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Although soluble oligomeric and protofibrillar assemblies of Abeta-amyloid peptide cause synaptotoxicity and potentially contribute to Alzheimer's disease (AD), the role of mature Abeta-fibrils in the amyloid plaques remains controversial. A widely held view in the field suggests that the fibrillization reaction proceeds 'forward' in a near-irreversible manner from the monomeric Abeta peptide through toxic protofibrillar intermediates, which subsequently mature into biologically inert amyloid fibrils that are found in plaques. Here, we show that natural lipids destabilize and rapidly resolubilize mature Abeta amyloid fibers. Interestingly, the equilibrium is not reversed toward monomeric Abeta but rather toward soluble amyloid protofibrils. We characterized these 'backward' Abeta protofibrils generated from mature Abeta fibers and compared them with previously identified 'forward' Abeta protofibrils obtained from the aggregation of fresh Abeta monomers. We find that backward protofibrils are biochemically and biophysically very similar to forward protofibrils: they consist of a wide range of molecular masses, are toxic to primary neurons and cause memory impairment and tau phosphorylation in mouse. In addition, they diffuse rapidly through the brain into areas relevant to AD. Our findings imply that amyloid plaques are potentially major sources of soluble toxic Abeta-aggregates that could readily be activated by exposure to biological lipids.  相似文献   
Seasonal reproduction in some Arctic Laminariales coincides with increased UV-B radiation due to stratospheric ozone depletion and relatively high water temperatures during polar spring. To find out the capacity to cope with different spectral irradiance, the kinetics of photosynthetic recovery was investigated in zoospores of four Arctic species of the order Laminariales, the kelps Saccorhiza dermatodea, Alaria esculenta, Laminaria digitata, and Laminaria saccharina. The physiology of light harvesting, changes in photosynthetic efficiency and kinetics of photosynthetic recovery were measured by in vivo fluorescence changes of Photosystem II (PSII). Saturation irradiance of freshly released spores showed minimal I k values (photon fluence rate where initial slope intersects horizontal asymptote of the curve) values ranging from 13 to 18 μmol photons m−2 s−1 among species collected at different depths, confirming that spores are low-light adapted. Exposure to different radiation spectra consisting of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400–700 nm), PAR+UV-A radiation (UV-A; 320–400 nm), and PAR+ UV-A+UV-B radiation (UV-B; 280–320 nm) showed that the cumulative effects of increasing PAR fluence and the additional effect of UV-A and UV-B radiations on photoinhibition of photosynthesis are species specific. After long exposures, Laminaria saccharina was more sensitive to the different light treatments than the other three species investigated. Kinetics of recovery in zoospores showed a fast phase in S. dermatodea, which indicates a reduction of the photoprotective process while a slow phase in L. saccharina indicates recovery from severe photodamage. This first attempt to study photoinhibition and kinetics of recovery in zoospores showed that zoospores are the stage in the life history of seaweeds most susceptible to light stress and that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) effectively delays photosynthetic recovery. The viability of spores is important on the recruitment of the gametophytic and sporophytic life stages. The impact of UVR on the zoospores is related to the vertical depth distribution of the large sporophytes in the field.  相似文献   
Drought responses of diurnal gas exchange, malic acid accumulation and water status were examined in Delosperma tradescantioides , a succulent that grows in drought-prone microenvironments in summer rainfall and all-year rainfall regions of southern Africa. When well-watered, this species exhibited Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)-cycling, but its carbon fixation pattern changed during the development of drought, shifting to either low-level CAM or to CAM-idling. The rate and pattern of this change depended on environmental conditions, duration of water stress and leaf age. At the onset of drought, diurnal malate fluctuation increased, but was strongly depressed (by ca 70%) as drought continued, and when leaf water content and water potential were low (ca 35 and 50% of the initial levels, respectively). When rewatered, rates of growth and photosynthesis, gas exchange and water status recovered fully to pre-stressed values within two days. Whole-shoot carbon uptake rates suggested that leaf growth had continued unabated during a short-term (∼ one week) drought. This emphasises that CAM-idling allows the maintenance of active metabolism with negligible gas exchange when soil water is limiting. It is possible that old or senescent leaves may provide water for the expansion of developing leaves during initial periods of drought. Regardless of the water regime and environmental conditions, leaf nocturnal malate accumulation and water content were positively correlated and increased with leaf age. Thus the gradual loss of water from older mature leaves may induce CAM-idling, which reduces water loss. An important ecological consequence of this combination of CAM modes is the potential to switch rapidly between fast growth via C3 gas exchanges when well-watered to water-conserving CAM-idling during drought.  相似文献   
Deformability while remaining viable is an important mechanical property of cells. Red blood cells (RBCs) deform considerably while flowing through small capillaries. The RBC membrane can withstand a finite strain, beyond which it ruptures. The classical yield areal strain of 2–4% for RBCs is generally accepted for a quasi-static strain. It has been noted previously that this threshold strain may be much larger with shorter exposure duration. Here we employ an impulse-like forcing to quantify this yield strain of RBC membranes. In the experiments, RBCs are stretched within tens of microseconds by a strong shear flow generated from a laser-induced cavitation bubble. The deformation of the cells in the strongly confined geometry is captured with a high-speed camera and viability is successively monitored with fluorescence microscopy. We find that the probability of cell survival is strongly dependent on the maximum strain. Above a critical areal strain of ∼40%, permanent membrane damage is observed for 50% of the cells. Interestingly, many of the cells do not rupture immediately and exhibit ghosting, but slowly obtain a round shape before they burst. This observation is explained with structural membrane damage leading to subnanometer-sized pores. The cells finally lyse from the colloidal osmotic pressure imbalance.  相似文献   
Extracellular short fibulins, fibulin-3, -4, and -5, are components of the elastic fiber/microfibril system and are implicated in the formation and homeostasis of elastic tissues. In this study, we report new structural and functional properties of the short fibulins. Full-length human short fibulins were recombinantly expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography. All three fibulins showed various levels of degradation after the purification procedure. N-terminal sequencing revealed that all three fibulins are highly susceptible to proteolysis within the N-terminal linker region of the first calcium-binding epidermal growth factor domain. Proteolytic susceptibility of the linker correlated with its length. Exposure of these fibulins to matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, -2, -3, -7, -9, and -12 resulted in similar proteolytic fragments with MMP-7 and -12 being the most potent proteases. Fibulin-3 proteolysis was almost completely inhibited in cell culture by the addition of 25 μm doxycycline (a broad spectrum MMP inhibitor). Reducible fibulin-4 dimerization and multimerization were consistently observed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, and mass spectrometry. Atomic force microscopy identified monomers, dimers, and multimers in purified fibulin-4 preparations with sizes of ∼10–15, ∼20–25, and ∼30–50 nm, respectively. All short fibulins strongly adhered to human fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. Although only fibulin-5 has an RGD integrin binding site, all short fibulins adhere at a similar level to the respective cells. Solid phase binding assays detected strong calcium-dependent binding of the short fibulins to immobilized heparin, suggesting that these fibulins may bind cell surface-located heparan sulfate.  相似文献   
Fruit extract of Solanum xanthocarpum was evaluated for its toxicity against Alternaria brassicae, the causal agent of Alternaria blight of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. &; Coss]. The mass obtained after vacuum drying of the crude methanolic extract was utilised for further sequential fractionation using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and methanol. Among the crude and different fractions tested, methanolic fraction was most effective with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 62.5 μg/ml. The methanolic fraction was further fractionated using open column liquid chromatography into five subfractions (I–V) to identify the antifungal bioactive compounds. Among the five subfractions (SFs) tested SF IV was most effective at inhibiting A. brassicae conidial germination and thereby inhibited lesion development of Alternaria blight at a concentration of 15.625 μg/ml or higher. Furthermore, bioautography of SF IV with Alternaria alternata and diagnosis with Dragendorff reagent indicated that SF IV contains a mixture of bioactive alkaloids, namely a1 (Rf = 0.12) and a2 (Rf = 0.22). The potential of using S. xanthocarpum as a resource for the development of biofungicides is discussed.  相似文献   
Karl Esser: Kryptogamen 1. Cyanobacterien, Algen, Pilze, Flechten. Praktikum und Lehrbuch. Dritte, wesentlich überarbeitete Auflage. 585 S., 300 Abb., Springer‐Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 2000. Preis: 129.00 DM, ISBN 3–540–66451–3

Jain, S. M., Gupta, R. J., Newton, R. J. (Eds.): Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht 1999, Vol. 2, 547 S

Vanneste, J. L. (Ed.): FIRE Blight: The Disease and its Causative Agent, Erwinia amylovora. CABI Publishing, CAB International, Oxon, UK, 2000, 370 p., 16 color plates, 38 figures, 25 tables, 6 boxes, Price US$120.00, ISBN 0 85199 294 3

Heitefuss, R. Pflanzenschutz. Grundlagen der praktischen Phytomedi‐zin. 3., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart. 2000, 399 S., 94 Abb., 22 Tab., Preis 49.90 DM, ISBN 313 5133036/650

L. Benzing, Der sachkundige Vorratsschützer. Sachkunde für Anwender und Abgebende von Vorratsschutzmitteln. Agrimedia Spithal, 2000, 158 S., 32 farbige Abb., 14 schwarz ‐ weiße Abb., 23 Tab.. Preis: 78 DM, ISBN 3–86037–115–0  相似文献   
Using several approaches, we investigated the importance of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in the uptake of human rhinovirus serotype 2 (HRV2). By means of confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that K(+) depletion strongly reduces HRV2 internalization. Viral uptake was also substantially reduced by extraction of cholesterol from the plasma membrane with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, which can inhibit clathrin-mediated endocytosis. In accordance with these data, overexpression of dynamin K44A in HeLa cells prevented HRV2 internalization, as judged by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, and strongly reduced infection. We also demonstrate that HRV2 bound to the surface of HeLa cells is localized in coated pits but not in caveolae. Finally, transient overexpression of the specific dominant-negative inhibitors of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, the SH3 domain of amphiphysin and the C-terminal domain of AP180, potently inhibited internalization of HRV2. Taken together, these results indicate that HRV2 uses clathrin-mediated endocytosis to infect cells.  相似文献   
In our studies to analyze the structure/function relationships among cytoplasmic and organellar seryl-tRNA synthetases (SerRS), we have characterized a Zea mays cDNA (SerZMm) encoding a protein with significant similarity to prokaryotic SerRS enzymes. To demonstrate the functional identity of SerZMm, the gene sequence encoding the putative mature protein was cloned. This construct complemented in vivo a temperature-sensitive Escherichia coli serS mutant strain. The mature SerZMm protein overexpressed in Escherichia coli efficiently aminoacylated bacterial tRNASer in vitro, while yeast tRNA was a poor substrate. These data identify SerZMm as an organellar maize seryl-tRNA synthetase, the first plant organellar SerRS to be cloned. The analysis of its N-terminal targeting signal suggests a mitochondrial function for the SerZMm protein in maize.  相似文献   
Xylans constitute the main non-cellulosic polysaccharide in the secondary cell walls of plants. Several genes predicted to encode glycosyltransferases are required for the synthesis of the xylan backbone even though it is a homopolymer consisting entirely of β-1,4-linked xylose residues. The putative glycosyltransferases IRX9, IRX14, and IRX10 (or the paralogs IRX9L, IRX14L, and IRX10L) are required for xylan backbone synthesis in Arabidopsis. To investigate the function of IRX9, IRX9L, and IRX14, we identified amino acid residues known to be essential for catalytic function in homologous mammalian proteins and generated modified cDNA clones encoding proteins where these residues would be mutated. The mutated gene constructs were used to transform wild-type Arabidopsis plants and the irx9 and irx14 mutants, which are deficient in xylan synthesis. The ability of the mutated proteins to complement the mutants was investigated by measuring growth, determining cell wall composition, and microscopic analysis of stem cross-sections of the transgenic plants. The six different mutated versions of IRX9 and IRX9-L were all able to complement the irx9 mutant phenotype, indicating that residues known to be essential for glycosyltransferases function in homologous proteins are not essential for the biological function of IRX9/IRX9L. Two out of three mutated IRX14 complemented the irx14 mutant, including a mutant in the predicted catalytic amino acid. A IRX14 protein mutated in the substrate-binding DxD motif did not complement the irx14 mutant. Thus, substrate binding is important for IRX14 function but catalytic activity may not be essential for the function of the protein. The data indicate that IRX9/IRX9L have an essential structural function, most likely by interacting with the IRX10/IRX10L proteins, but do not have an essential catalytic function. Most likely IRX14 also has primarily a structural role, but it cannot be excluded that the protein has an important enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
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