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The distribution of sulfated mucopolysaccharides in different tissues during growth and in cancer tissues is reported. It is shown that most of the tissues of 1 day-old rats and rabbits contain chondroitin sulfate A/C, chondroitin sulfate B and heparan sulfate in about the same proportions, whereas in adult animals chondroitin sulfate A/C decreases in concentration or disappears. Changes in the relative proportions of chondroitin sulfate B and heparan sulfate were also observed in most of the tissues. In rats, these changes occur in the first 25 days of extrauterine development. A great increase of chondroitin sulfate A/C was observed in human tumors of different origins when compared with the normal adjacent tissues. Changes in the relative proportions of chondroitin sulfate B and heparan sulfate were also observed in most of the tumors analysed. The possible role of chondroitin sulfate A/C in cell division is discussed in view of the present findings.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Bruterfolg des Eleonorenfalken wurde auf einer ägäischen Inselkolonie in Relation zur Horstlage untersucht. Bei Horsten mit Gratlage auf übersichtlichem Gelände war er signifikant höher (1,8 Junge/Horst) als bei den übrigen Horsten mit z. T. schlechtem Geländeüberblick (1,3 Junge/Horst). Da alle Horste gegenüber den NW-Winden geschützt lagen, waren die meisten an südlich ausgerichteten Hängen potentiell der intensiven Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt. In den Horstrevieren von typisch 20 m Durchmesser gab es aber nicht immer vor Sonne geschützte Horsthöhlen, so daß bei Lufttemperaturen von 40 °C und Bodentemperaturen von bis zu 60 °C die Embryonen in den Eiern gefährdet sein können, besonders, wenn sie der direkten Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt sind. Dies tritt z. B. bei einer Störung in der Brutkolonie ein. Der Bruterfolg in den sonnenexponierten Höhlen lag mit 0,8–1,3 Junge/Horst signifikant niedriger als in den sonnengeschützten Höhlen mit durchschnittlich 1,75 Junge/Horst. Neben einer normalen Infertilität von 10 % fielen weitere 8 % aller Eier in der Brutkolonie durch Sonneneinwirkung aus.
Biology of the Eleonora's Falcon(Falco eleonorae): 10. Breeding success in relation to nest site exposition
Summary Breeding success of the Eleonora's Falcon was studied in an Aegean island colony. In nests near cliff tops with an unobstructed view of the surroundings, a significantly higher breeding success (1.8 pulli/nest) was obtained than in other nests (1.3 pulli/nest). Since all nests were chosen protected from the wind, and as the main wind comes from NW, most nests were situated on southern slopes and are thus potentially exposed to the sun. Within a falcon territory of typically 20 m diameter in size there was not always a lime stone crevice with complete shade for the eggs. At an air temperature of 40 °C and a soil temperature of up to 60 °C, excessive sunning of an unprotected egg can be lethal for the falcon embryo. Breeding success in sun exposed nests was significantly lower (0.8–1.3 pulli/nest) than in sheltered nests (1.75 pulli/nest). In addition to a normal infertility of 10 %, about 8 % of all eggs laid were lost due to sun irradiation.
Abstract— In cell cultures of glial character derived from perinatal mouse brain adenosine elicits two effects. (a) At submicromolar concentrations It inhibits the increase in the intracellular level of cyclic AMP caused by β-adrenoceptor agonists. (b) At concentrations above micromolar it increases the level of cyclic AMP in the cultures. These two effects are mediated by two different adenosine receptors present on the outer surface of the cells. This is concluded from the following evidence. (a) Both effects are antagonized by methylxanthines but not by blockage of adenosine uptake or inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity. (b) In both cases activity depends on the integrity of the ribose moiety of the nucleotide. Substituents of the purine system are tolerated comparatively well. (c) The order of potency of adenosine analogues is different for the two effects. We suggest the name A1 receptors for those that mediate the inhibition and A2 for those that mediate the stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation.  相似文献   
Over 70 naturally occurring and synthetic flavonoids were screened for mutagenicity with 5 tester strains in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome assay: TA1535, TA100, TA1537, TA1538 and TA98. Frameshift mutagenicity was confined to the flavonols (flavon-3-ols) in strain TA98, TA1537 and TA100. The two most mutagenic falvonols, namely, quercetin (3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) and kaempferol (3,4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone), exhibiting 12 and 7 revertants/nmol in TA98 respectively, are also the most common flavonols occurring in plants. Other flavonols exhibited less activity (revertants/nmol): galangin (2.0), rhamnetin (0.45), kaempferide (0.24), fisetin (0.14), myricetin (0.12), robinetin (0.06) and morin (0.05). All of these flavonols apparently exhibited significant activation by Aroclor 1254 induced rat-liver microsome preparations (S9). However, subsequent study revealed that only those flavonols either lacking or possessing one B ring hydroxyl group had an absolute requirement for microsomal activation. Alternatively, quercetin with two B-ring OH groups is not activated by microsomal enzymes, but by soluble (S100) enzymes from liver which are apparently constitutive and not subject to the usual chemical induction. 3 flavonol glycosides, namely, quercetrin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside), rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside) and robinin (kaempferol-3-O-galactosido-rhamnoside-7-O-rhamnoside), were found to be nonmutagenic. They could, however, be activated by a variety of mixed glycosidases incorporated in the usual pour plate procedure. The most effective enzyme mixtures were obtained from rat cecal bacteria and from the snail Helix pomatia.  相似文献   
Summary The connections of the olfactory bulb were studied in the piranha using the Nauta and horseradish-peroxidase methods. Three olfactory tracts project to seven terminal fields in the telencephalon and one in the diencephalon, all of them bilaterally. The contralateral olfactory bulb also receives a small input. All contralateral projections decussate in the anterior commissure and are relatively weak compared to the ipsilateral projections. HRP-containing cells were found in all of the ipsilateral telencephalic aggregates receiving an olfactory tract projection; the contralateral side was free of labeled cell bodies. Although only about one fourth of the entire telencephalon receives a direct olfactory input, the high degree of differentiation of the olfactory system suggests that the piranha depends substantially on the sense of olfaction and that this species may be a good model for further studies on olfactory mechanisms.  相似文献   
The utilization of ortho-phosphate by two coastal marine diatomspecies, Nitzschia closterium and Cyclotella cryptica, was studiedin batch cultures. The hypothesis was tested that thresholdconcentrations in the phosphate uptake determine the lower limitof environmental phosphate, permitting the existence of species.The turn-over time of residual medium phosphate in culturesis {small tilde}10 min, indicating a rapid equilibration ofconcentration dependent on uptake with leakage of ortho-phosphate.Increasing phosphate starvation in cultures diminished the residualortho-phosphate in the range of {small tilde}60–<2nmol l–1, as measured radiochemically after elution onSephadex® G-10 gel. These concentrations encompass the rangeof limiting phosphate concentration in continuous cultures ofthe few microalgae, for which these concentrations are actuallymeasured. The diatoms excreted {small tilde}20–100 nmolI–1 of organic phosphate. One dominating compound, probablyan unusual nucleotide, was incompletely or not resorbed underphosphate starvation. In contrast, Nitzschia closterium excretedunder ample phosphate supply a series of three related compounds,probably phospholipids, that were resorbed under depletion.The association of the organic phosphates with macromolecularexudates is interpreted, along with the other observations,as an indication for a hardly explored periplasmatic phosphatemetabolism in these algae. 3Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H.-A. von Stosch in honour of his 75thbirthday. 4This study was conducted at the University of Marburg undersupport of the Humboldt Foundation Publication no. 64 of theproject "Biological Research of the Eems-Dollard Estuary".  相似文献   
The purpose of this investigation was to investigate pathomechanisms responsible for the deleterious effects of repeated episodes of brief forebrain ischemia. Halothane-anesthetized male Wistar rats were subjected to either (a) a single 15-min period or (b) three 5-min periods (separated by 1 h) of global forebrain ischemia by bilateral carotid artery occlusions plus hypotension (50 mm Hg), followed by various periods of recirculation. Brain temperature was normothermic throughout. In one series of rats, extracellular levels of glutamate, glycine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were measured in the dorsolateral striatum (n = 6-8 per group) and lateral thalamus (n = 4-6 per group) by microdialysis and HPLC before and during ischemia and during 3-5 h of recirculation. In a parallel series of rats (n = 6 per group), ischemic cell change was quantified at 2 (dark neurons), 24, or 72 h following either single or multiple ischemic insults. A single 15-min ischemic period led to massive glutamate release (13-fold increase; p = 0.001), which returned to normal by 20-30 min of recirculation and remained normal thereafter. By contrast, in rats with three 5-min periods of ischemia, the glutamate level rise with each repeated insult (four- to 4.5-fold; p < or = 0.02) was smaller than that observed during the single 15-min insult, but a late sustained rise (five- to six-fold; p < 0.05) occurred at 2-3 h of recirculation. Brief ischemia-induced elevations of glycine and GABA levels were detected in both the single- and multiple-insult groups, with normalization during recirculation. In contrast, the excitotoxic index, a composite measure of neurotransmitter release ([glutamate] x [glycine]/[GABA]), differed markedly following single versus multiple insults (p = 0.002 by repeated-measures analysis of variance) and increased by seven- to 12-fold (p < 0.05) at 1-3 h following the third insult. The total amount of glutamate released was 3.3-fold higher in the multiple-insult than in the single-insult group (p < 0.02). At 2 h of recirculation, histopathological analysis of dorsolateral striatum showed a significantly greater frequency of dark neurons in the multiple- than in the single-insult group (p < 0.05 by analysis of variance). In the thalamus, a higher frequency of ischemic neurons was seen in the multiple-than in the single-insult group at all intervals studied. Thus, in rats with multiple ischemic insults, accelerated ischemic damage was found in the striatum, and severe ischemic injury was documented in the thalamus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary The survival of M13 DNA was studied after partial replacement of thymine by uracil in the bacteriophage. Uracils carry the same genetic information as the thymines. Nevertheless in Escherichia coli wild-type cells, uracils in DNA are replaced by thymines by excision repair initiated by uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG). Thus inactivation of uracil-containing phage DNA is solely due to repair initiated by UDG. Incorporation of uracils was achieved in one or in both strands, either randomly or site-specifically using differently uracylated oligonucleotides. The results show that up to 580 uracils can be repaired without a significant decrease in survival if the uracils are localized in the (–) strand only. Incorporation of 246 uracils into the (+) strand leads to 30% or 10% survival when expressed in Escherichia coli strains CMK and JM103, respectively. However, when uracils are distributed over both strands a sharp decrease in survival occurs. This shows that the repair of two uracils localized in close proximity on opposite strands of the DNA by the excision repair mechanism is difficult, whereas uracils occurring in one strand are repaired more efficiently, irrespective of their number.  相似文献   
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