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Zusammenfassung Der südwestdeutsche Wanderfalken-Bestand wird seit 1965 von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wanderfalkenschutz in Baden-Württemberg überwacht und geschützt. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurden bis Ende 1969 auch 2053 Rupfungen sowie Reste von 6 Säugetieren und 29 Insekten gesammelt. Hierbei zeigte sich einerseits die Vielseitigkeit der Beute (70 Vogelarten), andererseits die starke Bevorzugung von Drosseln, Staren, Tauben und Eichelhähern. Nur 6 Arten stellen zusammen 80% des Beute-Brutogewichtes. Wasservögel im weitesten Sinne bilden dagegen zusammen nur 1% der geschlagenen Vögel. Hierin sehen wir einen der Gründe, warum die südwestdeutsche Population bisher nicht entscheidend mit Pestiziden verseucht ist. Wasservögel sind relativ stark mit Pestiziden vergiftet; der Wanderfalke ist hauptsächlich dort stark zurückgegangen, wo die Wasservögel einen besonders hohen Anteil der Nahrung ausmachen. Bei Hinzurechnung zweier weiterer südwestdeutscher Beutelisten entfallen von 3422 Vögeln in 86 Arten auf Drosseln 25,1, Tauben 21,5, Kleinvögel 21,3, Stare 20,2, Rabenvögel 7,8 und Sonstige 4,1% der Beutevögel. Je nach Fundort innerhalb des Reviers sind die Anteile der Beutearten verschieden groß. Die Beute der wird getrennt dargestellt und der Versuch unternommen, die Beutevögel nach ihrer Nahrungsgrundlage und ihrem Zugverhalten aufzuteilen. Die leichte Zunahme des Wanderfalken seit dem verstärkten Schutz zeigt, daß mindestens in Südwestdeutschland nicht die Pestizide, sondern vor allem Aushorstungen von Jungvögeln durch Falkner und Schausteller sowie Störungen die Hauptgründe für den starken Rückgang sind.
Summary The peregrine Falcon population of south-west Germany has been narrowly watched and protected by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wanderfalkenschutz in Baden-Württemberg since 1965. Up to the end of 1969, in the course of this work, there were also collected 2053 pluckings and the remains of 6 mammals and 29 species of insects. These results on the one hand show the great variety of prey (70 species), on the other the strong preference for thrushes, starlings, pigeons and jays. Only 6 species constitute 80% of the gross weight of the prey. Waterfowl in the widest sense forms only 1% of the peregrine's diet. This fact seems to be a significant reason why the south-west German population has not so far been decisively contaminated by pesticides. Waterfowl is relatively badly contaminated and the peregrine decline has chiefly taken place in those regions where waterfowl forms the main diet. In addition to the above two further lists of prey from south-west Germany show a total of 3422 birds of 86 species, comprising thrushes 25,1%, pigeons 21,5%, small birds 21,3%, starlings 20,2%, corvids 7,8% and various 4,1%. The percentage of the species of prey differs according to the spot within the area of a pair where it was found. The prey of the is shown separately and the attempt is made to divide the birds preyed according to food basis and migratory behaviour. The slight increase in the peregrine falcon population since protection has been intensified, shows — at least in south-west Germany — that the primal cause of the drastic decline is the plundering of young birds by falconers and exhibitors, and other disturbances, and not the effects of pesticides.
The effects on rats of 6 weeks of altitude acclimatization (25,000 ft 5 hrs/day) on exercise performance (slow walking in a cylindrical wire cage for 9 hours) at sea level were determined. The altitude acclimatized rats developed incipient fatigue (immobility of either fore or hind limbs) three hours earlier than unacclimatized controls. Fatigue (total immobility of both fore and hind limbs)was exhibited by all altitude rats and in one-third of the controls after exercising 7 1/2 hours. The reduced exercise performance of altitude rats was correlated with greater elevations in the serum of corticosterone, urea nitrogen, glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminases, aldolase, and lactic and malic dehydrogenases. It was also correlated with a marked polycythemia and focal myocardial inflammation and scarring. Hypoglycemia after exercise was also more severe in the altitude acclimatized rats. Thus, as indicated by the ensuiing physiological, biochemical and histopathological changes, 6 weeks of altitude acclimatization proved detrimental to rats exercising at sea level.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Auswirkung einer 6-wöchigen Höhenakklimatisation von Ratten (täglich 5 Stunden in 6.600 m Höhe in der Unterdruckkammer) auf die Laufleistung in Seehöhe (langsames Laufen in einer Lauftrommel mit Pausen während 9 Stunden) untersucht. Die höhenakklimatisierten Tiere zeigten Zeichen von Müdigkeit (Schleppen der Vorder- oder Hinterbeine) 3 Stunden früher als die nicht exponierten Kontrolltiere. Müdigkeit (totale Immobilität der Vorder-und Hinterbeine) trat bei allen Höhen-Ratten und bei ein Drittel der Kontroll-Ratten nach 7 1/2 Stunden Laufen auf. Die verminderte Laufleistung der Höhen-Ratten war verbunden mit grösserer Erhöhung von Corticosteron, Harnstoff-N, GOT und GPT, Aldolase und Milch- und Apfelsäure-Dehydrogenase im Serum. Ebenfalls bestand eine ausgeprägte Polyzythämie und herdförmide Myokardentzündung und Narbenbildung. Die Hypoglykämie nach Arbeit war bei den Höhen-Ratten schwerer. Danach hat diese Form der 6-wöchigen Höhenexponierung einen nachteiligen Einfluss auf Ratten im Arbeitstest.

Resume On a examiné l'effet de l'acclimatation à l'altitude de rats (exposition journalière durant 5 heures à 6.600 m d'altitude simulée dans un caisson décompressé) sur leur aptitude à marcher au niveau de la mer (déplacement ralenti à l'intérieur d'un cylindre durant 9 heures avec des interruptions). Les bêtes ayant subi un traitement au caisson ont montré des signes de fatigue (trainage des pattes antérieures ou postérieures) 3 heures avant les bêtes de contrôle. La fatigue (immobilité totale des pattes antérieures et postérieures) se remarque après 7 1/2 heures de marche chez tous les rats acclimatés à l'altitude et chez un tiers des bêtes de contrôle. La diminution de la résistance à la marche était accompagnée chez les rats d'altitude d'une augmentation notable des principes suivants dans le sérum sanguin: corticosterone, urée azotée, GOT et GPT, aldolase et déshydrogénase des acides lactique et malique. On a constaté également une polycythémie ainsi qu'une inflammation du myocarde accompagnée de cicatrisation. Après le travail, l'hypoglycémie était également plus prononcée chez les rats acclimatés à l'altitude que chez les autres. Il s'ensuit que cette forme d'exposition à l'altitude en 6 semaine a des suites fâcheuses sur les possibilités d'activité des rats.
The process of division was investigated in the different types of plastids found in the tip cell of the protonema of Funaria hygrometrica Sibth. There were no structural changes in the envelope membranes of any of the plastid types during the initial stage of division. As the process of constriction advanced, thylakoids were locally disintegrated and sometimes starch grains in the isthmus were locally dissolved. In the isthmus, tightly constricted plastids were characterized by an undulating envelope and an increasing number of vesicles. After three-dimensional reconstruction of electronmicrographs a distinct filamentous structure was observed in the plane of division outside the plastid but close to the envelope. At different stages of division the constricted regions were partly surrounded by one or a few filaments. The roundish plastids in the apical zone were accompanied by single microtubule bundles, and the spindle-shaped plastids in the cell base were surrounded by single microtubules and microtubule bundles. A model of co-operation between microtubules and the filamentous structure in the division process is discussed.A preliminary report was presented at the Tagung der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft und der Vereinigung für Angewandte Botanik, Hamburg, September 1986  相似文献   
Strains of filamentous, non-heterocystous cyanobacteria from the Pasteur Culture Collection (PCC), able to synthesize nitrogenase under anaerobic test conditions, were tested for growth with N2 as sole nitrogen source at low O2 partial pressure (less than 0.05%). Plectonema boryanum (PCC 73110) exhibited exponential growth under these conditions. This capacity was restricted to light intensities not exceeding 500 lux. Growth rates were 0.014/h at 200 and 0.023 at 500 lux and similar to those of anaerobic and aerobic control cultures with nitrate as N-source. For N2-fixing cultures incubated at 200 and 500 lux, acetylene reduction rates were 4–8 and 5–14 nmol C2H4 per mg protein per min, respectively. The ratio of phycocyanine to chlorophyll was higher (200 lux) or slightly reduced (500 lux) in N2-fixing cultures as compared to control cultures with nitrate as N-source. On the basis of epifluorescence microscopy and microfluorimetry, no differences in pigment contents were found between individual cells or filaments of N2-fixing cultures. Also no noteworthy differences were observed between the pycobiliprotein composition of individual cells in N2 fixing cultures as compared to nitrate-grown controls. Thus the observed exponential growth of P. boryanum at low light intensities implies simultaneous nitrogen fixation and oxygenic photosynthesis. Additional continuous culture experiments showed that N2-fixing exponential growth was dependent on O2 partial pressures lower than 0.2–0.4%.The other strains tested (PCC 6412, 6602, 7403, 7104) did not grow under such conditions.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - PBP phycobiliproteins - PC phycocyanin - PCC Pasteur Culture Collection - OD optical density  相似文献   
HeLa S3 cells were exposed to varied concentrations of methylmercury over varied periods of time and its binding by the cells was studied using 203Hg-labeled methylmercuric chloride as radioactive marker. Also studied was the effect of cell-bound methylmercury on DNA replication and protein synthesis and on the growth rate of the cells. The results show that methylmercury binding is a rapid process, with much of the organomercurial bound within the the first 60 min of incubation, and that considerable quantities of organic mercury become affixed to the cells. The amounts of bound methylmercury, [CH3Hg(II)]bound, given in mol/cell, range from 2 × 10?16 (at 1 h of incubation and at 1 μM CH3Hg(II) in the medium) to almost 4 × 10?14 (at 24 h of incubation and at 100 μM CH3Hg(II) in the medium). A [CH3Hg(II)]bound value of about 30 × 10?16 mol/cell appears to be the threshold below which cells display a normal growth pattern and below which metabolic events such as DNA replication or protein synthesis are affected only to a minor degree but above which major changes in cell metabolism and cell growth take place. Methylmercury binding by the cells is tight so that only 20% of the bound material is released from the cells over a 3-h incubation period when the cells are placed into fresh, methylmercury-free growth medium. Analysis of the binding data in terms of binding to identical and completely independent sites yields an association constant K of 7.92 × 104 l/mol and for the maximum concentration of cellular binding sites the value 2.40 × 10?14 mol/cell or 1.45 × 1010 sites/cell. Evidence is presented which shows that cellular sulfhydryl groups do not suffice to provide all the sites taken up by methylmercury and that binding, in all likelihood, involves basic nitrogen, too. The levels of cell-bound methylmercury are such that binding to HeLa DNA and HeLa chromatin, for instance, can readily take place. Methylmercury binding data obtained by using the technique of particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) are in good agreement with the data obtained via isotope dilution.  相似文献   
An enzyme that uses GTP as a substrate for the formation of formate and a 2.4.5-triamino-6-hydroxypyrimidine derivative has been determined in the riboflavin overproducing yeast Pichia guilliermondii. In rib 1 mutants this enzyme is absent. This implies an involvement of the enzyme in the riboflavin biosynthesis and indicates that GTP is a purine precursor of riboflavin. Some properties of the GTP cyclohydrolase (substrate specificity, pH and temperature optima, activators and inhibitors, molecular weight, stability) were studied using a partly purified enzyme preparation. Cells grown under riboflavin overproducing conditions (iron deficiency) have 20–40-fold increased enzyme activity as compared with non-overproducing cultures (supplemented with iron).Non-Standard Abbreviations RF riboflavin - DHRiboyslAP £ 2.5-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-(1-d-ribosylamino)pyrimidine-5-phosphate - DHRibitylAP 2.5-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-(1-ribitylamino)pyrimidine - neopterin 6-(trihydroxypropyl)pterin - DMP 6.7-dimethylpterin - Fe iron deficient condition - +Fe supplemented with iron  相似文献   
Two different peptides have been purified from human liver, similar to those previously reported (Schoenenberger, G.A., and Wacker, W.E.C. (1966) Biochemistry 5, 1375–1379) to be present in human urine, which may serve as metabolic regulators of lactate dehydrogenase (EC 1.1 1.27) isoenzymes (LDH-M4 = muscle type; LDH-H4 = heart type). By trichloroacetic acid precipitation, ultrafiltration, Sephadex G-25 and Bio-Gel P-2 columns, affinity chromatography on immobilized LDH-isozymes and HPLC two peptides which differed with respect to molecular weight, retention on the affinity columns and amino acid composition were isolated. No effect was observed when native, tetrameric lactate dehydrogenase was incubated with these peptides. However, when lactate dehydrogenase was dissociated to monomers at low pH and allowed to reassociate by adjusting the pH to 7.5 complete inhibition of the reactivation occurred when the inhibitors were incubated together with respective reassociating monomeric isozymes. The two peptides showed no cross-specificity, i.e. each peptide exhibited inhibitory activity only on one of the two isozymes LDH-M4 or LDH-H4. From the amino acid analyses, gel-filtration and PAGE + SDS, molecular weight of 1800 for the M4 and ≈2700 for the H4 inhibitor were calculated. An apparent Ki of ≈3 × 10?5 mM for the H4 and ≈7 × 10?5 mM for the H4 inhibitor was estimated. The interaction of the inhibitors with the enzyme system showed strong cooperativity with Hill coefficients of 2.9 (LDH-M4-specific) and 2.4 (LDH-H4-specific). Mathematical modelling of the reassociation and reactivation of lactate dehydrogenase and its specific inhibition by the peptides led to the conclusion that the peptides reacts with monomers, dimers or a transition state during the tetramerisation process. k1 for the dimerisation step of M4 = 2.0 × 105 M?1 · s?1 and of H4 = 8.2 × 104 M?1 · s?1; k2 for the tetramerisation step of M4 = 2.8 × 105 M?1 · s?1 and of H4 = 1.2 × 105 · M?1 · s?1, were calculated, the second step still being the faster one.  相似文献   
Pooled human cerebrospinal fluid was separated by Sephadex G-50 chromatography. The presence of three peaks, A, B and C, was demonstrated by monitoring absorbance at 254 and 280 nm. All peaks showed [3H]diazepam displacing activity in the membrane receptor test. Peak B was further separated on Bio-Gel P-4. At least two major fractions free of salt and GABA in the molecular weight range of approximately 700--3600 were shown to displace [3H]diazepam in the receptor test. This activity was enhanced by a factor of 3 in the presence of 10 microM-GABA.  相似文献   
Using a radioreceptor assay, opioiod activity has been determined in human plasma and monkey CSF at two-hour intervals across a 24-hour period. In both human plasma and monkey CSF, opioid activity showed an episodic secretion and a significant variation over time, suggesting a diurnal rhythm with increased levels in the morning. This rhythm is similar to those of adrenocorticotropin and beta-lipotropin (LPH) and reciprocal to the diurnal rhythm of pain sensitivity.  相似文献   
Summary An improved method for the two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of ribosomal proteins on acrylamide gel slabs has been developed by combining the procedures for the first dimension of Mets and Bogorad (1974) and for the second dimension of Kaltschmidt and Wittmann (1970) and by introducing several modification. Ribosomal proteins of various Escherichia coli mutants have been analyzed by the new method. Advantages are that (1) it requires only small amounts of protein (100–200 g 70S ribosomal proteins), (2) reproducibility is very high, and (3) it makes it easier to identify mutational alterations in proteins S10, L4, L10, and L21 which hardly migrate out of the sample gel with our previous electrophoresis procedure. Furthermore, the new method can be nicely adapted to analysis of the ribosomal proteins from other organisms, such as Bacilli or yeast.  相似文献   
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