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Tropical tephritids are ideally suited for studies on population divergence and speciation because they include species groups undergoing rapid radiation, in which morphologically cryptic species and sister species are abundant. The fraterculus species group in the Neotropical genus Anastrepha is a case in point, as it is composed of a complex of up to seven A. fraterculus morphotypes proposed to be cryptic species. Here, we document pre‐ and post‐zygotic barriers to gene flow among adults of the Mexican A. fraterculus morphotype and three populations (Argentina, Brazil, and Peru) belonging to two separate morphotypes (Brazilian 1 and Peruvian). We unveiled three forms of pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation resulting in strong assortative mating. In field cages, free‐ranging male and female A. fraterculus displayed a strong tendency to form couples with members of the opposite sex belonging to their own morphotype, suggesting that male pheromone emission, courtship displays, or both intervene in shaping female choice before actual contact and coupling. In addition, males and females of the Peruvian morphotype became receptive and mated significantly later than adults of the Mexican and Brazilian 1 morphotypes. After contact, Mexican females exhibited greater mating discrimination than males when facing adults of the opposite sex belonging to either the Peruvian or the Brazilian 1 morphotype as evidenced by vigorous resistance to penetration once they had been forcefully mounted by heterotypic males. Forced copulations resulted in production of F1 hybrids that were either less viable (and partially fertile) than parental crosses or even sterile. Our results suggest that the Mexican morphotype is a distinct biological entity and that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation through divergence in courtship or male‐produced pheromone and other mechanisms appear to evolve faster than post‐zygotic isolation in the fraterculus species group.  相似文献   
Increasing contamination of soil and groundwater with benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) due to activities of the chemical and oil refinery industry has caused serious environmental damage. Efficient methods are required to isolate and degrade them. Microorganisms associated with rhizosphere soil are considered efficient agents to remediate hydrocarbon contamination. In this study, we obtained a stabilized bacterial consortium from the rhizosphere soil of Cyperus sp. grown in a petroleum-contaminated field in Southern Mexico. This consortium was able to completely degrade BTX in 14 days. Bacteria isolated from the consortium were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis as Ralstonia insidiosa, Cellulomonas hominis, Burkholderia kururiensis, and Serratia marcescens. The BTX-degradation capacity of the bacterial consortium was confirmed by the detection of genes pheA, todC1, and xylM, which encoded phenol hydroxylase, toluene 1,2-dioxygenase, and xylene monooxygenase, respectively. Our results demonstrate feasibility of BTX biodegradation by indigenous bacteria that might be used for soil remediation in Southern Mexico.  相似文献   
Understanding how survival is affected by the environment is essential to gain insight into population dynamics and the evolution of life‐history traits as well as to identify environmental selection pressures. However, we still have little understanding of the relative effect of different environmental factors and their interactions on demographic traits and population dynamics. Here we used two long‐term, individual‐based datasets on Tawny Owl Strix aluco (1981–2010) and Ural Owl S. uralensis (1986–2010) to undertake capture‐mark‐recapture analysis of annual survival of adult females in response to three biologically meaningful environmental variables and their two‐way interactions. Despite the similar ecology of these two species, their survival was associated with different and uncorrelated environmental drivers. The main correlate of Tawny Owl survival was an inverse association with snow depth (winter severity). For Ural Owl, high food (vole) abundance improved survival during years with deep snow, but was less important during years with little snow. In addition, Ural Owl survival was strongly density‐dependent, whereas Tawny Owl survival was not. Our findings advise caution in extrapolating demographic inferences from one species to another, even when they are very closely related and ecologically similar. Analyses including only one or few potential environmental drivers of a species' survival may lead to incomplete conclusions because survival may be affected by several factors and their interactions.  相似文献   
Community structure and species richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Phylum Glomeromycota) were studied in sand dune sites at Itapiruba (southern), Joaquina (intermediate) and Praia Grande (northern) beaches along the coast of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. In each site, a 20 × 20 m plot was established and 20 soil samples collected in a regular grid pattern. Fungal spores were extracted from each sample, counted and identified to species level. A total of 25 species were recovered belonging to seven genera and five families in the Glomeromycota. Gigaspora albida and Acaulospora scrobiculata occurred in >50 % of samples at all three sites. Other common species whose sample frequency was >50 % in one or two sites were Scutellospora weresubiae, Scutellospora cerradensis and Racocetra gregaria, while the remaining majority of species were detected in <25 % of samples within a given site. Dune sites could be differentiated based on the higher frequency of occurrence of S. cerradensis and Acaulospora morrowiae in Itapiruba, S. weresubiae in Joaquina, and Scutellospora hawaiiensis in Praia Grande. No differences across sites were observed for species richness and total spore numbers, the latter averaging from 28.8 to 31.8 spores per 100 ml soil. Shannon diversity was significantly higher in Praia Grande compared to the other two sites. Differences in the relative spore abundance of genera among dunes were detected only for Scutellospora, which was significantly more abundant in the Joaquina beach. Community structure, as depicted by species rank/log abundance graphs, was not significantly different between areas according to the Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample test. Species accumulation curves demonstrated that 13 samples were enough to detect 90 % of all species. Overall, sand dune systems share similar arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities despite being geographically distant (150 km) from each other.  相似文献   
Different models of rodent maternal separation (MS) have been used to investigate long-term neurobiological and behavioral changes, associated with early stress. However, few studies have involved the analysis of sex-related differences in central anxiety modulation. This study investigated whether MS during breastfeeding affected adult males and females in terms of anxiety and brain GABA-A receptor-alpha-subunit immunoreactivity. The brain areas analyzed were the amygdale (AM), hippocampus (HP), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), medial preoptic area (POA) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Rats were housed under a reversed light/dark cycle (lights off at 7∶00 h) with access to water and food ad libitum. Animals underwent MS twice daily during the dark cycle from postnatal day 1 to postnatal day 21. Behavior was tested when rats were 65–70 days old using the elevated plus maze and after brains were treated for immunohistochemistry. We found that separated females spent more time in the open arms and showed more head dipping behavior compared with controls. The separated males spent more time in the center of the maze and engaged in more stretching behavior than the controls. Immunohistochemistry showed that separated females had less immunostained cells in the HP, mPFC, PVN and POA, while separated males had fewer immunolabeled cells in the PFC, PVN and AM. These results could indicate that MS has gender-specific effects on anxiety behaviors and that these effects are likely related to developmental alterations involving GABA-A neurotransmission.  相似文献   
The physiological and molecular effects of tobacco smoke in adult humans and the development of cancer have been well described. In contrast, how tobacco smoke affects embryonic development remains poorly understood. Morphological studies of the fetuses of smoking pregnant women have shown various physical deformities induced by constant fetal exposure to tobacco components, especially nicotine. In addition, nicotine exposure decreases fetal body weight and bone/cartilage growth in addition to decreasing cranial diameter and tibia length. Unfortunately, the molecular pathways leading to these morphological anomalies are not completely understood. In this study, we applied interactome data mining tools and small compound interaction networks to elucidate possible molecular pathways associated with the effects of tobacco smoke components during embryonic development in pregnant female smokers. Our analysis showed a relationship between nicotine and 50 additional harmful substances involved in a variety of biological process that can cause abnormal proliferation, impaired cell differentiation, and increased oxidative stress. We also describe how nicotine can negatively affect retinoic acid signaling and cell differentiation through inhibition of retinoic acid receptors. In addition, nicotine causes a stress reaction and/or a pro-inflammatory response that inhibits the agonistic action of retinoic acid. Moreover, we show that the effect of cigarette smoke on the developing fetus could represent systemic and aggressive impacts in the short term, causing malformations during certain stages of development. Our work provides the first approach describing how different tobacco constituents affect a broad range of biological process in human embryonic development.  相似文献   
The ability of organisms to perform at different temperatures could be described by a continuous nonlinear reaction norm (i.e., thermal performance curve, TPC), in which the phenotypic trait value varies as a function of temperature. Almost any shift in the parameters of this performance curve could highlight the direct effect of temperature on organism fitness, providing a powerful framework for testing thermal adaptation hypotheses. Inter-and intraspecific differences in this performance curve are also reflected in thermal tolerances limits (e.g., critical and lethal limits), influencing the biogeographic patterns of species’ distribution. Within this context, here we investigated the intraspecific variation in thermal sensitivities and thermal tolerances in three populations of the invasive snail Cornu aspersum across a geographical gradient, characterized by different climatic conditions. Thus, we examined population differentiation in the TPCs, thermal-coma recovery times, expression of heat-shock proteins and standard metabolic rate (i.e., energetic costs of physiological differentiation). We tested two competing hypotheses regarding thermal adaptation (the “hotter is better” and the generalist-specialist trade-offs). Our results show that the differences in thermal sensitivity among populations of C. aspersum follow a latitudinal pattern, which is likely the result of a combination of thermodynamic constraints (“hotter is better”) and thermal adaptations to their local environments (generalist-specialist trade-offs). This finding is also consistent with some thermal tolerance indices such as the Heat-Shock Protein Response and the recovery time from chill-coma. However, mixed responses in the evaluated traits suggest that thermal adaptation in this species is not complete, as we were not able to detect any differences in neither energetic costs of physiological differentiation among populations, nor in the heat-coma recovery.  相似文献   
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