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Previously, treatment of Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THp) from different donors with endo-beta-galactosidase has been shown to liberate a tetra- and a Sd(a)-active pentasaccharide, concluding the presence of N-linked carbohydrate chains containing additional N - acetyllactosamine units. These type of oligosaccharides were not found in a detailed structure elucidation of the carbohydrate moiety of THp of one male donor, suggesting a donor-specific feature for these type of structures. Therefore, THp was isolated from four healthy male donors and each subjected to endo-beta-galactosidase treatment in order to release these tetra- and Sd(a)-active pentasaccharide. Differences were observed in the total amount of released tetra- and Sda-active pentasaccharide of the used donors (42, 470, 478, 718 microg/100 mg THp), indicating that the presence of repeating N-acetyllactosamine units incorporated into the N-glycan moiety of THp is donor specific. Furthermore, a higher expression of the Sd(a) determinant on antennae which display N-acetyllactosamine elongation was observed, suggesting a better accessibility for the beta-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase. In order to characterize the N-glycans containing repeating N- acetyllactosamine units, carbohydrate chains were enzymatically released from THp and isolated. The tetraantennary fraction, which accounts for more than 33% of the total carbohydrate moiety of THp, was used to isolate oligosaccharides containing additional N - acetyllactosamine units. Five N-linked tetraantennary oligosaccharides containing a repeating N-acetyllactosamine unit were identified, varying from structures bearing four Sd(a) determinants to structures containing no Sd(a) determinant (see below). One compound was used in order to specify the branch location of the additional N- acetyllactosamine unit, and it appeared that only the Gal-6' and Gal-8' residues were occupied by a repeating N -acetyllactosamine unit.   相似文献   
This paper describes work which begins to define the molecular organization in the region of the membrane that comprises the functional domain of the Na:K pump. The membrane-bound phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and Na, K-ATPase appear to be directly linked via a compartmentalized form of ATP. Evidence for the membrane pool of ATP is based on the labeling characteristics of the phosphoproteins by [γ-(32)P]ATP of ghosts incubated under various conditions. Preincubation of ghosts in the presence of ATP at 37 degrees C, but not at 0 degrees C, completely obscures the formation of the Na-phosphoprotein in ghosts washed and subsequently incubated in the presence of [gamma-(32)P]ATP. In contrast to the Na component, the Mg component of phosphorylation is only slightly altered by preincubation with ATP. ATPase activity measured as (32)P(i) liberated during the subsequent incubation at 0 degrees C, reflects completely the differential effects of preincubation with ATP on (32)P incorporation into phosphoprotein. ATP placed within the pool by preincubation can be removed by operating the Na, K-ATPase or the PGK reaction in the reverse direction by use of exogenous substrates. Alternatively, the membrane pool of ATP can be formed also from exogenous substrates by running the PGK reaction in the forward direction. These results, while providing direct support for a membrane compartment of ATP, also indicate the location of this compartment in relation to the PGK and the Na, K-ATPase. In addition, these results also imply that the Mg and Na components are different enzymatic entities since substrate ATP can be derived from separate sources.  相似文献   
In order to obtain plasma membrane-rich fractions two methods were tried. Approach A was based on differential pelleting followed by discontinous gradient centrifugation in a B-XIV zonal rotor. In approach B homogeneization was performed in buffered water (NaHCO3, pH 7.4). The 73 300 X g pellet from this homogenate was subjected to buoyant density equilibrium in a HS zonal rotor (continuous sucrose gradient). Using approach A, the highest relative specific activity for plasma membrane markers was found at the 30-37% sucrose interphase. However, an increase for glucose 6-phosphatase (endoplasmic reticulum marker) was also found at that interphase. Using approach B marker profiles different from approach A were found. Approach B results in a subdivision of membrane material in four distinct regions. These regions do not contain completely pure membrane species, although region I seems to be essentially derived from plasma membranes. It is also concluded from approach A that plasma membranes from bovine thyroid tissue are heterogeneous.  相似文献   
In both supernatant and sediment of thyroid tissue homogenate phospholipase and lysophospholipase activities were demonstrated. In the supernatant, using 1-acyl-2[1-14C]linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorocholine in the presence of sodium taurocholate, phospholipase A1 activity with pH optima at 3.6 and 4.8 and phospholipase A2 activity with pH optima at 3.6 and 5.7 were found. The sediment showed mainly phospholipase A2 activity with a pH optimum at pH 6.5. Lysophospholipase activity (optimum pH 7--8), USING 1-[9,10-(3)H]stearyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorocholine as a substrate was present in both supernatant and sediment. Enzyme assays performed on subcellular fractions suggest the soluble phospholipases to be of lysosomal origin and the solubilized phospholipase A2 activity of homogenate sediment to be of microsomal origin. Incubations with 3H-14C mixed labelled phosphatidylcholine further confirmed the above observations.  相似文献   


Most patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) will face treatment with systemic therapy. Current clinical studies are demonstrating improvements in chemotherapy and overall survival. However, it remains unclear whether these results are translated into clinical practice.


We reviewed all stage IV NSCLC patients without second malignancies that were diagnosed from 2004 to 2006 at our institution. 493 consecutive patients were included into this retrospective analysis and were followed-up until end of 2011.


352 patients (71.4%) received systemic therapy for up to 7 lines. For most patients, adjustments of dosages or applications had to be made at some point of the treatment, but the total applied dose remained generally close to the intended dose. The best disease control (BDC) rate decreased with increasing therapy lines from 59.7% to about 35%. Patients with palliative local therapy but no systemic treatment demonstrated inferior survival (median 2.9 versus 8.7 months, p < 0.001). The median interval between last treatment and death was 50 days and 15 days for chemotherapy and anti-EGFR therapy, respectively. BDC to the previous therapy lines was predictive for improved BDC to third- but not second-line therapy. Performing multivariate analysis, BDC to previous therapy, never-/ former-smoking status, and age > 70 years were associated with improved survival performing third-line therapy.


Stage IV NSCLC patients may receive substantial systemic therapy resulting in response and median survival rates that are comparable to data from clinical studies. However, preselection factors are increasingly important to improve therapy outcome and life quality.  相似文献   
Among substances intended to replace growth promoting antibiotics in pig nutrition, non-digestible oligosaccharides or polysaccharides could be potential alternative compounds. Therefore, the influence of β-1,3-1,6 glucans on bacteriological, biochemical and morphological aspects of the small intestine in weaned piglets was investigated. As sources of β-glucans, Lentinan (extract of Lentinus edodes mycelium) or dried L. edodes mycelium were added to the diet. Four homogenous groups of 5 newly weaned piglets (4 weeks of age) received one of four diets: control diet (C), C supplemented with Avilamycin (50?mg/kg, positive control), C supplemented with 0.1% of Lentinan and C supplemented with 5% of dried L. edodes mycelium powder. A first group of 10 piglets was euthanized after 11 days and the remaining 10 on day 12 of the experiment. The gastrointestinal tract was divided in segments and samples taken from digesta (stomach, proximal and distal jejunum, caecum), mucosal scrapings (jejunum) and ring shaped tissue samples (1?cm) of proximal and distal jejunum. Bacterial counts were made with digesta and mucosal samples, and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), lactic acid and ammonia concentrations were determined. Tissue samples of both jejunal sites were embedded in paraffin wax for morphometrical (villus length, crypt depth) and histological observations (numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), goblet cells, apoptotic enterocytes on villi, mitotic cells in crypts). Only the diet containing 5% of dried L. edodes consistently resulted in lower viable counts (ca. 1?–?2 log10 CFU) of total bacteria, E. coli, streptococci and lactic acid bacteria, and luminal and mucosal effects agreed very well. With this diet, acetate and butyrate concentrations in the distal jejunum were doubled, which is favourable in view of the trophic effect on enterocytes and colonocytes. Villus length (V) was increased with both diets containing β-glucans while crypt depth (C) was not altered, but V/C was higher. IEL counts were decreased by both diets although bacterial numbers, which is only one parameter of bacterial load, were only diminished with the L. edodes feed. The three supplemented feeds lowered the number of apoptotic enterocytes on the villi, but these numbers were very low (control diet?:?44 cells per 100 villi), making clear interpretation difficult. The mitotic index was slightly lower with the L. edodes feed, although not statistically significant. Decreased viable counts observed with the latter diet is a favourable effect as it is accepted that a lower bacterial load causes lower turnover rates of the intestinal epithelial cells, while there is also less competition for specific substrates. A higher V/C ratio, a smaller number of IEL in the epithelium and a lower apoptotic index also indicate slower turnover rate of the mucosa when Lentinan and L. edodes diets were fed. The inconsistent effects observed with Lentinan were probably due to the low amount added to the diet. It should be taken into account that the influence of L. edodes mycelium powder was more likely due to the presence of antibacterial compounds (eg. lenthionine, lentinamycin, terpenoids, polyphenols), rather than to an immunostimulating action of β-glucans with increased release of IgA onto the mucosa surface.  相似文献   
The genus Ceratocystis sensu stricto includes important fungal pathogens of woody and herbaceous plants. This genus is distinguished from species in Ceratocystis sensu lato by the presence of Chalara anamorphs. Ascospore shape has been used extensively in delineating Ceratocystis taxa, which show a large variety of ascospore shapes. Sequence analysis of one region of he 18S ribosomal RNA subunit and two regions of the 28S ribosomal RNA subunit showed that there was a majority of multiple substitutions at nucleotide sites and that there was a low transition/transversion ratio, T = 0.72. Both of these results suggest that these are well established, old species. Ascospore morphology, for the most part, was not congruent with the molecular phylogeny, and the use of morphological characters may be misleading in the taxonomy of these species.   相似文献   
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