent permeability coefficients in proportion to fatty acid chain length. These results demonstrate that uptake of short-chain fatty acid monomers is rate limited by the lipid cell membrane but diffusion through the unstirred water layer becomes increasingly rate limiting as the chain length increases. It is also possible to conclude from these data that diffusion through the unstirred water layer becomes totally rate limiting for uptake of long-chain fatty acid monomers of physiological importance.  相似文献   
These studies were undertaken to determine the role of receptor-independent low density lipoprotein (LDL) transport in cholesterol balance across individual tissues and the whole animal. Homologous LDL, which measures total LDL transport, and methylated heterologous LDL, which measures receptor-independent LDL uptake, were cleared from the plasma at very different rates in the NZ control rabbit (3,900 and 1,010 microliter/hr per kg, respectively) whereas in the WHHL rabbit both preparations were cleared at essentially the same rate (approximately 1,070 microliter/hr per kg). Receptor-independent LDL clearance was detected in all tissues of the NZ control rabbit and these varied from 32 (spleen) to less than 0.5 (skeletal muscle) microliter/hr per g. In contrast, receptor-dependent LDL uptake was found in only about half of these same organs. In the WHHL rabbit, the rates of receptor-independent LDL transport were the same as in the NZ control rabbit, but no receptor-dependent uptake was detected. Using these clearance values it was calculated that in the control rabbit nearly 70% of LDL-cholesterol was removed from the plasma by the liver and 89% of this was receptor-mediated. With loss of receptor activity, however, the burden of LDL degradation was shifted away from the liver so that approximately 70% of LDL-cholesterol uptake took place in the extra-hepatic tissues of the WHHL rabbit. Thus, in the normal animal, the primary function of receptor-dependent LDL transport is to promote the rapid uptake and disposal of plasma LDL by the liver. In the absence of such receptor activity, cholesterol balance across most individual organs and the whole animal remains essentially normal and is mediated by the receptor-independent process. Because of the much lower absolute clearance rates manifested by this transport mechanism, however, substantial and predictable elevations in the circulating plasma LDL-cholesterol levels are required to maintain this balance.  相似文献   
Summary The rate of active transport of a probe molecule into the intestinal mucosal cells is determined by the rate of movement of the solute molecule across two barriers, the unstirred water layer and the microvillus membrane of the epithelial cell. Previously a theoretical equation has been derived which describedJ d, the velocity of unidirectional flux, as a function of the characteristics of the transport carrier in the membrane and of the resistance of the overlying unstirred water layer (UWL). The predictions of these equations have been tested experimentally by studying the effect of the rate of stirring of the bulk phase on thein vitro uptake ofd-glucose by rabbit jejunum. These studies demonstrated that, first, alterations in the UWL have a profound effect on the magnitude of the apparent affinity constant, xK m * , of the active transport process. Second, at bulk phase concentrations in excess of theK m the passive component of the experimentally determined flux rate becomes of such magnitude as to introduce significant error into the estimate of both the maximal transport rate,J d m , and the trueK m. Third, as a result of the UWL, the use of double-reciprocal plots to determineJ d m andK m leads to the overestimation of these constants. Finally, failure to account for the UWL leads to important quantitative errors describing a number of the characteristics of the transport process: these include an underestimation of the Q10 and the effect of sodium ion on the active transport of glucose in the jejunum. The results confirm that the kinetic characteristics of the uptake of an actively transported molecule are a complex function of the resistance of both the UWL and the mucosal cell membrane, and this transport process can be adequately described by a newly-derived equation. It is apparent that there are serious limitations in the interpretation of much of the previously published data dealing with active transport processes in the intestine, since these studies failed to account for the effect of the UWL.  相似文献   
These studies examine the regulation of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol levels by varying quantities of dietary saturated and polyunsaturated triacylglycerols. At a constant load of 0.12% cholesterol and 20% triacylglycerol, substitution of polyunsaturated for saturated triacylglycerols caused LDL receptor activity to increase from 25% to 80% of control and reduced the LDL-cholesterol production rate from nearly 200% to 155%. These changes caused the plasma LDL-cholesterol concentration to decrease from nearly 190 to 50 mg/dl. When the dietary content of each triacylglycerol alone was incrementally increased, the saturated lipid suppressed receptor activity while the polyunsaturated triacylglycerol increased receptor-dependent LDL transport. The magnitude of these effects was quantitatively similar, although oppositely directed. However, the saturated triacylglycerol also caused a dose-dependent increase in the LDL-cholesterol production rate and markedly increased the plasma LDL-cholesterol level while the polyunsaturated lipid did not affect either of these. These independent effects were also evident in experiments where it was found that substituting polyunsaturated triacylglycerol for saturated lipid increased receptor activity significantly more than did simply reducing the dietary content of saturated triacylglycerol. Thus, these studies show that triacylglycerols containing saturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids have effects on the major processes that regulate the plasma LDL-cholesterol level that are qualitatively and quantitatively distinct.  相似文献   
Measurement of rates of cholesterol synthesis using tritiated water   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Rates of sterol synthesis in various tissues commonly are assessed by assaying levels of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase on isolated microsomes or by measuring the rates of incorporation of various 14C-labeled substrates or [3H]water into cholesterol by whole cell preparations in vitro or by the tissues of the whole animal in vivo. While measurement of activities of HMG-CoA reductase or rates of incorporation of 14C-labeled substrates into cholesterol give useful relative rates of sterol production, neither method yields absolute rates of cholesterol synthesis. The use of [3H]water circumvents the problem of variable and unknown dilution of the specific activity of the precursor pool encountered when 14C-labeled substrates are used and does yield absolute rates of cholesterol synthesis provided that the 3H/C incorporation ratio is known for a particular tissue. In 12 different experimental situations it has been found that from 21 to 27 micrograms atoms of 3H are incorporated into cholesterol from [3H]water in different tissues of several animal species, so that the 3H/C incorporation ratio is similar under nearly all experimental conditions and varies from 0.78 to 1.00. When administered in vivo, [3H]water rapidly equilibrates with intracellular water and is incorporated into sterols within the various organs at rates that are linear with respect to time. From such data it is possible to obtain absolute rates of cholesterol synthesis in the whole animal and in the various organs of the animal. Current data suggest, therefore, that use of [3H]water yields the most accurate rates of cholesterol synthesis both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
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