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Abstract: Polyclonal antibodies were raised to synthetic peptides having amino acid sequences corresponding with the N- or C-terminal part of the γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor α5-subunit. These anti-peptide α5(2–10) or anti-peptide α5(427–433) antibodies reacted specifically with GABAA receptors purified from the brains of 5–10-day-old rats in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and were able to dose-dependently immunoprecipitate up to 6.3 or 13.1% of the GABAA receptors present in the incubation, respectively. In immunoblots, each of these antibodies reacted with the same two protein bands with apparent molecular mass of 53 or 57 kDa. After exhaustive treatment of purified GABAA receptors with N -Glycanase, each of these antibodies identified two proteins with apparent molecular masses of 46 and 48 kDa. Additional treatment of GABAA receptors with neuraminidase and O -Glycanase resulted in an apparently single protein with molecular mass of 47 kDa, which again was identified by both the anti-peptide α5(2–10) and the anti-peptide α5(427–433) antibody. These results indicate the existence of at least two different α5-sub-units of the GABAA receptor that differ in their carbohydrate content. In contrast to other α- or β-subunits of GABAA receptors so far investigated, at least one of these two α5-subunits contains O-linked carbohydrates.  相似文献   
The primary structure of the peptidoglycan and the teichoic acids of two coryneform isolates from the surface flora of French cooked cheeses, CNRZ 925 and CNRZ 926, have been determined. In the peptidoglycan, meso-diaminopimelic acid was localized in position three of the peptide subunit. It contained an d-glutamyl-d-aspartyl interpeptide bridge, connecting meso-diaminopimelic acid and d-alanine residues of adjacent peptide subunits. The -carboxyl group of d-glutamic acid in position two of peptide subunits was substituted with glycine amide. The teichoic acid pattern and composition differed between the strains: both contained an erythritol teichoic acid and strain CNRZ 925 also contained an N-acetylglucosaminylphosphate polymer. The erythritol teichoic acids differed in terms of the quality and quantity of substituents, but they both had N,N-diacetyl-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid in common.Abbreviations DNP dinitrophenyl - Ery erythritol - Gal galactose - GlcN glucosamine - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - GlcUANAc2 N,N-diacetyl-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid - Hex UANAc2 N,N-diacetyl-2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxyhexuronic - acid m-Dpm, meso-diaminopimelic acid - Mur muramic acid - MurNAc N-acetylmuramic acid  相似文献   
Overdieck  Dieter 《Plant Ecology》1993,104(1):403-411
The CO2 enrichment effects (300–650 µmol mol-1) on mineral concentration (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn), absolute total mineral contents per individual and of whole stands of four herbaceous (Trifolium repens L.,Trifolium pratense L.,Lolium perenne L.,Festuca pratensis HUDS.) and two woody species (Acer pseudo-platanus L.,Fagus sylvatica L.) were investigated.In general, the mineral concentration of the plant tissues decreased (all six species: N>Ca>K>Mg) with the exception of P. Mn and Fe were only determined for the tree species. Both decreased in concentration (Mn>Fe). Zn was only analysed forTrifolium pratense andFestuca pratensis and decreased significantly in the grass.Despite of decreases in concentrations of as much as 20% in some cases there were increases in absolute amounts per individual and, therefore, in the whole vegetation up to 25% because of the enhanced dry matter accumulation at elevated CO2 supply.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. R. Bornkamm, TU-Berlin, on behalf of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Summary The surface of the gametocytes and gametes of Eimeria perforans reveals tube-like extrusions which have not been discovered so far in coccidia. These slender tubes are 650 Å in width and at least 1,3 in length. Probably they represent resorbing organelles. The tubes occur only at the surface of older female gametocytes and gametes and have not been observed in merozoites, schizonts, microgametocytes and male gametes. In transversal sections the tubes look like vesicles and are bordered by a membrane the layers of which are not sharply defined. The interior of the tubes seems to be empty after electron microscope observations. In longitudinal sections the membrane of the tubes is striated. The repeating unit of the dark and light bands amounts to about 165 Å. This appearance cannot be explained so far.

Für beratende Hilfe sind wir Herrn Prof. Dr. R. Danneel und Herrn Prof. Dr. K. E. Wohlfarth-Bottermann zu Dank verpflichtet, für technische Unterstützung Fräulein cand. rer. nat. B. Volkmann. Herrn Dr. D. Spiecker von der Forschungsstelle für Jagdkunde und Wildschadenverhütung, Beuel, danken wir für die Durchführung der Infektionen. Die Mittel für die Untersuchungen stellte uns die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft zur Verfügung.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of cell walls (thecae) of three taxa of scaly green flagellates (Prasinophyceae) was investigated. The theca of Tetraselmis striata, Tetraselmis tetrathele, and Scherffelia dubia consists mainly of carbohydrate (80% of dry weight), with proteins (5%), calcium (4%), and sulfate (6%) as minor components. The principal sugars (60% of dry weight) are the 2-keto-sugar acids 3-deoxy-manno-2-octulosonic acid (KDO), 3-deoxy-manno-5-O-methyl-2-octulosonic acid (5OMeKDO), and 3-deoxy-lyxo-2-heptulosaric acid (DHA). Arabinose, gulose, galactose, galacturonic acid, and in S. dubia, xylose and rhamnose were also found. Examination of scale preparations from Mantoniella squamata, Mesostigma viride, Pyramimonas amylifera, and Nephroselmis olivacea revealed that the 2-keto-sugar acids were always associated with the presence of typical prasinophycean scales on the cell surface. In contrast, 2-keto-sugar acids were not detected in the cell wall of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii nor in polymer preparations from the culture medium of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Dunaliella bioculata, Dunaliella primolecta, Asteromonas gracilis, Hafniomonas reticulate, Pedinomonas tuberculata, Monomastix sp., and Micromonas pusilla. We conclude that 2-keto-sugar acids are chemical markers for prasinophycean scales.  相似文献   
Net O2 evolution, gross CO2 uptake and net HCO inf3 su– uptake during steady-state photosynthesis were investigated by a recently developed mass-spectrometric technique for disequilibrium flux analysis with cells of the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC7002 grown at different CO2 concentrations. Regardless of the CO2 concentration during growth, all cells had the capacity to transport both CO2 and HCO inf3 su– ; however, the activity of HCO inf3 su– transport was more than twofold higher than CO2 transport even in cyanobacteria grown at high concentration of inorganic carbon (Ci = CO2 + HCO inf3 su– ). In low-Ci cells, the affinities of CO2 and HCO inf3 su– transport for their substrates were about 5 (CO2 uptake) and 10 (HCO inf3 su– uptake) times higher than in high-Ci cells, while air-grown cells formed an intermediate state. For the same cells, the intracellular accumulated Ci pool reached 18, 32 and 55 mM in high-Ci, air-grown and low-Ci cells, respectively, when measured at 1 mM external Ci. Photosynthetic O2 evolution, maximal CO2 and HCO inf3 su– transport activities, and consequently their relative contribution to photosynthesis, were largely unaffected by the CO2 provided during growth. When the cells were adapted to freshwater medium, results similar to those for artificial seawater were obtained for all CO2 concentrations. Transport studies with high-Ci cells revealed that CO2 and HCO inf3 su– uptake were equally inhibited when CO2 fixation was reduced by the addition of glycolaldehyde. In contrast, in low-Ci cells steady-state CO2 transport was preferably reduced by the same inhibitor. The inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase ethoxyzolamide inhibited both CO2 and HCO inf3 su– uptake as well as O2 evolution in both cell types. In high-Ci cells, the degree of inhibition was similar for HCO inf3 su– transport and O2 evolution with 50% inhibition occurring at around 1 mM ethoxyzolamide. However, the uptake of CO2 was much more sensitive to the inhibitor than HCO inf3 su– transport, with an apparent I50 value of around 250 M ethoxyzolamide for CO2 uptake. The implications of our results are discussed with respect to Ci utilisation in the marine Synechococcus strain.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Ci inorganic carbon (CO2 + HCO inf3 su– ) - CA carbonic anhydrase - CCM CO2-concentrating mechanism - EZA ethoxyzolamide - GA glycolaldehyde - K1/2 concentration required for half-maximal response - Rubisco ribulose-1,5,-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase D.S. is a recipient of a research fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (D.F.G.). In addition, we are grateful to Donald A. Bryant, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and Center of Biomolecular Structure Function, Pennsylvania State University, USA, for sending us the wild-type strain of Synechococcus PCC7002.  相似文献   
Sporophytes of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye and E. fasciculatus Harvey were collected in the vicinity of Roscoff Brittany, France. Gametophytes derived from meiospores were used for intra- and interspecific crosses. Intraspecific gamete combinations gave viable zygotes, which developed into fertile sporophytes. Interspecific crosses were unsuccessful. Gamete fusions did not occur between female gametes of E. fasciculatus and male gametes of E. siliculosus. Hybrid zygotes were formed in the reciprocal combination but died soon after germination. We conclude that the two species of Ectocarpus at Roscoff represent distinct taxonomic entities, which are separated by pre- and postzygotic compatibility barriers. These biological findings are confirmed by the differential occurrence of the chemotaxonomic marker betaine-lipid diacetylglycerylhydroxymethyltrimethyl-β-alanine, which is present in our cultures of E. fasciculatus but absent in E. siliculosus.  相似文献   
The occ and noc regions in octopine and nopaline Ti plasmids, respectively, are responsible for the catabolism of octopine and nopaline in Agrobacterium. The functions are activated in the presence of the opines by OccR and NocR, two related regulatory proteins, and the promoters contain common sequence motifs. We have investigated heterologous interactions between the regulators and the promoters. Previous experiments using all possible heterologous combinations of opines, regulators, and promoters in vivo had demonstrated that only the combination of nopalme, NocR, and the occ promoter led to limited promoter activation. We now show that OccR and NocR bind to the heterologous promoters in vitro and in vivo. The weak or non-existent promoter activation actually observed could be explained by the assumption that OccR and NocR use different activation mechanisms; we investigated protein-induced DNA bending because of reports that the two regulators differ in this respect. Analysis with a bending vector showed that both OccR and NocR induced a DNA bend that is relaxed in the presence of the respective opine. The data suggest that subtle differences in regulator/promoter interactions are responsible for the inactivity of the heterologous combinations. Investigations with a chimeric NocR/OccR protein indicated that it induced a DNA bend in both promoters. No opine-induced relaxation was detectable with the hybrid, and the inducible promoter was not activated. These findings suggest that bend relaxation may be an integral part of promoter activation.  相似文献   
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