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Hormonal control of the phosphorylation of phenylalanine hydroxylase was studied by using rat liver cells incubated with [32P]Pi. After immunoprecipitation from cell extracts, the hydroxylase was subjected to proteinase digestion and subsequent sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. V8-proteinase digestion yielded one major 32P-labelled fragment, of approx. 9 kDa. Chymotrypsin digestion gave five 32P-labelled fragments ranging from approx. 39 kDa to approx. 10 kDa. Noradrenaline (10 microM) and glucagon (0.1 microM) enhanced the 32P content of all peptide fragments uniformly. Phorbol ester, in contrast with ionophore A23187, did not stimulate enzyme phosphorylation or enhance phenylalanine metabolism in liver cells. These results are discussed in relation to the nature of the protein kinase(s) that mediate phosphorylation of phenylalanine hydroxylase in liver cells.  相似文献   
Wild House mice, Mus musculus, were bred in two laboratory environments, one warm (controls) and one cold (Eskimo). At the seventh generation, mice of both stocks were cross-fostered at birth in both environments. In the warm environment, differences in both genotype and nest environment influenced growth: (1) Eskimo reared by Eskimo females were the heaviest of the four classes of fostered young; and (2) control foster parentage retarded growth. There was, however, no good evidence of differences in the reproductive performance of the four classes of fostered mice. In the cold environment, the effects of both genetical differences and of fostering were greater. Both the superior growth of Eskimo reared by Eskimo and the retarding effect of control foster parentage were more marked. Moreover, adult males with control foster parents had less fat than had those with Eskimo foster parents. Reproductive performance was also affected: (1) the young of the pairs with Eskimo genotype were heavier than the young of control pairs; (2) the litters of mice with Eskimo foster parents were larger than those of mice with control foster parents, and their young were heavier. Differences among the young of fostered mice represent a grandmother effect. Evidently, selection in a cold environment had led, not only to adaptive genetical changes in the ability to respond directly to cold, but also to changes in parental performance; and the latter enhanced the fitness, in the cold environment, of their offspring and grandoffspring.  相似文献   
Analysis of genetic variation between the banana and the citrus races of Radopholus similis by starch gel eleclrophoresis demonstrated that 7 of 16 enzyme-encoding loci could be used for their diagnostic separation. The two races are closely related arid share approximately 75% of the enzymes evaluated. The level of dissimilarities o1 inherited bands indicates that no gene flow occurs between the races. Aldolase, α + β esterase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, and phosphoglucose isomerase are diagnostic markers of the races.  相似文献   
Breast cancer is characterized by hormonal regulation. The current article reviews the role of estrogen and polypeptide growth factors in control of proliferation and basement membrane invasion of breast cancer cells in vitro. The role of antiestrogens to regulate proliferation, invasion, and growth factor secretion is further highlighted. Finally, the use of in vitro cultures of breast cancer cells to model steps in the malignant progression of the disease is emphasized. The availability of hormone dependent and independent breast cancer cell lines should allow screening for better antiestrogens, antimetastatic drugs, and antagonists of local action of growth factors.  相似文献   
The complete life cycle of Amblyospora campbelli (Kellen and Wills, 1962) (Microsporida: Amblyosporidae) requires a two-host system involving the mosquito host, Culiseta incidens (Thomson), and an obligatory intermediate copepod host. The parasite has dimorphic spore development producing meiospores (haploid condition) and binucleated spores (diploid condition), either as an exclusive infection or simultaneously (within females only). This is the 1st known report of concurrent spore development within an adult mosquito host, and, therefore, shows the Amblyospora campbelli system to be uniquely different from other Amblyospora spp. cycles previously described. The significance of dimorphic spore development is discussed. In females, diplokaryotic meronts may invade oenocytes, causing a benign-type of infection. A blood-meal is required to initiate sporulation of the binucleate spore. The binucleate spore contains the sporoplasm involved in transovarial transmission. A 2nd sporulation sequence, primarily in adipose tissue, may involve both males and females. In this sequence, repeated merogonic division greatly increased the density of diplokaryotic meronts and generally involved most of the body of the host. Production of meiospores, unlike that for the binucleate spore, appeared to be spontaneous (i.e. no obligatory blood meal). Survivorship of male and female larval mosquitoes was nearly equal. Adult females spread the parasite in three ways: transovarial, transovum, and by meiospore deposition.  相似文献   
Full length cDNAs for a variety of human N-CAM isoforms have been transfected into mouse L-cells and/or 3T3 cells. Three independent clones of each cell line that were shown to express human N-CAM were tested for their ability to support the morphological differentiation of sensory neurons. The cell surface expression of N-CAM isoforms, linked to the membrane directly by an integral transmembrane spanning domain or indirectly via covalent attachment to a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol moiety, were consistently found to be associated with a significant increase in the morphological differentiation of both human and rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Modification of the extracellular structure of both classes of N-CAM, consequent to the expression of a glycosylated 37-amino acid sequence normally found expressed exclusively in muscle N-CAM isoforms did not obviously affect the ability of transfected cells to support increased neuronal differentiation. 3T3 cells that were transfected with a full length cDNA encoding a secreted N-CAM isoform, and that have previously been shown to secrete N-CAM into the growth media rather than link it to the membrane did not significantly differ from control cells in their ability to support neuronal differentiation. These data provide direct evidence for both transmembrane and lipid-linked N-CAM isoforms being components of the regulatory machinery that determines neuronal morphology and process outgrowth.  相似文献   
A mammary-derived growth factor, MDGF1, which stimulates collagen synthesis and proliferation in mammary epithelial cells was previously detected and purified from human milk and primary human breast tumors. MDGF1 binds to putative cell-surface receptors of 120-140 kDa and stimulates proliferation of normal and malignant human mammary epithelial cells. Partial protein sequence (N-terminal 18 amino acid sequence) shows that MDGF1 has no homology to any other known growth-promoting peptides. Polyclonal antiserum raised against this synthetic peptide recognizes native milk-derived MDGF1. We hypothesize that MDGF1 might be an autocrine or paracrine factor produced by and acting on normal and malignant human breast epithelial cells possessing MDGF1 receptors. As a first step in testing this possibility, we examined whether human breast epithelial cells in culture produce the growth factor. A protein with the size of MDGF1 was immunologically detected in the concentrated conditioned medium prepared from human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB 231, the mammary-derived but nontumorigenic HBL-100 line, and the normal reduction mammoplasty-derived, nonimmortalized 184 cell strain. A competitive radioreceptor assay (RRA) was used to estimate the level of MDGF1 in the conditioned medium. MDGF1 was present in the nanogram range per 1 million cells. A 62-kDa protein was detected in the above cell lysates by Western immunoblotting or by immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled cell-conditioned media. The polyclonal antisera directed against the 18 amino acid peptide sequence from milk-derived MDGF1 could adsorb MDGF1 biological activity from conditioned medium. In vitro translation of cell mRNA yielded a protein of 55 kDa which was immunoprecipitated by anti-MDGF1 antibody.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Mutations Modulating Raf Signaling in Drosophila Eye Development   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The R7 fate is specified during Drosophila eye development by an inductive signal transduced intracellularly via the Raf kinase. We have performed a genetic screen for dominant mutations that alter the efficiency with which cells respond to a constitutively activated Raf kinase. Such mutations may affect genes involved in signal transduction downstream of Raf. We have isolated 44 mutations that define eight genes. One of these encodes a mitogen-activated protein kinase homologue; another is a putative target gene of this signaling pathway. We present the results of this screen in detail, as well as a preliminary genetic analysis of the six loci still to be characterized molecularly.  相似文献   
We examine how the distribution of a leafgalling aphid (Pemphigus betae) affects other species associated with natural stands of hybrid cottonwoods (Populus angustifolia x P. fremontii). Aphid transfers on common-garden clones and RFLP analysis show that resistance to aphids in cottonwoods is affected by plant genotype. Because susceptible trees typically support thousands of galls, while adjacent resistant trees have few or none, plant resistance traits that affect the distribution of this abundant herbivore may directly and/or indirectly affect other species. We found that the arthropod community of aphid-susceptible trees had 31% greater species richness and 26% greater relative abundance than aphid-resistant trees. To examine direct and indirect effects of plant resistance traits on other organisms, we experimentally excluded aphids and found that abundances and/or foraging behavior of arthropods, fungi, and birds were altered. First, exclusion of gall aphids on susceptible trees resulted in a 24% decrease in species richness and a 28% decrease in relative abundance of the arthropod community. Second, exclusion of aphids also caused a 2- to 3-fold decrease in foraging and/or presence of three taxa of aphid enemies: birds, fungi, and insects. Lastly, aphidexclussion resulted in a 2-fold increase in inquilines (animals who live in abodes properly belonging to another). We also found that fungi and birds responded to variation in gall density at the branch level. We conclude plant resistance traits affect diverse species from three trophic levels supporting a bottom-up influence of plants on community structure.  相似文献   
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